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June 02, 1934 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-06-02

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The Weather
Generally fair today and to-
ni ~row; not q i ,2o so warm to-




VERA Aid Deserves Student
Encouragement; Possibilities In
Co-operat ive Buy ing.



Alumni Association Votes
For Plan To Advertise'
The University
Noted Publisher Is
Principal Speaker
Scholarship Policy Meets
With The Approval Of
Convention Delegates
GRAND RAPIDS, June 1. - /P) -
The reforms in the system of estab-
lishing scholarships for deserving
students along with new methods of
advertising the University as a cen-
ter of culture instead of a tax bur-
den, were approved tonight bycthe
members of the University of Michi-
gan Alumni Association, holding their
triennial convention here.
Mrs. Leona B. Diekema, Ann Ar-
bor, widow of Gerritt J. Diekema, late
ambassador to The Netherlands, sug-
gested $500 a year as a minimum
scholarship fund.
The discussions brought out the
proposition that the scholarship
should provide for all of a student's
-needs throughout his university
On the problem of enlightening the
public on the work and facilities of1
the University, Dr. Alexander G.
Ruthven suggested that the Univer-
sity might employ a newspaper writer+
to advertise the work of the school.,
No action was taken on the sugges-
tion, although delegates approved the
suggestion of Howard Donnelly, De-]
troit, that-the literary and journalism]
students might fill the need by pro-I
viding campus material for news-
W. B. Shaw, director of alumni ac-
tivities, pointed out that not only did
the university need to be advertised,7
but that the departments within the,
schohl should be made acquainted
with the work b the other depart-
The alumni that gathered here for
the luncheon today heard the first of
several speakers discuss problems of
higher education.
As the principal speaker at a lunch-]
eon, S. Emory Thomason, publisher]
of the Chicago Daily Times, warned
against what he said was the illusion
that the province of the University is
to teach the individual students how
to make a living.
He gave as his belief that the Uni-
versity's duty was to disseminate to
youth generally a richer civilization]
and capacity for living. While it,
should teach, in a broad sense, how
the average boy or girl may attain a
position of security, he .said the Uni-
versity should not be considered a,
failure if each individual failed to
gain that knowledge.
"Since we have found that a high
school graduate makes a better milk
wagon driver than a college gradu-
ate," he said, "many persons have
questioned the value of a college edu-
cation. The old idea was that peo-
ple went to the University to learna
how to make a living. Then, when
we learned that the students didn't
always learn this, we grew skeptical.
Now we are beginning to realize that
the University is a repository of
knowledge for the benefit of the peo-
ple of the state as a whole."
Thomason, who is a Michigan
alumnus, expressed satisfaction with
President Roosevelt's policies and said

he had "deep faith in the power of theI
so-called 'brain trusters' to solve ourj
Toledo Edison Co.
Strike Called Off
TOLEDO, June 1. - (AP) - Persuad-
ing their employers to give them a
20 per cent wage restoration and
other concessions, union electrical
workers employed by the Toledo Edi-
son Co. tonight called off their strike
set for 7 a.m. tomorrow.
The wage increase, effective today,
will go not only to approximately 300
union members, but to the entire com-
pany personnel of 900 including ste-
nographers and clerks.
At the same time, jtist before or-
ganized labor began a huge parade a
mass meeting to announce plans for
a general strike, Charles P. Taft, fed-
eral mediator, announced that a set-
tlemnent may be expected soon in the
.atnmiHieworkers' stike which re-

Quadrangle Dedication Expected To
Draw Many Alumni, State Officials

Urges Disarmament

Wilson Is Named
Winner Of Highest


The formal dedication of the Law'
Quadrangle, to take place June 15,
will attract hundreds of Law School
alumni as well as officers of the State
administration and legislature, the
Michigan judiciary, and delegates
from American and European uni-
versities, if the present indications
hold true. The principal addresses
for the occasion will be delivered by
Justice Harlan F. Stone of the United
States Supreme Court; Marvin Bris-
tol Rosenberry, '93L, chief justice of
the Wisconsin Supreme Court; New-
ton D. Baker, and Dean Roscoe Pound
of the Harvard Law School.
The complete program for the day's
activities was given out yesterday by
the Law School office. Registration
for guests will begin at 9 a.m. and
continue throughout the morning in
the Lawyer's Club. There will also
be informal tours of inspection of the
various buildings forming the quad-

rangle during the morning. An in-
formal luncheon at the Union will be
followed at 2 p.m. by addresses in
Hill Auditorium. President Ruthven
will preside at the session at which,
Mr. Justice Stone, Dean Pound, and
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
School will be the speakers.
Dean Bates will also be toastmaster
at the dinner to be held at 6:30 p.m.
in the Lawyer's Club. He will intro-
duce Regent J. O. Murfin, Chief Jus-
tice Rosenberry and Newton D. Ba-
ker. To accommodate the large crowd
which is expected for the dinner, ar-
rangements have been made to take
care of the overflow in the Union ball-
room. Those who will be unable to
eat at the Lawyer's Club will go
from the Union to the club to hear
the speakers.
The entire Law Quadrangle is the
gift of William W. Cook, '82L, and is

composed of four buildings enclosing
a large city block. The Lawyer's. Club,
the largest single unit in the group,
extends the whole length of the north
side of the quadrangle. It includes
a dormitory, social hall, offices, and
rooms for visiting guests. The south
side of the quadrangle is formed by
the Legal Research Library together
with one wing of Hutchins Hall. In
the latter are housed the classrooms
and offices of, the Law School. An-
other part of Hutchins Hall along
with the large dining hall closes in.
the west side of the quadrangle while
the east side is formed by the John
P. Cook dormitory. Although other
parts of the quadrangle had been in
use for several years, Hutchins Hall
was first opened only last fall, and at
that time the Law School moved from
its original quarters in Haven Hall to
the new building.



Heat Ware Breaks

Record As


Prizes Announced
Zona Gale Gives
Hopwood Lecture



'M' Blankets
To Be Awarded
Senior Athletes
Thirty-Three Seniors Who
Have Won Two Or More
Letters Are Honored
Thirty-three senior Wolverine ath-
letes will be awarded "M" blankets,
symbolic of their having won more
than a single letter, in one or more
sports. Heading the list is Ted Petos-
key, three-sport star, who will have
eight stars on his blanket, three for
letters won in baseball, three for
football; and two for basketball.
Whitey Wistert, who has won three
letters in football and three in base-
ball, and Ted Chapman, who has
three in hockey, two in football, and
one in baseball, follow Petoskey.
Others on the list, the number of
stars on their blankets and the sports
in which they have won them are:
Fred Allen, two in basketball; Avon
S. Artz, five in baseball and hockey;
Charles Bernard, three in football;-
Albert M. Blumenfeld, two in track;
James C. Cristy, Jr., three in swim-
ming; George David, four in hockey
and golf.
Edwin C. Dayton, three in golf;
Richard Degener, three in swimming;
H. Thomas Ellerby, Jr., three in track;
Herman Everhardus, three in foot-
ball; Stanley Fay, three in football;
John P. Heston, three in football;
Henry Kamienski, three in swimming;
Cass Kemp, two in track.
John Kowalik, three in football;
Robert J. Landrum, three in wrest-
ling; Arthur Mosier, three in wrest-
ling; Joseph R. Oakley, three in
wrestling; Robert Ostrander, two in
cross country; Hilton Ponto, three
in gymnastics and wrestling; Clinton
D. Sandusky, two in tennis; Carl Sav-
age, two in football; Oscar Singer,
two in football; John F. Spoden, two
in wrestling.
Abraham Steinberg, two in gym-
nastics; Estil S. Tessmer, five in foot-
ball and basketball; E. Stanley Tillot-
son, two in baseball; E. Stanley Wa-
terbor, three in baseball; Louis West-
over, three in football, and Louis Le-
mak, two in swimming.
Montana City Struck By
Snowstorm After Rain
BUTTE, Mont., June 1. --(/P)-- A
snowstorm struck Butte late today on
the heels of several hours of heavy
The snow caught pedestrians and
motorists alike unprepared and ser-
iously hampered traffic.

Dissension Within
The Ranks Arises
As Socialists Mleet
DETROIT, June 1. - (AP) -Despite
the warning of the chairman, Leo
Krzycki, in his keynote address that
"minute deviations of theory to the
right or left" would jeopardize the
"greatest opportunity the Socialist
party has ever had," factional lines
quickly formed today at the biennial
organization convention.
In the first minor test of strength
the elements of the left formed a solid,
front against the old line leaders whrf.
head what is still known as the Hill-
quist faction - that dominated for
years headed by the late Morris Hill-
quist, of New York.
These leftists - including a goodly
portion of the youth of the conven-
tion - pushed through the election as
presiding chairman of Devere Allen,
editor of the World Tomorrow and a
party leader from Connecticut.
Allen had a total of 74 votes against
51 for Algernon Lee, long a Hiliquist
associate and director of the Rand
School, a Socialist institution in New
The 'old guard," however, was vic-
torious on one strategic move. They;
forced through a motion reducing
from 50 to 25 the number of dele-
gates necessary to demand a roll call.
Chairman Krzycki, a vice-president
and national organizer of the power-
ful Amalgamated Clothing Workers
Union, sounded the theme of needed
solidarity in the party with the dec-
,"The vindication of all Socialists
rests in our hands, since our comrades
across the sea have fallen. We have no
choice but to forget our minor dif-
ferences and press forward, to agitate,
to organize, to carry our message to
the workers and farmers, to fight their
battles and to do everything in our
power to establish the Socialist com-
monwealth in America, the hope of
the world.
University Lectures
Will Be Continued
"Although funds have been greatly
diminished in the last two years, the
University lectures will be continued
next year along the same general
lines," according to Dr. Frank E. Rob-
bins, assistant to President Ruthven.
"The lectures were a success this
year," Dr. Robbins said, "and we ex-
pect to have a similar group of eight
lectures next year. The lectures were
all well attended and have enabled
students and townspeople to come in
closer contact with the University
faculty as well as leading men from
other schools." ,

New Combined
Curriculum Is
To Be Offered
Combination Of Business,
Engineering Courses Is
Approved By Regents
Because engineering has become
closely allied with industry and bus-
iness, and men with engineering
knowledge are increasing in number
as managers of industries, a combined
curriculum in engineering and busi-
ness administration will be offered to
students, nccording to an announce-
ment following the May meeting of
the Board of Regents. A similar com-
bination of engineering and forestry
is planned.
"With engineering in all its phases
so largely dependent for success now-
adays on commercial application and
exploitation on a grand scale, the en-
gineer who knows only the technical
side of his profession finds himself at
a disadvantage," President Alexander
G. Ruthven said in commenting on the
course chhiges. "Business likewise is
in a somewhat similar situation, since
many highly technical industries are
best managed by persons with cultural
and scientific knowledge as well as
commercial acumen," he said.
In the engineering-business course,
students will enroll in the College of
Engineering for three years and in the
School of Business Administration for
one, receiving the usual engineering
degree. A fifth year in the latter school
will carry the degree of "Master of
Bustiness Administration."
Advances in the scientific use of
wood and wood by-products in many
industrial fields led to the decision to
offer the combined engineering-for-
estry study program. Similar to the
previously explained combination,
students will study engineering for
three years and forestry for one year,
receiving an engineering degree. A
fifth year in the School of Forestry
and Conservation will entitle them to
the further degree of "Master of For-
estry in Wood Utilization."
Widow Of President
Burton Re-marries
Word reached Ann Arbor yester-
day to the effect that Mrs. Nina M.
Burton, widow of Mario Leroy Bur-
ton, president of the University from
1920 to 1925, was married recently to
Dr. W. W. Kemp, dean of the School
of Education in the University of
Mrs. Kemp met President Burton
when they were both students at Car-
leton College. She was always espe-
cially interested in Y.M.C.A. work. She
was influential in founding the Fac-
ulty Women's Club here.
Brass Bands Turn Out
As N. Y. Greets Fleet
NEW YORK, June 1. --t(P)- New
York City, "Navy-Conscious" after
witnessing yesterday's unprecedented
display of American sea power, turned
out its brass bands, its dignitaries and
platoons of New York's "finest," and
extended the City's official welcome
today to the United States Fleet,
Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia te-
dered a figurative key to the me-
tropolis to Admiral David F. Sellers,
commander-in-chief of the fleet, and
his flag officers at City Hall.
0 Ann Arbor Vote Favors
ll n . . ) ~

Ambassador Davis is now in Geneva
representhig the United States in ask-c
ing the discontinuance of the arma-
ment race. .
War Debt Stand
Of President
Is Applauded'
Roosevelt Calls For The
Collection Of War Debtsi
In Message To Congress
WASHINGTON, June 1. -'{)P)_-
Congress tonight applauded a Roose-t
velt declaration opposing any legisla-
tion on war debts at this session andt
reiterating American willingness to
hear the pleas of debtor nations for4
revision of their payment schedules.
In a special message, the President
warned those nations, however, that
the American people were "in a just
position" to expect substantial sac-
rifices on.their part and would surely
be influenced by the use that Europe
made of the funds at its disposal.
Thus, without specific references,
Mr. Roosevelt tied in the debt ques-
tion with American efforts to end
the armaments race which now
threatens the world's peace --_efforts
renewed within the week at Geneva by
Ambassador Norman H. Davis.
All Factions Pleased
All factions of Congress found Mr.1
Roosevelt's views to their liking. All]
commended the tone of the messagei
and expressed the opinion that it re-+
flected the sentiment of the American+
people. Among the leaders who are
wor king to bring about an early ad-
journment, there was general belief
that no new legislation was requested.l
Mr. Roosevelt reviewed the entire;
debt question, asserting emphatically
the view that the people of the nation
expected the debtor countries to make
a determined effort, to meet the obli-
gations arising from America's war
loans to them.
"The American people would not
be disposed to place an impossible
burden upon their debtors," the Pres-
ident said, "but are nevertheless in a
just position to ask that substantial
sacrifices be made to meet these
Cautions Debtor Nations
"We shall continue to expect the
debtors on their part to show full
understanding of the American atti-
tude on this debt question.
"People of the debtor nations will
also bear in mind the fact that the
American people are certain to be
swayed by the use which debtor coun-
tries make of their available resources
--whether such resources would be
applied for the purposes of \recovery
as well as for reasonable payment of
the debt owed to citizens of the United
States, or for purposes of unproduc-
tive nationalistic expenditure or like

.Appear On Campus
From 2 to 4 p.m. yesterday after-
noon the mercury in the Observatory
thermometer lolled around 99.8, which
was plainly felt to be very warm. And
when the records were opened, it was
found that by virtue of its first day
alone, June of 1934 was the hottest
June in the extent of the records,
which go back to 1910 in the table
of high temperatures by months.
So it was only natural that all Ann
Arbor should seek relief in one great1
body of worshippers of Boreas and
other chillier deities. But W. Weber
McRoy,'34E, co-chairman of the
Senior Ball, lives in Miami Beach,
Florida, and knows how to take it
when Old Sol frowns on the world.t
He just puts on his shorts and ex-1
So he and Richard Swegles, '37E,
Detroit, a young disciple of McRoy's,
decided to warm up a few fancy dance
steps along the diagonal, and after
much tripping of the light fantastic
about the campus in their abbreviated
costume, much to the amusement of
the heat-stricken onlookers, they re-
paired totadrugstore on State Street7
to slake the thirst they had aroused.
The sentiment has been expressed
that the latter part of their anti-heat
program was undoubtedly the most
Summer Schol
Again To Offer
Health Courses
Wide Variety Of Subjects
Will Be Open To Public
Summer Session courses in public
health will be open again this year to
health administrators, inspectors,
nurses, laboratory workers, and teach-
ers, accotding to Dr. John, Sundwall,
director of the division of hygiene
and public health.
Courses will last six weeks and in-
clude Child Hygiene, Nutrition, Pub-
lic Health Statistics, General Hygiene
and Public Health, School Health
Problems, Community Health Prob-
lems and Epidemiology, Principles of
Public Health Nursing, Public Health
Law and Administration, Methods and
Materials in Health Education, Rural
Hygiene, Industrial Hygiene, Race
Hygiene, Mental Hygiene, Industrial
and Municipal Sanitation, and Case
Methods in Social Treatment.
Faculty for the division during the
Summer Session include Dr. John
Sundwa'll, Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, Dr.
Theophile Raphael, Dr. Nathan Sinai,
Miss Barbara Bartlett, Dr. Emory W.
Sink,Miss Mabel E. Reugen, Dr. Loyd
R. Gates, and Miss Frances MacKin-
The division of the social sciences,
which was brought into existence by
the Regents May 18, has created a
committee on research to carry on
activities until the division is for-
mally organized and officers elected.
Prof. Charles F. Remer, Prof. Carl
E. Guthe, and Prof. Preston E. James
head this committee. Regular officers
of the division will be elected when the
division is organized formally.

Judges Distribute
$5800 In Awards
'Writing As D e sig n' Is
Title Of Address Made
By Prominent Writer

Winning contestants in the 1933-34
Avery and Jule Hopwood Awards con-
est were announced yesterday fol-
.owing the third annual Hopwood Lee-
sure, given by Zona Gale, authoress,
'n the Union Ballroom.
The largest amount of the $5,00
listributed in prize money was award-
d to T. C. Wilson, Grad., Columbus,
)., who received $1,500 for work in
oth the essay and the poetry divi-
ions of the major contest.
Other major awards went to Mor-
ris Greenhut, Detroit, $1,000 for essay;
F'ynette Fiske, Canandaigu, N.Y., $600
for fiction; Walter Morris, Glovers-
ville, N. Y., $500 for essay; Edward E.
Freed, Rockville, Ind., and Clifford H.
Prator, Jr., Fort Valley, Ga., $350 each
for drama. All five winners are grad-
iate students.
Six awards of $250 each were made
in the minor division, open only to
undergradutes. Special mention in
Irama was received by Theodore K,
Cohen, '35, Dorchester, Mass. In the
fiction division, Jean Keller, '35, Hast-
"ngs-on-Hudson, N.Y., and Reid H.
Nation, '36, Indianapolis, were grant-
ed prizes. Arthur Clifford, '35, Ann
Arbor, was the winning contestant in
he poetry field, while Dorothy Gies,
36, Ann Arbor, and John , Q'rIen,
35, Detroit, won the awards in the
The announcement of awards was
receded by Miss Gals addres i,
"Writing As Design." The ppular.
authoress pointed out the vast fields
yet open for fiction and tie prodn-
nent part which writing design plays
n them. d
She stressed the importance of an
author to see beyond the mere inci-
dent of the story "for that is not al-
ways what makes°sfor fiction," she
said. The real test, Miss ale asserted,
is the awareness on therparthof the
atuthor to see what underlies the inci-
Judges in the contests were an-
nounced, at the same time as the
awards, by Prof. Roy W. Cowden of
the English department, chairman of
the Committee on Hopwood Awards.
Those who served, all prominent fig-
ures, are Charles S. Brooks, Burns
Mantle, and Paul Green, drama; John
T. Frederick, Wilbur L. Cross,and'
Webb Wadron, fiction; Loms Unter-
meyer, Archibald MacLeish, and Dor-
othy Parker, poetry; and James Don-
ald Adams, Henry Hazlitt, and Ed-
mund Wilson, essay.
University Gets
Old Portrait Of
A portrait of Pierre Jean Desnoy-
ers, outstanding member of the Uni-
versity of Michigan's first board of
trustees (later the Board of Regents),
from 1821 to 1837, was presented
to the University recently by two of
his descendants, Mrs. John Lawrence
and Miss Julia M. Willcox, both of
Ann Arbor.
Minutes of the first meetngs of
the trustees more than 100 yars a
show that this redoubtable 'old
Frenchman was the only member who
attended every meeting. During his
16-year incumbency, he attended 62
The picture, now hanging in the
Regents' Room in Angell Hall, is a
photograph of an old daguerreotype,
of the kind used early in the nine-
teenth century. Peter John, as his
name is translated into English, was
born in Paris in 1792. He came to
the United States in 1790, and moved
to Detroit in 1791.
He was prominent in civic af-
fairs, as well as in matters affecting
the then territory of Michigan. A
silversmith by trade, he at one time
was county commissioner. He was
influential in foundingthe University,

Leading Education Publications
Edited By Michigan Professors

Zona Gale Reveals Wholehearted
Interest In Business Of Writing

Some of the leading publications in
the field of education are edited by
professors of the School of Education,
it was learned yesterday. A number
of these periodicals are the organs of
groups that control the progress of
teaching in the United States.
Dr. Calvin 0. Davis, professor of
secondary education and secretary of
the School of Education, is the man-
aging editor of the "North Central
Association Quarterly." This pub-
lication is the official voice of the
North Central Association, which has
charge of accrediting high school,
secondary schools, and colleges in 20
This body was organized in 1895 by

The complete list of accredited
schools and colleges is published in
the "Quarterly," along with other
business of the organization. Various
studies conducted under the auspices
of the N.C.A. are also printed.
"The Nation's Schools," a monthly
published under the directorship of
Dr. Arthur P. Moehlman, professor of
school administration and supervi-
sion, has a circulation of over 10,000
copies. It is the national publication
in administration, and is intended
primarily for the school administra-
Also on the staff of this maga-
zine are: Prof. Stuart A. Courtis and

Zona Gale, prominent AmericanI
authoress, displayed her wholeheart-
ed absorption in her work in an in-
terview in answer to the question of
what other interests she had outside
of writing.
"This question always amuses me,"
she said, "what would one do whose
whole interest is in writing?" Ade-
quate proof of this interest is in the
two books she has had published this
[ year. They are "Papa La Fleur" and
"Old Fashioned Tales."
Miss Gale delivered the third an-
nual Hopwood Lecture yesterday, her

in 1920. Of her prose works, Miss
Gale believes that "Birth" written in
1918 is "least unsatisfactory." A
dramatization of this novel was made
in 1924.
Arriving in Ann Arbor yesterday af-
ternoon from a three weeks' visit in
Riverside, Calif., Miss Gale is mak-
ing her visit here a short one. She is
leaving today for her home in Port-
age, Wis., where she will "eat, sleep,
and live" for the remainder of the
This American authoress speaks in
a soft, low voice. She is of a slight
build, a little over five feet in height.

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