FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1934
Dean To Attend
Discussion On
Youth Problem
Edmonson Will Join In
Two Day Conference At
Dean J. BI Edmonson of the School
of Education left yesterday for Wash-
ington, D. C. to attend a meeting
called by George F. Zook, United
States Commissioner of Education,
to discuss various pertinent youth
Harold L. Ickes, Secretary of In-
terior, will give the opening address
at this conference, which will take
place today and tomorrow, and Mrs.
Franklin D. Roosevelt will give the
final talk. Invitations have been
sent to 30 people, 20 of whom are
connected with government agencies,
and ten with industry, social welfare
organization, and educational fields.
Dean Edmonson is acting in the
capacity of chairman of the round-
table conference on leisure activities,
and as a member of the committee
to prepare reports of recommenda-
tions for attacking the problem of
youth unemployment.
Dean Edmonson stated in an in-
terview, just before leaving yester-
day, "The problem of unemployed
youth has been created by a variety
of conditions, including the increase
in the minimum age for employment,
the decrease in many family incomes,
the curtailment of school programs
and recreational facilities, and the
absorption of the attention of adults
in their own problems created by
the depression."
Dean Edmonson emphasized that
"the problem is nationwide." He
added, "It concerns the rural areas
fully as much as the large centers
of population because the recent
flow of population from the city to-
ward the country has created new
types of problems of unemployment
of youth in the rural sections. In
many rural sections there are two
groups of young people to be con-
sidered:bfirst, those who have lost
their jobs in the city and have re-
turned to the country; and, second,
those who normally would have found
employment in the city but on ac-
count of the lack of employment
have remained in the rural districts."
He declared that the problem in-
volves girls almost as much as boys,
nand that it has national, state, and
local aspects, although "more em-
phasis should be placed on the re-
sponsibility of the community for
looking after its own young people."
He concluded, in saying, "It would
seem desirable to emphasize the
point that the problem cannot be
solved by the mere appropriation of
funds, but calls rather for leadership,
planning, coordination of effort, and
real concern for the welfare of young
Editor Names
New Staff Of
The Forester
Holcomb Picks Worrell,
Brown As Heads Of 1935
Appointments for the editorial staff
of the "Michigan Forester" for the
year 1935 were announced today by
Carl Holcomb, editor-in-chief of this
year's annual.
Albert C. Worrell, '35F&C, was
named as the new editor-in-chief of
the yearbook, and Earle Brown,
'35F&C, was selected to be the Busi-
ness Manager for the coming year
by a board composed of the editors
of the present "Michigan Forester."
The Alumni Editor, who has in the
past been chosen at this time, will be
selected from competition next year
when work on the book begins. Other
minor positions will also be named at
the beginning of next semester.
Worrell, who is a transfer from the
Pennsylvania State School of For-
estry, was associate editor of this
year's annual, which is on sale to-
The continuation of filming solar
activity at the McMath-Hulbert Ob-
servgtory will again take place this
year, Dr. R. W. Petrie of the astron-
omy department announced yester-
In the taking of these educational
pictures, it was explained, the as-
tronomers are expecting somewhat
more solar activity than usual.
Objects Of Attack B y Gunmen In Havana
-Associated Press Photo
Jefferson Caffery (left), United States ambassador to Cuba, and H. ,
Freeman Matthews (right), first secretary to the American embassy,
were the objects of attack by gunmen in Havana but both escaped injury.
Few Students Enter College; Hih
Schools Must Chan e-Carrothers
High schools throughout the State
must alter their curriculum to meet
the needs of those students who do
not intend to go on to college after
graduation, in the opinion of Prof.
George E. Carrothers, Director of the
Bureau of Co-Operation with Edu-
cational Institutions. "Most high
schools in Michigan place too much
stress on a classical program designed
principally for the student who plans
to enter an institution of higher
Deficit May Be
Under Amount
First Expected
Treasury Hopes To Go
Under Loss Estimated By
WASHINGTON, May 31. - () -A
month from today the treasury ends
a year of peace-time's greatest spend-
ing- but with a deficit probably lit-
tle more than half the $7,309,068,211
President Roosevelt estimated.
The rate of June emergency spend-
ing, probably to be accelerated, will
tell the final story of the first full
12-month fiscal period of the Roose-
velt administration.
From the present outlook, however,
when the 1935 fiscal year begins
July 1, the year just passed will show
a deficit around the $4,000,000,000
level. Elimination of the $488,000,000
sinking fund item would bring this
down to around half the President's
budget figure.
Deficit Jump Unlikely
June spending would have to jump
tremendously to push the year-end
deficit any higher, for during the
month nearly $200,000,000 will be
paid in as second quarter install-
ments on 1933 incomes.
Treasury financing plans are close-
ly guarded. But in some quarters the
expectation was for a sizeable bond
issue in line with the recent treasury
trend toward long-term borrowing.
Mr. Roosevelt estimated a year-end
public debt of $29,847,000,000. The
present figure is $26,160,000,000, or
less than the $26,596,701,000 when
the war debt was at its peak on Aug-
ust 31, 1919.
Drop Causes Shown
Major factors in the drop of ex-
penditures below budget estimates
are the Reconstruction corporation
and Public Works Administration.
The budget allowed $3,969,000,000 for
the RFC. Its net outlays to date are
only at the $1,500,000,000 mark and
Chairman Jesse Jones believes that
on June 30 they will be from $1,500,-
000,000 to $2,000,000,000 below the
budget figure.
The budget allowed $1,677,190,000
for the Public Works Administration.
Including the $400,000,000 for the
civil works administration, PWA out-
lays for 11 months are just under
While 1934 spending is running far
behind expectations, the adminis-
tration has not altered its forecast
that by the end of 1935 the public
debt will advance to a record peak
of $31,834,000,000. The position held
is that money not spent in the cur-
rent period will be spent in the new
fiscal year.
learning after graduation, but figures
show that only one out of five high
school graduates enter college," he
Figures released recently by the
Bureau of Co-Operation with Educa-
tional Institutions substantiate Pro-
fessor Carrothers' belief. A survey of
595 high schools in Michigan showed
that a total of 35,273 students gradu-
ated in June, 1933, and only 5,562
students, or 15.6 per cent entered col-
lege. An additional number of high
school graduates of former years who
entered college in the fall of 1933 for
the first time brought the grand to-
tal of Michigan high school gradu-
ateĀ§ who enrolled in college in 1933
for.the first time to 7,152, or 19.8
per cent:
"The fact that only one out of five
graduates continues his education re-
futes the popular theory that high
schools should only give attention to
preparing individuals for college,"
said Professor Carrothers. "Condi-
tions in high schools have changed
considerably in the past few years.
Formerly, only one tenth, a very se-
lect group of the eligible persons, at-
tended high schools. Today, how-
ever, 50 per centeof the individuals
of school age attend the secondary
schools. High schools in Michigan
must consider this change in the type
of persons who attend high schools
and must change their curriculums
to meet the demands of the varied
types of individuals who now attend
high schools," Professor. Carrothers
"High schools must begin to en-
large their manual arts and home
economics departments and pay more
attention to dramatics, physical edu-
cation, fine arts, and other activities
which tend to enrich the life of the
individual after graduation." It is
Professor Carrothers' opinion that
the schools must offer students who
do not plan to attend college a chance
to major in practical subjects which
will prepare them for life after grad-
uation from high school.
Dr. Robert Brown
Talks At Reception
Dr. Robert E. Brown, '18M, spoke
at a reception in his honor yesterday
afternoon at Lane Hall. Dr. Brown
has headed a large hospital in Wuhu,
China, for several years and has
worked with the nationalistic gov-
Lrnment on flood control, public
health, and relief work for some time.
Dr. Brown is in the city to visit his
sons, Willis, '34M, and Harold, '34L.
Dr. Brown became internationally
known when he enlisted the aid of
Col. Charles A. Lindbergh in carry-
ing medicine and supplies to the refu-
gees in the flood areas along the Yel-
low River in China in 1928.
Activities For
SC A Enlarged
For Next Year
Departmental Cabinet To
Replace Old Governing
(Continued from Page 1
)utdoor Club will be absorbed into
he Student Christian Association;
he Freshman Handbook will be re-
used and distributed to all freshmen;
rnd the Sunday morning Round
rable discussions will be continued
n a revised basis.
Plans are being made to bring
prominent speakers to the campus
inder the sponsorship of the associa-
Aon for next year. The organization
will work with Prof. J. Raleigh Nel-
;on, counsellor to foreign students, in
promoting work among the foreign
students on the campus. William
Warner, '35, will be in charge
of extension work in the organiza-
tion. A revised plan is being formu-
lated toncarry onthis work. Under
this plan, form cards will be sent to
organizations throughout the stateon
which requests may be made for stu-
dent speakers on a variety of sub-
jeets. The association will obtain
these speakers upon request.
A martial relations service will
also be maintained next year. A
new system will be established by
which definite membership in the
Association can be made. Sociologi-
cal trips to Detroit and Chicago will
be promoted next spring and inter-
guild work among Ann Arbor's
churches will be carried on.
An attempt will be made by the
Association, in cooperation with the
student pastors in the city, to cor-
relate religious activities on the cam-
pus. The clergymen have been in-
vited to establish offices in Lane Hall
If the present plans materialize, the
student pastors will form a staff,
headed by Dr. E. W. Blakeman, re-
ligious counsellor of the University,
to lead religious activities.
Two freshmen Rendezvous camps
will be promoted preceding Orienta-
tion Week, one for women and one
or men. About 80 women are ex-
pected to attend the women's camp
which will be lead by Mrs. E. W.
Blakeman and Patricia Woodward,
and nearly 125 may be expected at
the men's camp which will be headed
by Lawrence Quinn. In addition, the
Association will assume the respon-
sibility for the Boy's Fresh Air Camp
at Patterson Lake, which has accom-
odated approximately 5000 boys from
Wayne and Washtenaw counties dur-
ing the last ten years.I
Art Exhibit Will
Open At Alumni
Memorial Hall
The exhibition of objects of art col-
lected by Dr. Walter Koelz, who head-
ed the recent University expedition
to Tibet and India, will open in Alum-
ni Memorial Hall today.
Prof. J. G. Winter, director of the
fine arts division, said yesterday, in
speaking of the exhibition, "When
we sent Dr. Koelz into the field we
knew him to be a man of good artis-
tic taste and appreciation and an
experienced collector. The things
which he has brought back have not
only confirmed that opinion but have
exceeded our expectations. I am par-
ticularly pleased with the Tibetan
Professor Winter praised the work
in studying the stylistic development
of the pictorial art of Tibet, and said
that Dr. Koelz had discerned various
schools which have not been defined
by any previous scholar.
In closing Professor Winter said,
"The collection itself places the Uni-
versity definitely in the first rank in
this field, and when Dr. Koelz is able
to publish the results of his researches
we shall make a very significant con-
tribution to the world's knowledge of
an obscure and little understood art."
-Associated Press Photo
This is a recent picture of Virginia
Johnson, 22-year-old daughter of
California's state treasurer, whose
kerosene-drenched body was found
in a garage near her home in Sacra-
mento, Cal.
1,300 Families
Are Added To
.Welfare ,Lists
Halting Of CWA Projects
Is Cause Of Increase In
Washtenaw County
Since the cessation of CWA activi-
ties on April 1, the number of families
in Washtenaw county supported by
the welfare department has increased
from 1,200 to 2,500 families.
Although some of these families
have been taken off the welfare lists
by the increase of employment at the
Ford Motor Co. plant at Ypsilanti,
other families are constantly being
added to the lists, and, according to
Miss Mildred Valentine, head of the
Family Welfare Bureau, no immi-
nent relief is in sight until the new
Public Works Program is expanded
in this county.
Relief projects, among them the
construction of the new jail, the
building of the down river sewers, and
the improvement of Burns Park are
still being carried on by PWA funds,
however, and these employ 90 per cent
of the men whose families are sup-
ported by relief work. An attempt
is being made to secure employment
for women in families where the fath-
er is dead or unable to work, but no
definite progress has yet been made.
The University Broadcasting Serv-
ice has just concluded a season char-
acterized by advancement and ac-
tivity, according to a resume of the
year's work issued recently by Prof.
Waldo Abbot, director of University
During the year a total of 175 Uni-
versity broadcasts were made over
WJR, according to the following class-
ifications: There were 19 University-
Night programs, 23 parent education
programs; 57 programs of the School
of Music; and 76 high school assembly
The Michigan-Night programs con-
sisted of two 15-minute talks on each
program, on such topics as scientific
advances, outstanding books, and re-
search. The Parent-Education pro-
grams consisted of topics of gen-
eral interest to parents of school
children, such as taxation in relation
to schools, and health of school
The programs of the School of
Music were conducted by Prof. Jo-
seph E. Maddy, of the School of Music,
and were chiefly to help students
throughout the state in learning this
subject. The high school assembly
programs were given on subjects re-
lating to the State of Michigan, to
vocational guidance, speech, health,
and language.
Some other interesting statistics
included in the report are that 475
letters have been received from lis-
teners on the University-Night pro-
grams, 1,405 letters requesting supple-
mentary material have come in re-
sponse to the Parent Education pro-
grams, and the school programs have
brought 1,920 communications from
non-school listeners.
Estimated from the number of
books in use, approximately 3,500
students have been taking advantage
of Professor Maddy's courses. The
school assembly programs reach 92
Professor To Head
Meeting At Cornell
Alexander Gwiazdowski, assistant
professor of shop practice in the Col-
lege of Engineering, will act as chair-
man of a seminar on "Laboratory
Procedure in Teaching Machine Pro-
duction" at the annual meeting of the
Society for Promotion of Engineering
Education which will take place June
20 to 27 at Cornell University.
Professor Gwiazdowski's paper will
be discussed by, J. B. Finnegan, direc-
tor of Research and Testing, Armour
Institute of Technology, C. E. Bul-
linger, head of the Department of In-
dustrial Engineering, Pennsylviania
State College, and E. S. Ault, asso-
ciate Professor of Machine Design,
Case School of Applied Science.
Torch Death Victim
Abbot Reviews University's
175 broadcasts Over WJR
schools regularly, and reports indi-
cate that about 17,500 students in
these schools, distributed throughout
the state, listen to these programs.
Thus, statistics indicate that over 24,-
800 people in the state of Michigan
were affected in one way or another
by the radio broadcasting service
during the last year.
An interesting feature of the re-
ports on the school assembly pro-
grams, the most extensive feature of
the Service, is that out of 92 schools
receiving the programs, 92 have re-
quested their continuance next year.
The vocational talks and health series
have the most requests for a contin-
uation next year. The popularity
ranking of the school series is: voca-
tional guidance, science, history and
civics, English poets, English lan-
guage, and fine arts in the order
Professor Abbott is planning next
year's program on the basis of the
successful one used this year and it
will soon be announced, according to
the Extension Service of which this
Broadcasting Service is now a part,
Edmunds And Eddy
To Present Paper
Dr. C. W. Edmunds and Dr. N. B.
Eddy of the Medical School will pre-
sent a paper June 15 at a meeting
of the American Medical Association
in Cleveland, giving an account of
the experimentation which has been
carried on in the Pharmacology lab-
oratories of the University, on the
general subject of "The Morphine
Addiction Problem."
Exhaustive research is being done
on drugs by both the University oft
Michigan and the University of Vir-
ginia. Pharmacological results are de-
termined here, while at Virginia the
chemical phases of the work is being
11e ,i.I
.fr y
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Wild& Co.
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The last regular membership dance
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Week-End Special