The Weather Fair and warmer' today and probably tomorrow. L Sit 4;tant 4 aiti Editorials Liberal Organization Fulfills A Nee.. . M I VOL. XLIV No. 173 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS Kidnaping Is, Prevented By Hotel Maid Servant Refuses To Accept Bribe For Disclosing The Location OfBoy Gives Alarm When Finally Discovered Authorities Link Attempt With Extortion Threat To Manufacturer JACKSON, May 25.-(IP)-Federal, State,County, and City officers were working in unison Friday night to learn the identity of two men and a woman who made a desperate at- tempt to kidnap Richard Wooten, five-year-old son of John C. Wooten, manager of the Hayes Hotel here. Suddenly appearing in a room on the eighth floor of the hotel about 12:30 pin., where Mrs. Stella Kruli kowski, a maid, was at work, the three, all wearing masks, slipped a pillow slip over the maid's head and demanded where they would find the boy.- At first they offered money, and when themaid tried to throw them off 'the track by telling them the Wootens lived on the fourth floor (they actually live on the ninth floor), they carried her into a bath- room,1 placed her in the tub and turned on scalding hot water. Bound After Torture Still she insisted that the family lived on th fourth floor and, after subjecting her to more torture, the trio produced ropes, bound Mrs. Kru- likowski hand and foot, took her room pass keys and left after lock-a ing the door. A half hour later, while in search of the missing maid, Mrs. Lillian Grinnell, hotel housekeeper, heard moans and sobs coming from behind the locked door. She summoned George Julian, a State auditor, who1 was a guest at the hotel and who is a former noted Michigan State Col- lege football player, and .on entering the room they found the victim of the attack. In broken English she told them what had happened, and immediately a call was sent for police and sher- iff's officers. The hotel was searched from top to bottom, after it was ascertained that Richard Wooten was safe in the family apartment, but no trace of the kidnaping band was found. No- body had seei them enter or leave the place, officers said. Meanwhile, John C. Wooten, Jr., 10-year-old brother of the intended victim, was pcked up by officers at the West Opportunity School and was returned to the hotel. The two boys were placed in seclusion and a guard put over them. Parents Out Of Town The parens of the boys are en route to Jackson from NorthaCaro- lina, where they had been called by' the .death of Mr. Wooten's father. Mrs. Krulikowski, after telling her story, was given medical attention for the severe treatment she under- went, although physicians said her condition is not serious. Leading in the investigation is a Department of Justice agent from Detroit who arrived here Thursday morning to probe the attempted ex- tortion of $2,000 from Alidor Lefere, wealthy Jackson manufacturer. Lefere received a letter Tuesday threatening the kidnaping of one of his children, and Thursday night he placed a package of fake money in the washroom of the Club Cafe, as requested by the extortionist, Jesse Gordon, Negro porter, found"the package while cleaning up, and the trap was sprung, the suspect escap- ing. Bolvians State That Paraguay Is'Driven Back LA PAZ, Bolivia, May 25.- 2(/P)_ Three entire divisions of Paraguayan troops were reported in disorderly re- treat through the jungles of the Gran Chaco today with Bolivian forces in hot pursuit. The enemy divisions fled, said army. dispatches from Canada Strongest, after,. a surprise Bolivian counter- Prof. Burke Shartel Predicts Life Tenure For State Judges Journalism Awards Are Announced W"ind"ws Smashed In Toledo Strike Area By JOHN M. O'CONNELL The day cannot be far off when judges in the state courts of Michi- gan and other states will be appointed to their offices during good behavior, in the opinion of Prof. Burke Shar- tel of the Law School. People are coming to the point where they will no longer stand for the present sys- tem of state courts, Professor Shartel said. Professor Shartel gave the inertia of the electorate and a blind faith in the principles of democracy as the two main reasons why the public has put up with the court system as it now stands. Democracy has its proper place in the making of laws. Popular con- trol of the legislature is a sound pol- icy and one which every one wants to see continued. But popular con- trol of the courts is another mat- ter; it only serves to introduce poli- tics into affairs which should be de- cided on their merits; it leads to the worst forms of servility and inef- ficiency in judicial administration. At every meetng of the bar asso- ciation the matter of appointment of state judges has been brought up. This is indicative of a growing desire on the part of the public to bring about the reform, Professor Shartel said. A number of arguments for the appointment rather than the elec- tion of state judges can be advanced, according to Professor Shartel. In the first place, the - general public cannot discriminate between the dif- ferent candidates for office for the reason that they do not know the men personally. Also, a complete lack of knowledge of the qualifications necessary for the office-holder is characteristic of the average group of voters. In the second place, Professor Shartel explained that judges are not men who are asked to go into poli- tics but that they are, in a sense, self-chosen, and they cannot be ex- pected to be informed judges of their own qualifications. Considering our (Continued on Page 6) Mark W. A.ger Is Gold Medal For Scholarship Given High Strikers Fired On ByMlitia Another Man Is Wounded In Warfare Between Police And Rioters Tear Gas Fails To Disperse Throngs y Officers Elected For New Social Science Division' Prof. Charles F. Remer Is Chosen As Chairman Of New Group The division of social sciences, cre- ated by the Regents May 18 for the purpose of co-ordinating and en-1 couraging research in 10 departmentsj and schools in the University, held its first committee meeting Thursday afternoon for election of officers and discussion of future activities. Professor Charles F. Remer of the department of economics was elected, chairman of the committee, and Prof. Carl E. Guthe, director of the mu- seum of anthropology, and Prof. Pres- ton E. James of the geography de- partment as vice-chairman and sec- retary respectively. Committee Of Ten The committee of the division, com- posed of one faculty representative from each of 10 units related to the social sciences is as follows: Prof. James K. Pollock, representing' the political science department; Prof. Roderick D. McKenzie, sociology de- partment; Prof. John W. Dawson, Law School; Prof. Lewis G. Vander- Velde, history department; Prof. Roy W. Sellars, philosophy department; Prof. Charles H. Griffitts, psychology department; Prof. Olin W. Blackett, School of Business Administration; Professor Remer; Professor Guthe; aind Professor James. Advancement of research in the social sciences is the aim of the di- vision, rather than co-ordination of the units composing it, said Professor Remer last night. An attempt will be made, he said, to organize the newly"created division for the pur- pose of unifying the work in the so- cial sciences in the University. Asks Ruthven Recognition After a conference that the ten- tative division held May 9 it was de- cided to request the recognition of the division by President Alexander G. Ruthven. Part of the resolution was as follows: "Hope was expressed during the meeting that this organi- zation will enable the division of so- cial sciences to co-operate with you in the promotion and integration of social science- research activities at the University." In the President's program pre- sented to the Regents May 18 a di- vision was defined as "a grouping of units and departments for the pur- pose of co-ordinating various allied activities, and of developing the gen- eral field therein represented along consistent, progressive, and non-con- flicting lines. Its function is advis- ory. Its specific duties of advice and recommendation co'ncern the inter- relation' of its several curricula, the encouragement of individual re- search, and the promotion of co- operative investigations." Annual Poppy Sale BeingHeld Today The American Legion Auxiliary will sponsor its annual Poppy Day today. The local sale is under the auspices of the American Legion and the Vet- erans of Foreign Wars. Mayor Robert A. Campbell bought the first poppy of this year's sale yes- United States May Plan New . NavalParleys Conference Is Wanted By British And Japanese Governments WASHINGTON, May 25. - (') - The United States was disclosed to- day as willing to discuss secretly with the British and Japanese governments for a new naval conference. The talks, under present plans, are to be held at London between the American and Japanese ambassadors and between the American ambas- sador and British officials. The plan was first broached by Great Britain, although Japan for some time has been voicing demands that the ratio be raised at the next conference above that of 5-5-3 set at the Washington Conference. The international developments topped a series of domestic happen- ings. Secretary Morgenthau told the House Ways and Means committee the Administration was anxious to have the 50 per cent tax levied on profits from silver speculation re- tained in the new silver bill. The prolonged Republican attack on the Administration's tariff bar- gaining bill went forward in the Sen- ate with the House in recess over the week-end. In the Senate Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.) said political chiselers in Mich- igan had been charged with soliciting funds from .bankers who desired to bring their banks into the deposit in- surance corporation. Independent air mail operators brought a sharp challenge to the supremacy of the major air lines in low bids offered to the Postoffice De- partment for the right to carry the mail over 13 new lines. Officials let it become known the United States was counting on in- ternational action to stop the sale of arms to Bolivia and Paraguay but that it was willing to act separately if that became necessary. A conference of Sen. Byrd (Dem., Va.) with Chester Davis, the farm ad- ministrator, failed to dispel the fears of the senator that the new amend- ment that has been proposed to the farm act threatens the liberties of the farmer. G.O.P. Claims U.S. Liberty Needs Defense KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 25.-(4P) -Declaring "American institutions and American liberty for the first time are in need of defense against a national administration," Arthur M. Hyde, secretary of agriculture in the Hoover administration, tonight invited all Americans to support the Republican party principles "in the defense of the rights, the opportuni- ties, and liberties of a free people." Hyde, a former governor of Mis- souri, spoke at a rally opening the state primary and fall election cam- paign. Criticizing the policies of the Roosevelt administration, Hyde said "Republicans . . . do not believe that prosperity will return through the forced regimentation of industry, or the planning of dictatorial alphabeti- Kappa Tau Alpha To Hold Initiation Society Will Take In Eight New Members During Whitmore Lake Outing Announcement of the Seventh an- nual McNaught Newspaper Awards for the journalism department was made last night after deliberation by the faculty of the department. TheGold Medal of the McNaught Awards, given each year for the high- est four-year scholarship record in the department, was awarded to Mark W. Alger, '34, Berrien Springs. Alger is president of Kappa Tau Alpha, na- tional honorary journalistic society, and recently directed a three-week survey of Ann Arbor tax delinquencies for the Michigan Journalist. The Silver Medal for the best edi- torial writing of the year was given to Murton J. Peer, '34, Ann Arbor. Peer is one of the latest members of Kappa Tau Alpha, and last year won the Bronze Medal in the same awards. The Bronze Medal, awarded to a junior each year for the best report- ing work was given to Frank J. Rus- sell. Jr., '35, Marquette. Russell is a member of Phi Delta Theta, and was recently picked for Kappa Tau Alpha. The elder Russell is owner and editor of papers in Iron Mountain and Mar- quette. The McNaught lAwards are given through the departnent of journalism by Mr. E. D. McNitt, owner and direc- tor of the McNaught Newspaper Syn- dicate of New York. Mr. McNitt, who is also owner and publisher of the South Bridge, Massachusetts News, is a Michigan man, and in his under- graduate days founded and edited the "Wolverine," a weeky newspaper which was published in 1902-3. The new members of Kappa Tau Alpha will be initiated tonight in the Grove at Whitmore Lake after an outing there. The list of those to be initiated, announced by Marjorie Beck, '34, secretary of the organiza- tion, is as follows: Murton Peer, '34, John A. Babing- ton, '35, Ralph G. Coulter, '35, Carola R. Gibson, '35, Charles J. Hedetniemi, '35, Marie J. Murphy, '35, Wanda No- vinski, '35, and Frank J. Russell, Jr., '35. Brownson Made New President Of Union Mimes McDonald Is Named Vice- President Of Honorary Opera Society William Brownson, Spec., was elected president for 1934-35 of Mimes, honorary society of the Mich- igan Union Opera, at the initiation banquet held last night in the Union. J. Gordon McDonald, '35, was cho- sen to fill the office of vice-president and Stewart M. Cram, '34E, will serve as secretary-treasurer. The new of- ficers wll take office at the beginning of the fall semester. John Bunting, '36M, and Allan McCombs, '35, are the retiring presi- dent and secretary, respectively. New members of Mimes who pre- sented skits as part of their initia- tion are as follows: William M. Cut- ting, '35; William Dickert, '35; Frank M. Brennan, '36; Thomas K. Con- nellan, '34; Charles M. Hildner, '34; Robert A. Saltzstein, '34; John C. Healey, '35; Robert D. Slack, '36; Henry W. Felker, '35; McDonald, Mc- Combs, and Brownson.t, It was announced that a contest will be held for the best book for the next Opera and that a prize of at least $25 will go to the writer of the one that is selected for the show. All manuscripts must be in at the begin- ning of the school year 1934-35. Pond And Sabelli Arrive In London HESTON AIRDROME, LONDON, May 26. - (R) - Capt. George Pond and Lieut. Cesare Sabelli landed here at 12:30 p.m. today after a short flight Worker And Boy Hurt Yesterday's Clashes Police Attacked In As -Associated Press Photo This view of one of the buildings of the Electric Auto-Lite plant at Toledo shows how countless windows were smashed during rioting there. Ohio guardsmen are shown in front of the structure. Old Ruler Awaits] Apology;' Ref used Salute In Borneo MANILA, May 25. - (P)- Once the ruler of an insular kingdom of 500- 000 warlike Mohammedans, the Sul- tan of Sulu, whose power under the American flag has been fading year by year, waited here today for an apology from the government of Brit- ish North Borneo for its failure to salute him on his visit there last Feb-r ruary. s Still clinging to the belief that he isd entitled to the honors of royalty, theg Sultan recently asked North Borneot authorities why they did not fire the' customary 20 guns for him and hisn adopted daughter, the Princess Day- ang Dayang North Borneo, once a part of the Sultan's realm, still technically recog- nizes his spiritual authority, but alln the secular power that once was hish now belongs to the United States and Great Britain. 5 In contrast with his days of pompf and power, the aged Sultan, by nameI and title Hadji Muhamad Jamulu'lt Kiram, Sultan of Sulu, Sultan ofr North Borneo, Judge of Agama andt appointive Senator of the Philippine Legislature, now lives in modest cir- cumstances. How many wives he had under the Moslem institution of polygamy is a matterof conjecture, bu in recentI years he has been credited with three.I He is in his seventy-first year but still is without a direct heir. His affairs are largely in the hands of the Prin- cesses Dayang and Tarhata, the latter a niece who was educated in America. Police Cheek New England Woman's Death Officers Examining N e wt Angles Of Case; Called Suicide At First NEW LONDON, -Conn., May 25.- (P) - The death of Mrs. Caroline R. McKim, widow of Robert McKim, a partner of Stanford K. White, who was slain by Harry K. Thaw, was under investigation tonight as police said they were checking several "sus- picious angles" of the case. Dr. Charles Kaufman, medical ex- aminer, had said today that the death of the noted architect's 66-year-old widow looked like suicide, but tonight he expressed himself as doubtful. Pressed for some comment, he said merely: "We are checking several angles and cannot talk about them now. It may be several days before our investigation is completed.," Police said they had checked unsuc- cessfully to determine the origin of a .32 calibre revolver found near Mrs. McKim's body in a bedroom of her summer home here yesterday. The gun, they said, was sold in 1889 to a firm which has been out of business more than 15 years.- Teresa Comyn, a servant, who ac- companied Mrs. McKim from New York, told police the gun belonged to the widow. Bandits Killed By Bank Guard Avenging Son Father Finally Revenged After Four-Month Wait; Kills Two,_Wounds One CHICAGO, May 25.-(P)- Six robbers who stormed the quiet little suburban town of South Holland to- day found themselves facing a bank guard who had waited four months to avenge his son's death. Armed with the paraphernalia of modern crime, the six robbers found themselves trapped. They were at the mercy of a bank guard eager to avenge the wanton murder of his only son, killed in the same bank four months ago, police said, by the same holdup gang. The guard, Jacob P. De Young, 53 years old, routed the robbers with five shots from a high-powered rifle. Those who could flee ran out into the fire of three or four vigilantes, recruited on five minutes' notice to trap the gunmen. Four escaped. Three hours later a speeding car slowed before the Jefferson Park Hospital.on the South Side of Chicago and dumped out a wounded man who, police said, was Isadore Pincus, one of the South Holland gang. He was near death from loss of blood. The dead man was identified as John Cozzi, 21 years old, of Chicago. The fatally wounded man, police said, was Ben Toccio, 19, also of Chicago. He died from loss of blood late to- day. South Holland Prepared South Holland was prepared for the robbers. Shortly before opening time for the South Holland Trust & Sav- ings Bank, Police Chief Leonard H. Lagestee spied a small, fast sedan cruising past the bank. Lagestee hurried across the street of the quiet little town, a settlement of Dutch truck farmers, and warned Neal Van Kanegon, garage owner. Van Kanegon got out an elephant gun. Lagestee loosened two pistols in their holsters. The bandits' car stopped. One of them took up a station at the bank door. Another waited in the car. Four went in. All were masked. The four entered yelling to terrorize the bank employees. "This is a stickup!" the leader shouted. He shoved a sawed-off shot- gun at the bank president and at the president's son, M. H. Waterman, the cashier. Both dropped to the floor behind their counter. Shoots Leader Then came the time for which De Young had been waiting since they found his son, Peter, 31, dead in the bank last Feb. 10. He drew a bead on the leader an shot. The bandit buckled and dropped. De Young swung his gun toward the second man, who wa climbing up an eight-foot partition to get at the money drawers. On shot knocked him from this perch At the mercy of a sniper whm they could not see, the remainin robbers fled for the door. De Youn caught a third as he reached it. Out ci A a VaT ,'nan,-. n A f'!iafT, 4 Fa rc. TOLEDO, May 25. -(A') -Khaki- clad National Guardsmen whipped out their revolvers late today and fired on a brickbat-hurling crowd of 2,000 yelling strike sympathizers whom tear gas had failed to disperse. The troops, whose rifle fire yester- day killed two and wounded several, rushed the rioters' lines in Elm St. in a sudden foray after sporadic clashes throughout the day. The crowd scattered quickly at the first shots. Firing as they ran, the soldiers pursued the strikers and their friends down alleys and between houses. Almost simultaneously two truck-: loads of soldiers whizzed to the down- town district to break up a shouting throng of 500 around the Police Sta- tion. Rioters Hurl Threats "We're going back to get help and we'll come back here and strip you," screamed the rioters as they retreated. Later an unidentified man was felled by a rifle shot after a new bar- rage of stones had been laid on the guardsmen. He was wounded only slightly. Stephen Kardox, 29 years old, an employee of the Electric Auto-Lite Co plant which has been the center of the strike disorders since Tuesday, was beaten severely by a group of riot- ers and stripped of his clothing. Almost nude, he ran from the riot zone into the vicinity of the Police Station with howling men in pursuit, Officers rescued Kardox, who had been called a "scab.", A twelve-year-old boy was hurt in . an early afternoon tear gas bombard- ment. He was struck by a gas projec- tile. A police ambulance came shrieking to the scene. Guardsmen arrested five men. A tear gas bomb which one strike sympathizer picked up and tried to hurl back at the soldiers exploded, but the man was not hurt. Peace Proposal Presented E. H. Dunnigan, assistant to Charles P. Taft II in attempted Federal me- diation of the strike, said after leaving a committee of automotiv strike lead- ers: "The' mediators have presented to the union committee a proposal for ending the strike. "If the committee approves it, the proposal will be presented to a meet- ng of the union members later. If they accept it, the strike will be ended." Specific points of dispute, he said, will be left to arbitration later. The strikers have demanded a 10 per cent pay increase, recognition of their union, and seniority rights. Dynamite Rumors Investigated Reports that quantities of dynamite had been smuggled into the city last night brought a careful scanning by police and the troops of any suspicious movements. "Appeals have been sent to the rad- ical elements in nearby cities to send all available men into Toledo to aid in the rioting," asserted J. Arthur Minch, manager of the Auto-Lite company. This information and the reports of the dynamite, Minch said, had come to him from a detective agency. Chieago Man Will Speak At Alumni Meet S. Emory Thomason, '04, promi- I nent Chicago publisher, will give the n principal address -at the Fourth Tr- s ennial meeting of the Alumni - As- n sociation June 1 in Grand Rapids it e was announced yesterday by T. Haw- . ley Tapping, general secretary of the n association. g Orand E. Hunt, '07, vice-president g of the General Motors Co. and chair- - man of the executive committee of _the Alumni Asociation will presiei