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May 22, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-22

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TR 9,1C.M At . DAILY-



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subject matter as requested on the blue book is
bound to be in somewhat new form, necessitating a
certain amount of mental organization that could
better be done before writing than while the writ-
ing process is going on.
The average student, his mind necessarily filled
with many other matters, is in no position to sit
down at the drop of a hat and discuss immediately
and adequately certain technical phases of the
large subject matter assigned for the exam.
Speaking from the student's 'point of view, we
suggest to faculty members that a shorter exam
would not only be fairer, but that it would prove an
adequate test of the depth of the student's knowl-
edge rather than a mere scratching of the sur-
The Thear
"AND SO TO BED" - A Review

Puished every morning except Monday during the
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'AAIGEDTR.........WILA G.FRICITY EDITOR ...s......................JOHN HEALEY
NIGH.T EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas
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Hardenbrook, Gordon Cohn
Interfraternity Council
Faces A Crisi..
faces a crisis today. Whether it will
continue to bask in the lethargy that has char-
acterized its activities during the past year or
whether it will rise to an organization of true lead-
ership of fraternity activities on the campus will
be decided when fraternity delegates vote on
"radical changes" in the old Council constitution.
Many of the new amendments prepared by the
special committee are commendable. If passed they
will serve to develop an organization of administra-
tive efficiency, as well as an organization with
The resolution which compels fraternities to be
represented by their presidents is highly commend-
able. These men, as a rule, are elected for their
qualities of leadership and responsibility. The pres-
ent Council is sadly lacking in this type of men.
A further resolution of the revised constitution
provides that a majority of 15 delegates to the
Council may oust the president and the student
. members of the Executive Council by a vote of
"no confidence." The advantage of this change is
obvious. Although the actual executive power rests
in the hands of a small commission, it is directly
responsible to the Council as a whole.
The chief and most controversial issue .under
the revised constitution is the minimizing of fac-
ulty power in the Executive Committee so that
under the new plan the student members control
the committee by a 5-to-3 vote. The advisability.
of this resolution is highly debatable. Only the

future can decide what the results of this move
would be.
There are 48 fraternities qualified to vote "no"
or "yes" today on this all-important issue. We urge
every fraternity to vote in order to make this
decision a representative one.
Hour Examinations
Ask Too Much...
UDGING from the number and
scope of questions on the average
literary college examination there is no premium
put upon thinking during the course of such

IN HIS SECOND offering in the current dramatic
season at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Mr.
Henderson is again turning to English belles lettres,
this time to Mr. Samuel Pepys, esquire, great
drinker of liquor, prodigious eater of food, and great
lover of women. Quite incidentally in this play, in
comparison to the reams of paper covered by the
sisters Bronte in last week's play, Mr. Pepys is
the trenchant chronicler of Restoration manners.
For this reason, among others, "And So To Bed"
makes a much better play than the grim tragedy
of the Yorkshire moors. Mr. Fagan has confected
a gay comedy of intrigue, that captures in spirit
at least the manners of the town during the
colorful days and sporting nights of the restoration.
The intrigue, it is true, is often conventional yet
skillful comedians invest it with life and color.
Since it is a comedy with its background a period
which produced the greatest English literature of
that genre, "And So To Bed" invites a detailed
comparative study and analysis of technique. In
this matter, I shall confine myself to mere comment
that the modern performance doubtless is better
suited to the mood of a modern audience. And
whatever one would like to say of what is deriva-
tive and what is not, it is the players who merit
the reviewer's attention.
Madame Leontovich as Mistress Pepys, the spir-
ited and attractive wife of the diarist, is hardly
what one would expect fron a perusal of her hus-
band's pages. Her interpretation of the part was no
doubt a surprise to the author himself. But that
does not minimize the fact that she is wholly
delightful, wholly charming, a really great comic
artist. Her movements, her postures, her pert atti-
tudinizing are not the least part of her charm.
Inspired by this the entire cast turn in splendid
performances. Mr. Peters' interpretation of Pepys
is by far the best thing he has done locally, and
proved him to be an excellent comedian. The mu-
tual recriminations, suspicions and repentances of
the closing scenes with his wife were particularly
well done by both.
As usual in farce comedy, the situations are most
piquant in the second act and here it is a great
pleasure to find Katherine Wick Kelly in a worthy
part. "Beauty, wit and song" are the attributes of
the dashing Mistress Knight, and Miss Kelly
reveals all of these. Always at her best in costume
plays she brilliantly rounds out her portrait of the
singer who so captured the roving eye of Pepys and
the merry monarch as well.
Much might be said of Donald Randolph in this
latter part, of Edith Gresham as Mistress Knepp,
a lady of the town, who obliges while in her cups
with a delightful ballad during the supper. In fact,
there is no doubt, that "And So To Bed" is a farce
comedy that manages to be consistently enter-
taining without insulting the intelligence or frac-
turing probability -and this is no small achieve-
CONTRARY to my expectations, "The Pursuit of
Happiness" is not just a lot of horseplay about
bundling, concentrated into one scene, with a
matrix of useless filler surrounding and connecting
it. Instead, it is a very witty comedy, at rather a
new angle. It presents characters who are very
real, speaking lines that are very unpretentious;
yet the characters are immensely stimulating to
the sinews of laughter, and there is scarcely a line
that fails to rock the audience in an uproar of
risibility. Moreover it is a well-constructed play,
leading up to its main thesis carefully and interest-
This play has more relevance to, Ann Arbor
dramatics than any previously presented in Detroit
this season. It is a Henderson show, a sort of
auxiliary to the Dramatic Season here, and its
proceeds will go into the Season's coffers. Two of
the stars - Walter Slezak and Olive Olsen - will
be seen here Friday in "Meet My Sister."
Written by Lawrence Langer and Armina Mar-
shall,' the play introduces a Connecticut family
during the early years of the revolution. Into this
group comes a Hessian, Max Christmann (Mr.
Slezak), who is deserting to the American forces.
He falls in love with the daughter of the family,
Prudence Kirkland (Carol Stone), and secures her
pemission to "spark" with her. The rest of the
play deals chiefly with the question of "to bundle
or not to bundle," and, if so, with whom to bundle

-bundling being to get into bed together, fully
dressed, with a centerboard between the couple,
the object being to keep warm and save firewood.
The cast, working at lightning tempo, clicks as
I have seldom seen a cast click. It is really beautiful
to watch. Mr. Slezak, with his slightly embar-
rassed, genial manner which looks so easy and yet
is such finished art, makes Max a delightful sort
of person. So, for that matter, does Miss Olsen
with the role of Meg, the fly-brained servant girl
who is a connoisseur of militia by reason of many
samplings. Francis Compton (stimulated, perhaps,
by a recent arrival in his family) almost outdid
himself as a fire-breathing shrimp of a clergyman:

The Dance
-A Review
BEFORE A SMALL but enthusiastic audience
Doris Humphrey and Charles Weidman made
their initial appearance in Ann Arbor yesterday
afternoon. In a program arranged with a great
deal of variety and charm these two nationally
known figures demonstrated with authority and
dignity the reason for their widely recognized
The first half of the program was devoted to a
more serious mood than the later half. In the
"Danzon" Mr. Weidman displayed a feminine
grace and a masculine power to reveal a thoroughly
trained artist. Immediately following this solo, Miss
Humphrey's "Theme and Variations" bespoke a
feeling for decorativeness that could not be denied
as great. These two dancers, dealing with abstract
movement, gave one the distinct impression of
witnessing two real artists. In the "Danse Pro-
fane" one sensed a feeling for macabre that stirred
one to an unusualness of feeling that eludes de-
scription. Clarity and definiteness marked this
dance in the hands of Weidman. Again in the
final number of the first half these two showed
great dramatic power and a tremendous feeling
for dramatic rhythm in the "Sentimentale" and the
The last half of the program was devoted to a
more witty and clever sort of dancing that was
only suggested here and there in the dancing of
the first half of the program. I felt that Weidman
was more familiar with the "Scherzo" than he was
in any of the preceding numbers. Here again he
demonstrated the amazing amount of dramatic ap-
preciation inherent in his dancing. His dancing was
marked by a genuine feeling for the comic, and a
great amount of detail so necessary for panto-
mimic clarity. In Miss Humphrey's solo the emo-
tional feelings of acquiesance and the aggressive
achievement became especially marked in her
movement. The one thing I liked especially in this
dance were tle variations in movements that
showed good taste and yet preserved the feeling
for the emotion of the dance as a whole.
To me, the crowning point of the recital was
reached in the "Rudepoema" a dance divided into
two parts, the first a.sacred dance to the gods, and
the second a dance of love and play. Here the rude,
crude, pleasant elements were displayed with dra-
matic sensuousness and power that left one groping
for words of praise. The whole program seemed to
reach its height in this number. The final dance
"Burlesca" and "Air On a Ground Bass" completed
the program with a flavor of the wit and humor.
Screen Reflections
The rating of motion pictures in this column is on
the following basis: A, excellent; B, good; C, fair; D,
poor, E, very bad.
Clayton ....................Dick Powell
Peggy ..................Ginger Rogers
Blake...................Pat O'Brien
Pete .....................Allen Jenkins
With a cast such as the above plus Ted Fiorito's
band and The Mills Brothers as the attractions, one
would expect an unusually entertaining picture in
"Twenty Million Sweethearts." Unfortunately
something slipped up somewhere, and the result
is very disappointing. The story itself presents
fairly good material, being about the rise of a
young western boy from obscurity in a small town
beer joint to fame on the radio. During his achieve-
ment of success, he meets with all sorts of compli-
cations, the cause of most of them being the antics
of his four-flushing manager, Rush Blake, who
puts-his finger into everything the boy wants to do.
The intentions of the picture are good, the music
somewhat a success (featuring "The Man on the
Flying Trapeze," "I'll String Along With You,"
"Fair and Warmer," and "Out for No Good"), and
the execution of the scenes is as well done as can

be expected. But there is entirely too much of all
these features, because every other scene or so
seems to be a musical adventure which is so
saturated with the same type of rhythm and the
same tunes that a bad taste is left in the mouth.
What dialogue there is is too much dialogue for its
own sake and becomes a burden to the progress of
the rest of the picture, involving the plot in super-
fluous tangles and destroying the otherwise good
atmosphere of the picture.
Ginger Rogers and Dick Powell are quite at their
best and present some appealing moments. Allen
Jenkins has not been given as good comedy ma-
terial as he should have, but he does well with what
he has. Pat O'Brien overdoes his part so much as
to create the desire to have him removed from the
screen entirely. The title, "Twenty Million Sweet-
hearts," is about the most misleading of the year,
since there is nothing present in the picture that
has any bearing on what it implies. Let us hope
that the next vehicle given to these stars is
better than this one. -C.B.C

B OOK,qmrS--
A Whole Lot For Your Money
Thugo-Les Miscrablcs
Tols/oy-War and Peace
Boswell-Life of Samuel Johnson
Keats & Shelley-Complete Poems of
Gibbon-Decline and Fall of Roman Empire 2 vol.
Jane Austin-Complete Novels
Young-The Medici
Scott-Quentin Durward, Ivanhoe & Kenilworth, one vol.
Twelve Famous Plays of the Restoration and 18th Century
Carlyle-The French Revolution
Bulfi ch-Mythology
$1.00 EActh




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Musical Events

Prelude and Fugue in A major ........Bach
Toccata in M minor (Doric) ..........Bach
The Mirrored Moon (Seven Pastels) ... .
.................. . Karg-Elert
Twilight at Fiesole ................ Bingham
from "Harmonie of WPnrvno eSite"


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