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May 24, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-24

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Li ian

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Students Offered An Oppor-
tunity To Vote; A Move Toward
Justice For All.



Gesell Gets Grant
A $5,000 grant will be allocated to
Dr. Gesell, head of the physiology de-
partment for "research on the physi-
ology of respiration." The General
.Education Board, another Rockefeller
fund, closely associated with the
Foundation, has extended a grant of
$150,000 voted in 1929 to run over a
five-year period for "research in ad-
vance of humanistic studies." This
does not mean more funds, but that
what is left of the original grant may
be expended. This is being used by
the University Institute of Archeolog-
ical Research. The Institute, composed
of professors from various depart-
mentsi n the University, has used none
of this money for excavations, but for
publication of research books and the
In addition to these, the Foundation
also sanctioned continuation of $95,-
000, made in 1930 to run seven years,
to the elementary school for the pur-
pose of "research in methods of teach-
ing and child care at the elementary
House Passes
Proposal For
Arms Embargo
Senate Approval Is Sought
On Measure Designed To
Halt Chaco War
WASHINGTON, May 23.--VP) -
President Roosevelt's request for au-
thority to stop the sale of arms and
munitions intended for the Gran Cha-
co battlefields received expeditious
treatment today from a Congress em-
phatically in favor of the proposal.
The House unanimously adopted a
resolution empowering the President
to declare an embargo as a means of
ending the destructive and disastrous
war between Bolivia and Paraguay
that)has raged on the plains and in
the jungles of the South American in-
Almost simtltaneously, the Senate
Foreign Relations', Committee ap-
proved a similar resolution, and
Chairman Key Pittman made plans
for obtaining Senate approval as soon
as debate on the RA and the Tariff
Bill permitted him to call the measure
up for action:
Under the leadership of Chairman
S. D. McReynolds, of the House For-
eign Affairs Committee, the resolu-
tion was put through in 20 minutes.
In the brief debate, Rep. Hamilton
Fish, (Rep., N. Y.), voiced emphatic
opposition to a pending resolution
which would give the President au-

Ormond E. Hunt, vice president of
the General Motors Company, .will
be the speaker at the Tung Oil Ban-
quet to be held at 6:15 tonight in
the Terrace Room of the Union. Mr.
Hunt will speak on "Raw Stuff and
Rivets". He graduated from Michi-
gan in 1908 and has been with Gen-
eral Motors since that time.
Dean H. C. Sadler and C. W.
Ditchy will be the other speakers.
Mr. Ditchy of Detroit will present
the Associate Technical Society
awards to the winner at this banquet.
The winner being George W. Malone
The new officers, Eric E. Sommer
'35E, vice president, S. M. Ferman
'34E, treasurer, M. B. Heimann '36E
recording secretary, and George W.
Malone '37E home secretary will be
inducted into office. Albert J. Stone
'34E president-elect will not be able
to attend because of illness.
National Guard
Called Out To
Cheek Strikes
Rioting Strikers In Ohio
And Minnesota Assail
(By Associated Press)
Rioting broke out yesterday on one
strike front in Ohio, and in Minnea-
polis national guardsmen were called
to duty as a jittery citizenry feared
possible duplication of previous dis-
Nearly 3,000 strike pickets and sym-
pathizers at the Electric Auto-Lite Co.
plant in Toledo held workers of the
day shift virtual prisoners when a riot
broke out suddenly with bullets spat-
ting, bricks and stones tossed, and tear
gas bombs hurled.
National guardsmen - three regi-
ments - were mobilized by Gov. Lloyd
D. Olson's orders in Minneapolis as
reports were current that striking
truck drivers contemplated rejection
of the regional labor board's decision
on their wage demands. Strikers as-
sembled for a mass meeting in the
parade grounds.
The city maret of Minneapolis,
scene of rioting, which Monday and
Tuesday took one life and sent scores
to hospitals, was closed and the streets
were empty save for a few policemen.
Ohio Troops Called Out
TOLEDO, May 23.-(VP)-Adju-
tant-General Frank D. Henderson or-
dered 700 Ohio national guardsmen
into Toledo tonight around the elec-
tric Auto-Lite Co. plant where 1,500
workers are held prisoners by 3,000
strikers and sympathizers.
Shortly before General Henderson's
order was given, company guards set
up machine guns and trained them on
a steel gate which the rioting strikers
had torn from its hinges.
A new shipment of tear gas bombs
was received at nine o'clock tonight
and police and deputies immediately
began firing the bombs into the crowd
of sympathizers. Several shots were
The 1,500 workers in the plant pre-
pared to sleep in the factory building

Members Of
Boards Today
To Vote On Candidates For
Publications And Athlet.
ics Positions
No Students Named
To S.C.A. Positions
Booths To Be Plaed In
Engineering Arch And
In Front OfLibrary
Voting in the-Al-Campus elections
to determine student members of the
Board in Control of Athletics and
the Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications will begin at 9 a. m. today
and continue until 4 p. m. this after-
noon, it was announced by Allan D.
McCombs, president of the Union.
Union officials will be in charge of
two booths on the campus, placed
before the Main Library and at the
entrance of the Engineering Arch.
Eight candidates for student rep-
resentation on the Board in Control
of Student Publications have been
nominated, of whom three will be
elected: Willard E. Blazer, '35, Jack
L. Efroymonson, '35, J. Carl Hilty,
'35, O. Allen Knuusi, '35E, Herbert
Leggett, '35, A. Colton Park, '35, Rob-
ert .VanderKloot, '35, and George
Van Vleck, '35.
Three Students On Board
The Board in Control ofaStudent
Publications is composed of four
faculty members, appointed by the
president, and three students, nom-
inated by the Board, and elected from
the campus at large. It serves in a
supervisory function to the four of-
ficial student publications of the Uni-
versity: The Daily, The 'Ensian, The
Gargoyle, and The Student Direct-
ory, A non-profit corporation, it
also operates the printing shop in
the Student Publications Building.
An important function of the board
is the appointment of the editors and
business managers of the publica-
Two For Athletic Board
Nelson R. Droulard, '36E, . and
Frank B. Fehsenfeld, '36 were named
as candidates for election to the
Board in Control of Athletics.
The Board in Control of Athletics
is composed of 14 members: nine
members of the faculty, three alumni,
and two students. It supervises al
University athletics, passing on the
budget, drawing up schedules, and
approvitig the appointments of
The"vestigial" nature of student
offices on the Board in Control of the
Student C'ristian Association was
cited by Russel F. Anderson, '36, pres-
ident of the Student Christian Asso-
ciation, as reason for omitting this
year's appointment of candidates for
those offices.
Drew Seeks Injunction
Against Band Practice
A. Leslie Drew, '36, a member of the
Zeta Psi fraternity, is consulting an
attorney on the possibility of obtain-
ing an injunction restraining the
Band from practicing in Morris Hall.
The Zeta Psi house and Morris Hall
are separated only by a narrow drive,
and Drew claims the constant racket
of band practice is shattering his
nerves and interfering with his prep-
aration for final examinations.
Drew said he would not mind so
much if the Band would play during
the practice but the constant "oop

oop, of instruments being tuned is
starting him on the way to a nervous
Planes- Finish
Dash To Help,
Sick Voyager
LOS ANGELES, Calif., May 23.-
(A) - Roaring across the equator, two
navy planes from Coco Solo, C.Z., late
today completed a 1,000 mile flight
to Tagus Cove of the Galapagos
Islands with medical aid for William
Albert Robinson, Chicago millionaire,
stricken with appendicitis.
Safe landing of the planes at 3:45
p.m. (Pacific standard time) was re-
ported by the Mackay Radio Corp.
here in a message relayed from the
lonely equatorial archipelago by a
fishing trawler that for two days has
been standing by the 32-foot, round
the world ketch. on which the explorer

Appointmen I
For Summer
Shaw Is Picked By Pettit
For Assistant Managing
Seven Appointed As
Associate Editors
Baird, Ruwitch, Groehn,
Reed, Elliott, Conger,
And Kleene Named
Appointments of staff members for
the 1934 Summer Michigan Daily were
made last night by E. Jerome Pettit,
'35, managing editor.
Brackley Shaw, '34, Ann Arbor, was
named to the position of assistant
managing editor by Pettit. Shaw has
been city editor of The Daily during
the past year. He is a member of
Sigma Phi fraternity, Druids, honor-
ary literary society, and Sigma Delta
Chi, national professional journalism
society, of which organization he was
formerly treasurer.
Associate Editors Appointed
Pettit appointed seven men to serve
as associate editors on The Summer
Daily. They are: Charles A. Baird,
'35, Holly; Robert S. Ruwitch, '35,
Highland Park, Ill.; Thomas E.
Groehn, '36, Grosse Pointe; Paul- J.
Elliott, '36, Wilkinsburg, Pa.; Thomas
H. Kleene, '36, Ann Arbor, William R.
Reed, '36, Ann Arbor; and Clinton
Conger, '37, Ann Arbor.
Students who will be attending the
Summer Session and who are inter-
ested in obtaining experience and
training in newspaper work may apply
at the editorial offices of The Daily,
according to Pettit.
Baird is a former sports assistant
on The Daily. He is a member of
Sigma Delta Chi. 4.uwitch is a night
editor on The Daily. He is also a
member of Sigma Delta Chi and Zeta
Beta Tau fraternity. Groehn is also
a Daily night editor. He is in Theta
Delta Chi fraternity.
Have Had Experience
. Elliott is a-fight Viitor of The Daily.
Kleene holds a like position, in addi-
tion to being a member of Sphinx,
honorary junior literary society, Sig-
ma Delta Chi, Alpha Delta Phi fra-
ternity, and the executive council of
the Union.
Reed is a sports assistant on The
Daily and a member of Sigma Delta
Chi. Conger is a Daily reporter and a
member of Sigma Phi fraternity.
COUncil Given
Pulans To Solve
Water Problem
Water Commissioners Do
Not Believe Alternative
Forms Will Be Adopted
Offering three possible solutions
for Ann Arbor's water problem, the
recommendation of the Board of
Water Commissioners was presented,
to the Common Council Monday
night, in response to its request for
an estimate of the proposed costs of
a softening and filtering plant for
systems using the present well supply
and the Huron River as sources.
The first possible project, a plant
located adjacent to the existing re-
servoir to treat the existing well sup-
ply, would cost $485,000 for construc-

tion, and would involve $92,250 in
annual additional charges.
Secondly, a plant is offered lo-
cated on the Huron River near the
Barton Dam to treat the water of the
Huron River, at an estimated con-
struction cost of $365,000, and involv-
ing $61,750 in additional annual
The third possibility is a plant.lo-
cated on the- Huron River near the
Barton Dam to treat the existing
well supply exclusive of the Steere
Farm supply, and in addition the
water from the Huron River to the
extent that the same may be re-
quired. It is estimated that such a
plant will cost $403,000 for construc-
tion, and will have $71,450 in addi-
,tional annual costs.
Although the maximum pumping
capacity for the present system is not
over six million gallons daily, the
proposed plans were offered on a ba-
sis of nine million gallons per day.
Reports and recommendations have
been offered back and forth between
the Council and the Board for 50
years. Little action is expected at
oresent on the current renort.

Lorado Taft, Famous Sculptor,
Lauds Growth Of Michigan Art

High praise was sounded to the
progress of art work at Michigan
by Lorado Taft, world-famous sculp-
tor, when he paid a flying visit to
Ann Arbor yesterday. Returning to
Chicago from an address before
Ypsilanti State Normal students, Mr.
Taft stopped at the University long
enough to examine the sculpture
pieces now, on exhibit at the League.
Four years ago, at the Convention
of the American Federation of Art
in Washington, D. C., Mr. Taft spoke
of the new development in sculpture
work at the University of Michigan,
stating that the movement bore
watching in the art activities of the
Yesterday, after observing the most
recent pieces on exhibit, Mr. Taft-
declared, "The work is even more
surprising than I had expected, and
I certainly compliment the students
and Professor Avard Fairbanks for
their success. The exhibit as a whole
shows a remarkable degree of abil-

ity." While he seemed to hesitate
in speaking of individual pieces, Mr.
Taft cited the work of Helen Bailey,
grad, and Harry Furst, '35, as show-
ing particular promise, He has at
various times mentioned Prof. Fair-
banks' "Head of a Crusader" as one
of the finest he has ever seen done.
White-haired, continental in, ap-
pearance, and gracious of manner,
Mr. Taft looks the part of the dis-
tinguished artist. Born in Tllinois
in 1860, he was educated at the Uni-'
versity of Illinois and in Paris at the
Ecole des Beaux-Arts. His most fa-
mous work includes the Indian figure
Blackhawk, a concrete statue of gi-
gantic proportions, at Rock River,
Ill., and the celebrated Columbus
Memorial Fountain at Washington,
D. C.
In his address at Ypsilanti, Mr.
Taft discussed lighting effects in
sculpture, and also his favorite brain-
child, a museum he has designed to
contain casts of the best pieces of
sculpture in the history of art.

Michigan Gets
Five In Ninth
Beats Toledo
Wolverines Win 5-3 In
First Night Game; Held
Scoreless 8 Innings
TOLEDO, O., May 23. - (Special)
-After being held to one hit for the
first eight innings, Michigan's base-
ball team drove five runs across the
plate in the ninth inning last night
to defeat Toledo University, 5 to 3.
The game was the_ first one ever
played under arc lights by a Michi-
gan nine.
Five singles, coupled with two walks
in the last inning, ended Lippincott's
dominance over the Wolverine bats-
men, and brought in the winning
Petoskey and Paulson singled to
start the inning, and Wittberg's walk
filled the bases. After Regeczi had
fanned, Waterbor drove out another
single to score Petoskey and Paulson
and put Wittberg on third, from
where he scored when Chapman
forced Waterbor at second. Lerner
worked Lippincott for another walk.
The fourth single of the inning, by
Leonard pinch-hitting for Wilson,
drove in Chapman with the winning
run, and Artz added another with a
drive which scored Lerner:
Wilson and Patchin worked on the
mound for the Wolverines and be-
tween them held Toledo to eight hits.
Lippincott, the Toledo pitcher, was
invincible for the first eight innings,
and five Toledo errors did little dam-
age as far as Michigan scoring was
The Ohioans, although they outhit
the Wolverines, failed to bunch their
blows with the same effectiveness,
scoring one run in the seventh and
adding two more in the eighth. Patch-
in held them scoreless in the final
inning after Wilson had left for a
The artificial lights proved no han-
dicap to the Michigan fielders, who
recovered at least temporarily from
their recent disastrous slump.
The score by innings:

Micliigain iw Braves
Scalp 23 In Annutal
Raid On__campus
Listen to this tale of romance,
Tale of Indian warriors bold-
In the early moon of greenleaves
Came they forth the stoic valiant;
Forth they romped to paleface
Wigwam one of friend great chief,
Paleface mighty among his kind;
Came he forth to take their token
Of the warpath they would tread,
Then to the mighty oak of Tappan
Dashed the screaming, yelling red-
To the tree of Indian legend
When the white man pale and
Stood around the mighty oak;
Warriors choice of paleface nation,
Choice of tribe to run the gaunt-
Down .the warriors, painted de-
Swooped and caught their prey
like eagles,
Loud the war cry stirred the still-
As they seized their hapless cap-
Forth they bore them to their wig-
There to torture at their pleasure
There they are around the glowing
Heard the words of mighty wis-
Smoked the pipe of peace and
Thus there came to Michigamua:
Thomas D. Austin, Taylor Drys-
dale, George Y. Duffy, William G
Ferris, Eric W. Hall, John C. Healey,
Robert J. Henoch, J. Carl Hilty, Jo-
seph E. Horak, Jr., John P. Jewell
Allan D. McCombs, William J. Mc
Fate, Russell D. Oliver, Alfred H.
Plummer, Russell B. Read, John M.
Regeczi, Robert J. Renner, John H t
Sherf, Philip A. Singleton, Harvey
H. Smith, Laurence D. Smith, Robert
S. Ward, Douglas R. Welch.
Helen Wright Wins In
Poetry Reading Contest
The annual University of Michigan
Poetry Reading Contest sponsored by
the Interpretive Arts Society, which
was held last night in the University
High School Auditorium, was won by
Helen Wright, '35, Deland, Fla. Miss
Wright was presented with a set of
books titled "The Golden Treasury-of
Irish Songs and Lyrics. Hubert Horn
won second prize which was a volume
of American poetry.
Judges were Prof. Eich, Prof. Burk-
lund, Prof. Walter, Dean Humphreys,
and Prof. Talamon.

Be Begun
Treasurer Puts Data Into
Hands Of Department
Of stice Today
Party Standing Is
Being Questioned
Aide To Abbott Resigns;
Terwilliger Is Named As
WASHINGTON, May 23,- (k)-
All evidence in the investigation of
charges of political activity in the of-
fice of Horatio J. Abbott, who resigned
yesterday as collector of internal rev-
enue at Detroit, will be turned over
to the Justice Department by the
The Treasury made this known to-
day and announced simultaneously
that John H. Tieghe, deputy collector
at Detroit and George W. Woods, a
revenue agent on furlough from the
Detroit office, had been suspended.
The Treasury action was announced
after a conference in the office of
Secretary Morgenthau attended by
Woods, Assistant Secretary Stephen
xibbons, Guy T. Helvering, commis-
sioner of internal revenue, and other
treasury officials.
Abbott Gives Statement
DETROIT, May 23. - VP)-Al-
though Horatio J. Abbott returned
from Washington today with the
statement that his resignation as col-
lector of internal revenue for the
Michigan district had shorn him of
none of his power in Democratic af-
fairs, speculation was rife as to
whether he would relinquish,' his mem-
oership on the party's national corn-
Abbott said he had been given his
.hoice in Washington between retain-
ng the collectorship and membership
)n the national comnittee' in line
with the administration's policy
igainst mixing administrative and po-
litical activities, and had chosen the
:atter. He said he had no intention
f resigning from the committee, but
from Washington came dispatches
,aying that he might not long retain
shat membership.
Terwilliger Appointed
John M. Terwilliger , a iassistant
in Abbott's old office,received a ter-
orary appointment as:acting collet-
'or today. One of his first acts was
'o accept the voluntary resignation of
John J. Tieghe, a deputy whose solici-
;ation of a political contribution from
;he Packard Motor Car Co. is gen-
rally believed to have precipitated
Abbott's resignation.
Abbott declared, however, that the
,harges of political activities against
nembers of his staff had nothing to
to with his retirement, and said he
3xpected to be asked to name his suc-
Among the possibilities mentioned
were Martin R. Bradley, of Menom-
I nee, speaker of the House; Lieut.
3ov. Allen E. Stebbings; parole Com-
nissioner W. Alfred Debo; Arthur F.
Lederle, assistant city attorney of De-
Wroit, and Robert Rayburn, Alpena
British Curator
To Talk On Old
Bible Paprus

H. Idrys Bell, keeper of the manu-
scripts in the British Museum and a
-ecognized authority on papyrology,
Nill deliver a special Tniversity lee-
;.ure at 4:15 p. m. Thursday, June 14,
an "The Codex Sinaiticus," oldest
mnanuscript of the Bible.'
He has long been acquainted with
members of the faculty here because
of his assistance and advice during
-he time when the University was
building up its own collection of
Greek papyri. The Codex Sinaiticus
has only recently been acquired by
the British museum and is reputed
to be one of the most celebrated
manuscripts in the world.
Mr. Bell is the author of numerous
books and has also published several
collections of papyri. He is being
brought here under the auspices of
the Carnegie Corp., and , in addition
to delivering his lecture in Ann Ar-
bor, will visit other libraries through-
out the country and attend the con-



Michigan .....000 000 005-5
Toledo .......000 000 120-3



Either the pacifists have been gain-
ing some oft their ends, or the stories
current about the toughness of ser-
geants are mere myths.
Sergeant Dewey G. Bonniewell of
the military tactics department
poured at a recent dance of the
Scabbard and Blade at the Wash-
tenaw Country Club.

Lost And Found Finds Much Is
Found, But Little Is Reclaimed

These hot spring days are bringing
heart-rending lamentations from the
lost and found department of the
University. With woe-begone feel-
ings the members of that indispen-
sible unit look over their domain,
searching vainly for a single more
cubic inch in which to store the mul-
titudious articles that stray mysteri-
ously from their owners.
During the winter a super-abund-
ance of perfectly good overcoats,
gloves and scarves poured in. Then
in the month of April, the quality of
lost apparel changed to raincoats and
umbrellas. but the quantity of the,

of the divers articles failed to come
in to reclaim their property.
During the rainy season, if a per-
son lost his raincoat he came into
the department immediately, for it
was very wet outside. But now, if
someone loses his or her hat, or
gloves, or scarf, life goes on just as
safely, and perhaps more comfort-
ably without them.
The net result of this reclamation
failure is a swarm of topcoats, hats,
and other articles that come in and
stay in; and also for the very wor-
ried look on the faces of the attend-
ants who are now beginning to won-


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