THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Vniversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.. I e..... TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1934 VOL. XLIV No. 105 Notices All Students possessing .driving permits, who have purchased 1934 license plates or who will use their 1933 plates until August 1, are re- quested to renew their permits and to obtain new student permit tags. All old permit tags will be void on and after March 1, 1934, and any sub-. sequent driving while using last se- 1featr's permit tags will be consid- tred a'violation of the Automobile Regulation and constitute grounds for disciplinary action, Application fr renewal of permits should be made promptly at Room 2, University Hall. W. B. Rea, Assistant to the Dean. tudets, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: No course may be elected for credit after the end of the third week of the semester. Saturday, March 3rd, is therefore the lest date on which new elections may be approved. The willingness of an individual instructor to admit a stu- dtnt later would not affect the oper- ation of this rule. Sfudents, School of Nduwaationi: No courses may be elected for credit aftr Saturday, March 3. Any change 6f erections must be reported at the Registrar's Office, Room 4 Univer- _ y Hall. This includes any change of sections or instructors. Membership in a class does not cease nor begin until all changes have been officially registered in the Registrar's office. Arrangements flade with the instructors only are not official changes. Students in History: Ijistory stu- dents who are qualified to receive assistantships under the FERA are requested, to consult with the chair- man of the History Department, 119 Haven Hall. Sigma Xi Nominations: In order to be acted upon this year, nomina- tions for membership in Sigma Xi must be in my hands by March 1. Lewis S. R amdell, Se'y. University Radio Talk Over WJR: 2?00 p. m., "The Short Story," Fred- erich W. Peterson, assistant profes- gor of English. University Bureau of Appoitment s a0d Occupational Information: Miss Frances Harrison, assistant director of the Graduate School for Jewish Social Work of New York City, will be at the office of the bureau, 201 Maon Hall, Wednesday, February 2&s Any students who are interested in securing scholarships or fellow- ships for next year will please call the office for an appointment before t6n o'clock Wednesday. Uiversity Bureau of Appointments Andc Oeupational Information: Men Who are interested in a summer camp position in the Adirondacks, will please call at the Bureau of Appoint'- tients, 201 Mason Hall for further information. Oraduate Luncheon Club: No grad- uate luncheon this week. At the re- quest of the faculty and student com- mittee of the Spring Parley who need to use the Russian Tea Room, the luncheon for graduate students will be omitted this week. Tra nsportationLibrary: The Transportation Library will be open evenings from '7 to 10:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. "The Territorial Organization of So- ciety." The public is cordially invited. Oratorical Association Lecture: Dr. Amos O. Squire will speak in Hill Auditorium on Thursday, March 1, at 8 o'clock on the subject, "Famous Criminals I Have Known" Tickets are now available at Wahr's. French Lecture: Professor C. A. Knudson will give the third lecture "Les Sports et les Jeux au Moyen Age" Wednesday, February 28, at 4:15 o'clock, room 103, Romance Lan- guage Building. Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured at the door. Events Today Sigmat Xi, meeting in the large lec- ture room of the Chemistry and Pharmacy Building, at 7:30 p. m. Professors M. Gomberg and H. B. Lewis will speak briefly on the de- velopment of Chemistry and Phar- macy at the University of Michigan. T'he Romance Journal Club meets at 4:15 in Room 108, Romance Lan- gauge Building. VMr. Charles E. Koella will read a paper on: "Georges Cour- teline, causes et effets de son amer- tume'' Botnical iJournal Club meets at 7:30 p. in., room 113 Nat. Sci. Papers by Dr. Gustafson, Mr. Austin, Miss Meh, Miss Uhvits and Mr. Dunham. All interested are cordially invited. Physics Coll qqium: Dr. E. J. Ab- bott will speak on "Measurements of the Smoothness of Machined Sur- faces" at 4.:15 p. in. in Room 1041, East Physics Bldg. All interested are cordially invited to attend. Forestry Assembly: Dean Dana will spear at 9 a. in., in Room 2054 Na- tural Science Building, on "Forestry and the Lumber Code." All students in the School of Forestry and Con- servation are expected to attend, and any others interested, including par- ticularly pre-forestry students, will be welcome. University Oratorical Contest: All p; ospective contestants for this event are requested to meet in Room 4003 Angell Hall at 4 p. m. Alpha Kappa Delta meeting at the home of Prof. McKenzie, 1817 Cam- bridge Road, at 8:00 p. in. Those driv- ing and those desiring means of transportation please meet at Haven Hall at 7:45 p. m. Polonia Circle meeting at 7:30, Michigan League. Important meet- ing. French Club: Meeting at 8:15 at the Union. The room number will be posted on the bulletin board. Pro- gram will include a faculty speaker. Notice to Members of Dean Bur- sley's Luncheon Club: President Ruthven will speak at the regular meeting of the Luncheon Club at the Union, 12:15. Faculty Rifle Shoot tonight at 7:30. All faculty members cordially in- vited. Michigan Technic: Staff meeting in Room 3046, East Engineering Building, 7:30 p. m. Black Quil: Important meeting at 8:15, Michigan League. Wyvern Freshman Dramatic Club meets today at 12:00, Russian Tea Room at the League. All members and other freshmen women who are interested be sure to come. All mem- bers who have ideas concerning the play should have them ready to pre- sent to the club. Junior Lit Finance Committee: Meeting at 8:00 p. m. at the League. Important! Christian Science Organization: Meets at 8 o'clock this evening in the Chapel of the Michigan League Wuilding. All faculty and students in- terested are invited to attend. Michigan Dames: The Bridge group will meet this evening at 8 o'clock, Alumni Room of the Michigan League. Mrs. S. Stoner will be in charge. The Bibliophiles meet at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. C. Howard Ross, 1513 Brooklyn Avenue. Mrs. Jack Sharman is in charge of the pro- gram. The Bookshelf and Stage Section of the Faculty Women's Club meets at 2:45 at the home of Mrs. George R. Moore, 2105 Melrose. Esperanto: Prof. Clarence L. Mea- der will lecture on "Esperanto, the International Language" at 4:15 in Natural Science Auditorium, under auspices of the Tolstoy League. Coming Events Graduate Students and Upperclass- men Concentrating in Economics are invited to meet with the Economics faculty, to consider organization of a discussion group and other matters of mutual interest, at the Michigan Union, Thursday evening, March 1, at 8 o'clock. Refreshments will be served. Alpha Nu meets Wednesday, Feb- ruary 28, 7:30 p. in., Alpha Nu Room 4th floor Angell Hall. Leo Walker will lead the discussion. Men interested in applying for membership in the old- est organization on the Michigan campus are especially urged to at- tend. Adelphi House of Representatives: Regular meeting Wednesday, Feb- ruary 28, 7:30 p. m. in the Adelphi Room, fourth floor Angell Hall. Please note the change in day. Opportunity to join the society will be given at this meeting to all under- graduate men interested in public speaking and debating. Applicants should have ready a five-minutes speech on a subject of their own choosing. Sociedad Hispanica: Regular meet- ing at the Michigan League Wednes- day, February 28, at 7:30. Professor Kenyon, of the Spanish Department, will deliver a talk on Spain and will illustrate this talk with slides. Re- freshments will be served. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Electrical Engineers: The meeting of the Student Branch of the A.I.E.E., scheduled for this evening, will be postponed until Tuesday evening, March 6. Varsity Glee Club rehearsal Thurs- day, 7:30. No reheasal today. Stump Speakers' Society: Regular meeting tomorrow night at the Union at 7:45. Circle meetings and finals in the intercircle impromptu speaking contest. Discussion, "Shall the Gov- ernment Run the Airmail?" Drama Club of the Junior Group of the American Association of Univer- sity Women will meet at the home of Mrs. L. F. Rittershofer, 1121 Ferdon Road, Wednesday, Feb. 28 at 8 p. m. Art Section of the Faculty Women's Club will start a new series of lessons with Mrs. Chapin, March 8. The group plans to do outdoor painting this spring. Thoserinterested may come to the science room of the University Ele- mentary School, Thursday afternoon, March 1, or call Mrs. R. V. Churchill,, 4655, for information. Negro Stabbed In Head In Argument Over Girl Suffering a knife wound in the back of the heaq, Jimmy Wiggs, Negro, was taken to St. Joseph's Hos- pital early yesterday morning after a free for all fight at 812 Fuller St., where he was stabbed by Charles Flowers, Negro. According to witnesses, questioned by police, Wiggs and Flowers became involved in an argument over a girl, and the fight began when Wiggs drew a knife. Others joined in the melee until there were 10 people fighting. Roosevelt Crutcher, Negro, was slashed in the hand. During the tur- moil Flowers and the girl disap- peared, but were later picked up by police and taken to the temporary quarters of the county jail along with Wiggs. Wiggs, Flowers, and the girl were each sentenced to 10 days in jail in lieu of an $11.95 fine. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertions. Box Numbers may be secured at no ext1ra Charllge. Cash in Advance-11c per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions r 10c per reaclig linre for three or more insertions. Minmum three lines per insertion. Telephinie Rate-ie per reading line for one or two insertions. 14c per reading line for three or inore insertions. 101 discount if paid w rtin ten days from the date of last insertion, Miinimlum three lines per insertion. By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one mnth . ......c 4 lines E .., 2 months. 3 2 lines daily, college year ...7 4 lines E. 0. D., college year ....7c 100 lines used as desired......9c 300 lines used as desired.......8c 1,000 lines used as desired...7c. 2,000 lines used as desired...6c The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch of 71 point Tonic type, upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for ali capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Adl 30 per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. NOTICE BUY NEW AND USED CARS FROM FINANCE CO. 311 W. Huron 22001 1933, 1932, 1931, 1930 models. 12x FOR SALE^ FOR SALE: Practically new Grinnell baby grand piano at bargain price. Call 2-2501, daytime, and 4307 after 5:30p. m. 359 WANTED WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200 North Main. 5x LOST AND FOUND WILL PERSON who received wrong overcoat at "316" last Wednesday evening, please communicate with Box 40, Michigan Daily. TAXICABS TAXI--Phone 9000. Seven-passenger cars. Only standard rates. lx ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large. com- fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x LAUNDRY FAMILY and Student Laundry. Rain water used. Call for and deliver. 4863. 351 PERSONA. laundry service. We take individual interest in the laundry problem of our customers. Girls' silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar- anteed. Men's shirts our specialty. Call for and deliver. 2-3478, 5594. 611 E. Hoover. 9x WEM DO your laundry work for one- half the usual price. Phone 2-3739. Fax LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 4x Pahiace 4And Realfm f Pur- - CLASSIFIED DIRECTO OilY *(CHANGCHUN4 ,A 0, U F -Associated Press Photo The modest polace in Hsinking, in which the ceremonies of the enthronement of Henry Pu-Yi, former "boy emperor" of China, as em- peror of Manchukuo will take place. The extent of the new emperor's realm, the map of which is shown, includes 32,000,000 people. The emperor-elect celebrated his 2$th birthday yesterday. Emperor Pu-Yi Celebrates For Throne Ascent Fiuture laxchukuo Ri er Holds Festivities On His TwenLy-Eiglhtl Birthday HSINKING (Changehun), Man- chuquo, Feb. 2.- (P) - Henry Pu-Yi, bespectacled emperor-elect of Man- chukuo, observed in fasting, prayer and meditation today the 28th anni- versary of his birth. There was a premature celebration of the occasion Sunday night. An informal birthday luncheon was held. Visitors streamed in and out. Today, the young ruler-to-be bur- ied himself gravely in studies de- signed to prepare him for the en- thronement March 1- a process of purification, it is called. Throughout the excited city, there was a noisy hustle and bustle that contrasted sharply with the scene at the modest residence of Pu-Yi. Thousands of detectives, soldiers and police swarmed the streets, al assigned to one task - that of ap- prehending any suspicious characters who might possibly be connected with plots on the life of the future sov- ereign. Even newspaper and cameramen, who have arrived from many lands, were scrutinized by the suspicious au- thorities. High Manchu dignitaries, thor- oughly versed in the installation rites of the ancient Chou dynasty are tu- toring Pu-Yi in the performance of his functions in the enthronement ceremonies. Pu-Yi himself selected the rites, which date back 3,000 years, because1 -although they reflect the greatest j spiritual and philosophical develop- ment in China - they are compara- tively simple, and therefore in har- mony with his ideas. John Grimminger, a student in meteorology at George Washington U left last week to accompany Rear jUnion pr --___ -- - ~ -I Groups taking part in the Union Opera will report at the following hours today: Groups I, II, III ........4:00 p. m. Group IV, cast........7:15 p. i,. All men interested in stage craft and scenery work are asked to register from 3 to 5 p. in. daily in the student office of the Union. AirTrt Officials State SALT LAKE CITY, Feb. 26-(/)-- The wrecking of a giant United Air Line transport last Friday was so swift and sudden, line officials said today, that the eight persons who died never knew what happened. The plane fell veritcally, like a great ball of steel, and struck the ground with such force that the en- gine was imbedded in the ground up to the cabin. "All the bodies were pushed for- ward," said Leon Cuddeback, assist- ant to Chief Pilot H. T. Lewis of United Air Lines. "The ship did not move after it struck the ground. There was no evidence of fire. Death must have been instantaneous to all." The dead: Miss Mary Carter, stewardess, for- merly of Omaha and Chattanooga,. Tenn. Lloyd Anderson, Cheyenne, pilot. Eric G. Danielson, Cheyenne, co- pilot. J. J. Sterling, mayor of Benton. Harbor, Mich. Marcellus Zinsmaster, Des Moines, Ia. Evald W. Berglund, Boone, Ia. Bert McLaughlin, Perry, Ia. E. L. Walker, Rock Springs, Wyo, Missing since last Friday, short- ly after it had taken off here for Cheyenne with five passengers and ord Motor Co. Investigated By National Board NRA Compliance Body To Probe Charges As New O itreak Occurs WASHINGTON, Feb. 26- R"P) - The Ford Motor Co. is under investi- gation by NRA's national compliance board in a new outbreak of the feud between the two. The board said it had "quite defi- rite charges" about violations of a collective bargaining clause at Ford assembly plants at Edgewater, N. J., and Chester, Pa. It notified Edsel 'ord that in view of the company's refusal to send a representative here it would investigate. The Ford company submitted a de- tailed answer to the complaints, but it refused to be represented at a se- I cret hearing heVe last Friday. Wil- liam H. Davis, compliance director, said that unless there was a change of attitude he would "proceed." The NRA meanwhile prepared for what looked to Hugh Johnson like a "field day" for criticism. Johnson in- vited NRA's critics to an open forum here this week. So many requests to voice complaints have come in that the sessions will be long ex- tended. One criticism came from Benja- min M. Anderson, Jr., economist for Chase National Bank. He thought efforts at price regulation are hin- dering recovery. NRA officials today took note of a statement by William Green, pres- ident of the American Federation of Labor, that industrial unemployment was 1,500,000 less than last year, but still 1,500,000 more than in Janu- ary, 1932. Green suggested shorter work hours. Recovery officials were cheered by a Federal Reserve Board statement that January and early February saw swift increases in industrial output and a general wholesale price rise. Half a dozen major industries,, in- cluding the automobile, textile, meat packing and anthracite coal busi- nesses, the board said, advanced dur- in'g January to bring the production index .to 78 per cent of the 1923-25 average. Whelesale commodity prices were listed as advancing from 70.4 of the 1920 average to 73.7 during the third week of February. LES VOYAGEURS TAKE HIKE Members of the Society of Les Voy- agcurs took a hike last Sunday to the Saginaw forest cabin where the af- ternomonvwas spent walking about the foresit plantations and enjoying sk~i- ing and skating. Following a sup- per prepared by the members, the group gathered about the fire for a song-fest and then returned to Ann Arbor. Academic Notices Fourth Freshman Lecture in Hy- giene for Men in Waterman Gymna- sium, Thursday and Friday, March 1 and 2, at the following hours: Thurs- day, 3:15, 4:15 and 5:15; Friday, 3:15 and 4:15. This requirement includes all freshmen in the regular physical training groups, athletic squads and others that have been excused from these groups. English 100 (Bennett Weaver) will meet Tuesday from 4 to 5 in Room 302 of the Michigan Union. Economics 51, (1st Semester Final Make-up): The make-up final will be given on Thursday, March 1, from 2 to 5 o'clock in room 207 E(..Bldg. Political Science 107: Make-up ex- amination will be held Saturday, March 3, in Room 2203 A. H., at 9:00 a. m.I Lecture University. Lecture: Thursday, March 1, 4:15 p. m., Natural Science Auditorium. Professor Roderick D. McKenzie, Department of Sociology: 7A TY T _'17 XA rmT1TT.tIV.c 1 rw Admiral Byrd to the Antarctic and a crew of three, the transport was will gather important weather data found wrecked in a snow covered which will be of great benefit to the pass 20 miles east of here. The expedition and meteorology in gen- wreckage was sighted at dusk Sun- eral.1day by a searching plane. F I i I I I I f ', I t o- ' fE , i ' ' GREGOR I snob& PIATI'O" 0 4K 1 M-E-A-N MUSIC E-X-C-E7-L-L -E-N-Td ENTERTAINMENT FINE FOODS BEST BEVERAGES (Moderate Prices) in CHORAL TUESDAY, Tickets $1,00 - $1.50 - VIOLONCELLIST UNION CONCERT SERIES, MARCH 6, 8:15 P.M. X2.00 On Sale at the School of Music EVERY N IGHT at the NEW 4iNAT IN _. _ _ . I i ----- ----- - i 41 ---. - - ~ , q - -. ..