THE MICHIGAN DVAILY TUESDAY, MA IGAN DAILY Zona Gale As Hopwood Lecturer .. . ,. . , , J-* -a- Puoushed every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Sessio by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Memnber of the WesteriConference Editorial Association " nd the Big Ten News Servce. -= 1933 tuhONAL. - ovrAGZ 1934 LRA1MBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use fer republication of all news dispathces credited to it or not otherwise credited in thi paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the 'ost Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third A&istant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mal, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by snail, $425. Ofices: Student Publicatins Building, Maynard Street Ann Abor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives:. College Publications Representatives, Inc., 4C East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylson Street, Boston; 612. North Michigan Avenue. Chicago. E1ITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR.............WILLIAM G.FERRIS CITY EDIT'OR. : .. JOHN HEALEY EDITORIAL DIRECTOR.............'.RALPH G. COULTER SPORTS EDITOR................ARTHUR CARSTENS WOMEN'S EDITOR. . ......ELEANOR BLUM NIGHT EDITORS: paul J. Elliott, Join J. Flaherty, Thomas A. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene David G. MacDonald, John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Joel Newman, Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Draothy ties, Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Rutli Loebs, Josephine McLean, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider, Marie Murphy. REPORTERS: Donald K. Anderso n, John H. Batdorff, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B.Conger, nRobert E. Deisley, Allan Dewey, John A. Dolelle, 'Sheldon M. Ellis, Sidney Finger, William H. 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SCHNACKE WOMEN'S BUSiNESS MANAGER.................. ................ CATHARINE MC HENRY DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Noel Tur- ner; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circula- tion and Contracts, Jack Efroymson. ASSISTANTS: Milton Kramer, John Ogden, Bernard Ros- enthal, Joe Rothbard, George Atherton. Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady, Virginia Cluff, Patricia Daly, Genevieve Field, Louise Florez, Doris Gimmy, Betty Greve, Billie Griffiths, Janet Jackson, Louise Krause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret Mustard, Betty Simondb. fRESHMAN TRYOUTS: William Jackson, Louis Gold- smith, David Schiffer, William Barndt, Jack Richardson, Charles Parker, Rooert Owen, Ted Wohgemuth, Jerome - Grossman, Avnr, Kronenberger, Jim Horiskey, Tom Clarke, Scott, Samuel Beckman, Homer Lathrop, Hall, Ross Levin, Willy Tomlinson, Dean Asselin, Lyman Bittman, John Park, Don Hutton, Allen lpson, Richard Hardenbrook, Gordon -Cohn NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR M, TAUB Co-Ordinating Courses Are Needed. T HE RECENT CREATION of the di- vision of social science by the Re- gents for the purpose of co-ordinating research activities of a number of schools and departments on campus .suggests another co-ordinating plan that is sadly lacking in the University -- an ar- rangement of 'survey classes that would gather up the loose strings of knowledge gathered in each department in one or two co-ordinating courses. Information that is picked up by the average student under the status quo is almost always scat- tered and unrelated to other subjects that are being followed. Even under the present department or group concentration requirement set-up there is no opportunity to relate one field to another by brnglng one course in focus upon another for mutual study in one class and under one instru- tor. This is not a criticism of the concentration pro- gram. The system of undergraduate specialization is sound, but it should be supplemented by relating the departmental study to other studies in more or less connected fields; or the group study to the courses within the group. Under present conditions if a student is con- centrating in economics he will no doubt get more than a superficial knowledge in that department,' but he is also following courses in other depart- ments - sociology, political science, and other social sciences. It would be of the utmost value to the student if these could be co-ordinated in a survey course that would show the manner in which each subject relates to the other.. The same situation holds true in the science department. A freshman comes - to Michigan to concentrate in chemistry, but he also must take courses in physics, botany, and other physical sciences. If a general science course were given, either during the freshman or senior year, there is no doubt that the knowledge which would be gained would be broader and deeper than that which is gathered at present. This system has worked successfully in other universities, and there is no reason to believe that it would not do so in the University of Michigan.' Surivvy.claswssfcould be attempted as an experiment. THE ANNOUNCEMENT of Miss Zona Gale as the Hopwood lecturer next month is gratifying to all concerned, for if anyone is qualified to speak on "Writing As Design," it is undoubtedly Miss Gale. The author of more than 20 books, with a re- markable versatility established through her novels, short stories, verse, and plays, Miss Gale is highly capable of carrying on the scholarly importance which Robert Morss Loyett and Max Eastman have attached to the Hopwood Lectures. Professor Cow- den and the committee have made a wise selec- tion in Miss Gale, for, as a former regent of the University of Wisconsin, she is well acquainted with university audiences and university tastes. Her experience as a former newspaper writer further increases her knowledge of public interest. Miss Gale's lecture should add measurably to the already distinguished body of criticism which has arisen .from the Hopwood Awards contests. The late Avery Hopwood's bequest was designed pri- marily for the purpose of "encouraging creative work in writing," and Miss Gale's subject could hardly be more pertinent. The success of Mildred Walker's prize-winning novel, as a spring publication of Harcourt, Brace, makes perceptible the importance of the Hopwood Awards. They are unique both in size and in scope of the fields involved. Michigan students, perhaps, fail to realize the opportunities of creative work which these contests afford, yet, the recognition which manuscripts have received and the quality of lecturers such as Miss Gale serve to emphasize the significance which the Hopwood Awards rightly deserve. S ceeVn Reflectins The rating of motion pictures in this column is on the following basis: A, excellent; B, good; C, fair; D, poor, E, very bad. AT THE MICHIGAN "THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD" A Nathan Rothschild ........ George Arliss His Wife .................... Mrs. Arliss His Daughter ..... ........Loretta Young Her Lover....... ..Robert Young In spite of its super, colossal, gigantic qualities, "The House of Rothschild" has a delightfully re- freshing atmosphere about it, and if it were not for a few minorflaws, it could be considered a nearly perfect biographical (with an epic feeling) picture. Dealing with the building up of the greatest bank- ing houses'of the eighteenth century, the story begins in the home of the elder Rothschild, a Jew- ish pawnbroker in Germany. The five sons who later head the leading banks in each of the five most important countries in Europe at the time receive instructions from their, dying father, whose wish it is to have them become great bankers, not only for their own good but for the good of the Jewish race. This wish materializes, with the eldest son, Nathan, as the head of the organization, sit- uated in London. From that time on, the story deals with the workings of the house of Rothschild as a world power , and with the conflicts between the Jews and the powers that persecuted them. In plot, characterizations, execution, and in al- most every other aspect, "The House of Rothschild" excells. George Arliss gives a beautiful performance, the type and presentation of which is almost perilously similar to his "Disraeli." In other words, this would imply that he has been type cast. But little does it matter when such a responsible char- acterization is done so satisfyingly. Mrs. Arliss, whose role introduces the sentimental side of Roth- schild's character, is charming'in her delicate but steadfast manner. Loretta Young and Robert Young offer a pleasing romantic interest in the picture, but their portrayals are unfortunately lacking. in authenticity, reminding one more of a twentieth century romance than one of a more classic, stiffened courtship which certainly has more in common with the period. There are many other characters present, and to give each one of them the credit they deserve would consume much more- space than is allotted. But among these one of the most outstanding is that of Rothschild's mother, who is seen as a middle-aged woman and again as a decrepit grand- mother. Both phases of this character are excel- lently done, having a strong influence on the general trends of the picture.I So great scale is employed in presenting "The House of Rothschild" that its many aspects present a very full problem to discuss. To some it may have an overabundance of greatness, grandeur, and pompousness, but along with that element there is a simplicity that relieves the heaviness. And there is an occasional touch of humor that has been well adapted to George Arliss' humorous qualities. All in all, "The House of Rothschild" is a well-balanced, valuable, charming picture. Don't miss it.C-C.B.C. Musical Events ORGAN RECITAL THIS AFTERNOON Concerto in D ..................Vivaldi-Bach Introduction-Fugue Largo Allegro Largo (Sonata V) ................ . ... Bach Vivace (Sonata XD.................... Bach Prelude and Fugue in A minor.... ..Bach Canon in B minor ................ Schumann Legend of the Mountain .........Karg-Elet Prelude, Fugue and Variation ........Franck Chorale in B minor ARTHUR TALIFERRO will present an organ re- cital this afternoon in Hill' Auditorium. Mr. r4,'. rnisa ,'.+,An' n'f o lma'r Ork, ~~finn As Others See It ,-- - - - ~ - - ~ - ~ - - THE SUPREME COURT AND THE PRESIDENCY Washington was set buzzing the other day by the statement of W. Kingsland Macy, New York Re- publican State chairman, that what his party will need in the next presidential campaign is a "man of the type of Justice Stone." Forthwith, Repub- lican leaders put their heads together and various Senators agreed that "new blood" was desirable. Indeed, so much was said that Justice Stone's sec- retary handed out an announcement to the effect that the Supreme Court member was not only "out of politics," but "not interested." Despite this, the Washington talk continued to link Justice Stone's name with nomination for the presidency. Mark Sullivan subsequently dis- cussed the incident at length, speculating on just what Mr. Macy had in mind. It is always a risk to interpret the remark of a politician, but the New York Republican'chairman's meaning seems clear enough to us. As we see it, he used the name of Justice Stone in connection with the Republican candidacy just as that of Justice Brandeis was mentioned among Democrats two years ago -in order to indicate the sort of outlook on social and economic issues which the nominee should have. The times call for outstanding progressives, and these members of the Supreme Court typify pro- gressivism at its best. To link the judicial and executive branches of the Government in a political sense is to ignore one of the finest traditions in the American system of separated powers. It is true that from John Mar- shall's day, when judicial review came into being, members of the court have interpreted the Con- stitution in the light of their social and economic views. This was to have been expected. But the instances in which Supreme Court Justices have sought the presidency or have actively engaged in political affairs can be counted on the fingers, Charles' Evans Hughes' resignation from the court in 1916 to run against President Wilson, Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase's open courting of presidential nominations in 1868 and 1872, and the strictly partisan votes of Justice Joseph P. Bradley in deciding the questions raised in the Hayes-Tilden election of 1876, are the rare excep- tions which go to prove the rule. The Supreme Court not only is out of politics. With no belittling of political activities, it is above them. Since that great tribunal is now playing a role of supreme importance to American life, Jus- tice Stone's declaration is both timely and reas- suring. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Collegiate Observer By BUD BERNARD What no classes? Such things as quizzes and note-taking is unknown to the students of the University of New Mexico. The only time they are required to attend classes is for the final exam. Before the exam the student buys the textbook written by the professor and studies it. This method enables the student to work while he acquires an education. Here is an interesting letter received today: Dear Bud Bernard: Quoting from your column of recent date: "I call my girl friend appendix because it costs so much to take her out." As a confirmed misgogynist I cannot refrain from adding, "and because she is so useless and an awful pain.' Let me mention that I appreciate your Jabs at the "fair sex" you so frequently and effec- tively yield. Keep up the good work. A.W., '36. Someone at the University of Arkansas has said, "What the average college student doesn't do isn't worth doing; and what the average college student does do isn't worth doing either." Here is a student's pre-examination dream according to a contributor: A carload of apples and 100 yards of polishing cloth. As part of their class work, students at the University of Minnesota are filming a feeble- minded institution with the students themselves as extras. At the University of Illinois astudentwas late for a final exam. As he entered the gates of the grill-room he said, "I always said I'd be late for my own funeral and I was right." The HOBO COLLEGE is an organization in Chicago of intellectual hoboes, many of them hold- ing degrees from both American and foreign uni- versities. These "intellects" hold open forum every night in an old barn. * *' *. * Here is a remark made by a Theta at the University of Southern California: "Times cer- tainly have changed. It used to take two sheep two years to produce material for a well- dressed woman -now a silkworm can do it on his Sunday afternoon off." Three University of Delaware students were thrown in jail recently for tacking up anti-war posters. Punsters would say it was an atTACK on the military system. * * * * A sophomore at California says when a co-ed's face is her fortune, it generally runs into an attractive figure. * * * * News flash from Poughkeepsie: Vassar girls here- after will be allowed to marry during the college career in order to avoid long engagements and carr'.+ ,raAA'nn'c 'PhP ,rriP n ri ln 'n' at.inn vnnna) lN SALI 1934 Ensian Distribution contm- uies at the Student Publications Building at 420 Maynard Street. All payments must be made be- fre copies mnay be received. A few copies are still available at I.- ----:''' _______ _______________--.______________ For01AYour Exams.. You wll require A od onain Pen and also a supply of BLU EBOOKS You can get Outl ines on Every Subject, at UNIVERSITY WAHR' S BOOKSTORE 316 STATE STR EET Fifty Percent Reduction For One Year's Subscriptions to The MIC HIGAN ALUMNUS' The Official Publication of Michigan Graduates 26 Issues .... 896 Pages WEEKLY DURING THE FALL MONTHS FORTNIGHTLY THEREAFTER Order at ' .