THE IICHIIAN DAILY Virginia Cherrill, Cary Grant Marry In London New Dance Forms Developed Fashion Co d Through Individual Differences Results Wl -Associated Press Photo Virginia Cherrill and Cary Grant of the films were married in London, ollowing Grant's recuperation from an illness which had delayed the wedding.- 1 rS. ed don 1S Tob e Honored y eaToday Mrs. Herbert Seddon, formerly, Miss Mary Lytel and director of Betsy Barbour House, will be guest of honor at a tea to be given by the house this afternoon. Among those who will attend are the staff from the Dean of Women's office, directors of the dormitories on cam- pus and former residents of Betsy Barbour House. Mrs. Seddon, who is returning to her home near London after a few weeks stay in Michigan, was direc- tor of the Betsy Barbour house pre- ceding Mrs. Leona B. Diekema. Lou Root, '34, and Vivian Vischer, '35, will pour. Arrangements have been made by Sue Mahler, '35, who was assisted by Betsy O'Dell, '36, Olive Webb, '35, and Helen Clark'] '34. Max Gail will provide music, tions and other rules of good stand- ing. Associate members are all mem- bers who have left the University or are otherwise honorably discharged from active membership. Honorary membership includes resigning mem- bers who have distinguished them- selves during their active years. Prospective members are carefully chosen for their literary ability and women interested may submit man- uscripts for tryouts twice during the year at specified times. A commit- tee 'appointed by the president ex- amines the work handed in, occa-- sionally with the help of one of the faculty advisors. A high standard of literary work in the fields of short story, essay, poetry, or drama is re- quired for admission. Officers of Black Quill are Marga- ret Shaben, '34, president; Marie Prahl, '34, vice president; and Grace Haxton, '34, secretary. By MARIE J. MURPHY "Hobbies? Oh, we work too hard to have hobbies," Miss Marion Van Tuyl replied last night when inter-i viewed just before rehearsing for the; concert recital to be given tonight in Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. "But we do love travel," her partner, Miss Bertha Ochsner, quickly supple- mented. A diminutive young lady with un-- usual, auburn gold hair, Miss Ochs- ner is a striking contrast to the taller, brunette Miss Vn Tuyl. The distinctive outfit which the former was wearing was rather in keeping with her inimitable personality, for she travelled in a simply cut fur coat of a shade darker than her hair, a tiny off the face hat with a band of the fur framing'her face, and brown Russian boots. They are like that. Two decidedly different types with an indescribable bond between them that makes them appear as a perfect entity, however. In dancing, Miss Ochs- ner claims that it is their identical timing sense, which if lost, she ex- plaihed would render their concert dancing hopeless. Capitalization Differences "You see," she went on, "we are developing something new in duo dancing forms. We are not attempt- ing to do a sister act, wherein two dancers attempt to look alike and to dance exactly the same. N, we are capitalizing on our differences and yet working them into a harmonious whole." Miss Ochsner is known for her witty and amusingly satirical .n- terpretations, while Miss Van Tuyl's sophisticated appreciation of con- temporary music expressed in dy- namic design has been highly recom- mended. Each is reticent about her own werk, but through Miss Ochsner we learned that the dance groups under Miss Van Tuyl at the University of Chicago are making appreciable ad- vancements in the field of creative dancing. The innovation of grop dancing accompanying the choir in the university chapel was so well re- ceived that several similar programs have since been given. Miss Ochsner, who has a charm- ing, irresistible sense of humor, is working on the dance forms for the Chicago "Mirror" which Miss Van Tuyl explained, is comparable to the Junior Girls Play here. On the theme of the "'T'hree Blind Mice" she is creating an "opera booth" that is delightful in its humor and its satire, she said. American Trains Odd Miss Marion Anderson, who has arranged the scripts and does the readings for the dances done to "Poems from the Orient," finds American trains and especially the diners most odd, Miss Van Tuyl re- marked, for she is from Scotland. She has been connected with the Cambridge Repertory theatre there. "As for Miss Jean Williams," the dancer exclaimed, "she is invaluable as our pianist. Why, recently we dis- covered that we had left the score for one of our dances behind and she supplied the music on the mo- ment entirely from memory. We do have a hard time," she laughingly confessed, "remembering all the var- ious odds and ends we must bring along." "I am a great enthusiast of Mar tha Graham," Miss Van Tuyl said, "and always look forward to the times when I can study under her. She creates about three compositions a year, for they require much the same effort as a musical composi- tion. A dance which requires hun- dreds of hours preparation must still Ft 1 appear as fresh, easy, and above all, spontaneous. Yet that spontaneity which is so essential is still so fleet- ing. There, you must stop me," she said, "or I shall find myself giving you a class lecture." "Oh, Prof. O. J. Campbell is away? I am keenly disappointed," Miss Ochsner exclaimed. "I doubt if I should have ever finished Wisconsin if it had not been for his help, for I was flunking Physics so that de- partment called him to ask if there was anything at all that I could do. 'Yes, she is fair,' he replied, 'Pass her'. And they did." The high point of the program to be given tonight is in the final group of eight dances which furnish the rhythmic accompaniment for the "Aubdac," a concerto written by iFrancis Poulenc. The choreography is the creative work of Miss Van Tuyl and Miss Ochsner. For the Ann Arbor performance the piano arrangement alone will be used. Three of Hillaire Belloc's delight- ful "Cautionary Tales" will be given by Miss Ochsner. Prof. James O'Neill, of the speech department, is familiar with the work which Miss Ochsner did as a student at Wis- consin in interpretative arts and at that time gave delightful promise of its future development in pantomine and interpretation. Other features of the program are "Suite" by Loeil- ly, "Theme and Variations" by Ra- meau, and "Ann Angel Dance" by Wolf-Ferrai. M .x,. ,.., . i .'°'i''', :c;; .,: : . ' : r +>: : . i . ' 'r" ,. . . :.,; ,;"., . Y: ;",. . us= 1 11 'I L ;-m- "SPRING MOODS" ..l 11 _ ,,. i i Y , J Why Not Buy a Blouse, Sweater, and Skirt . . .? JACQL Well! of all things.. .who would ever expect to see shoes of 1- 0 New Spring wool skirts . . . loose pockets . .. in- set pockets - tailored - sports- Navy, black, powder blue, beige, tomato bicque, green, checks. 2.95 to $4.50 .r 3C m1 NINE CORDUROY SKIRTS- $3.50 values }.: %: .- . I r a Pull-over, turtle neck, V-necks, ruffles and ja- bots, and twin sets -all new Spring shades. Lacy and plain weaves. p~r.' / 2 "Strange as it seems" the very last creature .you would think of, is now furnishing one of the smart- est leathers for Spring footwear. Jacqueline* features a spectator S C95 - . ,'. --........F- A I" ~;.A:?~v .As iii I ~ I)IIIII\~ / I I tr-------------.--t, ,......,, - ..- ..-- --.,,. - .,.