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February 25, 1934 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-02-25

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[he Weather
ow today, probably ending
rrow. Not much change in


Sin an




The Council
Must Act Now .


TOL. XLIV No. 104




ecords Fall

As Michigan
Takes Meet
Improved Team Amasses
Total Of 60 Points In
Triangular Contest
Three Records Are
Broken; One Tied
Ward Is Triple Winner;
Takes High Jump, High
Hurdles, 60-Yard Dash
Field House records in the pole
vault, mile, and half-mile runs were
shattered in the triangular track
meet here last night which Michi-
gan easily won by amassing a total
of 60 points.
Michigan State and Michigan Nor-
mal followed with 30 /2 and 2812
points respectively.
A large crowd saw a greatly im-
proved Wolverine track team win by
a much larger score than was an-
ticipated. Michigan won seven first
places to one for State and three
for Normal.
Childs Pulls Surprise
Willis Ward, Michigan's one-man
track team, repeated his remarkable
Ohio State feat of accounting for
a 'total of 15 points. He won the
dash, high hurdles, and high jump
with little trouble, tying the Field
House record in the high hurdles.
The surprise performance of the
evening was t u r n e d in by Jack
Childs,. Michigan miler, who made
a great comeback after his defeat
last week, setting a new record of
4:19T in his event and beating out
Tom Ottey, State's Olympic ace. The
old record, 4:23.1, was held by Letts
of Chicago.
Ottey and Hurd, both of State,
who finished second and third, also
lowered the mark.
Another Record Falls
The 60-yardg dash was featured by
an All-Mi iign finish. Ward, Lamb,
Kemp, and Barnes finished in that
order to gain a remarkable slam for
Michigan. Ten men were ctered.
Otto Pongrace, State captain and
half-miler, was responsible for an-
other broken record. Both he and
Harvey Smith of Michigan lowered
the old mark of 1:58.9, Pongrace's
time being 1:57.2. The former rec-
ord was held by Arnold of Michigai.
Ward, in winning the 65-yard high
hurdles, equaled his Field House
mark of 8.2 seconds. Moreau Hunt
Wolverine sophomore, was an easy
Ellerby Runner-Up
Cass Kemp, running his first quar-
ter-mile race, tied for first place with
Capt. Hershey of Michigan Normal.
The time was good, being 51.4. Hoff
of Michigan Normal and Ellerby of
Michigan were runners-up. Michi-
gan's captain seemed still to be suf-
fering from an ear infection which
has been bothering him recently.
The two mile run was conceded to
Tom Ottey by the so-called experts
before it was run. He holds the Field
House record and he had decisively
(Continued on Page 6)
Reeord core
Marks Defeat
Of Wolverines

Bible Professor Calls
Napoleon Unrighteous
(By Intercollegiate Press)
NEW YORK - Napoleon wasn't so
hot, or at least he wouldn't have
rated anywhere near so well had he
lived and grown strong in Biblical
This, at least, is the opinion of
Dr. Nelson Glueck, professor of Bible
at Hebrew Union College in Cincin-
nati, who gave his ideas to an audi-
ence here last week.
According to the good professor
the famous Corsican wouldn't have
been given one line in the Bible had
he lived in those times. Dr. Glueck
pointed out, however, that the Bible
only mentioned in a big way those
who were the most righteous. Na-
poleon; he thinks, was not very
Varsity Men's
Glee Ciub To
Give Program
Orchestra, Organ Music,
And Harp Ensemble To
Augment Chorus
The Varsity Men's Glee Club, un-
der the direction of David Mattern,
will present a program as guests of
the School of Music series at 4:15
today in Hill Auditorium.
Fifty-two voices will be heard in
addition to a harp ensemble, orches-
tral accompaniment, and organ mu-
sic to be played by E. William Doty.
A unique feature of the concert
is the harp ensemble, made up of
students of the harp under the lead-
ership of Ruth Pfohl, instructor in
the School of Music.tThe numbers
to be played indicate a decided
change in harp music from the
"sweet" type of former years. The
two pieces which the harpists will
present are Claude D]ebussy's "La
fille aux chevaux de lin" and "Pre-
lude II" by Salzedo, the world's most
distinguished harpist.
The glee club will present ten
numbers. "Divine Praise" by Bort-
niansky will be presented with ac-
companiment for the harp. Philip
James' "General William Booth En-
ters.Into Heaven," with words by
Vachel Lindsey, is a rhapsody for
male chorus, brass and percussion
instruments, two pianos and organ.
This number will be followed by the
two selections of the harp ensemble
:ier which the glee club will sing five
folk songs, two English, two Scotch,
and one French. The concert will
be concluded with Loeffler's "Beat!
Beat! Drums!" for male chorus, small
band and two pianos. The words for
this piece are found in Walt Whit-
man's poem "Drum Taps."
The public is invited to attend this
concert. There will be no admission
Liberal Students Union
To Hold Poetry Session
Old and new potery will be the
order of the evening at a meeting of
the Liberal Students Union at 7:30
p. m. at the Unitarian Church.
Scott Polk, who formerly conducted
a column of humorous poetry in the
Ann Arbor Daily News, will be in
Anyone interested in poetry is
urged to attend, since the meeting is
not limited to those who write. Stu-
dent poets are asked to bring ex-
amples of their work, while others
may bring favorite selections. All
types of poetry, serious and humor-
ous, will be discussed.

Commiiee To
Plan Control
Of Hell Week
Sub-committee Appointed
By Judiciary Group To
Make Recommendation
Some Houses Come
Under Restrictions
Control Is Being Exercised
Over Fraternities Having
Freshmen In House
Appointed Friday by the Interfra-
ternity Council Judiciary Committee
to propose another plan for Univer-
sity regulation of "hell week" activi-
ties, a sub-committee composed of
six student Judiciary Committeemen
is planning to make a recommenda-
tion to the Alumni Interfraternity
Conference of another way of hand-
ling the problem.
The dean of students has told the
house presidents that fraternities
which have been granted permission
to have freshmen live in the house
for the second semester must confine
their hell week events within the
chapter houses and lay away the
His action was made at the re-
quest of the Alumni Interfraternity
Conference, which met in January
and made other recommendations
for the conduct of houses.
The members of the sub-commit-
tee are Bethel B. Kelley, '34, council
president, Maxwell T. Gail, '34, sec-
retary-treasurer, Charles W. Jewett,
'34, R. Nelson Shaw, '34, Alvin H.
Schleifer, '35, and Donald L. Lahey,
The sub-committee was appointed
by the Judiciary Committee when
objections were made by the stu-
dent members that the restrictions
were too severe. "What other plan
can you suggest?" was the question
which was asked by a faculty mem-
ber of the committee.
Indiana Iolds T Wo
In Michigan Killing
LA GRANGE, Ind., Feb. 24.-(AP-
[Two men were held here today in
connection with the slaying in Mich-
igan, Feb. 11, of Donald Chesbro.
They are James Ray Bridges, 38, La
Grange county surveyor, and Orville
Nelson, 45, foreman of Civil Works
projects here.
Lieut. Ray G. Fisher of the In-
diana state police said the men were
arrested as a result of the con-
fession reported to have been
made at Centerville, Mich., by Mar-
tin Van Buren Ross, 30, of Howe,
Ind. Ross was sentenced to life im-
prisonment at Centerville for his
part in the slaying.
Lieut. Fisher did not reveal in
what connection the two men are
held here but said they were "prin-
cipals in the case" and that an in-
dictment charging first degree mur-
der and conspiracy would be sought
against them before the La Grange
county grand jury today.
Permission to be initiated without
having received the required number
of points and hours was granted to
only one of the petitioners to the
Interfraternity C o u n c i 1 Judiciary
Committee, it was disclosed yester-

Nazis Develop New
Word Combination
To Serve Uftierism
BERLIN, Feb. 24. -(A:)- Fox eign
correspondents and observers of the
situation in Germany nowadays find
themselves up against language snags
that no diligent search of dictionaries
will clear up.
Ardent Nazi orators, taking full
advantage ofthe plasticity of the
German language, have produced
hundreds of new portmanteau words,
the exact meanings of which often
puzzle the uninitiated.
For instance, one feature of the
great process of "Volksaufartung"
(general racial improvement) is the
"Erdverbundenheit" (r ace -of-the-
soilness) which finds expression in
"raumkolonisatorisch" (roughly pio-
neering activity)..
A n c i j Wvt "Bauernbrauchtum"
(peasant customs),.has been raised to
a place of honor, bringing with it -
presumably - 4a Geburtenfreudi-
keit" (joy in giviig birth to children)
and a more intensive "Deutschtum-
sbewusstsein" (G e r m a n d o m-con-
It is, of course, important to have
the right "Erbmasse" (i n h e r i t e d
qualities) to feel the real "Wehr-
freudigkeit" (joy in bearing arms).
Million Nazis
To Pronounce
Oath To Hitler
German Chancellor Will
Have Power To Declare
Himself Emperor
BERLIN, Feb. 24.-(R)-Any time
after 10:30 a. m. Sunday Adolf Hit-
ler can proclaim himself emperor of
Germany if he so chooses.
Through the Reich at that hour
every sixtieth German will pronounce
the following oath:
"I swear unshakable fidelity to
Adolf Hitler and unquestioning obedi-
ence to him and the leaders desig-
nated for me by him."
The men and women who will thus
solemnly pledge their very lives to
Germany's chancellor dictator are -all
"amts-walter," or officers of the
numerous political, economic, profes-
sional, social and labor organizations
which constitute the separate divi-
sions of the Nazi government.
With the oath taking, a venerable
president, Paul von Hindenburg, Ger-
many's grand old man of war and
peace, will virtually fade out of the
Hitler will be the de facto sovereign
of Germany.
Those taking the all-embracing
oath will include, among others, 375,-
000 political party bosses, 120,000
labor officials and 205,000 Hitler
youth leaders.
More than a million - 1,017,000 to
be exact - Nazi functionaries will
swear fealty in unison, with their
right hand raised in the Hitler salute.
TO Hear Head
Of Ohio College
Pres. Charles Wishart Of
Wooster Will Appear As

Dr. Charles Wishart, president of
Wooster College, Ohio, will preach as
guest pastor in the Presbyterian
Church at 10:45 a. m. today. The
Presbyterian Student Forum, meeting
at 6:30 p. m., will hear Dr. Leroy
Waterman of the oriental languages
department on "How to Find Jesus
in the New Testament."
In the First Methodist Episcopal
Church Dr. Frederick B. Fisher will
continue his series of sermons based
on national figures, speaking on.
"Joseph Stalin-The Gospel of Com-
munism." At 3:30 p. m. the Interna-
tional Student Forum will hear rep-
resentatives of Judaism and Moham-
medanism discuss the teachings of
their faiths.
The morning service at St. An-
drews Episcopal Church will begin
at 11 a. m. with the Rev. Henry Lewis
preaching. Prof. Louis C. Karpinski
of the mathematics department will
address the Episcopal students' "Con-
versatione" at 7 p. m. in Harris Hall
on "Universities of the Near East."
Professor Karpinski has recently re-
turned from a year's trip through the

Prizes Given
To Freshmen
In Hopwoods
Poetry Division Winner Is
Robert Warshaw For His'
Collection 'Poems'
Ratliff Is Awarded
Prose Fiction First
'The End Of The World'
Secures First Prize In
Essay Field To Aldrich
Announcement of the names of the
prize winners in the freshman divi-
sion of the HIopwood Awards for 1933-
34 was made last night by Prof. Erc
A. Walter of the English depart-
ment, chairman of the committee in
charge of the freshman contest, fol-
lowing the selection of winning man-
uscripts by the judges.
The winner of the first prize in the
poetry division is Robert S. Warshaw
of New York City. Warshaw will re-
ceive $50 for his collection of
"Poems." Second prize was given to
Robert B. Brown of Ann Arbor for1
"Enigma" and "Italian Episode." Wil-
helmina Carr, also of Ann Arbor, is
the third prize winner for her "GroupE
of Poems." In this group the judges
decided to allot awards of $25 each
to the second and third prize winners
rather than $30 and $20 respectively
since according to the regulations of
the contest "prizes may be reappor-
tioned at their discretion."
In the field of prose fiction Ken-1
neth A. Ratliff of Detroit won the j
first prize of $50 with "The Milling-
tons." "Appreciation" is the title of
the manuscript which won the second
prize of $30 for Jean Hoffman of
Lakewood, Ohio. The third prize of
$20 was awarded to Floy Brigstock
of Battle Creek for "Tag Day." 3
Frank C. Aldrich of Dearborn won
$50 and first prize in the essay field.
Aldrich's essay was titled "The End
of the World." Robert L. French of
Ann Arbor won second place and
$30 with "Radical?" The third prize'
of $20 was awarded to Louise E. Juck-
ett of Detroit who wrote "The Girl
From Tawas Speaks Her Mind."
The judges, Prof. Louis A. Strauss,
chairman of the English department;
Dr. Frank E. Robbins, managing ed-
itor of the University of Michigan
Press; and Wilfred B. Shaw, director
of alumni relations; said that the
quality of the manuscr.ipts this year
was the strongest that had been seen
since the contest was started.
Members of the committee in
charge, in addition to Professor Wal-
ter, are Carleton F. Wells and J. L.
Davis, both of the English depart-
Orator To Discuss
Future Of Negroes
Long known for his political and
labor union activities among Negro
workers, Frank Crosswaith, called
"the foremost orator of the Social-
ist party," will speak on "The Fu-
ture of the American Negro"'at 8
p. m. tomorrow in Natural Science
Auditorium under the auspices of the
Vanguard Club.
Crosswaith is the organizer of the
Pullman Porters' Union, and has also
organized the elevator operators and
various groups of mechanics.

Ohio State Inaugurates
A Dime-A-Date Bureau
(By Intercollegiate Press)
COLUMBUS, . - Dates at a dime
apiece will be available to students
at Ohio State University if a plan
presented to the Student Senate by
Dean of Men Joseph A. Park is ap-
proved. The plan would cost the
group $100 to put in motion.
A quarter of a dollar will secure
the co-ed or male student registra-
tion in the organization and one date.
All other dates come at the fiat rate
of 10 cents each.
In addition to the date service, the
organization w o u 1 d arrange tea
dances and bridge parties.
Mrs. Emma E. Prout, superinten-
dent of the women's residence halls
has offered the lounging rooms of
the dormitories for this purpose.
House Divides
On President's
Air Mail Plan
G.O.P. Leaders Call Mail
Bill 'Legalized Murder';
Unite For Election
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. - ()-
-Whether the government should
have cancelled the contracts of pri-
vate carriers and set the army to fly-
ing the mail seemed likely today to
emerge as a prominent issue of the
coming congressional campaign.
Coincidental with the general as-
sault by Republicans upon the action
of the Democratic administration,
set off in the House today by the
presentation of a bill to provide funds
for the army to carry the mail, were
the arrangements that went forward
for the Senate and House Republi-
cans to unite in a joint campaign
against the Democratic majority.
One after another House Repub-
lican .pasted the emergency airmail
bill with epithets. They called army
mail carrying "legalized murder,"
said the cancellation order was "writ-
ten in blood," and called upon the
House to repudiate the action.
Democrats rallied to the defense of
Postmaster-General Farley aTd -the
The second meeting for the try-
outs of the Undergraduate Council
will be held at 5 p. m. Monday in
room 306 of the Union, according to
Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, president.
At the first tryout meeting more
than 25 students turned out.
Rescued Army Aviator
Was Student Here Once
Lieut. William S. Pocock, Jr.,
one of the aviators who were res-
cued Friday night by the naval
destroyer Bernadou five hours
after their mail plane was forced
down in the ocean off Long Island,
is an ex-student of the University,
having been in attendance here
from 1929 to 1932.
Lieut. Pocock, a member of the
class of 1933, failed to receive a
degree when he transferred to
Randolph Field in Texas at the
end of his junior year. He is a
member of the Chi Psi fraternity
and during the last few months
has been a member of the squad-
ron at Selfridge Field.
The conditions of the two pilots
was reported, in response to a
telegram sent yesterday, as favor-
able- "nothing to worry about."

Merit System
Debated For

League Po

League Governors Board
To Consider New Plan
For Officers' Selection
New System Wins
Board's Approval
Most Of Representatives
Found To Be InFavor
Of ProposedChange
The Board of Governors of the
League at their neeting Tuesday will
consider the question of women's
self-government from a new angle.
The report that will be submitted
to them for consideration will con-
tain a plan for a revision of the
method of selection of League of-
ficers on the basis of the merit sys-
tem at present employed only at the
Union. With this in mind, a com-
mittee appointed by Grace Mayer,.
'34Ed., and consisting of Hilda Kir-
by, '35, Mary O'Brien, '35, and Mary
Salun, '35, have suggested that there
be chosen from a group of tryouts
the women for the positions of presi-
dent, recording secretary, and chair-
men of the various committees. Con-
mitteeships w il1, if the plan is
adopted, be extended to include more
League activities than the present
system does.
Plan Favored
Of the 13 members of the Board
of Representatives that could be con-
tacted yesterday, all favored the plan
either entirely or in some form.
Miss Mayer, in commenting on the
plan said, "There should be some
system in the League to allow wo-
men to work up to the high positions
on the basis of merit. I feel that as
the system is now it involves too
much politics. However, I feel that
there should be some element of
choice left to the women on cam-
Miss Ethel McCormick, when ap-
proached on tme question, made a
similar statement. "The idea is not
new this year. The women have long
been conscious of the fact that there
were deficiencies in their method of
self-government. If the merit sys-
tem were adopted, it would mean
that the woman who was made pres-
ident of the League would have
worked in all the departments of the
organization and acquired a thor-
ough working knowledge of it."
Elections Not Representative
Kathleen Carpenter, '35, junior
member of the Judiciary Council,
said that she too favored the adop-
tion of the plan. Ada Blackman,
'34, business secretary of the League,
felt that while there would be some
good features lost, there would be
off-setting advantages. "There are
not enough people participating in
campus elections," she said, "to make
them representative."
Hilda Kirby, '35, acting as chair-
man of the investigation committee,
advocates the reorganization of the
League with a provision for more
work done by the women themselves
in the actual running of the League.
"Lucky Few"
Nan Diebel, '35, in stating her ap-
proval, said that under the present
(Continued on Page 6)
Eight Students
Are Elected TO

Many Interesting Articles Will
Appear In February 'Technic'

Fate Of Passengers Of Missing
Plane Shrouded By Blizzard

Purdue Cage Squad
Over Michigan By
Of 60 To 33


LAFAYETTE, Ind., Feb. 24.- (P)
-Purdue set a new basketball scor-
ing record for the present Big Ten
season here tonight in turning in a
60 to 33 victory aver the University of
The victory was the eighth for the
Boilermakers in nine conference
starts and it advanced them another
step toward a Big Ten title.
Emmett Lowery and Norman Cot-
tom, Purdue's scoring aces, were high
point men with 15 and 14 points re-
spectively. Joslin and Fishman were
the offensive stars for Michigan.
Both teams showed unusual accuracy
in shooting from far out on the floor.
Score at half: Purdue 32. Michigan

"Smashing the Atom", the story of
a research project being carried on
by the physics department under the
direction of Prof. James Cook, will
appear In February\ issue of The
Michigan Technic when it goes on
sale Monday morning in the East
and West Engineering buildings.
For some time scientists have oc-
cupied themselves with the problem
of solving the mysteries of the ele-
ments. The work of breaking down
the more complex atoms and study-
ing them is, at present, being carried
on at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology a n d at Washington,
D. C., in addition to the experiment
here. The story goes on to describe
the purpose and the nature of the
In an article titled "The Trend of
Modern A i r c r a f t Construction,"
-.i. h nF' ..yaf nuraYYrri ia - first. nrina

'have been known and used for
thousands of years, Dr. Gann writes,
the age of the light metals covers but
a century. He goes on to tell how
magnesium is produced and used
Features this month in the "Engi-
neering Spotlight" are Bill Mohrhoff,
'34E, and Ed Lemen, '34E. Laurels
go to Mohrhoff for his work as bus-
iness manager of The Technic, for
stellar high school athletics, because
he is a member of Vulcans, Tau Beta
Pi, Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity,
plays a good hand of poker, and be-
cause he moved from Pittsburgh to
Detroit at an early age. Lemen has
the honor of being a Varsity-trained
track man, president of Pi Kappa
Alpha fraternity, former president
of Triangles, a member of Mich-
igamua, and one of the rickshaw
hnxr a +a X nMIQ 'ai, sc. Qi-

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Feb. 24.
- (P)- Somewhere on the treacher-
ous plateau of the Utah-Wyoming
border seven men and a woman, crew
and passengers of a disabled United
Air liner were struggling tonight to
preserve their lives against a blizzard
or were already the frozen victims
of a disaster of the storm swept air-
Hope for the safety of the five pas-
sengers and three crew members of
John J. Sterling, mayor of
Benton Harbor, Michigan, and
one of the passengers of the
missing transport plane, is a
graduate of the University of
Michigan Law School, being a
member of the class of 1902.
the big ship, which had not been
heard from since it took off here Fri-

Undaunted, six United Air lines
pilots took off late in the day to scan
-the snow-covered peaks and canyons
until darkness forced them back.
With a ceiling of 100 feet or less,
the searching pilots were able to sur-
vey only patphes of the vast wilder-
Snow blocked roads and trails
hampered the ground parties, includ-
ing horsemen, who braved the bliz-
If the eight aboard the plane
escaped disaster when it was forced
down, it was thought possible they
might remain in the cabin to save
themselves from the cold.
The snowfall in the last 24 hours
reached seven inches in the lowlands
and greater depths in the mountains.
The plane carried only light

Comedy Clue
Technical Tryouts To B
Required Of Three Mor
Before Final Decision
From the 60 students who repori
ed for Comedy Club tryouts hel
during the past week, eight wer
taken into full membership yester
day, and three others will be admit
ted after another technical tryou
Kathleen Carpenter, '35, secretary c
the club, announced yesterday.
The new members include Mar
Potter, '37, Eileen O'Reilly, '37, Els
Pierce, '37, L o u i s e French, '3
Katherine Stoll, '35, William Olso:
'37, Lester Griffiths, '35, and Norma
Smith, '36. Those who will be admi
ted after a technical tryout are Dor
ald Bird, '35, Dorothy Saunders, '3
and Henry Vanden Berg, '37.
.hThe new members will meet wit
the entire club for the first time,
a luncheon meeting at 12 tomorro
in the Russian Tea Room of tI

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