THE. MICHIGAN DAILY ICHIGAN DAILY Ii- Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student~ Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. AssociatdF (lo U ate _____ -193 3 (AIO1L . WRAG)1934 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use for republication of ail"-news dispathees credited to it or not otherwise credited in thi. paper and the local news publised herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the post Office at. Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mall, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by tion, Play Production several days ago upped and announced that their dramatic forays are to have broad scope this season; they will include such offerings as the deservedly famed "Elizabeth the Queen," which is still occasionally given under Luntian auspices, and a fling at good old Gilbert and Sullivan. It is expected that this array of hits will display the true value of Play Produces tion, a value which the University (somewhat in- explicably) has only partly appreciated. "See Naples and Die," by Elmer (Janus) Rice, is, from all reports, an important drawing card. I have not as yet read the play; when I have, which will be some time today, you will know about it. Publicity reports from Play Produc- tion say, among other things: "The entire Mendelssohn stage will be recre- ated to represent the colorful terrace of the Pen- sione de' Medici, a famous inn overlooking the picturesque Bay of Naples. The Robert Edmond Jones setting for the original production has been carefully studied and adapted to the needs of the Mendelssohn Theatre. Vivid color combinations, typical of an Italian setting, will furnish a gay background for the variety of European and American costumes. Full use will be made of the plaster cyclorama, one of the most valuable fea- tures of the Mendelssohn equipment, and unus- ual lighting effects will thereby be possible." Rather inviting, isn't it?) Screen Reflections AT THE MICHIGAN "FASHIONS OF 1934" EDITOR'S NOTE: Owing to the extremely long review of "Ulysses" published yesterday, it was neces- sary to withhold the following notice on "Fashions of 1931"s until today. Mr. Nash ..........William Powell Miss Lynne ............ Bette Davis 1 C mission it is to carry the dead bodies of fallen heroes to Valhalla, where they became the pro- tectors of the gods. The Overture to Tannhau- ser, like the opera, deals with lustful love as ex- emplified in the Venusberg music, opposed to pure love of divine inspiration as suggested by the Pilgrim's Chorus (which appears later in I he op- era, in the third act.) This is the last symphony prog'rami on this series before the May Festival. l-Sly Place If Your imiporbted date. No. longer writes .. your domestic date ... OAnnes: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone; 2-1214. Representatives: Colege Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street,- New York .City; 80 Boylson Street, Boston; 612 North kichigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF, Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR..........THOMAS K. CONNELLAN CITY EDITOR.................BRACKLEY .SHAW EDITORIAL DIRECTOR..........C. HART SCHAAF SPORTS EDITOR....... ... .....ALBERT H. NEWMAN DRAMA EDITOR................,JOHN W. PRITCHARD WOMEN'S EDITOR,................CAROL J. HANAN NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris, John C. Healey, George van Vleck, Guy M. Whipp-e, Jr. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Bairdl, Arthur W. Car- stens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie Western, WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan. REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Ogden G. Dwight, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, Thomas E. Groehn, John Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, Richard E. Ioreh, David c;. Macdonald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parker, Wil- liam R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair, Arthur S. Settle, Marshall D. Silverman, Arthur M. Taub. Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie Heid, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Kathryn Rietdyk, Jane Schneider. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER.............W. GRAFTON SHARP CREDIT MANAGER ...........BERNARD E. SCHNACKE WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER...,."...,..... ."" ."". . . . . . CATHAR.IN...CHENRY DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her- trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service. Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusl; Circulation, Jack E f- roymson.1 ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakir, Milton Kra- t mer, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard,{ James Scott, David Winkworth. Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady, Virginia Cluff, Patricia Daly, Genevieve Field, Louise Floret, Doris Uimmy, Betty Greve, Billie Griffiths, Janet f Jackson, Louise Krause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret Mustard, Betty Simonds. NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN C. HEALEY Fine Influence Of City Council. TIHE Common Council has again come to the rescue of the Michi- gan student. With the proper amount of sacri- ficing magnanimity and satisfaction with self, the council has decided that the students must be protected from the roaring devil which, the phi- losophers have told us, is part of every man's make-up (except, of course, the make-up of the members of the Common Council, who are differ- ent than ordinary mortals, a good deal different). The council has therefore decided that: 1. All little boys should be in bed by mid- night. 2. Anyone who takes a glass of beer and then dances is lascivious. 3. Anyone who takes a glass of beer and then watches a torch singer sing is living a life of sin. 4. Any dining hall that is downstairs or upstairs is a hotbed of vice. 5. Any restaurant, serving beer, which has partitions is the setting for initial steps to a fate which is worse than death. The net effect will be, of course, not at all what the council desires. No Michigan students are as- sured of living a clean, healthy, true blue life as a result of this bill. What will happen is simple enough: drinking, hard liquor drinking, will return to the fraternities, its home during the Prohibition Era. This is what the University au- thorities have wanted to abolish and it is the precise thing which, via their influence upon the council ,they are now encouraging. We make this prediction with an air of positiveness. It is the same air of positiveness which dominated our predictions last year when we said that if the council permitted beer drinking downtown, rather than in clean, reputable places uptown, the result would be a mushroom growth of undesirable dives. We were right then and we believe we are right now. The Common Council cannot be expected to take advice, or criticism, or suggestions. It lives in a celestial atmosphere removed from the mun- dane practicalities which motivate the rest of us poor mortals. We cannot talk, we can only watch and marvel. And during the next year we will watch the unfortunate results of this latest at- tempt to transplant Heaven to earth. And we will see, in all probability, the Council refuse to ad- mit its mistake with the same narrow obstinacy with which it refuses to admit that the growth of these dives was encouraged by the East of Divi- sion Street Beer Ban. This is practicaly an all-William Powell picture, and was obviously conceived for his personality. However, if you have an aversion to this gentle- man, you will still be entertained by the bit, be- cause the plot moves rapidly, and the supporting cast, including a very stunning and, effective Duchess, a bevy of alluring manequins, and Frank McHugh, is fine . As the title indicates, there is something of the musical comedy element present, but this has been confined, fortunately, to one number, and this one number gives a much better effect than do several of its caliber crowded into one picture. The fashions are extreme and effec- tive and will delight the feminine audience. There are some very amusing situations in the plot which pull the picture out of the average class and make it good light entertainment. The opening scene finds Mr. Nash, the smooth and suave hero, as a would-be stock promoter, in his office trying to buffalo a client into thinking that he is very busy and also important. But the client turns out to be the man who has come to take the telephones out. Then the furniture men come in and remove everything else in the office except for Mr. Nash and his right hand man. On leaving the office, these two gentlemen collide with a young lady who has a stack of fashion drawings that she is trying to sell. This gives Mr. Nash one of his brilliant ideas, and soon we see all three of them bootlegging Paris fashions into Goldblatt's basement at $19.98 per. When he is found out, he turns the tables on everybody and secures a position as Paris representative of three of the leading dress firms in New York. When they all get to Paris one idea leads to another, and soon Mr. Nash's cleverness, gall, blackmailing, and luck put him at the head of the leading dressmaking establishment of Paris. The extra features are a "Flip the Frog" car- toon, wflich is below average, a sailor comedy that is better than usual, and an exceptional news reel showing the fighting in both Paris and Vien- na -C. B. C. Musical Events DALIES FRANTZ IN DETROIT Dalies Frantz, of the School of Music faculty, is scheduled to appear with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra Thursday night and Friday afternoon. He will }lay the work by which he gained his great acclaim on his recent concert tour, the Beethoven Concerto in C Major, Op. 15. DETROIT SYMPHONY TONIGHT EDITOR'S NOTE: Owing to the extremely long review of "Ulysses" published yesterday, it was neces- sary to withhold the following discussion on Sunday's faculty concert. Choral and Fugue .............. Zemachson Symphony No. 2, in E minor; Op. 27 ...... ..............................Rachm aninoff FACULTY CONCERT REVIEW ALL honor to Mr. Christian and Mr. Brinkman for the splendid concert they gave the audi- ence - and a large one it was at that - on Sun- day afternoon in Hill Auditorium. The program opened with the Cesar Franck "Prelude, Fugue, and Variation for Organ and Piano"; the perfect- ly co-ordinated manner in which it was played seemed nothing short of miraculous. It possesses a smooth, flowing melody and emphasized the evenness and legato playing of both artists. At no time were the lesser tones of the piano outdone by the weight of the organ. Mr. Christian came on the platform as soloist next, playing two Leo Sowerby compositions: "Carillon" and the "Passacaglia from Symphony No. 1 for Organ." If music can be said to have any specific colors in it, we can surely see warm greens and blues floating throughout the Carillon, perhaps because it is remindful of the Edward Bok Carillon in Florida, and of the environment, which is principally green foliage and colorful songbirds. Mr. Christian would make the music delightful even in the absence of any specific tone picture. The Passacaglia's tempo is slow and the pres- ence of a great deal of dissonance (typing it, of course, extremely and decidedly modern) makes it even more bombastic than the usual Passa- caglia. Its marked agitation from its unusual rhythms plus the dissonances and the continual diminishing of tone and then the building up again into mighty fortes, show the wealth of tonal power which the organ alone possesses. . Mr. Brinkman's execution of the "Prelude, Cho- rale, and Fugue" was faultless. His choice of this Franck number was wise since it is particu- larly suitable for displaying his own type of mu- sicianship. The Prelude itself is filled with lovely nuances and the Chorale brings out the full beauty of the melody which is carried on in the com- plicated Fugue. Sowerby's "Fugue" is especially intricate and yet its difficulty was not made ap- parent. Of the "Mediaeval Poem," enough cannot be said -let it suffice that it was a thrilling ex- perience. The hymn from the Liturgy of St. James, which is the basis and the inspiration for this work, is followed almost to the letter. "Let all mortal flesh keep silence, and with fear and trembling stand" is stressed, and when "the pow- ers of hell may vanish as the darkness clears away" the angel voices are heard crying their "Alleluia, alleluia!" The essential touch of color and atmosphere is added when a mysterious, ethereal voice floats to our ears from some far off, intangible place. (We make our bow to Mrs. Binkman - hers was the lovely voice.) The program was perfect in every sense of the word. -M. J. C. Campus Opinion Letters published In this column should not be con- strued as expressing the editorial opinion of 'The Daiy. Anonymous communications will be diisrearded. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confiining tueinseives to less than 300 words If possible. THE EXAMPLE OF BELGIUM We do honor to the memory of King Albert and admire the stand he and his gallant people made against the invaders. The words were as true in 1914 as when Caesar said them two millennia earlier: "Horum fortissimi Belgae." It is fitting at this time to retell the following story. In September, 1914, a western paper of- fered a prize for the best schoolboy essay on the origins of the war. The prize was won by a little Chinese boy in Manitoba who wrote in part as follows: "France did not want to fight, but they got ready their soldiers. Germany write a letter to France 'You don't get ready or I will fight you in nine hours.' "Germany to fight them, pass Belgium. "Belgium say 'I am a country; I am not a road.' .. No contributor to this column can be prompter than the undersigned in asserting that war is hell and that hate is the last disease of nations and yet, realizing as we do the futility of armed strife, we ought to pray for strength to emulate a people who in the face of aggression chose to remain a nation and not to become a road. --Norman Anning Colegiate Observer ,.9 - A plebe at West Point, in receipt of a boxa from home, wrote a note of appreciation, "Dear Aunt Jane. Thanks for the cake. The piece I got was fine." From St. Boneventure College comes the fol- lowing: "I think that I shall never see, A 'D' as lovely as a 'B', A 'B' whose lovely form is prest Upon the records of the blest; A 'D' comes easily and yet, It is not easy to forget, 'D's' are made by fools like me, But only God can make a 'B'." * * * Wellsley College offers to girls a course in auto- mnhile mechanics in which thev mav satisfv curi- ii 'i J -/_ ant~ keep the eory of . oft4li~~t and sweet musie ea veni 2-121 or top at the St~i dent Publications Building IMaynard Sti-cl Buy a _ . , ., . , . r . ..._ - - w--------------- E __ __ _ _._. .__ _._ _ _ _ _ .__ Won't answer the phone in) t5 if you're having any Ffl~ uGnR[1SourWAGE . 'NNE -SIIID NqEWSPAPER. 250 YEARS AGO Largo; Allegro moderato Adagio Allegro vivace "Prelude and Love Death" from "Tristan and Isolde" "Ride of the Valkyrie" from"The Valkyrie" "Overture to "Tannhauser" I ..Wagner THE night before a holiday should prove to be a good evening for a Choral Union concert, since there are no classes to prepare for, and late permission has been given our co-eds. Perhaps- these concerts aren't planned for the benefit of the general student body, but most probably they are. This concert will be a program easy to listen to, performed by one of the major orchestras, the Detroit Symphony, under the direction of Ossip Gabrilowitsch, who should need no introduction. The program, opening with a work by a lesser- light among the moderns, the Choral and Fugue, swings into a romantic vein with the Rachmani- noff Symphony. This is not the Russian that that "showman Strawinski" is, but it is the Rus- sian music that we know through Tschaikowsky and Rimsky-Korsakoff, melodious and rich, some- times bright, sometimes sombre, usually warm in its orchestral color. The Detroit Symphony per- IN ENGLAND 250 years ago, was published The Daily Courant, a newspaper no larger than a page from a modern encyclopedia. The paper was printed on one side only, but meagre as it was, it supplied a great need. Through the facili- ties of the Associated Press and other services, 7he Michigan Daily is able to supply you an unlimited supply of current news. $2.25 for the Second Semester 11 d 1414 t .M-E f .--,i IIE