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May 26, 1934 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-26

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New Michigan
Forester Out
Next Thursday
Publication Is Dedicated
To Charles W. Garfield,
Prominent Forester

Minneapolis Strikers And Sympathizers Club Police

The Michigan Forester, annual
publication of the School of Forestry
and Conservation, may be obtained
after May 31, Carl J.- Holcomb, '35.
F&C, editor-in-chief of the book, an-
nounced today.
The annual has been dedicated to
Charles W. Garfield, a man promi-
nent among the present proponents
of forestry, and who was probably the
outstanding member of the movement
which resulted in Michigan having a
school properly staffed and prepared
for the teaching of forestry and con-
This year's issue will present sev-
eral new features, containing for the
first time, the pictures of the gradu-
ating class, as well as a record of
their activities. In addition to this
innovation, an "Alumni News," cov-
ering 80 graduates of the school, will
be included. The alumni directory
will also be printed here.
A large . number of the faculty
members of the School of Forestry
and Conservation have contributed
articles on various phases of forestry
of interest to the modern forester.!
Included among these is Dean Sam-
uel T. Dana's "Forestry and the Lum-'
ber Code," a subject particularly per-
tinent at the present time. The win-
ner of the Charles Lathrop Pack prize,
Blair Hutchinson, is also represented.
Holcomb heads the staff of the
Forester. Albert C. Worrell, '35F&C,
holds the position of Associate Edi-
tor; Francis S. VanSickle, '35F&C,
Alumni Editor; Charles C. Mony,
Business Manager; Charles H. Stod-
dard, Contributing Editor; Professor
Ernst V. Jotter, Faculty Adviser; the
rest of the staff is made up of War-.
ren E. Roberts, '35F&C, Lawrence M.
Wines, '35F&C, Sherwood C. Nichols,'
'35F&C, and Earle S. Brown, F&C.
Stanwood Cobb Sees
Increasing Intelligence ,

Unusual Peace
Is Reigning in
Macedonia Area
SOFIA, Bulgaria, May 25. - OP) -
A mysterious quiet hangs over most
districts of Bulgarian Macedonia -
regions which have been the subject
of startling rumors since the Nreek-
end coup d'etat.
One of the first acts of the new'
military dictatorship of Premier Ki-
mon Gueorguieff was to partition this
stronghold of the dread inner Mace-
donian revolutionary organization,
the Imro, between two provinces, So-
fia and Plovdiv, just as though the
Imro and "King" Ivan Mihailoff did
not exist.
Mihailoff, a fighting man, is the
leader of the independence move-
ment in Macedonia, which has been
divided among Bulgaria, Greece and
Tour eveals Gairn
Naturally rumors of armed con-
flict between Mihailoff's men and
Bulgarian government troops soon
filled the air after the partition of
Bulgaria's Macedonian territory.
But, in a motor tour through the
heart of "King" Ivan's country, this
correspondent failed to find any evi-
dence of actual fighting.
On the contrary, in such towns as
Razlog, Bansko and Gornadjumaia
there was an outward appearance of
perfect peace.
Talking with the inhabitants, who
for years have been paying taxes to
two governments - the official Bul-
garian and the unofficial Imro - one.
gets the impression they hope Gueor-'
guieff and his colleagues will succeed
in the governmental reforms they
promised when they seized power May
Paying taxes to one governmen,
these people will tell you, is bad
enough for them.
Watching Government
According to some old-timers the
people of Macedonia are waiting to
see what the new government actuallyl
does before committing themselves.
They fear a new reign of Imro ter-
rors - with a repetition of past al-
leged assassinations and tortures -in
case Premier Gueorguieff attempts to
break the Imro's rule in the moun-
tains of Macedonia.
This feared terroristic campaign,
the natives say, is not expected to take
the form of open conflict with the mil-s
itary, but various forms of sudden
death for civil officials who, carry outl
the orders of the Sofia administra-

Frank Merriwell
Comes Into Full
Glory Of Manhood
NEW YORK, May 25.-- (P)-Frank
Merriwell,. who eschewed tobaoco,
foreswore swearing and swallowing
nothing stronger than his pride, has
come in the full glory of his man-
hood into a federal court.-
His creator, W. Gilbert Patten
(Burt L. Standish), has asked that.
Superior Talking Pictures, Inc., be
enjoined from using the name Frank
Merriwell in a series of short films
it has produced.
M'Ierriwell, as a . hundred million
nickel-novel readers will attest, was
the embodiment of all that is clean
good, and brave; a scourge to das-
tards and venom to villians.
He was given his first name, Pat-
ten said Thursday, because he was
indeed "frank." The last name was
synthetic, "merri" meaning 'merry
and "well" meaning he was free from
dandruff, hoof and mouth disease
and the bubonic plague.
Frank Merriwell, boy and man, pre-
served the honor of dear old Fardale
and (later) dear old Yale for 986
consecutive weeks. During that en-
tire period his lips never touched
liquor, spoke an epithet or held a.
cigaret, not even a cubeb. He per-
formed his weekly heroics from April
1, 1896, to January, 1915. This is a
long time for anyone to attend Far-
dale or even Yale, but Frank was a
glutton for book learning.
Patten, who feels that if Superior
Talking Pictures, Inc., went ahead
with its Frank Merriwell series he
would be damaged $250,000 worth.
said the Merriwell stories had circu-;
lated 123,600,000 copies t6 date. He
estimates he has used up 40,000,000
words in telling the world what a
grand person Frank is.
Newspaper Woman
Dies In New York
Mrs. Julia Blanshard, '14, newspa-
per woman and writer, died May 18
at her home in New York City.
Mrs. Blanshard was the wife of
Paul Blanshard, '14, Commissioner ofc
Accounts of the City of New York.t
Mr. and Mrs. Blanshard became ac-
quainted while they were both stu-
dents in the University.
Mrs. Blanshard was formerly so-e
ciety editor of the Rochester Demo-c
crat and Chronicle and later a re-
reporter for the San Diego Sun andI
Newark Ledger. She was a member
of Kappa Gamma and Phi Beta Kap-i

Kingfish Long,
Wages Tariff
War In Senate
A One-Man Filibuster Is
Conducted By Senator
To Stop Bill
WASHINGTON, May 25.-() -
Almost every senator except Huey
Long agreed today that the Kingfish
was conducting a one-man filibuster
against the tariff bill.
Both Republicans and Democrats
Said the Louisianan, vigorously op-
posed to permitting the President to
reach tariff reduction agreements
with foreign powers without senate
approval, was trying to delay a vote.
Long, with something like a wink,
disavowed any such intentions.
"I haven't even got to the merits
of this thing yet," he told reporters
after making half a dozen speeches,
mostly in other senators' time.
He offered as a substitute for the
pending bill a reproduction of the
old Harrison bill passed with the aid
of Republican independents April 1,
1932, but vetoed by President Hoover.
It would make all Presidential tariff
;hanges and reciprocal actions with
other nations subject to congressional
Meanwhile, a personal disciple of
William Jennings Bryan, silver-
tongued spokesman for free coinage,
has decided to vote "aye" when the
Roosevelt silver-aid bill comes to a
test in the house.
Rep. Edgar Howard of Nebraska,
one-time secretary to the "great com-
moner," whose flowing hair, frock
coat, and black campaign hat he
emulates, told newsmen today he
hoped this was a step toward Bryan's
goal of 16 to 1 free coinage.
Sophomore Is Admitted
To West Point As Cadet
Ted Ross Evans, '36E, has just re-
ceived notice from the War Depart-
ment confirming his appointment as
a cadet in the United States Military
Academy at West Point.
Evans, who was about to receive his
commission as a Reserve Officer, re-
ceived his appointment from the late
Joseph L. Hooper, congressman from
Battle Creek. At the University he had
an outstanding record for proficiency
in his office as commander of Com-
pany C in the R.O.T.C.

-Associated Press Photo
The cameraman caught this remarkable bit of action in the Minneapolis rits at the height of turbulence
shortly before a truce was called in one of the most bitter labor disputes in the city's history. The man in left
foreground was one of numerous special officers to be clubbed by strikers and sympathizers in the riots. His
assailant is shown completing a swing with a baseball bat. Other strikers, ready for action, are shown in

Professor Shartel Predicts
Life Terms For Judiciary

Chicago Man
Publishes Book
On Excavations
"Parthian Pottery From Selencia

(Continued from Page 1)
method of choosing the administra-
tors of justice, we have more good
men in the courts than we have any
right to expect, Professor Shartel said.
Professor Shartel outlined a meth-
od. of appointment of state judges
which would be adaptable under the
present system of state governments.'
He would give the governor of the
state the right to appoint the judges
subject to the approval of a judiciary
commission made up of various
judges, lawyers, and laymen to in-
sure freedom from politics. Profes-
sor Shartel suggested having the
chief justice of the supreme court
and two or three others from that
body, together with three judges from
the state circuit courts appointed by
the judges of those courts and the
president and two others from the
state bar association to act on the
Head-On Crash
Kills TwoIn
Bus Accident

judiciary commission to approve the
governor's choice. In this way poli-
tics could not enter into the selec-
fin o h en riq t

(By Intercollegiate Press)
WASHINGTON, May 25. - The
average man and woman of the fu-
ture will equal the ordinary scientists
of today in ability to think clearly, in
the opinion of Stanwood Cobb, foun-
der of the Progressive Education As-
sociation and director of the Chevy'
Chase Country Day School here.
Before society realizes that high
intellectual standard, however, Cobb
says, education must be changed from
"the standardized mass production of
today to the development of the in-
dividual child to the maximum of his
talents and abilities.
"At present," Cobb says, "we are
giving the youth in our high schools
and colleges neither enthusiasms nor
convictions. We are not training
them in habits of intellectual initia-
tive or judgment. We are not, ex-
cept in some few departments of sci-
ence, heightening their creative pow-
Grand Rapids Puts Ban
On All Slot Machines
GRAND RAPIDS, May 25.-r-(P)-
The city commission adopted an ordi-
nance banning all slot machines in
the city, Thursday night, and giving
gambling syndicates fair warning that
violation would bring a $100 fine and
90 days in jail.
The commission put the bill to pas-
sage after Mallery H. Kincaid, police
superintendent, declared that the
presence of slot machines was an in-
vitation to gangs to engage in some
of, their old prohibition day battles
for supremacy.


Lion of the candidate. - q_
As for the tenure of office, Profes- on the Tigris," the first of a seriesj
sor Shartel said that this is the only of volumes on excavations of which
country in the world where life ten- Prof. Leroy Waterman, of the depart-
ure is not the universal rule. How- ment of oriental languages is the di-
ever, there is a strong need for a rector, was published recently by Nei-r
method of supervision for the re-
moval of old and incapacitated judges kon C. Debevoise of the Oriental In~
who should retire. The supreme court stitute of the University of Chicago.1
should also have the power the re- University excavations have been<
move judges for misconduct, in the carried on for the last five years, and.
opinion of Professor Shartel. He add-
opmin o Prfesor harel.He dd-were participated in by Debevoise in
ed that there is no place in the world
where law enforcement has broken 1930 and 1931, while during 1933, he .
down as it has in our state courts and was excavating in the Near East fort
it is a significant fact that these the University of Chicago. Debe-i
are the only courts in the world to voise, who is probably the foremostc
which judges are elected for terms of scholar in America on Parthian cul-t
years. ture, treats various types of potteryt
The idea of appointment of state which had their origin from the years
judges is not entirely new, according 140 B.C. to 200 A.D. in his book.
to Professor Shartel. Over half the Art work contained in the volume
judges in the state supreme court at was done by Robert Braidwood, of
the present time have gotten there Detroit, who received his Master's
through gubernatorial appointment. Degree in Archeology from Michi-
Any vacancy caused by the death or gan in 1933, previously having trans-
retirement of a state judge is now ferred from the architectural college
filled by gubernatorial appointment to the literary college. At present,
without any supervision by a non- Braidwood is engaged in excavation
political body. work in the Near East for the Uni-
versity of Chicago.
MEETS WITH ALUMNI This volume was published under
T. Hawley Tapping, general secre- the auspices of the Institute of Arche-
tary of the Alumni Association, clogical Research and is a part of'
Thursday will meet with the Univer- i the Humanistic series of the Universi-
sity of Michigan Club of Birmingham. ty of Michigan Studies.
(')~i'nn'r; 1S-T -'7 - .~- LI.L .~*


RICHMOND, Va., May 25. - (/) -
A head-on collision between a bus
and a truck, followed by fire, left
two persons dead and at least 50 in-
jured today.
The crash occurred in a blinding
rainstorm near here at midnight. The
bus was filled with Negroes on a plea-
sure trip.
Fire broke out while rescuers
worked frantically. A woman was
burned to death.
Approximately 45 of the injured
were brought to Richmond hospitals. {
Others were sent to Petersburg hos-
The crash drove the front wheels
and the motor of the truck through
the front of the passenger bus.
Paul C. Rand, 26, driver of the bus,
and W. J. Whitlock, 20, of Rich-
mond, driver of the truck, suffered-
head injuries.
Since the front of the bus was de-'
molished, the dead and injured had
to be removed through the windows.
Eight cars were commandeered by
State Officer J. C. Aaron, the first
policeman on the scene, to carry the
injured to hospitals.
C. F. Loftin, of Ashboro, N. C., who
was driving toward Petersburg, said
the bus sideswiped his machine and
forced him into a ditch.







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