THE MICHIGAN DAILY T Air Mail Giant Airliner To Be Ready For Tests Soon Service Runs 'Near Normal' Better Weather Condition Aids Army Planes; Most Schedules Maintained (By Associated Press) Although handicapped by adver flying conditions in some parts of the country, the huge airmail project taken over from commercial com- panies by army flyers was function- ing near normal today. A lashing gale in New England which caused postponement of the initial flight of the Newark, N. J., to Boston leg of the service Tuesday was slackening. Better weather also was expected at Las Vegas, Nev., where an east-bound plane wa, storm-bound. At Newark Airport planes were leaving on schedule for the west and south. The first plane flown to Cleve- land had made the return trip safely. Planes were operating between Pa- cific coast cities apparently without delay and an east-bound plane from Oakland, Calif., winged its way to- ward Elko, Nev., after a stop at Reno to pick up mail. At Elko a storm had abated and a plane which had been held there was on its way to Oakland. Pilots flying the north and south route reported little difficulty with cross-winds but the open cockpits of the army planes offered little pro- tection to northbound flyers. Two mishaps were reported during the first full day of the service. A plane overturned while landing at Greenville, S. C., and the tailskid of a ship cracked when it landed at Fort Worth, Tex. No one was injured. WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. - (1P) - A virtual certainty that President Roosevelt will take some action on ocean mail contracts added interest today to a Senate committee's ques- tioning of the man who made many of them. Walter F. Brown, quiet-spoken postmaster-general of the Hoover ad- ministration, has a thing or two to say about these ocean pacts. Whether he would reach that point in his tes- timony before the mail committee to- day was problematical. President Roosevelt today sat on the receiving end of three separate investigations into the ocean mail question. He himself says he would like to change the present system, probably along direct subsidy lines. Secretary Roper promised an "in- teresting program" along this line. The commerce department head went over the contracts one at a time with Mr. Roosevelt Tuesday, delivered a preliminary report and indicated more to come. Postoffice. inspectors have been at similar work for months. The com- mittee headed by chairman Black, which Brown is facing, probably will continue one of its own. -Associated Press Photo This 32-passenger land and sea plane is rapidly nearing completion at the factory at Stratford, Conn., and initial tests are expected to be made within a month. It will be America's first ocean-going passenger and mail plane and will be capable of carrying 1,000 pounds of mail and a crew of five. It is planned to put it in the Caribbean service and possibly over a coastal route unless foreign competition makes a change necessary. Slawson Stresses Importance, Of Michigan Mineral Wealth, Minerals play a far more impor- tant part in the industrial life of Michigan residents than is common- ly known, Prof. Chester B. Slawson, of the mineralogy department told a radio audience over the school broadcast from the Morris Hall stu- dios yesterday. "Those of us who are citizens ofJ the state of Michigan should give some thought to the part that our State has played in the industrial development of the last century," Professor Slawson said. "Michigan perhaps more than any other state in the Union paved the way for the steel and electrical industry upon which our modern civilization is so dependent." As a leader in the production of copper, silver, iron ore, limestone,I salt, and oil, Professor S 1 a w s o n pointed to Michigan as one of the outstanding mineral states. A discov- ery of a single piece of pure copper weighing 420 tons was one of the o u t s t a n d i n g accomplishments of Michigan's mining history, the speak- er believed. "Prior to the discovery of the electrolytic method of refin- ing copper, there was no known met- allurgical process by which the other mines could produce as pure a metal as the native copper of Michigan," he said. Among other records, Professor Slawson pointed to the Tamarac shaft of the Calumet and Hecla Company as the first mine to have a vertical depth of over one mile, and for many years the deepest mine tn the world. The shaft is now 5,720 feet deep. On an original invest- ment of $2,500,000, the Calumet and Hecla Mines have paid cash divi- dends of over $184,000,000, he de- clared.- In tracing the development of the Michigan ci1 industry, P r o f e s s o r Slawson said that Michigan today is the largest potential oil producing state east of the Mississippi. "Be- cause of the over-production of oil in the United States the government has decreed that the large wells shall produce only a small fraction of the available production above 100 bar- rels that could be obtained from wells daily, and since this does not limit the small wells of Pennsylvania to any great extent, for this year the actual production of Pennsylvania will probably exceed that of Michi- gan," he stated. Sigma Rho Tans Plans Program SFor Semester Prizes To Be Given For Debating; Air Mail Issue To Be Subject Sigma Rho Tau, honorary engi- neering society, outlined its second semester activities at a meeting last night in the Union. The following program was adopted for the semes- ter: Several debates are to be held dur- ing the semester. The subject for these debates is, "Resolved, that the government shall carry the air mail." The raconteur contest will again be held this year. A prize is to be offered for the best 12-minute story presented. Finals for this contest will be held Mar. 14. A series of contests in project speaking will also be held. The fin- als for this contest will be held the first week in March. The winner of this contest will represent the Michi- gan chapter of Sigma Rho Tau in the Intercircle Conference Debate. The Welding Society of Detroit is oering a prize of $50 to the winner of their annual Project Speaking Contest. The purpose of this contest is to present a new project, explain this project, and then defend the views. This contest wil be held the latter part of March. All members of Sigma Rho Tau are eligible for participation. Russian Life To Be PortrayedBy Film (Continued from Page 1) scenes cut were of military fortifi- cations, and, says Mr. Bryan, "no country will allow film of its military posts to be taken across the fron- tier." Bryan tells an amusing incident which befell him shortly before he started his 300-mile trek into the fastnesses of Svanetia. His shoes were getting too thin for such a long walk,, and he could not secure any suitable ones in Tiflis, his starting point. He met Grove Patterson, edi- tor of the Toledo Blade, and Mr. Patterson gave him a pair of his own shoes which happened to fit. Three nights following his appear- ance tomorrow in Hill Auditorium, Mr. Bryan will show his films for the Toledo Women's Club, of which Mrs. Grove Patterson is president. Officials of the Hindustan Club announced that tickets for the lec- ture will go on sale at the box of- fice at noon tomorrow. Voice Classes Are Successful In Second Year Nearly 150 Students And Townspeople Have Been Enrolled The classes in voice instruction which were inaugurated last year at the School of Music on an experi- mental basis, and which have been continued this year as a part of the regular School curricula, have proved most successful according to James Hamilton, the instructor. These classes provide opportunities for music lovers who may be in- terested in studying music from a professional standpoint) to dvelop their musical possibilities in a large measure. The results o b t a i n e d through these classes have tended to develop amateurs musically, both for their own pleasure and that of their friends. Nearly 150 students and towns- people have enrolled in these classes which touch upon technique, breath- ing, tone production, diction, phras- ing, and the interpretation of mu- sical literature. There are four sec- tions which meet five times each week at 8 a. m. and 9 a. m. and at 2 p. m. and 3 p. m. Classes are open to all students willing to attend regularly and ap- ply themselves. There is a nominal registration fee. Those interested should consult Mr. Hamilton, Stu- dio 223 on the mezzanine floor of the School of Music Building, and should register at the general busi- ness office of the School. Artist-Ex lorer W ill Speak On Angkor Sunday Angkor, the long-buried city of French Indo-China whose palaces and temples rival in magnificence the greatest buildings of modern times, will be brought to Detroit by word, colored slides, and motion pic- tures when Lucille Douglass, artist- explorer, speaks at 3:30 p. m. Sun- day at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Miss Douglass speaks on "Angkor, a Royal Passion." The kings of the ancient Khmers, w h o conquered Cambodia early in the Christian era, lavished on their capital all the rich- es they possessed. Thousands la- bored to build the vast royal pal- ace, the walled and moated city, the massive Angkor Wat and the many- towered temple of Bayon. After service in the World War, Miss Douglass entered newspaper work in China. She went to Indo- China on a casual visit. Captivated by the mystery of the city, she stayed three years. Her own etchings and paintings, made at the request of the French Colonial Government, help illustrate her lecture. An ex- hibit of her work is now on display at the Hudson Galleries.. Dollfuss Move Is Criticized By Dr. Onderdonk Says That Action Against Social Democrats Will Bring Anschluss (Continued from Page 1) to tape up arms, and would be fol- lowed by Italy, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, having a perfect legal right, based on the breaking of the treaties of peace, to invade Germany with their armies. Following Professor Slosson's train of thought, Dr. Onderdonk took up the question from the viewpoint of world peace, crying in striking tones that today is the time that swords must be turned to plowshares or the world will be overcome with another conflict. The religion of the Nazis, in Austria, Germany, and Italy is Na- tionalism, he declared, and, using the same analogy, he said that the reli- gion of internationalism is the only weapon that can be used to fight the Fascist party. Calls Nazis Clannish Nazis,'or Fascists, have built their philosophy out of a nationalistic, or clannish religion, believing that all classes with broader views have to be wiped out and destroyed, he declared. They are a Ku Klux Klan in Europe that want to get, or already have got, control of their government. The Austrian Socialists that were killed by Dollfuss' soldiers were interna- tionalists; they were killed by mem- bers of the Heimwehr who had been waiting for this opportunity to wipe out the party that was the obstacle to Fascism in Austria. Exhibiting the slides which he used in his lecture, Dr. Onderdonk pointed out the great housing work that had been carried on in Vienna by the So- cialist government since the war. Among them was a picture of the Karl Marx apartment which was bombarded by government troops in the struggle of last week. Many of the municipal apartments, owned and operated by the government and .housing 200,000 workers all over Vienna were bombarded by Heimwehr troops, women and children being killed in the struggle, he said. A petition, addressed to Chancellor Dollfuss, objecting to the atrocities committed in Vienna, had received over 70 signatures, it was announced. Clyde Fisher To Lecture In Detroit Feb.28 Is Curator Of Astronomy And Visual Instruction At American Museum Dr. Clyde Fisher, curator of as- tronomy and curator of visual in- struction at the American Museum of Natural History, will give an il- lustrated lecture, "Earth and Neigh- bor Worlds," on the Detroit Town Hall Series at 11 a. m. Wednesday, Feb. 28, at the W~ilson Theatre. He recently became director of the Museum's new $150,000 planetarium, gift of Charles Hayden. For fifteen years Dr. Fisher has been responsible for most of the educational work at the Museums, and for several years has had charge of photography. Dr. Fisher has been known for years for the popular appeal of his lectures on science. Through his de- lightful personality and his lucid interpretations, astronomy takes on new life and interest, it has been said. In 1924 Dr. Fisher led the Arctic Lapland Expedition for the Museum, upon which he made 10,000 feet of motion pictures as well as hundreds of stills. In the summer of 1927, he traveled with Ernest Thompson Seton through the western United States, studying sign-talking and dancing among the Indians. He made the first motion pictures of sign talking with the * translation. He photographed ceremonial dances of about a dozen different tribes from the Dakotas to New Mexico and Arizona. However, stars, birds, and Indians are only a few of Dr. Fisher's inter- ests. For many years he has lectured on John Burroughs, on flowers, and on animal life. BARCELONA, Spain--Considerable damage was caused when a bomL ex~ ploded with terrific force at the en- trance of the Hispano-Suiza auto- mobile factory. No wrie was injured. TOKIO- A new controversy be- tween Russia and ,Japan ever fish- ing grounds in the North Pwific Va- ters confronted Russian and Japa- nese authorities. MANILA, P. I. - Gov. G e n e r a l Frank Murphy made public a new program intended to establish peace in the troublesome Sulu Archipelago. VIENNA - Greater support in fa- vor of Nazis by Socialists was no- ticed. The recent Dollfuss policies were attributed as the cause. w t. .It WASHINGTON -Maj. Gen. John IH. Russell was selected by President Roosevelt to succeed Maj. Ge. .Ben- jamin H. Fuller as commandant of the United States Marines. CRISTOBAL, Canal Zone - Pass- age of nitrate, an essential of war, through the Panama Canal was no- ticed by marine men. Hillel Plans Course In Conversational Hebrewj univsity High Class Will Give, layyParker The first performance of this year's annual Senior Play of the Univer- sity Hipgh School will be given at a matinee tomorrow. It will be re- peated on Saturday. The class has chosen Louis N. Parker's farce-comedy "Summer Is A-Coming In" for the presentation. Parker is especially well-known for his "Disraeli" and in a somewhat lesser degree for "Pomander Walk." The Senior Play will be the first performance to be given in the newly remodeled auditorium of the high school. It is being staged under the direction of Edward Freed of the dramatics department of the high school, assisted by Leonard Andrews, of the social studes department, The leading parts in the play are being taken by Hope Hartwig, Reva Rabbe, Jane Vernor, Betty Louise Whitney, Alfred Lovell, William Slea- tor, Stuart Stanchfield, and Howard Carrothers. "YOU MUST COM E OUT SOM E TIME" When .?- SAT UR DAY NIG HT, F EBR UA RY THE OPENING NIGHT at the New IIiI-atginn 24 (formerly Nankin Mills Inn) ON ANN ARBOR TRAIL w EiNTE-RTAINMENT AND DANCING -NIGHTLY Music by Charle Lazin and "The Hi-Hatters" Table d'Hote and a la Carte Legal Beverages 11' 11 NO COVER OR MINIMUM CHARGE - EVER AND NEVER EXPENSIVE A course in conversatignal Hebrew will be given beginning March 1 at the Hillel Foundation, it was an- nounced today by Dr. Bernard Hel- ler, director of the foundation. The only requisite for the course is the ability to read Hebrew. The classes will be held one eve- ning each week for a period of 10 weeks. Each class will last one and a half hours, Dr. Heller said. Those interested in the course should get in touch with Robert S. Friedman, who can be reached by calling 3936. NEAT ... SPEEDY and never sticky HAND CREAM Just pat a tiny bit on your hands after every washing, rub it in ... it all disappears. in a jiffy and THREE KLEENEX Dr. WestI TOOTH- 0. ... Economy IQac 4OW TO GET THERE- Take Plymouth Road to Wayne Road, turn right half a mile to Ann Arbor Trail, turn left three-fourths of a mile to the Inn. EVERYTHING NEW. SPECIALS THIS WEEK AT C ALKINS- LETCHER DRUG STORES m TO MAKE NEW F RINDS FOR DOROTHY GRAY Hundreds of Dollar Volumes BRUSH ......lw HOT WATER AO0 BOTTLES... . Guaranteed 1lOc COLGATE'S SOAPS 2forli See the NEW NORTON MIDGET SFIAIL -fib A .itTaw TE 1I Slightly Damaged S0c the Book 11