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)ITOR ................WILLIAM G. FERRIS
.......... JOHN IHEALEY
.O.................EARTHUR CARSTENS
TOR .................. ELEANOR BLUM
by the revival of the debt controversy and which
has led to reciprocal outbursts by the French
against the United States.
As a matter of fact the people who are loudest
in the condemnation of the defaulting French
probably know least about the ability of nations
to pay international debts, especially at the present
time, and very little about the international trade
relations which are important factors in this dis-
France, at the present time, has a gold supply
in her vaults amounting to above five million dol-
lars, a fact which might lead one to believe that
she could make some war debt payment to the
United States. This, however, is not the case, for
she had a deficit of $17,000,000 last year. Consider-
ing the effect which it would have on the monetary
supply of that country, it is impossible to suppose
that France could ship gold to this country without
eventually replenishing her stock.
In order to do this, it would be necessary for her
to expand her export trade, for the only way in
which a country can secure money or bills of ex-
change for international debt payments is to have
a larger export than import trade. But in looking
at the international trade of the world today we
find that there has been a universal tendency to-
ward higher tariffs, a tendency which has neces-
sarily cut down commerce. In this movement the
United States has been a leader, and even now
there is a strong demand in certain circles for a
program which is impossible to achieve. Payment
of war debts, the maintenance of a high tariff, and
an increased export trade are the three com-
ponents of this demand.
It is impossible to secure payment of the debts by'
following this program. The way in which it can
be done is by creating markets for the goods of
debtor countries. If we want additional markets
for our exports, and debt payments as well, we
must lower our tariff to the point at which debtor
countries can obtain sufficient quantities of dollar
exchange not only for debt payments but also for
additional purchasing power for exports from' the
United States.
There are other factors, as well, which, when
understood, tend t% justify the French position int
the eyes of thinking American observers. In the
first place the French schedule of debt payments is1
not based upon her ability to pay, but rather on the
rate of German reparation payments to her. These
payments were tremendously reduced as a result ofe
the Lausanne Agreements which permanently can-
celled approximately 90 per cent of the German1
obligations. This followed the Hoover-Laval con-l
ference of October, 1931, which promised a debtf
moratorium. The moratorium was not granted.
Another grievance, more or less justified, is thet
American desire to establish a link between debt
payments and armaments expenditures. As a mat-
ter of fact, French armaments have no direct con-
nection with our debt policy; they are related tol
her security in Europe. Such a relationship couldf
be set up by international agreement, but until it is,
our harping on the European armaments race will
merely elicit the retort that our own arms expendi-
tures have increased four times as rapidly since'
1913 than have those of our leading debtors. Amer-
icans know little of this, for our newspapers "play
down" our own side of the armament race.
The American people should not allow themselves
to be hastily led into the error of anathemizing the
French, and they should realize the basic soundness
of President Roosevelt's reciprocal tariff plan.
SCreen Reflections
The rating of motion pictures in this columnis on I
the following basis: A, excellent B, good; C, fair; D,
poor, E, very bad.
IGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas
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man, Raymond Goodman, Morton Mann.
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Levin, Elizabeth Miller. Melba Morrison, Mary Annabel
Neal, Ann Neracher, Elsie Pierce, Charlotte Rueger, Dor-
othy Shappell, Carolyn Sherman, Molly Solomon, Dor-
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. ............CATHARINE MC HENRY
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Bittman, John Park, Don Hutton, Allen Ulpson, Rich-ard
Hardenbrook, Gordon Cohn
The Theatre
The pace of the Dramatic Festival was percep-
tibly increased last night by the presentation of
Louis Verneuill's musical comedy, "Meet My Sis-
For some time I have maintained that the possi-
bilities of the play with music have not been fully
realized. In the movies, it is true, Ernst Lubitsch
has produced some excellent examples of exactly
what this type of thing should be. "Meet My Sister"
is hardly equivalent of this in terms of the stage,
but it is a very amusing comedy very well acted by
most of the principals. The elimination of chorus
and elaborate sets is most gratifying, and the
machinations of theilovely countess are executed
with a good deal of finesse.
Walter Slezak as the young psychologist con-
tributed the most amusing moments of the eve-
ning's entertainment. He achieved a characteriza-
tion that was not forced, but was actually three
dimensional. The musical number, "J'ai vu mon
ideal" which he offered in English and German
as well, was deftly executed. Possessed of both
charm and the ability to sing and act as well, he
lifted some of the routine musical comedy situa-
tions to something nearer music and comedy than
could have logically been expected.
Dorothy Vernon as the countess is a prima donna
of great beauty and although her voice is not ex-
ceptional she s'ang "It's the Love I'm Giving" with
a good deal of spirit. Her success in the part is
measured by the fact that she could be dashing in a
very lady-like fashion.
Pierre Watkin as the Marquis of Chatelard began
a characterization which was amusing enough
but he never quite completed the picture. His scenes
in the first act, particularly that with Frank Comp-
ton, and his attempts to tidy up the minds of the
domestic incompetents were rather funny. In the
second act, however, his performance wats on an-
other level. I suppose it would have been difficult to
have achieved anything else when performing with
the ebullient Miss Olsen. This young lady as a
graceful dancer and purveyor of sex was eminently
successful. But she was hardly what the play need-
ed. Injecting a music hall cut-up into a bit of
froth and grace which "Meet My Sister" should
have been, is mixing ingredients which make a
rather incompatible compound. The play should
either be one thing or the other.
All of, which leads one to the conclusion that
the American stage still has something to learn
about the play with music. They do this kind of
thing superbly well in Europe. Mr. Slezak, Mr.
Chevolier, the Guitrys are the artists who have
made much of this genre. Max Reinhardt has done
a good deal at Salzburg in setting Molnar and
Maugham to incidental music. However, Mr. Hen-
derson's initial venture in this field, while it has
a high entertainment value, lacks the subtlety
which this type of drama must have. This may
have been the fault of the translation of the play
which apparently substituted a good deal of con-
ventional American humor for the levity and
sparkle of the original.
Colegiate Observer
AS' -
It Takes All Kinds
To Make a College Like Ours.
There is for example the average junior.
He is betwixt and between the conceit of a soph-
omore and the cynicism of a senior.
He has what he himself calls "sophistication."
He is thoroughly versed in the ways of women,
yet will spend days wondering why she doesn't
He is seen at most social affairs.
He is always ready and willing to tell you where
the best beer in Ann Arbor can be obtained.
He is beginning to doubt the great wisdom of
his instructors, but not his own and infallible
He is familiar with all the by-ways of the ar-
He calls all the B.M.O.C. by their first names.
He has supreme faith in Greek letters and college
He is in fact the average junior.
It Takes All Kinds
To Make a College Like Ours.
** * *
An editorial in the Tea'chers College Mirror
says that students in college are trained in highly
idealistic, theoretical, and impractical situatons
which make it hard for them upon graduation,
when they are thrown out into a world barren and
hardened in sheer practicalness.
The greatest problem confronting college
boys today, says a senior at the University of
Maryland, is being seen at a dance with the
kind of girl they would want to see home
University of Oklahoma graduates, believe in
God, honestry, sterilization, and the death penalty.
This grim collection of opinions was made by
a professor of psychology there recently.
There seems to be little doubt about the pure
motives behind their belief in honesty for this is the
statement the majority agreed with: "To, be known
as a liar would be so undesirable that I would try
to avoid being cagght in a lie."
A Kappa at Hillsdale college sends the fol-
lowing squib':
Ancient Greek girls would listen to a lyre
all evening. Many modern girls often do the
same thing.
A junior at the University of Arkansas re-
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tent Of Judges
state Courts.
election for judges to our State
courts, arguments against this system of choosing
our administrators of justice are heard on all sides.
A growing wave of sentiment favors- the abolition
of the present system and-the institution of a sys-
tem whereby the judges could be appointed by
some non-political body.
The idea' of appointment of judges to our State
courts is not new. Vacancies caused by the death
or retirement of incumbents are now filled by gu-
bernatorial appointment, but the governor has the
right to choose anyone he pleases without his
selections being subject to the approval of any
non-political body.
Prof. Burke Shartel of the Law School has re-
cently advanced a plan whereby the judges would
be chosen by the governor of the State subject to
the approval of a non-political judiciary commis-
sion made up of justices of the Supreme Court,
judges of circuit courts, and laymen. If this plan
did not meet with the approval of the people of the
State, any number of others could be worked out
which would free the states of our country from the
reputation which they now have of maintaining
the lowest-ebb of justice in the world.
It is appalling to thing that the people of the
United States have remained so long without do-
ing anything about a judicial- system which they
must realize is open to the worst kind of corrup-
tion and political bull-dozing. Some hope may be
seen in the increasing interest in the question of
the appointment of state judges that is being
taken at bar association meetings, but the real im-
petus to cleanse the State courts must come from
the people themselves.
Students of college age throughout the country
have a very real responsibility facing them, for it
will be up to them, by their expressions of disap-
proval of present state court systems both at the
voting polls and elsewhere, to bring about the ap-
pointive system of choosing judges for our State
Slim ................ Slim Summerville
Andy ....................Andy Devine
Angelica . ........ ..Leila Hyams
"Horseplay" is a farcical comed.y of the type-of
which there should be more. Picture two Montana
cowpunchers finding that they are worth a million
dollars. That alone is enough to bring a laugh when
the characteis are portrayed by the perpetually
amusing Slim Summerville and the scatterbrained
Andy Devine. But when they go to London, taking
their horse with them - even into their hotel room
to live with them - and eventually become part of
a medieval costume party at the castle of a Duchess
for a week-end, the subsequent situations prove to
be amusing to no end.
This picture has been well conceived, well di-
rected, and well acted. Not, a great deal more can
be said for a light comedy the only intentions of
which are to be amusing. Leila Hyams lends a note
of charm that cannot be overlooked, and her gen-
uineness of spirit afford an added attraction to
this pleasant, clean, fast-moving farce. You won't
regret having gone to see it. -C.B.C.
Tarzan ..............Johnny Weismuller
Jane ..... .....Maureen O'Sullivan
Harry..... ..............Neil Hamilton
Martin ...............Paul Cavanaugh
The latest Tarzan picture is chock full of fur,
for the kiddies, but is not for the adults, and
especially for those who did not see the first in
this series. Being a continuation of the initial pres-
entation, the story picks up where its predecessor
left off, and'regrettably takes for granted the fact
that everybody in the audience has seen the other
one. This time an expedition is started by the Eng-
lishman who is in love with Tarzan's decivilized
mate. The purpose of the trip is twofold -to se-
cure ivory from the elephants' burial ground and
to persuade the young English girl to return home
with him. From that point on the plot is very nearly
identical with the plot of the first picture in that
the expedition fails in all 'espects, and the animals,
the ape-man, his mate, and the rest of the jungle,
Hail and Farewell
Issue of the Gargoyle
I I&T '- ru, n I