THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRI E MICHIGAN DAILY U-, TI Puoushed every morning except Monday during the riversity year and Summer Session by the Board in ontrol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association Sd the Big Ten News Service. o><#¢ .-d t a t- 1933 runnw IO - awt c R- 1934 jRMIBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is enlusively entitled to the use r republication of all news dispathces credited to it or ot otherwise credited in thi3 paper and the local news blished herein. All rights of republication of special stches are reserved.- Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as haond class matter. Special rate of postage granted by hird A~istant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by earrler, $1.00; by mail, 140. During regular school ;ear by carrier, $3.75; by Ofices: Atudent Publicatins Building, Maynard Street .n A;hor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, e., 4c East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 oylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Iicago. , EDITOJIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 ANAGING EDITOR..,..........WILLIAM G. FERRIS TY EDITOR.......... .. ............. .JOHN HEALEY DITORIAL DIRECTOR...........RALPH G. COULTER ORTS EDITOR.......ARTHUR CARSTENS OMEN'S EDITOR...................ELEANOR BLUM [GHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas A. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. MacDonald, John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub. PORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Joel Newman, Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle. 'OMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy Gies, Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider, Marie Murphy. EPORTERS: -Donald K. Anderson, John H. Batdorff, Robert B.Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Robert E. Deisley, Allan Dewey, John A. Doelle, Sheldon M. Ellis, Sidney Finger, William H. 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EESHMAN TRYOUTS: William Jackson, Louis Gold- smith, David Schiffer, William Barndt, Jack Richardson, Charles Parker, Ro'oert Owen, Ted Wohlgemuth, Jerome Grossmarn, Avnr, Kronenberger, Jim Horiskey, Tom Clarke, Scott, Samuel Beckman, Homer Lathrop, Hall, Rboss Levin, Willy Tomlinson, Dean Asseln, Lyman Bittman, John Park Don Hutton, Allen Ulpson, Richard Hardenbrook, Gordon Cohn NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS E. GROEHN iommunication A Force or World Peace .. . S TANDING ON A BATTLEFIELD that 70 years ago was the scene of ne of the fiercest of civil conflicts, President oosevelt sounded the "doom of sectionalism" in is Memorial Day talk Wednesday. He told of the efforts of earlier Presidents to ing about a consolidated nation, and said that day that "great ideal" is within reach, and can e attained by following the peaceful methods pre- ribed under the broad and resilient provisions of le Constitution. To the broadening and speeding up of transpor- .tion and communication on a national scale tore than-any other factor is due the rapid decline sectionalism in the United States to its present Iconsiderable state. Before the Civil War "the agedy of the nation was that the people did not now each other," President Roosevelt declared. oday the imposition of the Federal government n that of the states is felt less strongly than that he states are divisions of a national whole. If the improvement of communication and trans- :rtation has blotted out sectionalism within na- ons, it is fast working to erase distance between ations. Probably it is the tragedy of the world Iday that peoples of different races do not "know" ach other, but this is constantly becoming less rue. When the work of these driving forces has been >mpleted, bringing peoples of the world more fully ito contact' with each other and eliminating the ar and distrust that go with ignorance, one of he -major factors making for international con- lict will have been done away with. statement quoted me as saying that the Vanguard Club had nothing to do with the day's activities. It may interest the readers of this column to know that I was not in this city between the hours of ten in the morning and one at night on Me- morial Day. I received absolutely no news of the whole Ann Arbor affair until shortly after the time when I returned, which was long after the "deadline" on news for the Daily. During the time which I was away, I can testify that I neither saw, heard, smelled nor thought of a Daily reporter, nor any other members of that great profession of "news-hashers." I also can produce witnesses who can testify to the above statement. Apparently some clever reporter thought this statement would make good news. It seems to me also to be necessary to state the actual facts in regard to the part which the Van- .guard Club played in the anti-war activities on Wednesday. In the first place, the Vanguard Club has definitely gone on record in support of the Michigan League Against War and Militarism. In doing this, we members of the Vanguard Club pledge our sympathy and support with any spe- cial activities of this league. Such was the case with the anti-war meeting on Wednesday. Sec- ondly I wish to say that although the two indi- viduals who were arrested were not members of our organization, we shall take a definite stand in support of their case. -K. B. Wood. NOTE: The Daily's information on this question was received not from Kendall Wood, but from his brother, Arthur Wood, who is also a member of the club. The quotation said, "the Vanguard Club did not officially par- ticipate in any of the day's activities, and any of its members who did were acting under the auspices of the League Against War and Militarism." That is right.-The Editors The Theatre ___.. . .. ... .. _ . . .. _ . _ w _ _.__ i, --, d1 +1 Screen Reflections The rating of motion pictures in this column is on the following basis: A, excellent; B, good; C, fair; D, poor, E, very bad. C "NOW I'LL TELL, by MRS. ARNOLD 1 ROTHSTEIN"] Murray Golden ........... Spencer Tracy Virginia.. Helen Twelvetrees Peggy.........................Alice Faye Directed by...........Edwin Burke t There isn't much to say about this latest crime film save that there seems to be little reason why, money should have been spent filming it. I suppose the theatres have to be supplied twice a week. Thisj piece is average entertainment and should, no' doubt, give some interest to those movie patrons, who have nothing to do, and spend their time doing it by finding out the lurid details of yesterday's notorious headliners. Even so, they are bound to be a little disappointed to find that the late Arnold Rothstein was not the clever man, or the witty man, or even the romantic man he was reputed to be, if one can take this film to be authentic. And1 since it has the official sanction of Mrs. Rothstein, we must. Rothstein, or Golden in the film is shown to be a" childishly climbing gambler who comes by his win- nings dishonestly, his faith in the luck that his pretty wife brings him. Apparently that is all she means to him as he drives her to seek a divorce by running around with other women. The film asks us to believe that he really did love his wife, but his actions do not prove it. Thus is presented an in- congruity in the film that breaks up its smoothness and leaves the audience puzzled as to what the character of the man really was. This is decidedly th'e fault of the director who obviously had no clear idea of the man himself and thus could not record it on film. The acting on the whole is adequate, but this reviewer has seen the principle actors do much bet- ter in other films. "Now I'll Tell" proves not to be as sensational as one would expect and, while it manages to be entertaining enough, it leads us to the conclusion that these famous people weren't really what they were cracked up to be. On the bill is a Vitaphone short featuring Phil Spitalny and orchestra which is much better than the usual run of shorts. -J.C.S. Musical Events GRADUATION RECITAL Partita in C minor.................... Bach Grave, Adagio, Andante Allegro Moderato, Rondo Cappricio Sonata Fantasie, Op. 19 ............ Scriabin Andante, Presto Intermezzo Op. 76. No. 7 ....... ....Brahms Cappriccio Op. 76, No. 1 ............Brahms Rigaudon ...........................Raff Etude in D flat .......................Liszt Etudes Symphonique, Op. 13 ...... Schumann MARGARET KIMBALL, in spite of the heat and impending examinatins, is giving her gradua- tion recital tonight in the School of Music Audi- torium. Miss Kimball is more to be admired than blamed for picking a date so near the end of the school year, for circumstances have been such that it was possible she wouldn't be giving one at all. Therefore, while you have this opportunity to hear Miss Kimball, it is to be hoped that you will. She has proven herself one of the outstand- ing pianists in the department, having appeared as soloist with the University Symphony Orchestra and as an expert ensemlye playe. She accom- panied Margaret Swetnam this spring in her re- cital. Miss Kimball's program holds works of much in- terest for the Partita is seldom heard on a gradua- tion recital, and Scriabin is perhaps more familiar in name than in actual works. The whole program "THE SHINING HOUR" - A Review By VINCENT WALL A domestic tragedy of very superior quality is the fourth bill-of the current dramatic festival at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. When Henry Lin- den, who has apparently been serving the empire in the dominions presents his new wife to the very British and very country family one senses that all is not well. It is not difficult to surmise just what the nature of the trouble will be when Mariella Linden is confronted by her brothers and sisters-in-law. Yet the revelation of these charac- ters with their conflicting idealisms is intense and convincing drama. I hope I shall not be considered superficial if I dismiss the play rather summarily as a very busi- nesslike job of work. Since the conventional domes- tic tragedy calls for some melodrama at the second act curtain one need not cavil mightily at the con- ventional conflagration that takes place at this point. Suffice it to say that the Lindens as indi- viduals are pretty representative contemporary Anglo-Saxons. And without exception the cast presented them to us with rare and illuminating assurance. It is this which makes "The Shining Hour" a very interesting production. It is, I suppose, manifestly unfair for a second night critic to attend the opening performance as well. But this is a rather little sin, since it was accomplished with no real volition and since it makes possible a comparative analysis of the art of acting as displayed by several Very great artists. Selena Royle has been known to us only as one of the very brilliant group which forms the nucleus of the Theatre Guild's acting company. It was only as an emergency that she was persuaded to take Violet Kemble-Cooper's role of Mariella. However; her mastery of this extremely difficult part and the manner in which she profited by the initial performance to improve that of last night is one of the reasons why the work of those who work beyond the footlights is such a fascinating thing to watch. By changing the emphasis of a single word, by letting one scene drop slightly in order to bring out a highlight in the next she made the latter interpretation a far more living thing, more vital. Mariella Linden is a woman of strange intensity, strange rationality. The clarity of the mind which so bewilders and fascinates her very tweedy and beef-eating husband and his brothers is only one of the elements which is difficult to suggest, yet it was a quality that Miss Royle implied with the greatest subtlety. It would be equally worthwhile to analyze the work of Audrey Ridgewell who so effectively real- ized the tragic pathos in the character of Judie; to remark of the moving performance of Rollo Peters as the tortured, neurotic David, realizing for the first time his insufficiency; and to especially com. mend Edith Gresham for her skillful transitions of mood which followed perfectly the mood of the play. When one can only conclude with the bare statement that Frank Compton and Richard Comp- ton and Richard Kendrick were equally convincing, it indicates the merit of the production, Collegiate Observer By BUD BERNARD Thirteen American college girls were recently refused admission to France. After the American consul had pulled wires, the French authorities finally granted them permission to enter without the usual character vouchers. By that time the girls were angry and refused to enter the country. Well, girls must be fickle. * * * * According to a senior at the University of Wisconsin, co-eds are divided into two species: those who shut their eyes when kissing and those who look to see if you do. 4 * * Authorities at the University of Alabama have passed a ruling forbidding whistling in the cam- pus buildings because so many of the students whistle off-key. * * * * Here are some epigrams taken from the diary of a freshman at the University of Illi- nois: "I'd rather be a heart-breaker than a law- breaker." "Freshmen flunk; seniors merely fail." "All things we don't know come back to plague us on examination." When the Jester, comic monthly at Columbia University, was refused permission to print a car- toon lambasting President Nicholas Butler on his anti-Child Labor Amendment stand, the Spectator, the University daily, had it published on the front page. The cartoon drawn by a student shows the president beating children with a club. A dean at that institution, commenting on the matter, said the Spectator's editors showed "wretchedly bad manners." S.J.H.,'36, sends us this squib: "Some co-eds pursue their studies, while others merely pur- sue their pursuers." * * * * We've all heard of "10 cents a dance," but at Ohio State University it's "10 cents a date," if a proposed plan is approved. Twenty-five cents will secure the student registration and one date, and 10 cents will be charged for each additional date. USED BOO& A Square Deal Always at WAH R11S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE 316 STATE STREET P -_ - - - --- -- - - - - - - -. - -- E. Havve You aRdeHme? ouAn xtraPassenger2 In either case, your best medium is The Michigan Daily Classified Column CASH RATES lic, PER- LINE (No Charge Advertisements Accepted) Place your ad early and avoid the last-mninute rush '-7 C ~I3'--- worted Watdclr.3.o4 *i t S Sa .: r.%" ~-i ti- - a Fa Rib-Kn4 All-W:4t lowopea a . wosteWed or.36t4. Womenl' sib-knit. o-fi. uitst CASH or E~cA for your Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be con- strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 500 words if possible. ANGUARD) CLUB SUPPORTS 1 WVITNTX7T A V £a1F3'~TT!I.1 * 4 A SENIOR'S LAMENT Whoever said, "Plenty of jobs for hire'" Had Baron Munchausen beat as a liar. But I've a smile on my face, As I leave this place, To jump from the flying pan into the fire. ___wj amm n