That Game.
* * *
FIVE is a good score for a re-
spectable and conservative basketball
game. . . . a contest with just the
right mixture of offense and defense
on the part of both teams, a scien-
tific, well-directed game. But last
night's contest between the clawing
Wildcats from Northwestern and the
also clawing Michigans was neither
self-respecting, conservative, scien-
tific, or any of the other nice things
I mentioned.
It was lousy, and lousy is a horrid
word. Still it was also a horrid
game. The only good thing about
it was that the Michigans came back
in the second half and just scared
hell out of the Northwesterns, and I
don't mean that they made faces and
said "Boo!" either. How the Michi-
gans came back is a mystery to me.,
Their play was certainly no more or-
ganized than during the first half,
when they employed the famous Hel-
ter-Skelter System on both offense
and defense.
* * *
1)ICK JOSLIN, who has the amaz-
ing gift of looking like the best
as well as the worst basketball player
in the world at various times, dis-
carded his first half Mr. Hyde role
and became Dr. Jeckyll for a while
Petoskey helped with his usual steady
and aggressive play, while Fishman
played a smart game. Plummer was
too well guarded to be very effective,
and Chelse Tomagno looked too tired
and nervous to help much. Well,
the boys just couldn't quite make it
but they tried hard enough.
THE OFFICIATING, according to a
unanimous p r e s s - box decision,
was poor. There were also some
thousands in the stands who thought
it was poor, and registered disap-
proval. And you will seldom hear
concerted booing from an Ann Arbor
crowd unless the officiating is poor.
So I'll say it was poor and let it go
at that.
John Regeczi was in for about two
minutes and was just getting started
on the job of scrambling "Eggs"
n ke whenith gun ended the half
... two minutes and as many per-
sonals for poor John.
Then as the finishing touch, the
snow on the Field House (goodness
knows how) melted s o m e w h a t ,
dripped through onto the playing
floor and made it slippery. Conse-
quently, much falling around.
Say, what was right about that
game, anyway?'
Michigan Five
Drops Game To
(Continued from Page 1)
by the football tactics so much in
evidence lately. Petoskey, Ford, and
Plummer, in their myriad bandages,
were greatly subdued, and their
playing appeared to improve corre-
Hocke eam
To Wesleyan Invading Outfit
Is Composed Of
Stellar Amateurs
Lowreyrnen Will Attempt
To Break String Of 12
Consecutive Victories
Starts At 8:00 P. M.
r << : 'Green And White Outfit
Has One Of Best Goal
Guards In Canada
The Wolverine hockey sextet will
Plays London A. C. Here
* * *
Michigan football lost 210 pounds
of its coaching staff this week-end
with the announcement that Jack
Blott, line mentor, had accepted a
position as head football and base-
ball coach at Wesleyan University,
Middletown, Conn.
Jack announced that he had signed
a three-year contract with Wesleyan
authorities and will take over hisl
duties next September. He will re-
main here and assist Kipke with
spring football practice.
Rumor has it that Blott will take
another Michigan man with him.
Norm Daniels, former three-sport
star, figures most prominently in
these rumors, but the names of
Chuck Bernard, Maynard Morrison
and others have also been mentioned.
Blott's action came as no great
surprise to men who are acquainted
with the football situation here. It
has beer°known that he was ready
to give the right offer consideration.
He is the first Michigan coach to be
lost in a widely-ballyhooed probable
"football raid" here.
"I hate to leave Michigan," Blott
said yesterday, "but I feel that I am
getting a better job and of course in-
creased revenue. My associations here
always have been pleasant, but I
think that I am doing the right
thing in accepting the Wesleyan of-
Director Fielding H. Yost is on a
vacation trip in the south and will
not return for two weeks. Until his
return nothing will be done in re-
gard to procuring a successor to
Blott, head line coach. It is quite
probable that Cappon will take over
the line-coaching duties and that no
additional coach will be required.
Grapplers To
Meet Spartans
j ere Saturday
With the Conference dual meet
season completed, Coach Cliff Keen
this week turns the wrestling squad
to the last meet of the season before
the Conference championships. The
Wolverines will meet Michigan State
in the Field House Saturday after-
noon in a return match.
State was defeated in the earlier
match at East Lansing by a 16%/
to 11% score, but the Spartans have
come a long way, according to Coach
Keen and he looks for a close meet
on Saturday. Chicago, defeated by
the Wolverines Friday by t h r e e
points, fell victims to the Spartans
Saturday night by a 17% to 101/2
Keen, while -satisfied with the
be up against one of its toughest as-
signments of the season tonight when
it meets the London A. C. six at the
Varsity Arena. The game is sched-
uled to start at 8:00 p. in., a half
hour earlier than the starting time
of the Minnesota series.
The Green and White puckmen are
ranked as one of the best amateur
teams in Ontario. Formerly a mem-
ber of the Ontario hockey associa-
tion, the Londoners have entered the
newly formed Intermediate OHA
League and are leading the title race,
having won 12 consecutive games.
Boast Best Goalie
Listed among the pucksters of the
London A. C. are some of the out-
standing hockey players in th simon-
pure ranks. Leading the list of stars
is Irish Bennett, recognized as one
of the best amateur net guardians in
Western Ontario. Bennett is short,
heavy set, and fast on his feet, mak-
ing it difficult for opposing teams to
beat him.
In George Hodgins and Bill Ar-
bour, the Green and White have two
husky defensemen to protect the
London cage. Hodgins is a fast-
breaking player and one of the hard-
est to round on offensive play. Ar-
bour is a hard checker, good stick
handler and, along with Hodgins, a
good shot.
The regular center of the Cana-
dians is Harry Rath, a speedy skater
and a good back checker. In the
regular forward line besides Rath is
Dave Armstrong, right wing, and
Jimmy Mills, left wing. . Both are
standout players, smooth stick hand-
lers, and good playmakers.
The reserve forward line of the
Londoners is composed of Bordy
Armstrong, center, Phil Pook, right
wing, and Norman Rowley, left wing.
The spare defenseman for the Ca-
nadians is Manny Hamon.
Same Lineup
The Wolverines will have to be at
their best tonight if they are going
to be able to finish in front of the
Canadians. The Maize and Blue are
expected to face the Green and
White with the same starting lineup
that opposed the Gophers Saturday
Probable Lineups
Jesse Owens, Ohio Star,
Equals World's Record
In 60-Yard Dash
In a dual telegraphic track meet
staged yesterday afternoon between
freshman teams, the University of
Michigan defeated Ohio State Uni-
versity in a thrilling battle 53 5-6 to
49 1-6.
The outstanding performances of
the day were turned . in by Jesse
Owens of Ohio, who tied the world's
record of 6.2 in the 60 yard dash, and
by Brelsford and Stone who both
broke the Michigan freshman record
in their respective events, hanging
up marks of 1:59.8 in the half mile,
and 9:52.4 in the two mile run.
In the 65-yard low hurdles Os-
good of Michigan placed first with
a time of 7.6. Sietz and Maxwell of
Ohio ran second and third. In the
high hurdles, Osgood of Michigan
and Sietz and Maxwell of Ohio fin-
ished in a triple tie for first place.
The time was 8.5. Brossen of Michi-
gan took first in the 440 in 52 sec-
onds flat, closely pressed by Hall of
Michigan and Beetham of Ohio.
Both the one and two mile runs
were taken by Michigan, O'Connell
finishing- first in the former, followed
by Reilly of Ohio and Devine of
Michigan, while Stone scored a first
for the Maize and Blue in the longer
grind, pressed all the way by Fow-
ler, of Ohio, and Wardell, of Michi-
gan. Michigan also scored firsts in
the pole vault when Fred Zajonc
cleared the bar at 11.1, and in the
shot put by dint of Schuman's heave
of 39 feet one inch. Owens scored
his second first of the day for Ohio
when he did 23 feet four inches in
the broad jump. Michigan, how-
ever, clinched the meet when Brels-
ford, Stiles, Hall and Brossen took
the mile relay in 3.31.
Nineteen teams have entered the
City Mixed Doubles B a d m i n t o n
Tournament with matches to be held
in Harris Hall, starting t o n i g h t.
Among the entrants are seven Uni-
versity teams, nine teams from the
Ann Arbor Badminton Club and
three from Ypsilanti.
Matches scheduled for tonight are
between Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Em-
ery, Sue Haviland and Ray Augustus
at 8 p. m.; Margaret Goodrich and
Gordon Hayes, Mrs. Arthur Boak
and Robert McNair at 8:30 p. m.,
and the last match, at 9:15, will fea-
ture Mrs. Taylor and Rev. Frank
Sant, who will oppose Helen'Alex-
ander and Chris Mack, third ranking
team of the Badminton Club.
Some of the University players
who are entered are: Dr. Margaret
Bell, Dr. John Dorsey, Betty Cady,
Harry Webster, Sue Thomas, Nelson
Shaw, Catherine Sellew, Paul Cour-
sey, Patsy O'dell, Bruce McDonald,
Beatrice Massman, Harry Kasabach,
Virginia Peasley, and Lieut. and Mrs.
Richard Coursey.
Michigan Pos. London A. C.
Jewell-........ Goal.. ......Bennett
Chapman ...... RD....... Hodgins
MacCollum ... . LD........ Arbour
Artz . . .........C W .. D. Armstrong
G. David . ......R ............ Rath
Sherf .......... LW .......... Mills
Michigan spares - L. David, Stew-
art, MacEachern, Sindles. London A.
C. spares-B. Armstrong, Pook, Row-
ley, Hamon.
squad's showing in the Chicago meet,
intends to work on the squad for
condition and will emphasize pin
holds. He feels that, although sev-
eral of the matches Saturday were
won on decisions, falls might have
been possible, and will drill on that
department throughout the week.
Michigan FG FT
Plummer, f... .. ...1 1
Ford,f...............1 1
Fishman, f....... ....2 1
Regeczi,f ..............0 0
Evans,f..............0 0
Joslin, c......... . ..3 1
Allen, c..............0 0
Tomagno, g...........1 0
Tessmer, g ............0 0
Petoskey, g ...........2 1
Oliver, g.............0 0
Totals...........10 5
I YYT 7Y FIT, Y+ YI711-% ed Y".111Y h*riYY FYY"IVfl Cz - . .I rAvI cc 7 I a~' A+ C'fI