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May 25, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-25

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Sir igaz


The University -Alumni
Relationship Turned About



Active On Daily
Efroymson has held the positions'
of national advertising, contracts,
and circulation managers on the bus-
iness staff of The Daily during the
past year. He is a niember of Druids,
Alph'a Delta Sigma, honorary pro-
fessional advertising society, and Ze-
ta Beta Tau fraternity.
Van Vleck has served on The Daily
for three years and during the past
two semesters he was a night editor.
He is affiliated with Theta Delta Chi
fraternity, in addition to being a
member of Druids.
Leggett formerly worked on the
editorial staff of the Michiganensian.
He is also a member of Druids and of
Sigma Nu fraternity. Fehsenfeld is
on the Varsity swimming team and
affiliated with Sigma Chi fraternity.
Offiials Will
Be Present At
Large Representation Of
University Of Michigan
Clubs Expected
A group of officials headed'by Pres-
ident Alexander G. Ruthven will rep-
resent the University at the Fourth
National triennial meeting of the
Alumni Association in Grand Rapids
Friday and Saturday, June 1 and 2.
The University of Michigan Club
of Grand Rapids and the Association
of University Women will be hosts to
the visiting alumni.
The program will have particular
interest for alumni living in Michi-
gan and a large attendance from the
various University Clubs in the State
is expected.
The theme of the conclave will be
"How Best to Interpret the University
to the State" and will be discussed in
"panel" meetings headed by promi-
nent alumni.
Among the features of the program
will be a golf tournament. Teams of
the Ninth District of the Alumni As-
sociation will be competing for the
James M. O'Dea Trophy, now held
1-#t.:, T~Yrma + ~l~. of f m.- 2 Tr

WASHINGTON, May 24. - (W)
The Blue Eagle emerged with
strengthened wings today from a
courtroom clash with an agent of the
Ford Motor Co.
Justice Daniel W. O'Donoghue of
the District of Columbia Supreme
Court held Ford was thwarting the
Recovery Act and that the govern-
ment did not have to buy his prod-
"It would seem unreasonable that
the President should be compelled to
contract with any company, no matter
how wealthy or powerful, if that com-
pany is thwarting the recovery act
and defying the government to en-
force it," the court. declared.
"It is not reasonable that the gov-
ernment should be required to deal
with any company blocking this great
act of national recovery."
Justice O'Donoghue refused the ap-
plication of the Northwest Motor Co.
of Chevy Chase, Md., for an injunc-
tion to prevent the Interior and Agri-
culture departments from rejecting its
bids on approximately 1,000 Ford
trucks and automobiles.
The Ford Motor Co. has refused to
sign the NRA code for the automobile
Druids Initiate 26
Into Mystic Order
The Mystic Order of Druids last
night initiated 26 juniors into the or-
ganization. Those who were admitted
are :
Paul Babcock, Joseph R. Bailey, Jr.,
Chester C. Beard, Donald R. Bird,
William F. Borgmann, Arthur W.
Carstens, Lawrence G. Clay'ton, Wil-
lard M. Cornelius, Ralph G. Coulter,
O'Neil L. Dillon, Jack L. Efroymson,
Dexter Goodier, Jr., George N. Hall,
Frederick W. Hertrich, Jr., Willard H.
Hildebrand, Joseph S. Hume, Fred-
erick F. Jones, Lewis Kearns, George
F. Lawton, Herbert B. Leggett, Wil-
liam F. Morgan, A. Colton Park, H.
Clayton Paulson, Robert F. Rouse,
Sompson 4. Smith, and George B. Van
14 More Selected
For Honor Guard
Appointment of 14 Engineering Col
lege seniors to the Commencement
Honor Guard was announced yester-
day by Louis Westover, president of
the present senior engineering col-
lege class. Charles R. Burgess, '34E,
was appointed permanent alumni sec-
retary at the same time.
The list of honor guards follows:
Wesley W. McMullen, Charles R.
Burgess, Stanley W. Smith, Walter H.
Powers, William C. Hanway, Jack E
Salmon, Frederick S. Kohl, De Forest
H. Eveland, Stanley C. Killian, Na-
than S. Waring, Harry T. Tillotson,
Arthur H. Mosier, Robert L. Wells,
and Albert E. Little.
Senator Copeland Gives
Praise To State Police
LANSING, May 24. -(P)-Senator
Royal S. Copeland, of New York, crit-
ic o+f npanfiicemc in1ah+ir hut fnr ,!!

To Consider
Council Fate
New Members Will Either
Abolish Body Or Make
Constitution Changes
B rsley In Favor
Of Reorganization
Plan To Make Complete
Revision Of Membership
To Be Proposed
The new members of the Under-
graduate Council, who will hold their
first meeting with the present council
at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday to decide the
fate of the council, will be faced with
two alternatives, according to Gilbert
E. Bursley, retiring president.
The new council members, who have
succeeded to positions either through
election or appointment to the head
position of a major campus organiza-
tion, will either vote the body out of
existence or will devise several con-
stitutional amendments to increase
the function and strengthen the per-
sonnel of the organization, he de-
Merits Reorganization
Bursley said that there has been
sufficient campus interest in the fu-
ture of the council to warrant such
a reorganization, but explained that
the new council, aided by the advice
and explanations of the retiring mem-
bers, would be left to act as it saw
"As a matter of fact," he declared,
"the council has accomplished prac-
tically everything it has undertaken
this year. The trouble lies in the fact
that it has too little to do, and to
try to create things to do causes
A proposed plan which the council
will consider is a complete reorganiza-
tion of its membership, wiping out
some of the old positions and replac-
ing them with the presidents or heads
of active campus organizations suc'
as the Glee Club, the band, and the
cheerleading staff, and perhaps in-
cluding a student member of the
board in control of athletics.
Would Give More Support
In this way, Bursley explained, the
council will be utilized in promoting
and supporting such activities as these
organizations are concerned with. A
plan would be devised by which other
campus groups, which believed they
were of general campus importance to
deserve it, could apply for represen-
tation in the council.
The positions which now automa-
tically mean membership on the
council are as follows: presidents of
Michigamua, Druids, Vulcans, Sphinx,
Triangles, Tau Beta Pi, Engineering
Council, Interfraternity Council, Pan-
Hellenic, the League, the Union, Mor-
tarboard, Wyvern, and Senior So-
ciety; past presidents of Wyvern, Tri-
angles and Sphinx; and the managing
editor of The Daily.
Students holding these positions are
urged to attend the meeting on Tues-
Lens Casting
Described In
Talk By Petrie
"The Casting of the 84-inch Lens

for the University of Michigan" was
the subject of an informal talk given
by Dr. Roy Petrie of the astronomy
department at the graduate lunch-
eon held yesterday in the League.
As a background, the necessity for
accuracy in applying the principle
that the volume of a solid changes
with its temperature was stressed.
New pyrex used in preference to com-
mon glass has aided this and has'
eliminated 40 per cent of the diffi-
After two previous castings of the
lens for Michigan had failed, the
third casting of the disc took place,
April 2. As he was a spectator at this
scene, Dr. Petrie described the events
quite vividly. After melting the pyrex
in huge furnaces heated by flames
of natural gas 20 feet long, the glass
was scooped out in a .ladle and cast
into a kind of bee-hive arrangement
which could be heated.
It took 23 of these pourings to
complete the disc. The glass was at
a temperature lower than the melting
point; then the temperature was in-
J -r a r f 2nAr arnnc n km e

'G.O.P. Delays
Depositor Aid
By Filibuster
Three-Hour Debate Blocks
Effort To Hasten Passing
Of Insurance Bill
House I Session
Unt l Bill Passes
Necessary Investigation Of
Banks Must Be Finished
By July_1 At Latest
WASHINGTON, May 24. -(P) -
A Republican filibuster against an-
other measure held the House in a
prolonged session today in an effort
to hasten passage of the Deposit In-
surance Bill.
The Republicans succeeded in forc-
ing the House to spend more than
three hours considering the bill to
make a National Park out of part of
the Florida Everglades.
Leaders had set aside the Deposit
Insurance Bill for that, expecting the
debate to be short, but their wishes
were thwarted by organized and solid
Republican opposition.
House to Stay in Session
Speaker Henry T. Rainey and Rep-
resentative Joseph W. Byrns, of Ten-
nessee, the Democratic floor leader
then announced the House would be
kept in session until it passed the De-
posit Insurance Bill which postpones
from July 1, 1934 until July 1, 1935,
the permanent and broader deposit
insurance features.
In asking the House to agree to ex-
tend present temporary deposit in-
surance, raising it to cover up to $5,000
instead of $2,500, Chairm'an Henry .
Steagall, Alabama Democrat, of the
Banking Committee, said:
"Insurance of bank deposits is a
reality, but much still remains to be
done to make the insurance as com-
plete as was intended when the Bank-
ing Act of 1933 was passed."
July 1 Is Deadline
He said it ould be a physical im-
possibility to ° mClete neeessary ii-
vestigation of banks by the July 1,
1934, deadline. Consequently, he re-
ported, those which have not been
examined then would be forced to
operate without any deposit insurance.
"While this work of preparation
for the more complete protection of
depositors is under way," he said,
"there is every reason to believe that
the present feeling of confidence in
the banking structure of the Country
will not only remain but will improve
as the work of rehabilitation, inau-
gurated with the passage of the Bank-
ing Act of 1933, is carried out to com-
plete fruition."
Planes Arrive
In Hawaii For
Aid Of Explorer
Navy Surgeons Attempt To
Save Life Of Famous
Sea Adventurer '
LOS ANGELES, May 24. - (F)-
Naval surgeons who made a 1,000-
mile emergency flight to aid William
Albert Robinson, stricken sea adven-
turer, waited today in lonely Tagus
cove in the Galapagos islands for the
arrival of the United States destroyer,
After examining Robinson as soon

as they arrived alongside his small
ketch, Svaat, late Wednesday, Lieu-
tenant Commander Rollo W. Hutchin-
son and Lieutenant Oscar D. Yar-
brough expressed the opinion the ad-
venturer's appendix had broken,
spreading peritonitis.
In wireless messages relayed here,
they said they considered an imme-
diate operation inadvisable and would
wait the arrival of the Hale, which left
the Canal Zone about the same time
their two naval seaplanes took off for
the islands.
The surgeons planned to put the
adventurer aboard the war craft and
speed him back to Balboa, operating
en route if necessary. The Hale ex-
pected to reach Tagus cove today.
Since wireless messages first carried
medical advice from Los Angeles to
Robinson's bride, the former Florence
Crane, Chicago heiress, the fishing
trawler Santa Cruz has been standing
by the tiny honeymoon boat supplying
ice packs to the adventurer.
The arrival of the naval surgeons
0-o1-i ic.onnm -olif f fhohri o o

Guard Rifle


In Toledo Rioting

Cornell i Preshlen t
Is Bewildered fly

LEon 0111ic

re i (IS

-Associated Press Photo
C. A. Lyan, Minneapolis civic leader
who was acting as a special officer in
the city's riots during a strike of truck
drivers, was fatally injured when he
was clubbed in the melee.


Freshmen For
U nion Positions
Are Announceed
Committee Assignments1
To Be Determined Int
Near Future {
Announcement of the appointmentt
of 50 freshmen to serve on the varioust
student committees of the Union for1
next year was made last night by Al-1
len D. McCombs, '34, president.
McCombs added that definite com-
mittee assignments had not been
made as yet, but would be made in1
the near future. He added that the
men would be divided into five sep-
arate groups and they will be shiftedr
to new committees regularly through-
out the year, thereby giving every one
of the students a chance to acquirer
experience in each of the branches of
work conducted.
The five committees for next year
are the same groups as have been
operating during the past two semes-
ters, namely the co-operative, dance,
reception, house, and publicity com-
Those selected are Benjamin Aaron,
Kenneth Altman, Thomas Ayers, John
Badger, William Barndt, William
Beck, Jack Briner, Benjamin C. Bug-
bee, Richard Clarke, Frank R. Eager,
Robert Eckelberger, Henry Fine, Wil-
liam H. Fleming, George Frank, Ardo]
M. Friend, William S. Gates, Henry
Gilfillan, James V. Graham, John C.
Griffin, and Howard L. Hawley. ;
Others chosen are Ronald Haynes,r
Ralph E. Helper, Richard G. Hershey,
Charles E. Holkins, Edgar C. Hornik,;
Ralph Hurd, Irving R. Ireland, O. A..
Johnson, Joseph V. Kempton, Robert1
B. Knight, Charles W. Ladow, Ber-
tram H. Lebeis, John B. Leonard,
Rodger E. Longley, John J. Macken,
George W. Malone, FrancisA. Mar-
cero, Paul B. Minnear, Richard M.l
Oliver, and Tunis R. Carborn.r,.
The remainder of the men selected
are Richard K. Schumo, Joseph Sin-7
clair Jr., W. Lloyd Strickland, Wil-
liam Strieve, Stanley R. Thomas, Fred
Walter, Flint C. Watt, John H. Wilson,
Herbert B. Wolf, and Merlin W.;
Select Cheerleading
Staff For Next Year
Culminating a three week's tryout
period, announcement of appoint-
ments to freshman cheerleading po-
sitions was made last night by Joseph
E. Horak, Jr., head cheerleader.
Those selected are as'follows: Sam-'
uel Pozin, '37, Elbert E. Haight, Jr.,
'37E, James Winkworth, '37, and
Thomas Sullivan, '37, One alternate,
Morton Mann, '37, also was appointed.
The sophomores who automatically
become junior cheerleaders are Robert
M. Burns, '36, Ted R. Evans, '36, Van
A. Dunakin, '36, and Joseph White,
Ceremonies Close
'34R.O.T.C. Parades
The R.O.T.C. yesterday concluded
their series of spring parades with a
decoration ceremony, at which time
the graduating members of the unit
were presented with their certificates
of commission as second-lieutenants
in the Reserve Corps.

}By Intercollegiate Press)
ITHACA, N. Y., May 24.- Cornell
University is represented in the
Roosevelt administration by some
professors who have been setting the
financial world on its ear.
But to Dr. Livingston Farrand,
president of Cornell University, the
present trend in economics is just
about as bewildering as it is to you
and me. At least he says it is.
"Why, I am just as bewildered
about it all as the average house-
holder," he told newspaper men last
week. "I try to follow the trend of
events closely, but the picture changes
so rapidly that I find myself baffled.-
I have to sit down and try to think it
all out."
One thing surprises the Cornell
president - that there is no more vio-
lence in the country.
"I believe this is due to the great
intelligence of the American peo-.
ple," he said. "Before they will at-
tempt to riot or tear things up they
will do a great deal of calm consid-
"One of the surprising things about
the current depression is that the at-
tendance at colleges and universities
has not diminished as would be ex-
pected. Parents and students, are
making great sacrifices to keep their
children and themselves in school."
Dr. Farrand believes the typical
American college student is becominE
a bit more politically-minded and is
studying current affairs with much
more interest.

Strike-Torn Sector Fights
Renewed After A Truce
Earlier InEvening
Mobs Threaten To
Dynamite Company
Moves For Peace Include
Shutting Down Of Plant,
General Parleys
TOLEDO, May 24.--(A)- Three
persons fell under a volley of National
Guard rifle fire tonight in a resump-
tion of savage rioting near the plant
of the Electric Auto-Lite Co. here.
A shower of bricks and the gather-
ing of a mob of 2,000 heralded the re-
newal of the offensive in the strike-
torn sector tonight after a brief truce
earlier in the night.
The truce followed the action of
the National Guard in opening fire
on the mob this afternoon, killing
two and wounding others.
Truce Shortlived
But the truce did not last long. At
7:20 p.m. a man struck at a Guard
officer. The officer knocked the man
into the gutter. The crowd surged
forward and the soldier drew his pis-
tol. Thei stones and bricks began
to fly again.
It was estimated that 2,000 per-
ions congregated at the Champlain
and Elm Street intersection where
this occurred.

Slin Duriing IRolDIs

Third Play Oft
Season Opens
This Afternoon
'Meet My Sister,' Musical
Comedy, To Star Walter
Slezak, Olive Olsen


A machine gun previously had been
moved back 200 feet where it could
sweep the 'intersection, but the out-
post of riflemen stayed up in front.
Other hundreds remained within
Sight of the 740 militiamen, occa-
ionally hurling sullen threats.
Threaten To Bomb Plant
"We'll get an airplane and bomb
the plant," someone shouted. Just
then a ship zoomed overhead. There
was a commotion, but no bomb fell.
"Get the dynamite," yelled an-
All the while the khaki-colored sol-
liers held their outpost, strengthen-
ing their defenses to meet a possible
major onslaught after nightfall. More
troops were being moved into the
Three moves for peace, meanwhile,
were under way: Adjutant-General
Frank D. Henderson announced at
Columbus that Auto-Lite officials had
agreed to shut down the plant for the
remainder of the week. He started
for Toledo
Call Mass Meeting

Three Fall Under

"Meet My Sister," the third of ther
Dramatic Season plays, will open to-
day with afternoon and evening pro-
grams, 3:15 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. re-
spectively, in the Lydia MendelssohnI
"Meet My Sister" is a musical com-
edy which has met with success in1
New York and Europe. Featured
players include Walter Slezak, Ger-
man star, Olive Olsen, dancing co-
medienne, and Dorothy Vernon, pri-
ma donna of many operetta hits.
Mr. Slezak plays the role of Eric
Molinar, a young professor of psy-
chology, and sings many of the songs
composed especially for him by Ralph
Benatzky, famous continental com-;
poser of "The White Horse Inn." His
leading number is the chanson in the
second act, which he sings in English,
German, and tFrench. "Meet My
Sister" is typically Viennese, having
been written by Louis Verneuill.
Miss Olsen plays opposite Mr. Sle-
zak in the comedy. She was fea-
tured in the original production in
New York and has been the star of
many other successful musical come-
dies, including "Good News," and
"Follow Thru."
The third leading member of the
cast will be Miss Vernon, as the
Countess Sainte La Verne, who in-
vents a mythical sister for herself
and starts all the farcical complica-
tions of the piece.
Other members of the cast are
Pierre Watkin as the Marquis, Fran-
cis Compton as Charles, the butler,
Audrey Ridgewel as Henriette, the
Countess' maid, and Clifford Dun-
stan as Otto H. Fimkel, shoe-store
"Meet My Sister" will run through
the afternoon of Wodnesday, May 30,
and on that night Violet Kemble-
Cooper, Bert Lytell, and Jessie Bus-
ley will open Keith Winter's exciting
English drama, "The Shining Hour."
Select Jury To dry
Gov. Langer, Aides
BISMARCK. N.D.; May 24.--(P)-

A mass meeting of civic leaders
manufacturers, representatives of or-
;anized labor, and newspaper editors
was called for tomorrow to discuss
not only a truce in the five-weeks-old
Auto-Lite strike, the immediate cause
of the disorders, but to try to avert
a general strike which irate labor
leaders said was likely as a result of
today's .killings.
Charles P. Taft, special mediator
for the federal Department of Labor,
had arrived in the city to throw his
efforts toward effecting agreement.
He is p son of the late President Wil-
liam Howard Taft.
The fatalities today were Steve
Syigon, 20, an unemployed youth
who had just returned from a CCC
camp in California, and Frank Hubay,
27, who had lost his job in a battery
shop Monday.
Brand Whitlock Dies
In France At Age Of 65
CANNES, France, May 24.- (A') --
Brand Whitlock, former United
States ambassador to Belgium died
here today. Mr. Whitlock, who was 65
years old, died at noon. He had been
ill for some months.
He was taken to the Sunnybank
English-American hospital, March 5
and underwent a serious bladder op-
eration at that time He had been
improving slowly and friends said
they thought he was on the way to
recovery. Today he underwent a sec-
ond operation.
Mrs. Whitlock was with him
throughout his illness
Funeral services will be Saturday
at Holy Trinity church and the burial
will be in Cannes. While these, plans
avo innmIpt i+. mrn Pxne'lr]+hat


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