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February 28, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-02-28

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holding approval from, proposed plays on the
campus as follows:
"(1) The Dramatic Committee (a sub-commit-
tee of the Committee on Student Affairs) of which
Professor H. A. Kenyon is chairman, has the
initial responsibility for passing upon plays to be
given by student organizations (Comedy Club,
Mimes, Hillel Players, etc.). The actions of the
Dramatic Committee are, of course, reported to
the Committee on Theatre Policy and Practice
and are subject to its review. Professor Kenyon
is a member of the Committee on Theatre Policy


and Practice.


' - _ ~DcVfU.o51MN s . w.. " gyp, -
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
ssociated 0011eninte
-m-- ofo
- I1g 3 QWii~ryoruT";- l oveIace 13f_4
The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispathees credited to it or
not otherwise credited in thi; paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the ost Office at Ann Arbor, Michtgan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postagf granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00: by mall,
$1,.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75, by
mail-, $4.25.
Offices:"Student Publlcatics BIlding, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, .Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Tne., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylson Street, Boston: 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
WOMEN'S EDITOR.....................CAROL J. HANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph C Coulter, William
0. Ferris Jolt C. Healf-, George Van VIeek, Guy M.
Whiipple, Jr.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. fa'ird, Arthur W. Car-
stens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.-
REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Ogden G. Dwight,
pai , . 'lliott, Courtney A. Evans, Thomas F ,roehn,
Jahn Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, itchard E. Lorob, Davia
C. Macdonald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parker, Wit-
31am R. Reed, Robert. S. Ruwitch, Robert .. St Clair,
Arthur S. Settle, Marshall D. Silverman, Arthur M.

"(2) The initial responsibility for approving
plays to be given by Play Production, (which is
not a student organization but a curricular ac-
tivity of the University of Michigan itself) has
been delegated to me. I, of course, report actions
taken under this delegated authority to the whole
Committee, and such actions are subject to the
review of the Committee.
"(3) The approval of all other dramatic per-
formances on the campus (as, for instance, the
plays given in Mr. Henderson's dramatic season)
1 in the hands of the Committee on Theater
Policy and Practice as a whole.
"I can recall no instance in which I have had
occasion to withhold approval from a play which
Mr. Windt wanted to produce. We have occasion-
ally together considered a play and have both ar-
rived at the same conclusion - that it would be
better for Play Production not to produce a play
which we have thus considered. I am under the
impression that Mr. Windt's conception of the
functions of censorship, and the basis upon which
plays should be approved or disapproved, and my
thought on these matters are substantically
"I believe that censorship as organized at the
University of Michigan and in other American
colleges and universities is unavoidable. However,
that is a question for the Faculty or the Regents
and not for me nor for the Theatre Committee
itself. I suppose that differences of opinion in
regard to the manner in which any play should
be cut are likewise unavoidable. When the play
"See Naples and Die" was submitted, as a part of
the regular routine, since it is a play which I had
not either seen or read, it had already been cut
by Mr. Windt or Mr. Doll or both. It seemed to
me, as I read the play, that the cutting had been.
very well done, and I approved the play as cut.
I would not have approved the play without some
cutting. Whether I should have approved it with
other or less cutting I do not know.
"Your open letter on censorship is an excellent
one, and one with the general principles of which
I am in full agreement. I am sure it is being read
by all members of the committee with apprecia-
tion of its courtesy and understanding. I shall
be glad to bring up at the next meeting of the
committee the matter of University censorship
as discussed in your open letter in the Michigan
Daily and in this letter.
Very sincerely yours,
Chairman Committee on Theatre
Policy and Practice."

As Others See It
Speaking to the people of his home State at
Lincoln Thursday night, Senator Norris of Ne-
braska paid a moving tribute to President Roose-
velt and pleaded for a "higher civilization in which
we forget about the unconstitutionality of every
suggestion that comes along for the relief of suf-
fering humanity."
The speech may be dismissed by some as "sen-
timental." Admittedly, there was emotion in his
judgment that the President is "the greatest
leader the nation has ever had." And the dream
of a day when selfishness will have been eradi-
cated may be looked upon as visionary. Yet we
are enjoined to remember that "where there is
no vision the people perish," and, groping as we
now are through the agonizing difficulties into
which we have been plunged by a reckless, ram-
pant selfishness, many of us are disposed to lend
a readier ear to the ancient injunction.
Anyhow, we can understand the personal en-
thusiasm of Nebraska's elder statesman for the
President, and we may even catch a glimpse of his
faith in the fairer order of things he so earnestly
He has been preaching it and fighting for it
all the long span of his public life. Always, until
now, the odds have been against him. More
than once, in sheer discouragement, he has been
tempted to abandon the struggle for justice as
hopeless. Now he has found at the head of the
Goverment a fellow-believer, who is dedicating
his authority and power, in the press of tremen-
dous circumstances, to the cause of the popular
welfare - to the social and economic resurrec-
tion of the forgotten man. For George W. Norris
the experience, One may venture, is a revelation.
Whether Mr. Roosevelt will succeed in what we
all recognize as one of the decisive battles of his-
tory is, as Mr. Norris sees it, debatable. But, fail-
ure or success, it is an epic effort. The sheer gal-
lantry of it challenges not only tolerance but
leniency of judgment. Mistakes have been made
and will unavoidably be made. They will be cor-
rected. Plans will go awry. They will be dropped.
Men trusted with high commissions will prove Un-
worthy. They will be exposed and removed, and
partisan expediency will not avail them. By all
those signs and tokens, by the stature of his char-
acter and purpose, the President is awarded the
superlative of Mr. Norris' esteem.
Can we go on with the philosophy that would
chart the way to the Utopian attainment of un-
selfishness? If that is too far a voyage for poor
mortal flesh to undertake, perhaps it would seem
less impracticably distant if we named the des-
tination enlightened selfishness. To that we really
must point the prow. It is not optional. It is
mandatory. The preacher of that gospel is today
the truly practical man. The dissenter is the
visionary. The distribution of the returns of labor
indispensable to the maintenance and survival of
our civilization can never be compassed by code
or legal process or regulation. Its consummation
demands a h u m a n i t a r i a n i s m which can be
achieved only when powered by the dynamo of
enlightened selfishness which, after al, is the
twin brother of unselfishness.
Finally, there is one attitude toward the prob-
lems of the hour, commended by Senator Norris,
which we can adopt, and, for the most part, we
believe, have adopted. We can thrust aside the
legalistic caution which, here and there, is urging
us to weigh the constitutionality of every measure
proposed for the relief of anguish and despair.
We agree with Senator Norris, unreservedly, that
destitution in America is intolerable, a reproach
to our national credo and career. If the philoso-
phy of Franklin Roosevelt could be stated in a
phrase, it would read, we believe:
Destitution in America is unconstitutional.
In that sign we shall conquer.

I -F

Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie
ed Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine Mclean,
Marlorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Kathryn
ietdyk, Jane Schneider.
Telephone 2-1214
...............CATHARINE MC HENRY
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her-
trek; assied Adversing Russell Read: Advertising
GCotracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert
Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef-
ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Milton Kra-
Jeer. :John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard,
Jamies Scott, David Winkworth.
Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady,
Virginia Cluff, Patricia Daly, Genevieve Field, Louise
Florez, Doris Gimmy, Betty Greve, Billie Griffiths, Janet
Jackson, Louise .Krause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret
M ustard, Betty Sininds,
Decline Of
Dolifuss ...
R ECENT events in Austria have done
much to discredit Chancellor
Engelbert Dollfuss in the eyes of the world. The
man who was pictured in the public mind as the
little giant defending his country against the ag-
gression of Nazi Germany revealed himself in a
new light when he proceeded to outlaw the Social-
ist party, the party which had in the last parlia-
mentary election represented more voters than any
other group to oust the popularly-elected Socialist
governments of Vienna and other cities, and to de-
stroy the workers' apartment buildings in Vienna
which were the most advanced worers' homes in
the world, at the same time murdering many
Austrian citizens including women and children.
Even the oft-denounced Nazis in Germany did
not go to the length in accomplishing their revo-
lution that the Fascist Heimwehr did in Austria.
The Austrian people could not be blamed now for
deserting the Anshluss more than a government
under Dollfuss and the Heimwehr. The recent
occurrence in Vienna resembles in a way the
method to which Gerardo Machado resorted in
Cuba when he saw his tyrannical power crumbling.
It shows the lengths to which a dictatorship will
go when it is threatened.
Dollfuss will lose even more respect when it is
rembered that he chose to ally himself with the
Socialists when that seemed to be the best course,
and that he did not have the courage to be in
Vienna when the Fascist coup was carried out.
The Heimwehr at least cannot be accused of
duplicity and cowardice. Dollfuss can. One of the
most progressive Socialist organizations in Europe
has almost been destroyed by the force of arms,
and Austria is nearer to the Anschluss than ever.
DRAMATIC CENSORSHIP by the University1
was criticized Sunday in this column, in an
open letter addressed to the Theatre Committee.
[n response to a request by The Daily, Prof. J. M.
O'Neill, chairman of the committee, here replies
to that letter. Any further opinions regarding
this matter will be gladly printed by The Daily,
in this column or in Campus Opinion. Profes-
sor O'Neill's letter follows:
"My dear Mr. Pritchard:
"In compliance with your request when you

Musical Events
Air Majestueuz .................... Rameau
Rondo "Soeur Monique"..........Couperin
Fugue in E Flat (St. Ann's) .... ...... Bach
Symphonic Chorale on "Ach, bleib mit
deiner Gnade".................Karg-Elert
Scherzo (Symchony IV)...........Widor
The Swan (request) ............. Saint-Saens
Rhapsody in D ........... . ..... Saint-Saens
A FTER a skip of a week, Palmer Christian will
again present his regular organ recital. The
St. Anne's Fugue of Bach, and the Karg-Elert
Symphonic Chorale are particularly noteworthy on
this program. Hanson's "Vermeland" is based on
a Swedish folk-song "Vermeland," Thou Beauti-
The recital will begin promptly at 4:15.
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disrearded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Oontributors
;arc a sked to be brief, confining thnmselvt,! to less
than 300 words if possible.
To the Editor:
That odious, backbiting scandal sheet, "What's
Doing," has little excuse for existing. Its malicious
attacks are rarely justified, and they are espe-
cially obnoxious when they malign inaccurately.
One finds in the most recent of campus talk
the following imbecilic lines: "Wonderful - What
is this Vanguard Club we read about now and then
in The Daily? Our dictionary says the word
means 'bringing up the rear.''
I do not know what dictionary was referred to;
but my dictionary (Funk and Wagnalls Practical
Standard Dictionary) defines vanguard as fol-
lows: "the advance-guard of an army."
It is not my intention to quibble over the defi-
nition of a term. What arouses me is the obvious
motive behind the thrust. The paragraph is
prompted by the typical social illiteracy of a par-
ticular person, representative of a large number
of students. Although I can understand why the
the general student body is apathetic, lethargic,
and indifferent to radical activity, I cannot pre-
vent myself from disliking the narrow attitudes
displayed by smug students.
The college institution prolongs infancy. And
it is aided tremendously by purveyors of idiotic
gossip, such as "What's Doing."





. _* ...


Colegiate Observer
Here's belated solace to those who still mourn
the rigors of the deadly finals; at Collegiate In-
stitute, Stratford, Ontario, final exams had to
be postponed because when the time came for
writing the tests it was found that the ink had
frozen in all the student's pens.
They are talking about the co-ed at Ohio
State University who prayed that her profes-
sor would give her a passing glance.
A former student at Northwestern University,
who is chairman of the student curriculum com-
mittee of the school of journalism, has started
a new course called "Foreign Affairs -Bull Ses-
sion A." Only 25 students will be permitted to
take the course.
According to many people: - The average
college mian is too honest to steal, too proud
to beg, too lazy to work, and too poor to pay
cash. That's why we have to give him credit.
When fraternities at the University of Southern
California fail to pay dues to the interfraternity
council, that organization calmly informs them
that they cannot rush any prospective members
until the delinquencies have been taken care of.
Add this to your list of definitions: Love is
but the glowing embers of rotten wood. When
it is burned out, the cinders make splendid
-'Worcester College Weekly
Coe College sophomores indicated in a recent
survey that they do not believe a co-ed's appear-
ance is enhanced by the use of lipstick and nail



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