THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1934 Seven Die As Lightship Is Rammed By Large Liner 4 -Associatled Press Photo The lightship Nantucket (above), first marker for ships approaching the New England coast from Europe, was sunk and seven members of its crew of 11 lost their lives when it was rammed by te i;ner Olympic, captained by J. W. Binks (ins-t). Capt. George Braithwaite (right), one of the four survivors of the Nantucket, seemed to find solace in his pipe after his rescue. President Asks People's Aid In Anti-Crime War WASHINGTON, May 19. - (A) President Roosevelt called on Ameri- can citizens to marshal support to- day for the Federal Government's war on crime. While the Department of Justice girded itself with new weapons to wield against criminals, the Presi- dent said: "I ask citizens, individually and as organized groups, to recognize the facts and meet them with courage and determination." Public intolerance of the evil-doer. the President asserted, is needed to bolster the nation's drive on inter- state crime. In signing six bills Friday to strengthen the forces of the Depart- ment of Justice, President Roosevel signalized the action as "an event of the first importance." "So far as the Federal Governmei is concerned," he said, "there will bc no relenting. "But there is one thing more. Law enforcing and gangster extermination cannot be made completely -effective so long as a substantial part of the public looks with tolerance upon known criminals, permits public of- ficers to be corrupted or intimidated by them, or applauds efforts to ro- manticize crime." Attorney General Cummings said: "Kidnapers, killers, and racketeer are a serious menace." Conversations between justice de- partment officials and Lewis H. Doug- las, director of the budget, about the money needed to tighten the grip of the law were scheduled for the next few days. Attorney General Cummings was said to believe about $3,000,000 i needed to get men and equipment for the extended war on the under- world. Death for kidnapers who violate the Lindbergh law is provided under the new laws. The measure also makes it a federal offense to flee across a state line to avoid prosecution or tes- tifying; to send ransom demands or threats across a state line; to kill or assault a federal officer; to smuggle contraband into a federal prison or incite a riot in such an institution; and to rob a national bank. importance Of Student Affairs Told At Dinner Anderson Tells Triangles More Students Should Take Part In Activities Stressing the importance of stu- dent activities in the improvement of the University, Prof. Henry C. An- derson of the department of mechan- ical engineering gave the principal address at the initiation banquet, of Triangles, honorary junior engineer- ng society, held recently at the Union. "A chart of student organizations is being prepared which shows a di- ect path to the president's office," Professor Anderson said. "I have kmown the president for 24 years, and I know that he lends a sympathetic ear to ideas propounded by students. It is to be regretted that students do not take a greater advantage of the >pportunities that they have to im- grove campus life through contact vith the president." Professor Anderson also said that more students should show an inter- st in extra-curricular activities. Con- tacts made in such activities are in- valuable, the professor said, andhby taking part students are helping their University. John W. Bellamy, '35E, president, welcomed the new initiates, and Jo- eph J. Newman, '36E, gave the re- 3ponse. Henry W. Felker, '35E, acted -is toastmaster. Sophomores initiated last night were Neree D. Alix, George H. Ather- ,,on, Marvin A. Chapman, Nelson R. Droulard, Harold M. Hertz, Richard S. Joslin, Robert E. Merrill, Elwood M. Morgan, Joseph J. Newman, Tor J. Nordenson, Howard W. Underwood, and Arthur Will Dr. Curtis Likens Arboretum To Hikes OfForeign Seh( Resembling somewhat the walking In contrast to the natura trips taken from German and other of the Arboretum, Dr. Cur foreign schools, according to Dr. Hen- out the down-river trunk-l ry S. Curtis, Federal expert on out- built during the winter by t door recreation, is the two or three the power development of t mile hike through the Nichols Ar- River, houses of squatter boretum and alopg the Huron River. north bank, the gas work Dr. Curtis, who is directing the re- west, and Ann Arbor's own creational survey of Washtenaw -all features of the first v County being made by the Federal he would have the Universit government with the aid of Univer- mend to students. sity students doing FERA work, rec- ommends the Arboretum walk as one Ba "that every student should take in part at least." For the benefit of students who may I Be Given I have taken the walk "in part" but failed to appreciate some of the fine points, Dr. Curtis outlines some of the items of interest. In this 90-acre tract belonging to the University and A banquet in honor of ne supervised by the landscape tesign and new members of the H department, he declares, there are ers will be given at 6:00 p over 1,000 different species of shrubs in the basement of the Den and trees. Henderson, director of the About 150 different varieties of li- Season and former direct lacs, mostly French hybrids and in Civic Playhouse in Detroit many different colors, are just burst- the principal speaker. ing into bloom near the Geddes Ave-, The new officers of the Pb nue entrance. Thirty different va- Robert S. Friedrhan, '36, rieties of crab apples are also begin- and Minna Giffen, '35,s ning to bloom just north of the li- treasurer. Those' chosen f lacs. bership in the organizations Fir, pine, and spruce trees of many of tests given last week a varieties brought from all over the Leavitt, '37, Norman Sharf world stand further down the slope 'Herbert Fabricant; '36, Ada toward the river. The peony gar- Harriet Kesselman, '35, He den, near the Washington Heights '36, William Soboroff, '37 entrance, contains about 350 varie- Mann, '37, Alexander Gross ties and is known as one of the finest Marguerite Merkel, '37, Miri collections in the world, according '36, Frances Seitner, '37, to Dr. Curtis. Wepman, '36, and Daniel+ Rambler roses of many varieties '36. covering the nearby fence will be in Retiring officers are: Der bloom about the first of June. In the '34, president, Ruth Cohn, deep valley down the ridge to the tary, and Theodore Barash, right are rhododendrons, mountain surer. laurels, and azalias. Plans for a much busi Edmonson To End. ools Vocational Series The final talk in the vocational l beauties series being offered by the University tis points to give information to students in- ine sewer terested in the various professions the CWA, will be byDe Ja B.- he Huron e given y ean James . Ed- s on the monson of the School of Education at s farther 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, May 22, in Room "jungles" 1025 Angell Hall. walk that Dean Edmonson, a leader in the ty recom- general movement to raise the stand- ards of the teaching profession, has For tyers w officers llel Play- .m. today i. Robert Dramatic or of the t, will be ayers are, president secretary- for mem- as a result are: Sally fman, '37,1 Zola, '37, nry Fine, , Morton inger, '37, am Sauls, Dorothy Goldman, been very active in educational af- fairs throughout the country. He was president, last year, of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. The School of Education of the University is known for its high standards, and is the only teacher training school in the state which requires an excess in honor points for graduation. This will be the last talk of the vo- cational series, but because of the good attendance and keen interest in the meetings, a similar series will probably be presented next year. next year will be announced at the banquet by Miss Sudow. Mr. Fried- man has promised a more varied and complete program for the future. TYPEWRITING PAPER 125 Sheets (One pound) 15c up Fifty kinds in many qualities. 0. D. MORRILL'S Stationery & Typewriter Store Bright Spot, 802 Packard Street TURKEY or CHICKEN DINNER 50c 12 NOON TO 8 P.M. i9 1111" 111 III r ( " r SUDDEN SERVICE w v __ umarw"w" 10 2GRE T ,i£ A N R- ,1H I 1 - ______ __=-_- --- - _ -_ =r I!, F . 4 " i 1 _-_ . _ --. -- ___ _ _,_ .: _J _ ,1 _ 'a I f I I