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February 24, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-02-24

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The Spring P
Student Thin




.. _ __ _

The largest lender of the corpora-
tions was Standard Oil Co. of New
Jersey. Its total for the year was $17,-
672,520,000. The daily average of
loans it had outstanding was $69,-
000,000. The group of corporations at
one time had almost a billion dollars
of such loans outstanding.
Whitney called the pending bill
"not regulation but domination." Gay
said the stock exchange did purely
an intra-state business and that Con-
gress could not constitutionally reg-
ulate an institution whose business
was done in one state.
Personal Mail Destroyed
In another investigation, former
Postmaster-General Walter F. Brown'
told a Senate committee he had left
it to his secretary to sort his personal
correspondence out of postoffice de-
partment files and destroy that which
was not needed. He said he had no
knowledge of departmental mail be-
ing destroyed. The committee had
been told that some was.
Brown was asked more questions
about airmail contracts which have
been cancelled. A House committee,
meanwhile, was voting to have the
government pay a fixed price for mail
carried to the concern best qualified
to give such service.
Before still another Congressional
committee, Secretary Wallace was de-
fending the administration's sugar
plan. He said the price of sugar beets
would have to be increased about 20
per cent to give the beet farmers the
amount the department wanted them
to have. He said he preferred to have
the sugar quotas, dividing the do-
mestic consumption among different
producing areas, fixed by law rather
than to have that duty left to the
agriculture department.
Home List Now
Is Ten Per Cent
Over Last Year
An increase of 10 per cent over
last year was noted in the Home
List of the literary college, Prof. Wil-
ber R. Humphreys, assistant dean of
the college, announced yesterday.
One hundred and three students
were asked to leave school because of
low grades, whereas last year only 93
made such records.
In discussing these figures, Dean
Humphreys pointed out tha t they
must be considered in the light of the
25 per cent increase in the enroll-
ment of the freshman class over that
of last year. He estimated that 40
per cent of the delinquent students
were freshmen. and that the increase
in freshman enrollment would ac-
count for the attendance increase in
low grades.
Students placed on the Home List
are in two different classes, although
all are included in the 103. In the
first group are those who are still in
school, but on special probation re-
quiring them to make at least a C
aaor rith nn R b a nra At. c Tn fun cQnn-

Allowing their opponents no first
places, the Wolverine swimmers piled
up their score and in so doing broke
two conference records. Although
the new marks will not stand as
official since they were not scored at
an All-Conference meet, they are in-
dicative of Michigan's ;reserve
strength and possibility as the title-
holder for another year.
In the 400-yard relay, the Maize
and Blue team composed of Kamien-
ski, Dalrymple, Robertson, and Ren-
ner clipped almost 3 seconds off the
Big Ten mark by completing the dis-
tance in 3:37.6. The fastest time pre-
viously recorded was 3:40.2.
Taylor Drysdale, back on the team
after a season's absence, lowered his
own mark made two years ago in the
150-yard backstroke, which stands at
1:42.3. He covered the distance last
night in 1:38,7.
Dick Degener, the Wolverine na-
tional diving champion, had no dif-
ficulty in winning the low-board
event. Derland Johnston, sophomore
luminary, strengthened the confi-
dence that his second place in last
week's meet gave him by again being
runner-up closing with only 10.2
points less than the champion. Deg-
ener's final score was 129.8, while
Johnston finished with 119.6.
4 The narrowest Michigan escape
came in the 220-yard free style, when
Jocobsmeyer of Iowa pushed Captain
Jim Cristy of Michigan all the way,
and finally lost by a matter of inches.
In an exhibition race against time,
a freshman relay team swam the 300
yard medley relay in four seconds
less time than it took the Varsity,
and missed the National record by
nin-tenths of a second.
400-yard relay: Michigan (Kami-
enski, Dalrymple, Robertson, Renner)
first; Iowa (Ernst, Sieg, Anderson,
(Continued on Page 3)

Minnesota's puck team s t r u c k
swiftly and surely last night at the,
Varsity Arena to clinch the Western
Conference hockey championship by
defeating the Wolverine sextet, 3-1.
Before the Michigan defense could
get set in the first period, the Gopher.
forward line carried the puck past
the Wolverine defensemen, drove the
puck at Johnny Jewell who cleared
only to have Russ Gray, Minnesota
wing, hook the rebound, to Bill
Munns, Gopher center, who beat the
Michigan goalie in just 24 seconds
after the face-off.
Slightly more than two minutes
later,-Clyde Russ, w i n g, sk a t e d
through the Michigan defense, faked
Larry David out of position, and
drove the puck into the left hand
corner of the cage before Jewell
could throw his body in front of
the puck.
With the Wolverines down two
goals in less than three minutes, the
Michigan defense, with Red MacCol-
lum in the lineup, tightened and held
the "pony line" of the Gophers from
further scoring.
Midway in the period, MacCollum
and Johnny Sherf were sent to the
penalty box, leaving Michigan with
four men trying to stop the Gopher
rushes. Led by Capt. David and Ted
Chapman, the Maize and Blue halted
the Gophers without a goal in some
fine defensive play.
Avon Artz scored the only Michi-
gan counter in the opening period
when he skated through the Gopher
(Continued on Page 3)
Soviet Development
Cited In Bryan Talk
Modern developments in thevUnion
of Socialist Soviet Republics were
presented last night at Hill Audito-
rium in moving pictures and slides by
Julien Bryan, noted traveler, photog-
rapher and lecturer. Mr. Bryan's lec-
ture was sponsored by the Hindustan
Old pictures of life in Russia under
the Czar were shown and were fol-
lowed by a detailed pictorial account
of contemporary Russian life.

300 Students
Assigned To
Largest Single Project Is
Inventory Of County's
Natural Resources
Jobs To Continue
Through Semester
78 Kinds Of Work Now.
Approved, 33 Coning
In Literary College
More than 300 students have al-
ready been assigned to 78 different
projects under the Federal Eme"
gency Relief Administration's grar.
of aid of needy college students, i'
was announced yesterday by Prof
Lewis M. Gram, director of plant ex-
tension, who is in charge of approv-
ing suggested projects.
Most of the 78 are concentrated'
in the literary college, where 33 dif.
ferentrprojects have been approve
and are being given their quota oi
student workers. The nature of thes
covers a wide range, such as various
types of research, general clerical
work, and assistantships, and they
are distributed through nearly every
department in the college.
In the departmentof hygiene and
public health there are 3 projects;t
13 in the College of Engineering; 3
in the Medical School; 7 in the de-1
partment of physical education; 2 in
the department of physical investiga-
tions; 2 in the School of Education;
and 2 in the School of Forestry and
Others Get Projects
One project apiece has been ap-
proved in the following: the Alumni
Association, the Recorder's Office,
the department of school inspection,
the office personnel department, the
Building and Grounds department,
the School of Business Administra-
tion, the landscape design depart-
ment, the bureau of government, the
archaeology department, the office
of the dean of students, the bureau.
of appointments, the University Mu-
seum, and the psychopathic hospital.
A natural resource inventory of
Washtenaw county is one of the larg-
est single pieces of work that is being
carried on. Full-time CWA workers
will supervise student helpers on this
job who will gather complete infor-
mation regarding the forest land,
wild life, recreation -facilities, educa-
tional opportunities and policies,
transportation, public health and
housing of the county.
Faculty to Assist
Heads of the various departments
of the University concerned in the
survey will act in an advisory capa-
city in the work.
It is thought by officials that the
conclusions which will be reached
may lead to definite plans for long
range public improvement over the
nation, as the plan is in line with
the Federal program for a systematic
outline of public planning.
Additional students are registering
daily in the office of Dean Joseph A.
Bursley for work under the FERA,
the total number on file at present
being more than 450. Professor Gram
said yesterday that all of the original
400 will be at work by the first of
the week.
Small Audience
Cheers Hero Of

PHearts Aflane'


C+. -4

if Legal Objection
Proprietors May
To Leave City


Rule More Liberal
In SciQTownship
New Liquor Rule Takes
Effect March 2, Will Ban
Dancing, Floor-Shows
That the entire purpose of Ann Ar.
hor's No. 1 Blue Law, the new liquor
ordinance, may be defeated or even:
destroyed, was indicated last night by
various proprietores who are operat-
gng restaurants and gardensdwhere
beer and wine are sold, and who
will be affected by the new liquor law
which will go into effect within the
next few weeks.
Establishments which obtained li-
censes last spring will be allowed to
operate until May 1, according to Cit
Attorney William M. Laird. After
that date,. however, all booths an
f reens must be removed, the dead-
line on beer will be midnight, and
all dancing and floorshows will br
forbidden, the law states.
May Contest Legality
It was rumored that a number of
restaurant and beer garden owners
may contest the legality of the new
ordinance as to closing hours and
dancing. If no loopholes can be found
in the law both Preketes' Sugar Bowl
on South Main Street, and the "316,'
on South Main Street, will apply for
a license to serve beer on the ground
floor, while dancing will be continued
as before, but soft drinks will be
served near the dance floor instead.
Laird said, informally, that he saw
no legal objection to such an ar-
However, should the council refuse
to grant licenses to establishments
planning to serve beer on one floor
and have dancing on another, both
Harry Cohen, manager of "Dixie's.
and Harley Riesen, owner. of the
"316" said they would consider ser-
iously moving out to Scio township,
just outside the Ann Arbor city limits.
where liquor-by-the-glass may be
To Drive Out Students
"The council will drive the students
into the country where drunkenness
could go on unchecked, no longer
under the observation of the city po-
lice force," Riesen said.
"The police know who is selling
hard liquor and moonshine in town.
It is that and not the beer that is
corrupting the students," Riesen said.
"Just wait until the students start
going out into the country, as they
will when the council makes them.
This place will see a siege of wicked-
ness that will make them realize how
well off they are now."
Of 8,000 students in the University,
he declared, about 600 couples seek
amusement on an average week-end
night. It is far better to have them
finding their amusement in well-reg-
ulated places in the city, than to go
out to the unpoliced Scio township,
it was pointed out, "Have beer and
dancing, no harm together, until mid-
night on week nights and 1 a. m. on
week-ends. In this way the inevita-
ble 1,200 will find their fun in po-
liced places."

Pollock Denies Having
Helped With Petitions
Prof. James K. Pollock of the
political science department made
the following statement last night
in regard to the initiative peti-
tions which were declared inval-
id yesterday:
"It has been reported that the
committee circulating the peti-
tions for the repeal of the char-
ter provisions asked me to draft
th form of the petition. I wish
to deny this statement and to say
that I was not consulted by the
committee or by any member o
it as to the form of the petition,
either when it was original
drafted, or when it was in proof
form, or when it was finally
"Iam heartily in sympathy
with the repeal movement, but I
most emphatically deny having
been responsible for the mistake
which has been made. I was not
even a member of the commit-
tee. It is unfortunate that a le-
gal technicality has appeared but
the Council should now have the
good sense to submit the question
to the people for decision inas-
much as there is ample evidence
of a public demand for a refer-
"To do otherwise would run
counter to the intentions of those
who signed the petitions in good
Find One-Third
Of Co-Eds Here
336 Of Women Students
In 1932-33 Earned All
Or Part Of Expenses
Women students in the University
are generally thought of by the men
as, comparatively, leading an "easy
life," with someone paying all their
-xpenses, yet figures included in the
annual report of Dean Alice C. Lloyd
to President Alexander G. Ruthven
show', that fully one-third of the
2,507 women students in the Univer-
Aity in 1932-33 were either ,partially
or wholly self-supporting.
Estimates place the amount of
money which women students earned
during the year at $76,404, the sum
being made up of estimated earnings
n work for board and room, hour
.ork, and in clerical and secretarial
Regarding living conditions of
women students, Miss Lloyd lists 696
as residing in dormitories, 25 below
,he totals of the previous year, and
44 in sororities, which is 19 below
the number in these houses in 1931-
32. League houses accommodated
151, and 291 women either lived at
their homes or with relatives.
Student loans to women numbered
172, with the total amount involved
placed at $12,925. It is noted that
in the last 10 years the total number
of loans made to women students was
963, while current loans to men stu-
dents in the one year, 1932-33, totaled
Of the 172 loans made to women
last year, the largest numbers, 29 of
each, were for $40 and $60, the small-
est loan was $5 and the largest $375.

Voided Because Solicitors
Failed To Sign Required
Notarized Affidavits
Committee To Ask
Amendment Vote
Special Election Foreseen
Ii Council Fails To Pu
QUes!io Oi Blllot
Student hope for lidht erineS an
beer in the campus area ti3 sprin,
were sddeny d n.shed sevnerely wher
owring to a legal technicality. the De
tors to oust the present charte
provision banning lOW spirit liquor
William Am Laid yesterda fter
Because the procedure of initiatini
a petition is entirely new in Ann Ar
her, several legal technicalities wer
overlooked by the Citizens' Charte
Repeal Amendment Committee whea
the petition was drafted. Laird said
that none of the petitions was veri
fied by the required notarized affi
davits of the persons who had ob
tained the signatures.
Deny Prof. Pollock's Part
Norman F. Kraft, chairman of th
committee, denied the statement ap
pearing yesterday that Prof. Jame
K. Pollock, Jr., of the political sci
ence department drafted the pro
posed amendment. Neither Profes
sor Pollock nor any other member o
the political s c i e n c e departmen
drafted the petition amendmeni
Kraft said.
"As chairman of the committee
wish to assume all responsibility fo
the error which caused the propose
amendment to be rejected," Krafl
said. "We labored under difficultie
in this campaign through the fac
that the initiative method of char
ter amendment is a novel procedure
Campaign To Continue
"We do not, however, intend t
discontinue our campaign for bee
and light wine in the campus area,
he declared. "The fact' that 1,60
persons have signed the petitions
ample proof that the people of t1i
city want to vote on this issue.
the Common Council has the de
sires of their constituents at hear
they will submit an amendment I
the people in time for the vote o
April 2."
Should the council refuse to sul
mit an amendment, the committi
announced that they would initiat
petitions again, being certain th
time that the form complies wil
the law. A special effort to obtai
the signatures of 20 per cent of tl
voters will be made to force a spe
cial election. "We know," Kra
said, "that we can get 20 per cer
of the voters to sign since we 01
tained well over 15 per cent in
short campaign of less than fa'

Beer Petitions Te
llegal, Says City


To Attack Blue La


History Instructor Elected To
Institute Of Pacific Relatio
Dr. John W. Stanton, instructor of Royal Institute of Internation
history of the Far East, received no- fairs, and this country, the A
tice yesterday of his appointment to can Council of the Instituteo
cific Relations3, are such bodies.
the American Council of the Insti- ilar organizations are now reco
tute of Pacific Relations, the United in China, Japan, the Philippin
States branch of an international U.S.S.R., Canada, Australia, an
body established to promote the co- Zealand.
operative study of the relations of In addition to furthering the
the various countries bordering on mon international ends of th
the Pacific Ocean. stitute, members of the Am
Dr. Stanton, an expert in the field Co_.dil also endeavor to con
of Far Eastern affairs, is deemed as to a fuller understanding, in
highly qualifed for membership in own country, of the problems a
the Institute by other members of portunities before it in intro
the University history department. an era of understanding and o
During 1932, the American Coun- tuality in the Pacific world.
cil expended over $50,000 on it own These tasks involve many in

al Af-
of Pa-
. Sim-
es, the
d New
e com-
he In-
nd op-
of mu-

With the whole gamut of human
emotions portrayed on the screen in
Natural Science Auditorium last
night when "Hearts Aflame," sterling
melodrama of backwoods life in the
wilds of northern Michigan, was pre-
sented by the Forestry Club, a select
audience of about thirty persons re-
stricted their ovation to cheers for
the hero and heroine and boos for
the villains, of which there were
The picture was stolen (some 20
years ago) by the hero's erratic old
father, an old lumberman daft on
the subject of cutting down trees
(boos from the Forestry Club). His
pampered son goes north, makes a
man out of himself, is persuaded and
persuades his father that conserva-
tion is the thing for forests (loud
The climactic scene which winds
up all the loose ends of the plot in-
cludes a picturesque forest fire, an
axe murder, a vision from heaven,
s- f . .Tr. LI. I .'f. nI.n..h


Women's Varsity Debate Team
To Meet Albion This Morning

2 Army Pilots
Are Rescued
From Ocea
Picked Up By Destroy
Off Long Island Coas
Third Flier IsMissing
NEW YORK, Feb. 23. -(P)-'I
army aviators were rescued toni
by the naval destroyer Bernadou ,
hours after their plane was for
down on the ocean off Long Isla
but a third flyer was missing.
Lieutenants Rothrock and Poc
were taken aboard the Berna
from the partly submerged cr
which had started from Floyd B
nett Field for Langley Field, Va.
Lieut. McDermott, howevear,
not picked up, said a message fi
the destroyer to the coast guard w
less station at Rockaway Point.
The rescue was effected in a he
sea after army and police planes
been unable to sight the crip]
Both men saved, the Bernadou
ported, were suffering from expos
The destroyer sent word it
standing by to make a further sea
for McDermott. He and his rese
r'nnuanin had been assigned to

Women varsity debaters will meet
opposing teams from Albion College
at 9 a. m. today in Room 4023 An-
gell Hall in the second of an an-
nual series of non-decision debates.
A week ago, local debaters met Al-
bion at Albion in the first meet of
the season on the Chicago Univer-
sity plan, the question chosen for
all of this year's debates.
Instead of the regular formal de-
bate plan, the speeches today will
follow a new discussion plan, said
Floyd K. Riley, of the speech de-
partment, who is coaching the wo-
men. Each speaker will have three

The Michigan teams will m e e t
Wayne University, formerly Detroit
City College, on the Wayne campus
Monday afternoon, in a dual de-
bate, speaking on the Chicago ques-
tion. These two debates will be con-
ducted on the regular formal de-
bate plan of argument and rebuttal,
with opposing affirmatives and nega-
tives arguing against each other. The
debates begin at 2:30 p. m.
The first of the two decision con-
ference debates scheduled each year
for the women's varsity series, will
be held when the local negative trav-
Q2.r fto'I T,Itnfl to meet.Northwest-

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