934 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Lantern Dance, Ticket Sell-Out Is Anticipated Pupils Of Roy Hoyer Are Featured'In Floor Show; Patrons Are Announced( A sell-out of tickets for the Fresh- man Lantern Dance is anticipated, Elaine Cobo, finance chairman, an-, nounced. Consequently, sales will not be opened to men, although women may still obtain tickets at $1.50 in. the. League Hosiery Shop or from committee members' In addition to the appearance of Nate Fry's orchestra, Roy Hoyer will stage a floor show, according to Jane Edmondson, entertainment chairman. The show will feature Betty Seitner in a soft-shoe number, and Douglas, Gregory, Billy Collins and Max Gold- man, who will do "Seven Little Steps." Both dances were part of the recent ''Juniors on Parade." The League garden, hung with lan- terns, will be open to men for the only time during the year, Saxon Finch, decoration chairman, said. Baskets of lilacs, tulips, and fleur-de- lys will decorate the ballroom. The grand march is to be held at midnight, and a picture will be taken at thatI time. Betty Kelley, chairman of the floor committee has announced patrons and patronesses. The list includes Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, Dean and Mrs. James B. Edmonson, Dean - and Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, Dean Lloyd, Dean and Mrs. Herbert Sadler, Prof. and Mrs. Lowell Carr, Dean and Mrs. Women On Freshman Project Meet Today The women who were named in yesterday's Daily as members of the Freshman project commit- tee by Hildy Kirby, '35, chairman, arc to meet together at 1p.m. to- day in the league, said Miss Kirby yesterday. Both those who will act as group advisers and those who arc to as- sist them, are to attend the meet- ing. Humphreys, Dean Walter Rea, Dean and Mrs. Alfred Lovell, Dean and Mrs. Fred B. Wahr, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Abbot, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Fowler, Miss Dorothy Hard, Miss Nora Crane Hunt, Miss Laurie E. Campbell, Miss Inez Bowler, and Miss Wilma Donahue. Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Dow, Miss Irene Field, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Sewell, Mr. Alvalyn E. Woodward, Miss Helen Hall, Mr. Robert Horner, Miss Isabel. Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Ernst N. Jotter, Dr. Hazel Losh, Mr and Mrs. Norman R. F. Maier, Miss Gertrude Muxen, Miss Ada Olson, Mr. Phitip Schenk, Miss Genevieve A. Sproat, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reichart, Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Van Tuyl, Mr. Ben- jamin Wheeler, Miss Ethel McCor- mick, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Finch. Ann Arbor Art Association is spon- soring an illustrated lecture by Mrs. A. C. Weibel at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday. The subject of Mrs. Weibel's talk will be "Saga'and Legend in Gothic Tap- estry." This lecture will be held ini West Gallery of Alumni Memorial Hall, and is open to members and stu- dents. Martha Cook, Mosher-Jordan Hold Dances Three dormitories entertained this week-end, Martha Cook and Mosher Jordan Halls brought to a close their social activities for the year with spring formal dances last night. Or- chstras from Detroit and Ann Ar- bor featured these parties. At Mosher the halls were decorated with spring flowers and tapers. The "Varsity Vagabonds" from Detroit played. Melinda Crosby, '35, social chairman, was in charge and assist- ing her were Jean Johnson, '37, Doris Knee, '34, Marjorie Winch, '36, Mau- reen Kavanaugh, '6, Althea Lisle, '35, Doris Vater, '36, Sarah Clancey, '361 and Kay Ransom, '37. Al Cowan and his band furnished the music in Jordan. Martha Bowen; '34, social chairman and Janice Rice, '35, were in charge of the party. The chaperons at Mosher-Jordan were Miss Isabel Dudley, social director of Jordan; Mrs. Frederick Ray, social director of Mosher, Miss Ellen B. Stev- enson; Miss Marcella Schneider, Miss Dorothy Birdzell, and Miss Katherine Koch. Martha Cook Martha Cook held its annual spring' dinner dance last night, with Max Gail's orchestra playing. The grill room was decorated with spring flow- ers, carrying out the garden theme. Trellis work covered with real flowers, and a rock garden, were used. The terrace was hung with Japanese lan- terns. In the receiving line were the Mr. and Mrs. Delos Parker Heath, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart G. Baits, Dr. and Mrs. James D. Bruce, Celia Gunthrup, '36, house president, Katherine Cof- field, '34, social chairman, Miss Mar- garet Ruth Smith, social director, and Miss Sara Louise Rowe, house direc- tor. The general committee in charge included Miss Coffield, general chair- man, Amelia Shemiet, '35Ed., Marion Stockdale, '34, Barbara Jenkins, '34A, Doris Campbell, '34, Edwardine Hoyt, '34, Florence Shaw, '34. The decora- tion committee under Miss Stock- dale includes Marion Bertsch, '35, Eleanor Blodgett, '35, Marie Bran- agan, '35, Jane Cissel, '34, Lucy Cope, '35, Marcia Himes, '35, Gertrude Schutz, '35, Polly Solgsth, '34, Mary Tyler, '36, Virginia Whitney, '35, Calla Jean Wilson, '34. STALKER HALL STUDENTS MEET The annual senior meeting for' Stalker Hall students will be held Sunday, May 27. The group will as- semble at the hall at 5:30 p.m. and will go from there to the estate of Mrs. H. B. Earhart where a picnic supper will be served. The speakers are Prof. Howard Mc- Clusky of the School of Education, CHAPTER HOUSE ACTIVITY NOTES Despite the near approach of exams -- l l- nvitn o t ~ i d InFst Several Houses Former Manager Will Celebrate Of League Resigns Wit h Parties I( C i severai r aternities en er alneiu at night. PhiGa aLaibda Chi Alpha And Phi Gamma Delta fraternity held a Kappa Kap)a Gaima spring formal last night at which Are Anon Entertainers Mr. and Mrs. Ward Peterson and Mr. Ae m n E tr i r and Mrs. Floyd Rowe were the chap- erones. Out-of-town guests were Edna Although finals exams are only a Waugh, '33, Detroit; Mary Blodgett, week away, several fraternities and Detroit; Peggy Metzen, Detroit; Judy 'sororities will attempt to forget theI Pennoyer, Grosse Pointe; Glee Call- dread day of reckoning which is ap- away, Detroit; Alice Moore, Grosse Pointe; Fiances McCormick, Chicago, proaching, by entertaining tonight. Ill.; Virginia New, Chicago, Ill.; Mary Lambda Chi Alpha will hold an open Ellen Isherwood, Oil City. Pa.: Betty spring formal tonight. Robert Heusel, Geist, Cleveland Heights, r. '36E, is making the arrangements. The board of governors of the League announces the resignation of M iss Alta V. Atkinson, former man- acr of the building, on account of ill health. Miss Atkinson has been granted a leave of absence until July 31. - , -- --- _. -- --- The Ann Arbor guests were Jane Castle, 36; Marion Case, '37SM, Elizabeth Allen, '36, Constance Blakely, '36, Har- riet Spiess, '35, Betty Hill, '35, Eunice Gulde, '36, Jane Edmondson, '37, Al- thea Lisle, '35Ed., Ellen J. Conover, '35, Bernice Reed, '36, Frances Rorick, '34, Rhodetta Lepisto, '35, Anna J. Chamberlain, '35, Barbara Van Der Vort, '34, Jane Arnold, '36, and Fran- ces Drake, '36. Theta Xi Theta Xi fraternity entertained last night with a closed spring formal. Decorations were in blue and white. Prof. and Mrs. Joseph Cannon, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Butterworth chaperoned. The guests were: Marie Vallez and Lorraine De Waele, both of Bay City; Dolly Jean Robbins, Port Huron; Mary Lowery, Manchester; Wilma' Bernhard, '37, Jane Mutachler, '37, Reta Petersen, '35, Louise Sprague, '37, Charlotte Whitman, '35, Jean Greenwald, '37, Barbara Hanna, '37, Grace Haxton, '34, Gertrude Jean, '36, Saxon Finch, '37, Barbara Nelson, '34, Helen Doris Young, '35, Elizabeth Moore, '36, Ruth Rich, '36, Edith Man- ger, '35, Elaine Cobo, '37, Ruth Rowell, '36, Dorothy Edmands, '34, Mary Lou Schwendt, '36, Christine Kennedy, '36, Janet Jackson, '36, Florence Davies, '37, Greta Wessborg, '34, Dorothy Shappell, '36, Harriet Greenwood, '35, and Helene Gram, '35 Theta Phi Alpha The patronesses of Theta Phi Alpha sorority recently entertained the members or that organization at din- ner at the Barton Hills Country Club. The hostesses included: Mrs. George Burke, Mrs. Thomas Devine, Mrs. George Moe, Mrs. Allen Sherzer, Mrs. Arthur Stace, and Mrs. Mary L. Wede- meyer. Phi Mu Alpha-Sinfonia Phi Mu Alpha-Sinfonia announces the pledging of Charles E: Gilbert, '36SM. who will discuss "The World Into Which '34 Graduates," and Francis Bennett, '34A, who will deliver the farewell address in behalf of the sen- iors. All students are cordially in- vited to attend. Verne Hibbard's orchestra will play and Lieut. and Mrs. R. R. Coursey will chaperon. A formal dance will be given to- night by the members of Theta Phi Alpha sorority for which Al Cowan and his band will provide the music. Therle Wagner, '37, is in charge of the dance. The chaperons will include Mr. and Mrs. William McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stace, and Mrs. Maude Thompson. Kappa Delta Rho is holding a closed informal party. Hawley Newcomb, '35E, is the chairman of the dance and Mr. Charles E. Kraus will be a guest of the house. The members of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority will entertain tonight with a formal supper dance at the Huron Hills Country Club. Louise French, '36, and Jane Edmonson, '37, are co-chairmen for the arrange- ments. The chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Power, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fliefer, Miss Irene Field, and Mrs. L. C. Doggett. A closed sport's party will be given1 by Xi Psi Phi. Robert F. Merriman, '35D has charge of the arrangements. Dr. and Mrs. George Moore and Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Jamieson will chap- eron. WheVTOGo A new manager will be appointed soon, according to Prof. Henry C. An- derson, a member of the board. Until then an operating committee, includ- ing Miss Ethel McCormick, Miss Twila Miller, and Miss Ellen Stevenson will manage the League. Honor Students A're Rewarded By Dormitories At an honors dinner held last night at Betsy Barbour House, announce- ments were made by Mrs. Leona Die- kema of the scholarship awards for next year. The senior award, providing room and board for the entire school year, was given to Suzanne Mahler, '35. Lavinia Creighton, '35E, newly- elected vice-president of the dormi- tory, was chosen to occupy the schol- arship room given to the girl who has been active both in house and campus activities and has had a high scholar- ship record. Other newly-elected officers of the dormitory besides Miss Creighton are: Olive Webb, '35, president; Bettina Rightmire, '36, social chairman; Elea- nor Johnson, '36, treasurer, and Betty Roura, '37, secretary. Jordan Hall Jordan Hall also held its annual dinner for seniors and honor students recently. Among those receiving honor recognition were: Helen Podolsky, '34,, Phi Beta Kappa; Emily Luxenberg, '34, Dorothy Emerich, '34, Phi Kappa. Phi; Alice Hayes, '36, Betty Goldstein, '37, Marguerite Knab, '37, Grace Sny- der, '37, Edythe Turtletaub, '37, Alpha Lambda Delta; and Mary Kary, Grad., Sigma Xi and Phi Sigma. The two women who received the Mosher Jordan scholarships were Helen Harmen, Grad., and Marietta Martinek, '35. Sets in"a and snaps few seconds PRESS a button-"pop," it Fopens. Press another- "click," it takesthe picture. Simplest folding camera ever devised. In two sizes: Six-16 for 2 / x 4"/- pictures; Six-20 for 2% x 3d pictures. On display here. Stop and see it. Stanley Chorus Honors First Student Director At a meeting of the Stanley Chorus held Wednesday at the League, the group presented Margaret Martin- dale, student director of the chorus, with a book in appreciation of her work. Miss McCormick was also present and expressed her appreciation of Miss Martindale's work. Miss Mar- tindale is the first student ever to lead a group in the May Festival. Fine Colored Dance Music I Cotton Club Bond 930 Erskine St., Cadillac 7129 DETROIT, MICHIGAN KODAK GfD-flBOUT a I Graduation presents should have that touch of frivolous practicality that expresses the last of college life and the entrance into the "busy" world. Gad-About found many such gifts in Calkins-Fletch- er Drug Co. There are the clev- erest of Cutex sets with all the newest equipment. There are also the many really good makes of perfume, including Houbigant, Barbara Gould, and the enticing odeur of Carron's new Bellodgia. The latter is one of those scents that incorporates with the per- sonality and gives each woman the inherited Cleopatran touch which is her right. Combine a zestful gift with graduation for the final farewell to college days. The open season for nerves is on! With all night studying and continuous meals at one house every bit of nervous fiber is raw. Then it's time to travel to a Fin gerle club for a relaxing meal, served in restful early American style of the Tav- ern or the Eng- lish calm of the Den. It's getting near the last time to see all the buddies for the year, and when one, meets them at the Den or Tavern all exam worries are put aside for the companionship and restful at- mosphere, with no end of good food at a price that won't give the purse a brainstorm either. * * * Tired and homesick? One does get that way about now and we suggest our private solution - Elizabeth Arden's bath comple- ments as shown at the Quarry Inc. There is the creamy June Gerani- um soap, in three sizes,'including a guest box that makes a novel present to take home to mother, a size for you, and a large or Mag- num size for long use. If an oily soap pleases you more, have a try at Eau de Nil, made exclusively from oils and it lathers luxuriously. Follow the long soak by a fluff of Venetian Bath Powder by Arden and you can face the world and the bluebooks with a grin. * * * Home! Sweet ha- ven after five more days of classes and\ a few harrowing exams. But one must- get off the{ train looking the < college woman,you " know, and there's < no way to do it as *ompletely as a 4 visit to the Eliza- (4 beth Dillon Shop. The sug geste d frocks for travel and wear in cool- ish weather are printed sheers in brown or navy and white. These prints do mar- vels for the sleekness of the ap- pearance and the white touches are summer itself in all its gayety. Jackets with smartly fitted sleeves pull off to disclose the ever useful frock for afternoons and shopping tours. However a trip home is the immediate prospect and to live up to tradition Gad-About advises a visit to the Dillon Shop. Whether it be that June brings her marriage or graduation noth- ing appeals to the feminine heart like flowers. There is much in the way of congratulations and wishes for happiness written between the petals of the corsages and long stemmed flowers of Schlegel's Flor- ists. The Gadabout is one with, the belief that. particularly on these two occasions flowers can carry the message that you intend and do it in the subtle sophisticat- ed manner. FRANCISCO-BOYCE PHOTO COMPANY 723 North University 108 East Liberty Dramatic Season: 3:15 8:15 p.m. "Meet My Sister" Olsen and Walter Slezak. p.m. and with Olive Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Jour- nal of a Crime," with Ruth Chatter- ton and Adolph Menjou; Majestic, "Tarzan and His Mate" with Johnny Weismuller and Maureen O'Sullivan; Whitney, "Horseplay" with Slim Summerville; Wuerth, "Hell and High Water" with Richard Arlen and "From Headquarters" with George Brent. Dancing: Union ballroom, Chubb's, Den Cellar, Tavern, Hi-Hat Inn, Preketes. Canoeing: Saunders on. the Huron. r Ie_ _ .r io i l c c c r cy c t> c c>c .+ca c>e c c a c BE -t LHT for, 11 Ith BETTER, LIVING THEMICIGN UION* presents. BOB El and his S* e Don't Fool Yourself There is great satisfaction in spending money. It gets us the things we enjoy. Getting accustomed to these things make them essential to our happiness. But they are going to be just as essential years from now as they are today. Deposit a part of every pay check as a reserve fund for future needs. I THE MICH IGAN UNION BA L LROOM Sa turda y : Ii your living roam good lighting is essen- tia. Correct lighting -putting the right lamp in the right place- not only works wonders in making a cheery, comfortable room, but Insures against eye strain. The cost of good lighting is so small that you would not, knowingly, risk injury to your eyes or to the eyes of your f amily. But your eyes cannot tell you whether your lighting is adequate. Only the sight meter can tell. For the average living room, sun room, or library, the following lamp sizes are recom- mended: Ceiling fixture T wo or more sockets. . . 25 or 40 watt Indirect ceiling fixture.150 or 200 watt Wall brackets, direct.... .25 or 40 watt Wall brackets, indirect ........60 watt Floor lamps, three sockets. . :.... .40 watt Floor lamps, two sockets. .... 60 watt Bridge lamps ............60 watt Table lamps, three sockets.... 240 watt Table lamps, two sockets.... . 60 watt All bare lamps should be shaded to prevent glare. The proper lamp size to be used depends to a great extent on the color scheme and the size of the room. For this reason we suggest that you call the DETROIT EDISON office and ask for the services of the Home Lighting Advisor who will test your lighting with a SIGHT METER and will make recommendations for the proper lighting of your home. There is no charge for this service. IEI.I.