THE MICHIGAN DAILY E MICHIGAN DAILY . -11 prosiac terms of a language like Esperanto, for they will never be translated into it; but scien- tists in the broadest sense will be immensely bene- Professor Meader's lecture offers an opportunity to get better acquainted with a worthy movement that will undoubtedly gain momentum with the years. Musical Events . : N. 11 The Theatre lished every morning except Monday during the rsity year and Summer Session by the Board in r1 of Student Publications. uber of the Western Conference Editorial Association ;he Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use publication of all news 'dispathces credited to it or therwise credited in thi ; paper and the local news hed herein. All rights of republication of special ches are reserved. erect at the cost Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as d class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Assistant Postmaster-General. scription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, D~uring regular schoo~l year by carrier, $3.75; by t Publicatis Building, Maynard Street, Lgan. Phone: 2-1214. College Publicatons Representatives, irt-FoUrt Street, New IYork City; 80 Boston; 612 North Michigan ,Avenue, ast TI Street, EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR........THOMAS K. CONNELLAN CITY EDITOR................BRACKLEY SHAW EITORIAL DIRECTOR..........C. HART SCHAAF SPORTS EDITOR.............ALBERT Ht. NEWMAN D4,AMA EDITOR.... ...JOHN W. PRITCHARD WQMEN'S EDITOR...................CAROL J. HANAN NtQHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, William .Ferris, John C. Healey, George Van Veck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.: 0PORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car- stens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie Western, WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan. REORTERS: C. Bradford 'Carpenter, Ogden G. Dwight, aul J Ellott, Courtney A. Evas, Thomas E. Groehn, Koh efr Thomn~s H. lKleene, Richard E. Lorch, David 9. landonald, Joe1 P. Newman, Kenneth Parkr, Wil- 11am -R. Ied, Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair, Arthur S. Settle, Marshall D. Silverman, Arthur M. Taub.. Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie oid, Eleanor Johnson,. Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Kathryn letdyk, Jane Schneider. BSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 INESS MANAGER...........W. GRAFTONSHARP DIT MANAGER ..........BERNARD E. SCHNACKE WMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ................... .........CATHARINE MC HENRY pARTMEN MdANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her- tu ck; lassified Advertising ussell ead; Advertising Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert Ward: Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack E- A&i ISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Milton Kra- ine, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthi, Joe Rothbard, J"mes Scott, David Winkworth. lane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady, Virginia iCluff, Patricta Daly, Genevive Field, Louis Florez, Doris Gimmy, Betty Greve, Billie Griffiths, Janet ackson, Louise Krause,. Barbara Morgan, Margaret 3lutard, Betty Simonds, NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM G. FERRISf - - e- New Deal For The League?.. . T IS encouraging to learn that the merit system is being seriously con- sidered by the Women's League. The choice of Sndergraduate officers through the collusion of political factions serving no purpose but the pub- Licizing of fatuous members' names has long since established its worthlessness. Members of the League are to be complimented for their recently expressed desire for a New Deal. The League has been singularly fortunate in hat even under its present unsound election sys- em it has managed in the past to achieve, by and 1arge, fairly capable leadership. But the fact ithat chance and campus politics have worked satisfactorily so far is no guarantee that they will ontinue to do so. In fact, if faith may be put n the law of averages and the, past experience not 6f Just the League but of all student govern- tkent, it may be safely predicted that the League, f it continues its present election method, is rid- ng for a fall. The league was built to serve the campus, not o provide sinecures for co-ed politicians. Only he mI t system of choosing officers is in genuine harmony With this ideal. .Reader To Talk Dn Esperanto'... InN connection with the recent steady " ~growth of Esperanto many people ave looked with disfavor oi the proposal to in- roduce a new language into the present babel of 0orld tongues, and others have criticised such a anguage on the basis of its artificialty. It seems unfortunate that a misunderstanding ias arisen in connection with an instrument pos- essing so much potential value; in a University ecture to be given today Prof. C. L. Meader will attempt to clear up some of the misconceptions concerning Esperato. Both the true purpose and the coming value of such a language deserve to be stressed. In the irst place, Esperanto is not designed to take the glace of any other language, but to supplement hose that exist at present. Secondly, it is truly a scientific language in that it employs a direct and simple set of rules that are without excep- tion. Thirdly, it is aimed to supply an urgent heed for a uniform and concise international nedium of intercourse. No psychological basis is more effective in set- tins up a barrier of misunderstanding and dis- HOLT ANNOUNCES OTHIJEI S By JOHN W. PRITCHARD HENRIBERGSON, eminent French thinker who has been granted a niche of no little import- ance in the annals of philosophy, has written "Morals and Religion", in 'which, as The Nation puts it, he has taken "the same critical guns which he formerly trained on scientism and turn- ed them on traditional ethic and i'eligion." This, as The Nation points out, iakes it impossible longer "to impute to Bergsonisin the motve of attacking science for the sake of de'ending re- ligion." This book, to be issued by Heiny HoIt, and Company in May, will be illustrative of the author's power of presenting abstract ideas in language which can be comprehended by the av- erage reader, and thus will have a d6onble appeal- to the layman and to the specialist. The Bergson work is probably the most im- portant item in Holt an'd Company's spring cata- logue. Other books of interest are there, how- ever. I have culled from the list the following: S. 0. S.: A Book of Sea Adventure, by David Masters. For February release : $2.50. A galaxy of true yarns of the sea, expressing "seamanship, courage, and endurance in the face of danger." The White Hills, by Cornelius Weygandt. For April release: $2.50. Atmospheric stuff of beauty, charm, and humor in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. "The book is connected with the externals of life." The Quest for Security, by I. M. Rubinow. For; April release: $3.75. A timely discussion of pres- ent day problems of accident and unemployment for the wage-earner, social insurance, and related matters. Mr. Rubinow is "a pioneer in the fieldj in America, a man who has embodied in this1 volume the results of thirty years of thinking anda struggling for social insurance." Insights into Modern Hinduism, by Harvey D. Griswold. For March release: $2.00. Objective1 information combined with personal glimpses into the minds of prophets and religious leaders.' There is also a group of three novels-The Second Day, translated from the Russian of Ilya Ehrenburg, Miralce of Sinai, by Osbert Sitwell, and Bitter Bond, by Nicolia Gubsky. There is no telling about a novel. VARSITY GLEE CLUB CONCERT In Review N RESPONSE to an oft-repeated question, yes, it was a good concert. In response to an oft- stated comment, "of course after the cossacks--," but these voices are young men's voices and do not have the weight that a more mature group would have. In response to the oft-suggested wish that the concert had been made up of some- thihg else: what was the matter with this one? (Since Sunday many people have had suggestions) For me, at least, the concert had life and inter- est. The first group began with Luther's "Mighty 1ortress" which needs more than mumbo-jumbo to instill significance, so familiar is this chorale. It gave the program an excellent send-off, with splendid attack, and enthusiasm. I was disap- pointed in the predominance of organ, which at times destroyed the unity of the effect of the sinding. But something like that is merc chance and hard to predict. The Agincourt song was better balanced by the piano accompaniment. The Iivine Praise was decidedly harmonic in its na- ture, and in the second part the harp accom- paniment was a mere expansion of the harmonic background, back and forth, while the voices hummed. The addition of instruments to the voices was in the interest of color, procured a broader effect, and moved away from the usual run of Glee-Club material, and that is a sufficient reason for its introduction. Barber-shop combinations can be heard any day on the good-old-standy-bys, via the radio. And if you're with me this far, I don't believe the audience liked the General Booth, and I don't know why not. At least the ap- plause was abrupt, and not very enthusiastic (the balcony and first floor were well-filled). To me, the General Booth was exciting and a little awe- inspiring. The dynamic ups and downs were ob- served, the diction was above average, the rhythm and syncopation defined, an especially good sec- tion on the last several lines occurred where the bass line came out with resonance. In the mean- time, the assisting instruments did their parts, the organ, with interludary purpose, grave and tender, the trumpet and trombone and the drums with "pictorial" purpose. It was a masculine performance. On the contrary, the harp ensemble was fem- inine. The music was ringing, six harps can pro- duce a goodly amount of sound, but hardly sub- stantial, since by its very nature the tone is not a sustained one, nor was the music vigorous, but rather delicate and pleasant. After this interim of easy-on-the-eyes and easy- on-the-ears, the men gave a rousing group of folk-songs which, startitig out well with Rantin Rovin' Robin, and The Dead Men lagged slightly with the tricky Wassail Song (which, by the way, was done here some years ago by the English Singers) and picked up again with the Jolly Drummers and the Hundred Pipers. The en- semble work in this group hung together; the parts had individuality, though there's never too much basso. "Beat! Beat! Drums!" is another song that gets away from the quartet arrangement; it is for unison voices, with brass and percussion accom- paniment. The voices were surprisingly not drowned out, (it was a draw only at moments), but came forth with resonance and strong deci- sion, building up to a grand climax. Opposing rhythms between voices and brasses, the metric divisions, and the words made this difficult, and the glee club rose to the situation and had it well in control. The audience clapped for more, so Logan's "Lift Thine Eyes," popular and pretty, finished up the afternoon's performance. This is the effect of the concert as it appeared to me. It may have been full of slides and omis- sions, wrong notes and miscues, but the effect was of energy, interest, effort, and good-will, and not in the least, an appreciation of what was going on, artistically. Sally Place I eHave "the Exclus ive Ritst TheVWoldC reatesti Newspaper Veisu You can now secure, free of all cost, artwork, copy and merchandising ideas of the highest caliber, pre- pared by stars of the retail advertising field, if you advertise in this paper. Always first with progressive service, we have made exclusive arrangements with the Chicago Tribune for the rights in this city to their.News- paper Advertising Service, conceded the world's best! The World's Finest Artwork And -the World's Best Copy Written Specifically for You!I Screen Reflections AT THE MICHIGAN "It Happened One Night" Peter .................... Clark Gable Ellie................ Claudette Colbert Albert ................ Walter Connolly Shapely ................ Roscoe Kerns This picture is one that is capable of putting most anyone in a good humor. The humorous incidents border on the type of humor seen in "Lady For A Day" and are highly entertaining. Director Frank Capra has taken full advantage of the situation created by the plot and has in- troduced several episodes that are really clever. Ellie Albert marries a front-page-aviator with- out the consent of her millionaire father. She runs away and starts a journey from Miami, Fla. to New York to King Wesely, her husband, and the things that take place on the trip make her change her mind about her aviator husband. She meets a newspeper reporter by the name of Peter Bern and Peter has her at his mercy in that she can't do a thing until he has a story for his paper about her "exciting trip to her lover in New York." Many a humorous episode takes place during their companionship from Miami to New York and before she realizes it she has found that he is the man she should have married in the first place. You will enjoy the conversation on the bus be- tween Ellie and Shapely: "Shapely is the name, Miss. Say, you've got class, believe you me! You're lucky to have chosen me to sit with.. the average person on such a trip isn't anything to write home about, but boy! Shapely can pick 'em the boys say. You aren't sayin' much." El- lie: "You seem to have plenty to say without me saying anything." Shapely : "Ummm ! That's what I like ... a snappy comeback just like that!" Bern: "Excuse me, but would you mind trading seats so I might sit with my wife!" The fine characterization of Shapely by Ros- coe Kearns is also good when Bern pretends that he is a gangster and had better watch his step, whereupon Shapely makes a prompt exit. The conversation when Peter is carrying Ellie across the river and they argue whether the family of the Alberts knew how to play piggy-back or not, and the conversation between father and daughter as they march down the isle at her wedding will likewise amuse you. Only added attraction is the News, which isn't out of the ordinary, but then again, anything more would have undoubtedly spoiled the fine mental state created by the feature. R. E. L. As Others See It TEXAS SERVES TWO MASTERS Under a resolution approved by the Texas Sen- ate the Lone Star State will observe March 4 as a "day of thanksgiving, rejoicing and prayer" for the Roosevelt admninistration A few rav Long ago this paper dis- covered that merchants want to buy service and results instead of white Collegiate Observer' By BUD BERNARD A professor at Wisconsin State College recom- mends the old institution of craIming because it represents concentration of the highest order. He also asserts that modern psychologists believe that knowledge gained more rapidly will be re- tained longer and more fully. (What's the poor student to do??) Comes one from a fellow at the University of Mississippi: Here's to the co-ed who steals, lies, and swears-steals into your arms, lies there, and swears she'll never love another," Everyone has been shivering from the cold weather, but at the University of Alaska everyone attended classes recently when it was 66 degrees below zero. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF A SORORITY GIRL (Symbol-FeM) A member of the human family. Occurence-May be found wherever man exists. Physical properties-All colors and sizes. Al- ways appears in a disguised condition. Surface well protected by paint or powder film. Boils at nothing. Freezes at any moment. However melts when properly treated. Very bitter if not used correctly. Chemical properties-Extremely active. Pos- sesses great affinity for gold, platinum, and prec- ious stones. Violent reaction when left alone with or by men. Absorbs expensive food readily. Turns green when placed next to better appearing sample. Ages rapidly. Fresh variety has great magnetic attraction. Caution-Highly explosive space. Now we have se- cured the exclusive rights to this new and better ad- vertising service after an Investigation covering every angle of newspaper a new kind of advertising based on soundprinciples, emptoying the funda- mentals of successful sell- ing, rooted in the psy- chology of making read- ers respond. A i vertis-IIg matter scien- tifically prepared in this manner, much of which is proven, tested and run by the Chicago Tribune, before it is offered to you, is naturally better adver- tising, and the merchants who use it secure better resid /s advertising. We selected it because it is the prod- uct of the country's fore- most artists, advertising men and marchants. These men, backed by the re- sources of the Chicago Tribune, are producing To Increase Pulling Power Use This Proven Tested Method That Only We Can Offer PHONE TODAY FOR PROOFS I