W. Weather Partly cloudy Thursday and Friday: much colder. Ll r e .90A61 IN, Editorials Stanford's Wilbur And Pa- ternalism; The People Will De- cide. I.PL. XLIV No. liii ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY ~, 1934 i 1!/1T IOL. XLIV No. 101 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1934 PPJCE FIVE CENTS .. .._ .__ ._ - __ i PRICE FIVE CENTS .7, Dollfuss Move Criticized By F. Onderdonk 1934's Political Turmoil: No 5: A Sociologist Looks At Germany Says That Action Against Social Democrats Will Bring Anschluss Slosson Describes European Problem Fascists Calle d Clannish And Selfish In Aims; 70 Sign Protest To Dollfuss By ARTHUR M. TAUB Bitterly assailing the Dollfuss gov- ernment for its recent attack on Aus- trian Socialists, Dr. Francis S. On- derdonk asserted before an audience of 300 in Natural Science Auditorium yesterday that the great tragedy of the situation in Austria was that the Socialists, with 40 per cent of the population behind them, resorted to armed force instead of resisting the government by means of a general strike and boycott. Dr. Onderdonk was introduced by Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his- tory department, who presented the issues of the Austrian question. Call- ing Dollfuss' action a blunder worse than a crime, Prof. Slosson asserted its repercussions would so weaken the coalition government, now at Aus- tria's helm, that the Heimwehr will probably be in a position to take' control. The Heimwehr, now loyal to Dollfuss, he continued, but per- meated with Nazi supporters, will as- sume dictatorial powers, and it would only be a matter of time before they would force a union with Germany. An Anschluss between these two countries, the history professor point- ed out, violating the treaties of Ver- sailles and St. Germaine, geograph- ically surrounding Czechoslovakia on three sides, and depriving Italy of frontier protection, would arouse Eu- rope and probably cause declarations of war, he said. France, the avowed protector of the Versailles Treaty and the Little Entente would be the first (Continued on Page 6) Comedy Club' Calls For New Tryouts Tod EDITOR'S NOTE: This article, writ- ten especially for The Daily by Pro- fessor wood, will be followed with others by faculty authorities. They, too, will deal with interesting European, Euro-Asiatic, and Euro-American prob- lems. By ARTHUR E. WOOD (Of the Sociology Departmnt) The Michigan Daily has asked me to write something concerning what I s~w in Germany over a year ago. Such observationswould now sound rather stale in the light of the swift changes that have occurred. However, all that has happened, and much of what I witnessed, is evidence bearing upon the two-fold nature of the struggle that is taking place in Ger- many and other countries. The one aspect is that of Machiavellian inter- national politics in the struggle for dominance and for the realization of nationalistic aims; the other side of the story, and one that may be re-1 garded as more important, is the class struggle within the various na- tions. Those two fundamental con- tests are also complicated by religious strife. It is all a vast game; and if one may make analogy to chess, one might say that the opening moves have long since been made, and that we are now witnessing the bitter tac- tics of the middle game. The conclu- sion is still far distant, unlesssome convulsing element is introduced, which can accelerate the process. To me over a year ago in Germany, though politics was not my chief in- terest, it seemed that something would have to break. There was, dire apprehension on every side. In the juvenile courts I saw Nazi and Com- munist youths .brought in for street fighting with deadly weapons in their possession. It is my belief that when the Nazis got control fearful atroci- ties were vent upon the hapless Com- munists and Jews; and for this opin- ion I have not had to }read the "Brown Book of the Hitler Terror." Other portents of what was to come were the vacated "patrician" houses, to be seen in the better sections of all German cities. These meant the capitulation of the middle classes, (Continued on Page 6) Cheating Seen As Panacea For The Ills Of Education The question of adopting the hon- or system for final examinations in the literary college, the subject of the debate between upperclassmen and lowerclassmen of Alpha Nu, campus debating society, was won last night by the latter, who de- fended the negative side. The affirmative team based their case on the contention that the hon- or system would increase cheating and thereby, by a queer auirk of professorial psychology, would dis- courage teachers from emphasizing examinations as much as they do under the present system. Stress up- on the final examination is an evil, the affirmative contended. The negative team successfully met this contention by pointing out that professors would then resort to oral examinations rather than consider- ing such an evil as cheating, no mat- ter what the ultimate results might be. The winning side of the debate included Lewis Berry, '36, and Frank Aldrich, '37. William Groening, '34, and Edward Downs, '35, made up the affirmative team. Rice's Comedy To Open Today For Run Here Virginia Chapman, Frank Funk To Be Starred In 'See Naples And Die' "See Naples and Die," the Elmer Rice comedy given by Play Produc- tion, opens at 8:30 p. m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, with ad- ditional performances Friday and Saturday nights. Virginia Chapman, '35, will have the leading feminine role, originally played by Claudette Colbert in the New York production, of the modern American sophisticate married to a Russian prince. Frank Funk, '35, will play opposite Miss Chapman as her Amercian lover. James V. Doll, appearing as the Russian prince, is also directing the play, which is set on the terrac& of a Naples hotel where a very cosmo- politan group gathers. This pecu- liar assortment of characters in- cludes American travelers, multi- millionaire heiresses, the fortune- seeking Russian prince, Swedes, Ger- mans, and native Italian coachmen, innkeepers, servants, and Fascist Blackshirts. Members of the cast appearing in these roles include Francis Man- chester, '34, Hattie Bell Ross, Grad., Louise Pliss, '34, Virginia Frink, '35, Harriet Kesselman, '35, William Hal- stead, Grad., Emmett Leib, '34, Tru- man Smith, '35, and David Zimmer- man, '35. A sinister atmosphere is supplied by Carl Selson, '34E, and Charles Harrell, '34, in the unique parts of the two chess players who, concen- trating at their game, remain abso- lutely silent throughout the play, much to the annoyance and even suspense of the remainder of the group gathered on the terrace. "See Naples and Die" is a satire on the conventionalities of life in gen- eral and those of traveling in par- ticular. Play Production's treatment of the whole production emphasizes the farcical and melodramatic ele- ments of the play, in which the ab- surdity of the situations leads to ex- travagant amusement of the musical comedy type. The Lydia Mendelssohn box office will be open all day,, with tickets available at 35, 50, and 75 cents. LIBRARY OPEN TODAY The General Library will be open today according to its usual week-day schedule. There will also be a regular issue pf The Daily Friday morning. Total Student Loams earn High Fiure 2,183 Students R ece iv e $271,285.43, Report Of President Shows Past Due Loans Are 8.1% Of Total Fund Coal Consumption Saving Reported; Attributed To Improvements In Plant Student loans totaling $271,285.43, distributed among 2,183 students, have been made by the University, according to figures submitted by Vice-President Shirley W. Smith and included in the annual report of President Alexander G. Ruthven for 1932-33. Of this number, 52.3 per cent have not matured - not even a first in- stallment where they are payable in this manner, and 4.6 per cent of the notes have installments falling due currently and are being paid as agreed. Of the remaining 43.1 per cent which are 'now payable in part or in full, 28.2 per cent are delin- quent in some payments and 14.9 per cent are past due in total. This places the number that are entirely past due at 196, or 8.1 per cent of the total amount that is owed the University. It is also stated in the report that the University is now carrying $9,- 643,600 worth of fire insurance. Of this the largest unit is the general form insurance, which totals $6,- 788,700. Coal consumption for the year 1932-33 is figured at 38,844 tons, as compared to the high total for the last 10 years, 45,158 tons, in 1929-30. It is estimated that, through the in- terchange of electric power with the Detroit Edison Company, the Uni- versity has saved $17,112.04. Improvements in the power plant are credited with accomplishing the saving in the number of tons of coal used animuallyg last yea-r's total being 6,314 tons below the high of 1929. The decrease was accomplished in face of the fact that an increasing cubage has been heated each year - 65,849,200 cubic feet in 1932-33. Seven fires were reported, three of them having been caused by lighted cigarettes and the other four by chemicals in the Chemistry Building or by electrical troubles. Shorter Work Week Receives Consideration WASHINtGTON, Feb. 21.-(,)~- New signals fluttered an indication today that serious consideration is being given by the administration to a further shortening of the nation's working hours. A day that saw the Roosevelt ad- ministration program edging forward along half a dozen sectors brought from Hugh S. Johnson, the NRA chieftain, the following observation: "I think something has got to be done very promptly to shorten hours and raise wages." He made the statement to a House committee which has before it a bill to make mandatory a 30-hour work week. However, both Johnson and Gerard Swope, chairman of the board of the General Electric Co., opposed the bill, arguing that the week should be more flexible, adapted to indus- tries, patterned after NRA codes. The expression by Johnson took on added significance when laid along- side the call that has been made for code authorities to assemble here in March for code overhauling. Bearing some indications of sitting into an hour-shortening plan that would ab- sorb more labor into industry is the demobilization of the Civil Works Administration and the rapid formu- lation of arrangements to help small business finance the expense of liv- ing up to NRA requirements. Pledges Should Have Dean Approve Grades No fraternity pledges may be initiated until their recordshave been approved by the office of the dean of students, houses were warned yesterday. Lists are be- ing accepted by the office at pres- £nt an e n. ha rp h A n -ft+r n_ Buyers Group 8p Incorporated; ReadyToAct Articles Are Received By Fraternity Association, Gail Announces By-Laws Adopted By Board Of Directors Houses Wishing To Join May Obtain Applications From Bailey At Offices Articles of incorporation have been received from the State for the Fra- ternity Buyers Association and the organization is ready to start operat- ing, according to Maxwell T. Gail,'34, secretary-treasurer of the Interfra- ternity Council, which is sponsoring the organization. The board of directors of the new organization, at a meeting Tuesday, adopted the by-laws which a commit- tee had been drawing up, and with the establishment of the offices of the new organization in the Interfra- ternity Council office in the Union, the decks are cleared for action. Applications which fraternities, sororities, and other similar institu- tions in Ann Arbor may fill out to be- come participating members of the association may be procured from Joseph R. Bailey, Jr. '35, who has been appointed temporary secretary. By-Laws Available Copies of the by-laws have been prepared for circulation and may also be had by applying to Bailey, either at the Sigma Chi house or at the of- fices of the association in the Union. Gail said that he believed that 12 houses would be willing to join the association immediately and that a drive for additional members is to be made by tryouts for the Interfrater- nity Council. The directors are planning a meet- ing Sunday at which time they intenCt to hire a buyer for the organization The by-laws call for a buyer whose compensation shall be fixed by . thei board and who shall be bonded and held accountable to them. Applicants have been asked to see Bailey to ar- range an interview. Members Make Pledge The participating members, when they join, pledge themselves to buy all the goods and services which thE association is furnishing exclusively through these channels. This provi- sion, it has been explained, has been inserted in the by-laws in order to assure the buyer of a solid market for which he can buy. Each house, as it joins, must pay into the association $25, which shall be used for starting and organizing purposes. An additional $75, which will be due as soon as the association starts operating, will be set aside to guarantee the account of that par- ticular house, but which will not be used, officials insist, for paying ac- counts of members other than the house which pays in the original de- posit. As profit accrues, it will be set aside into a fund for each house to guarantee the accounts of the house until a fund is built up to the size when it, in the opinion of the trus- tees, will satisfy any monthly bill o the particular house. Any additional profits will be divided among the participating members. Dawes Breaks Silence, Calls Depression Ended CHICAGO, Feb. 21.- (IP) - Charles Gates Dawes broke a two-year silence about business conditions today to declare that the depression has ended. Prosperity began returning last Oc- tober, he said. For the future, he pre- dicted "continued better conditions in business and industry." Students Sign Hastily -Now Doomed To Die AKRON, Feb. 21.- (P) -The editor of the Buchtelite, student publication at Akron University, wanted to know how many of their brethren and members of the faculty would sign a "petition" without reading it. T hey found out -150 students and 3 professors affixed their names to a document agreeing to commit mass suicide by decapitation Feb. 27. 'Students Get Energency Aid Others Who Applied Will Receive Work In Near Future; Jobs For All One hundred students were as- signed yesterday to the special work that has been created with the aid of the Federal Emergency Relief Ad- ministration for college students, it was announced by Prof. Lewis M. Gram, director of plant research, who is in charge of the allotting of proj- ects that are being undertaken. This number is approximately one- fourth of the total number that have applied for work at the office of De Joseph A. Bursley. The work to which they have been assigned is largely clerical or in connection with various research projects that are being car- ried on at present. Professor Gram said last night that there have been a large number of requisitions received to date from departments and members of the fac- ulty who have work that may be. done by these students, and he as- sured others who gave applications that there will be work for all. Today's assignments are expected to reach 100, bringing the total at work to half of those applying. Al- lotting of the projects will continue at the same rate until all those who have signified their need for assist- ance are placed, Although sufficient funds have been granted the University to provide work for more than 700 students, only 400 have .signed applications in Dean Bursley's office so far. It is thought that the provision specifying that, without this assistance, a studentI would be forced to leave the Univer-7 sity, has lessened the number who1 might otherwise have attempted to qualify for the work. Large Audience Hears Detroit; SympYhony ere Orchestra, Directed By Gabrilowitsch, O f f e r s, Three Wagner Numbers The Detroit Symphony Orchestra, directed by Ossip Gabrilowitsch, ap- peared in the ninth Choral Union series concert last night at Hill Au- ditorium before a large audience of faculty, students, and townspeople. Mr. Gabrilowitsch chose to open the program with the "Choral and Fugue" by Zemachson which was followed by Rachmaninoff's Second Symphony in E minor, Opus 27. Following the intermission the program was composed of three Wag- ner numbers. The orchestra first3 played the "Prelude and Love Death" from "Tristan and Isolde," then the f"Ride of the Valkyrie" frome "Die 3 Walkure," concluding with the over- ture to "Tannhauser." After the audience had called back Mr. Gabrilowitsch numerous times, he presented Tschaikowsky's "Marche Slave" which was heartily received. The tenth and final concert of the Choral Union series will be given by Gregor Piatigorsky, world-famous vi-' olin-celloist, on Mar. 6 in Hill Audi- trum. Drive To 'Oust Beer Ban Ends 1,600 Signatures Secured For Petition To Repeal Charter Amendment First Document Of Kind In Ann Arbor Repeal Committee Not To Disband; Will Continue Campaign To April 2 The final drive to oust the provi- sion in the city charter banning beer and light wines from the campus by means of an initiative repeal peti- tion came to an end early yesterday afternoon after approximately 1,600 names had been secured by the staff of canvassers who have been covering the city during the past five days. The petitions were placed in the office of Fred Perry, city clerk, at 3:30 p. m. yesterday by members of the Citizen's Charter Repeal Com- mittee. This marks the first time in the historytof Ann Arbor that an initia- tive petition has been filed, according to City Clerk Perry. Previously such moves have been made through the Common Council. Perry announced that he would refer to William C. Laird, city attorney, to ascertain the proper legal procedure. He will have to certify them to the council at its meeting a week from Monday if the petitions are valid. The repeal committee will not dis- band, Norman F. Kraft, chairman and director of the petition drive, said last night, but will conduct a campaign for a favorable vote before the election April 2. If the proposed amendment is placed on the April ballot, it will have to be passed by a three-fifths majority. Members of the committee spon- soriiig thPeeiti-'i dFi ijaded in addition to Kraft, Prof. Robert C. An- gell of the sociology department, Benjamin Wheeler of the history de- partment, Prof. Arthur Van Duren of the German department, Lieut. Rich- ard R. Coursey of the department of military science and tactics, Dr. D. E. Standish, local dentist, Mr. Harold M. Dorr of the political science depart- ment, C. H. Beukema, newspaper correspondent, Gilbert E. Bursley, president of the Undergraduate Council, Thomas K. Connellan, wan- aging editor of The Daily, Robert O'Brien, William G. Ferris, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., and Del Pfrommer, president of the University Repub- lican Club. Work On New Jail Begun By CWA Workers The work of razing the old Wash- tenaw County Jail was started early yesterday by CWA workmen, in pre- paration for the erection of a new structure under terms of an agree- ment authorized Tuesday by State CWA officials. Sheriff Jacob Andres yesterday moved his offices to their temporary quarters at 213 Fourth Ave., in the Wurster Block, where ample dormi- tory accommodations were being pre- pared for the occupancy of 33 pris- oners, who will be moved late to- day. It was planned to board eight Circuit Court prisoners in Milan, in view of the absence of cells in the temporary structure, but the Federal government refused permission be- cause the Milan institution was over- crowded. The women prisoners will be provided for in quarters at the new home of Sheriff Andres, at 118 Catherine St. The Federal government, in ac- cordance with the agreement, will sponsor the labor for the project, and will finance 25 per cent of the cost of the materials. The remaining share, to be payed by Washtenaw County, will cost about $8,000. It is planned to have the new jail- house ready for occupancy on May 1, but because of inclement weather, it was doubtful whether the sched- ule might be completed. It was ru- mored here that, should the CWA fail to complete the structure at that time, the work will be continued by fl ® MXT n Second Semester F r o s h Eligible; Larger Group Of Plays Planned Last tryouts of the school year for Comedy Club will be held at 4 p. m. today in the Laboratory Thea- tre, it was announced yesterday. Those who succeed in passing this trial, along with those that passed the trial Wednesday, will be called for the final tomorrow afternoon. Membership in the club is open to all students except first semester freshmen, and offers the underclass- men of the campus a chance to en- gage in dramatic activity indepen- dent of their curricular activities. Due to the fact that the club is planning on a larger group of pro- ductions this spring it is hoped that there will be many interested in gain- ing membership. The present group will lose many members this year through graduation, and officers of the club hope that a new nucleus can be built up this spring. Comedy Club intends to become more of an experimental theatre this year, it was said, and if present plans are completed, several performances will be added to its spring showing. The tryouts today will be the last opportunity to become allied with the organization. Candidates are requested to learn a two or three-minute selection, tak- en preferably from a modern play. Poetry and Shakespeare are not rec- ommended, nor are two people al- lowed to read together in dialogue. Various Forms Of Taxation Are LansingTopic LANSING, Feb. 21.- (P)-Taxa- tion in its many ramifications capped the list of matters brought nn for Lansing Order Closes Liquor Store For 'Day Due to the lack of special- stamps7 to show that bottles were taxpaid, the state liquor store at 113 Eastt Ann St. was unable to open yester- day afternoon. The stamps which were made necessary by a new Federal regula- tion which went into effect yesterday, failed to arrive from Lansing yester-t day and store officials here wereE notified not to open the store untilt the arrival of the stamps. The neces- sary stamps arrived late last night,t however, and the liquor store staffz worked at top speed to have all the bottles labeled before morning.t Charles H. Dawson, manager of theC store said that the store would be opened as usual this morning.N It was stated that the governmentz was late in issuing the stamps, and that the Commission was late in re- ceiving them, hence the delay here. The new stamps must be placed ont every bottle to show that the taxs has been paid. Will Exhibit New Streamlined Passenger Train Here Today Aryan Film To Present Cross Section of Present Day Russia e' Union Pacific System's new high- speed aluminum alloy train which' received its streamlining from tests' in the University wind tunnel here will come to Ann Arbor this morning to be on display between 8:15 and 10 a. m. at the Michigan Central sta- tion. Belief that development of a radi- cally different type of passenger equipment was necessary to save and restore passenger business to the rails brought officials of the western railroad system to begin work early last year on a light, high speed train tours of the front and rear ends were made as the tests went on with the' object of attaining the design that would develop the least resistance to air. Tests of the train since it was completed have provedthe power economy resulting from the radical streamlining. The new unit will be able to carry 116 passengers, its crew, and 25,000 pounds of mail and bag- gage at a speed of 90 miles an hour with an expenditure of only 500 horsepower. The conventional steam Russian life under the Czars and under the Soviet regime will be con- trasted in the motion picture lec- ture, "Russia As It Is," to be given by Julien Bryan tomorrow night in Hill Auditorium under the auspices of the Hindustan Club. The program will open with a one- reel prologue of motion pictures tak- en 25 years ago in Russia, secured by Bryan this past summer from the archives of the Soviet government. are claimed to present a remarkable cross-section of modern Russian life, including scenes of the collective farms, the m e d i c a 1centers, the mother and child clinics, women at workwith tractors, the Russian bal- let at Baku, and stone houses with war towers in the remote province of Svanetia, where life has not changed for a thousand years. The finale of the program is the arrival in Moscow of Clonelna nd