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May 20, 1934 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-20

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SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1834



Siegel Loses, 6-3, 6-3; Michigan

Netters Second



By Art Carstens
An Explanation....
Thanks For The
Torch, Al....
* * *
r HROUGH the annals of Michigan
sports there has been a parade of
stars -- larger perhaps, than the
group representing any other school
of equal age, at least worthy of being
perpetuated in the memory of Mich-
igan undergraduates and others hav-
ing the Michigan spirit. In memory
they are the men who ran 90 yards
for the winning touchdown against
Ohio State or who scored the deciding
run in the ninth inning of a cham-
pionship series with Illinois. Today
they may be pot-bellied insurance
agents or salesmen in clothing stores.
It makes no difference, for us they
live only in the dust of rapidly de-
caying newspapers and in the thin-
ning haze of memory lingering in the
minds of their contemporaries.
But star dust is not all ancient
history - it is being made every day
as athletic events are held and as
memory, aided by black ink on white
newsprint records those events.That
is to be our function this year and
hence the name. To make stars? No,
only to record worthy performances.
To interpret the stars from our van-
tage point in the press box and give
credit where credit is due.
Obviously we cannot be always right
- perfection is no more possible here
than it is on the athletic field. Often
a team fails to make that last foot to
the goal line on fourth down. A des-
perate, looping shot from far out in
the court hits the rim, rolls crazily
about for a momentand drops out. A
hard-hit line drive with the bases
loaded drops foul by inches.
If we miss a star, or if we give too
much credit to one whom you think
undeserving, give us the benefit of the
doubt -just as we will try to give
the athletes that benefit. Above all,
tell us what you think. We'd really like
to know.
swan song, Mr. Newman said
some very nice things about us. Mar-
jorie Western and I want to express
'our thanks. It has been a great pleas-
ure to work under Al during the year.
We were just as proud of his column
as he had the right to be and felt
pretty swell that he should think the
page in good hands for the next year.
In fact we were getting pretty excited
over our new job which seemed like
picking cherries off low-hanging
branches until we came to that part
of his column having to do with
duties and responsibilities.
We don't want to be melodramatic,
Al, but if you think the page can
be improved we'll do our best to do
so. As for the column - time alone
will tell. In general, though, we realize
that we are not all Peglers and per-
haps could not carry on along the
lines of your efforts this year. The
ideal column for one of our limited
capabilities, we believe is a combina-
tion of the type of stuff used two years
ago by John Thomas in his "From The
Press Box" and your "Play & By-
Play." One a dope column, the other
a lighter treatment of a more varied
field, they both had their ardent fol-
lowers. Which is best we do not know.
Maybe our readers will tell us.
The annual spring horse show was
held yesterday afternoon at the Fair
Grounds, Crop and Saddle, the new
riding club, acting as sponsor. Riding

events for men and women, and some
mixed riding, were included on the
In one of the competition events for
three-gaited horses, Jane Brucker,
W.A.A. riding manager, took first
place. Ada Moyer was second, while
Elizabeth Greve came in third.
In the same event open for Uni-

Maroons Keep
Both Doubles,
Singles Titles
Wolverines S ur pr i s e In
Scoring 112 Points For
Second Place
CHICAGO, Ill., May 19.-(Special)
-Seymour Siegel, Michigan's quiet,
bespectacled tennis star who entered
the current Big Ten net met unseed-
ed and proceeded to surprise every-
one by mowing the favorites down,
was finally defeated here today by
Chicago's Max Davidson, who suc-
cessfully defended his Conference sin-
gles title, 6-3, 6-3. Siegel's loss, plus
a Maroon victory in the final doubles
match, also defeated Michigan's at-
tempt to dislodge Chicago from Con-
ference tennis supremacy. The final
score was Chicago, 14; Michigan,
Siegel, who won his way to the
finals by outsteadying his opponents,
was matched in that department by
Davidson and outplayed at the net
and at the service line. Although the
score indicates that Siegel fell an
easy victim, it was a bitter fight
throughout with the Wolverines try-
ing desperately to dethrone the Chi-
cago champion.
Davidson, besides retaining his sin-
gles title, also successfully teamed
with Trevor Weiss to beat back Min-
nesota's Scherer and Huber. It was
the second Conference doubles cham-
pionship for the Maroon pair within
the last two years.
Other teams entered in the meet
finished as follows: Ohio State, 6%;
Minnesota, 6; Illinois, 5; Wisconsin
and Purdue, 4; Northwestern and
Iowa, 2.
Rod Cox Appointed
Craibrook Mentor
19. -(/P) -Roderick Cox, former
University of Michigan football andj
track star, has been appointed an in-
structor and coach of football and
other sports at Cranbrook School for
next year, Dr. William O. Stevens,
head master at Cranbrook, an-
nounced today.
versity men, Robert Fraunberger was
the winner. Bradford Carpenter won
the second place ribbon, and Lee
Coulter, the third place award.
The three-gaited saddle horse event,
judged on conformation and per-
formance, was split between the Fur-
stenbergs, Nancy and Judy, for first
and second places. Nancy took the
first, while her sister was runner-up.
Elizabeth Greve was third in this
Two of Mr. Guy Mullison's horses
took first and third place honors in
the five-gaited saddle horses' event,
judged on the same standards as the
three-gaited horses class, conforma-
tion and performance. Mr. Mullison's
Araby Dream, ridden by Mrs. Lyon,
took first, and Jane Brucker riding
Jimmy, another Mullison horse, took
third. The second award went to Betty
Miller, on June.
Elizabeth Kanter, a winner in pre-
vious campus horse shows, took first
place in pair riding, in which she
participated with Bradford Carpen-
ter. Betty Miller and Harrison won
the second prize ribbons, and Stella
Glass and Gardner followed.
Besides these competitive events
there were six people who put on a
jumping exhibition, three of whom
rode President Ruthven's horses.
A special feature of the show was
a trick-riding event, in which one girl
and three men participated, dressed
as western cowboys. They demon-
strated vaulting in and out of the

saddle, standing in the saddle, and
other stunt riding.
Parker, Sheaffer, Waterman,
Conklin, etc., $1.00 and up*
A large and choice assortent
314 S. State St., Ann Arbor.

Illinois Evened The Count With Him Yesterday

x.wo weeks ago, "Whitey" Wistert handed the Illinois nine its first
defeat of the season, confining the Illini to one unearned run and one
hit. Yesterday, at Champaign, Illinois took revenge onj Wistert by count-
ing 7 runs off him to beat Michigan 4 to 6.

Release 1935,
1936 Complete
,Grid Shedules
Michigan Is To Play Both
Penn And Columbia In
Intersectional Games
Western Conference coaches at
their annual meeting this week-end;
drew up the complete football sched-
ules for 1935 and 1936. The cards in-
clude two eastern games each year
for Michigan.
The schedule:
Sept. 28 -- Bradley at Illinois.
Oct. 5 - Washington at Illinois;
Michigan State at Michigan; Purdue I
at Northwestern.
Oct. 12- Illinois at University of
Southern California; Indiana at
Michigan; Minnesota at Nebraska;
Purdue at Fordham; Notre Dame at
Oct. 19- Purdue at Chicago; Mich-,
igan at Wisconsin; Tulane at Minne-'
sota; Northwestern at Ohio State. I
Oct. 26 -Wisconsin at Chicago;
Iowa at Illinois: Ohio State at In-
diana; Michigan at Columbia Uni-
versity; Northwestern at Minnesota;
Carnegie Tech at Purdue.
Nov. 2 - Illinois at Northwestern:
Indiana at Iowa; Pennsylvania at
Michigan; Purdue at Minnesota;
Notre Dame at Ohio State.
Nov. 9 - Ohio State at Chicago;
Michigan at Illinois; Minnesota at
Iowa; Northwestern at Notre Dame;
Purdue at Wisconsin.
Nov. 16 - Indiana at Chicago; Illi-
nois at Ohio State; Iowa at Purdue;
Minnesota at Michigan; Wisconsin at
Nov. 23 - Chicago at Illinois; Pur-
due at Indiana; Igwa at Northwest-
ern; Ohio State at Michigan; Wiscon-
sin at Minnesota.
Oct. 4 - Michigan State at Mich-
igan; Iowa at Northwestern.
Oct. 11-University of Southern
California at Illinois; Indiana at
Michigan; Wisconsin at Purdue.
Oct. 18-Purdue at Chicago; Illi-
nois at Iowa; Michigan at Minne-
sota; Ohio State at Northwestern.
Oct. 25 - Northwestern at Illinois;
Indiana at Ohio State; Columbia
University at Michigan; Purdue at
Minnesota; Wisconsin at Notre Dame.
Nov. 1-Chicago at Wisconsin; Il-

Yanks Take Thir

C' irne Fronu

3 Score



Five -A Track
Crown Won By
Ann Arbor High
Winners Take 50/2 Points
To Outdistance Lansing
Central And Jackson I
Ann Arbor High School came from
behind after a slow start tocapture
its second Five A track title in the
annual league meet held yesterday at
Ferry Field. The Purple scored 50/2
points to outdistance Lansing Cen-
tral and Jackson who collected 32
and 31 points, respectively. Lansing
Eastern was fourth with 1312 and
Battle Creek trailed with 5 points.
The meet started out to be a battle
between Ann Arbor and Central. The
Big Reds took an early lead by grab-
bing four out of the first six winning
places, but Coach Tim Ryan's men
came back to win six of the remain-
ing events. Jackson won the half-
mile run to take the only other first
Records Fall
A strong wind at the back of the
sprinters enabled Waldo Abbot, bril-
liant Purple dashman, to better the l
league marks in both the 100 and
220-yard events, but it is doubtful
whether the new records will be al-
lowed. Abbot ran the 100 in :10.2
and the 220 in :22 flat.
Lee Barnett, Lansing Central jun-
ior, came from behind in the last ten
yards to nose out Lee Wigg, colored
Ann Arbor runner, to capture the 440
in the new record time of :51.6. Wigg
led by almost 20 yards, coming out
of the back stretch.
Frank Gaines, with a heave of 45
feet 5l/2 inches, and Gordie Hicks,
with a leap of 10 feet 9 inches, won
the shot put and pole vault respec-
tively to give Lansing Central one-
half of its first places. Richardson
of Central and Kurtz of Ann Arbor
divided honors in the hurdle events.
Palmer in the mile, Christman in
the high jump, and the Purple relay
gave the winners their remaining
winning places.

Summaries Tell Story Of Illini
Victory In Big Ten Track Meet

The New York Yankees defeated
the Detroit Tigers in the last game of
the series yesterday by an 8 to 3
score. Vernon Gomez, ace hurler of
the Yankees staff, went the route for
the New Yorkers.
Lefty Gomez allowed nine hits,
giving Gehringer a perfect day with
three singles in three attempts. The
Tigers failed to get anything longer
than a single. Sorrell and Frasier
gave the Yanks 13 hits with five men
getting two apiece. Other results:
American League
Washington 3, Cleveland 2.
Chicago 14, Philadelphia 10.
Boston 4, St. Louis 1.
National League
St. Louis 2, Boston 1:
New York 6, Cincinnati 5.
Brooklyn 8, Pittsburgh 5.
Philadlphia 6, Chicago 5.
Chicago 13, Northwestern 11.
Wisconsin 6, Minnesota 3.
Illinois 7, Michigan 6.
Notre Dame 17, Iowa 2.
Michigan State 6, Notre Dame 3.
Pittsburgh fi8 2-3, Notre Dame
57 1-3.
linois at Michigan; Iowa at Indiana;
Minnesota at Northwestern.
Nov. 8 - Chicago at Ohio State;
Iowa at Minnesota; Michigan at
Pennsylvania; Wisconsin at North-
Nov. 15-- Indiana at Chicago; Ohio
State at Illinois; Purdue at Iowa;
Northwestern at Michigan.
Nov. 22 - Illinois at Chicago; In-
diana at Purdue; Michigan at Ohio
State; Minnesota at Wisconsin; Notre
Dame at Northwestern.


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About 450 Pairs Men's White Oxfords to Select From.
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G -










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