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May 18, 1934 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-18

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England Asks
World To Stop
Six Nations Immediately
Concur And Await U. S.
Decision On War
GENVEA, May 17.-(UP)-Great
Britain called on the world today to
stop the war between Paraguay and
Bolivia in South America.
Six nations promptly fell into step
and all eyes turned to the United
States to see what that country would
do to smash the war in its own back-
Capt. Anthony Eden, British lord
privy seal, asked the council of the
League of Nations to cable 17 nations
at once and ask them to cease ship-
ping arms and ammunition to the two
small countries locked in a death grip
over the sovereignty of the Chaco
Pledge Support
Support of the British move was
immediately pledged by the represen-
tatives of France, Italy, Spain, Ar-
gentina, Australia and Czechoslovakia.
Hugh R. Wilson, United States min-
ister to Switzerland and American ob-
server at the League of Nations, said
he would ask instructions from Wash-
ington. League officials said they un-
derstood Capt. Eden was encouraged
to take the initiative here because of
the efforts for peace of Cordell Hull,
the United States secretary of state,
at Montevideo.
Furthermore, they pointed out,;the
United States constantly since 1929
has led efforts to bring about amity
between the two South American na-
Paraguay Opposed
ASUNCION, Paraguay, May 17. --
(P) - Paraguay made unanimous to-
day the objections to the report of the
League of Nations commission which
tried unsuccessfully to settle the Gran
Chaco warfare.
Bolivia, at war with Paraguay over
the jungle border area for two years,
already had expressed official dis-
approval of the commission's report.
It was learned that Paraguayan of-
ficials are preparing a memorandum
explaining their objections.
NiDppon Prince
Sails To Ask
Naval Parity

New York Bonus Marchers Start For Washington

Sigma Rho Tau Chewed Ear Aided
Elects Officers By Astounded Staf
- SO v Of Health Service

r or 1iext 1 car

The University Health Service has
a great many departments, each

Stone Is Named President with diversified functions, so it is not
Of Engineering Stump often that a complaint is received that
can't be satisfied.
Speaking Society Such an application, however, was
made yesterday afternoon when a
Albert J. Stone, '34E, was elected very serious-countenanced young stu-
president of Sigma Rho Tau, Engi- dent entered the portals of the Health
neering Stump Speaker's Society, at Service escorting a much bedraggled
its regular meeting Wednesday night. Collie dog whose ear had been the

-Associated Press Photo
Former soldiers from New York assembled in Union Square for a new "march" on Washington to demand
payment of the bonus. The above picture shows the men displaying their discharge papers before boarding
buses for the trip to the capital.
- - snnmi o wnn ~ nw~

Eric E. Sommer, '35E, was elected
vice-president, Saul M. Ferman, '34E,
treasurer, Morris B. Heimann, '36E,'
recording secretary, Allen Cleveland,
'35E, corresponding secretary, and
George W. Malone, '37E, home sec- I
Saul M. Ferman, '34E, announced
the sale of tickets for the Tung Oil
Banquet has already begun and tick-
ets may be bought in the lobby of
the East Engineering Building for
$1. All engineers and architects are
invited. Ormond E. Hunt, vice-pres-
ident of the General Motors Corpo-
ration, will be the principle speaker.
After the business meeting the
"Hall of Fame" contest was held.
George W. Malone, '37E, won first
place by nominating the Wright
brothers to the Sigma Rho Tau Hall
of Fame. William H. Jewell, '37E,
took second place when he nominat-
ed John Stevens, and Maurice Tay-
ler, '37E, received third place nom-
inating William Thomas, better
known as Lord Calvin, the English
natural scientist. Mr. Malone will
receive a diploma from the Detroit
Associate Technical Society for his
Seek Federal Help In
Improving County Land
A project calling for establishment
of a Federal nature preserve and rec-
reational park on 50,000 acres of poor
farm land in Washtenaw and Jackson
counties has been submitted to of-
ficials of the agricultural adjustment
administration at Washington, it was
revealed yesterday.
The territory would be converted
into wild fowl refuges, hunting areas,
and public camping and picnic

recipient of brutal but skillful chew-
"Can't somebody do something for
the dog?" he queried.
As the Health Service employs no
veterinarian, the University enroll-
ment being mostly human, nurses had
to be called into play. Later, with the
ear patched, the pup was sent con-
tentedly on his way.
(By Intercollegiate Press)
MOSCOW, Idaho, May 16. - Part
of the commencement celebration at
the University of Idaho this year will
be a huge bonfire, into which will be
thrown $80,000 worth of bonds, is-
sued in 1920 for the construction of
the new Men's Dormitory at the Uni-
The bonds have been all paid off,,
thanks to the aid of Moscow business
men, who helped underwrite the con-
struction of the dormitory.

MADRID, May 17. - 0) -A group
of 10 Smith College students and sev-
eral other Americans intending to
visit France were refused visas by the
French consul today unless they
cabled at their own expenses for cer-
tificates of good conduct from the
French consuls in the districts of their
American residence.
The young women college students
have been visiting in Madrid, and the
others of the group are temporary res-
idents here. They all planned the trip
en route back to America.
An appeal was taken by the college
girls to Custis Jordan, United States
Jordan said he could not under-
stand the French consul's procedure.
"I am wiring to Paris for further in-
formation," he said.
The French consul, Manuel Neville,
declared he was merely applying reg-
ulations "existing folssome time but
not always in force."
"The Americans should have ob-
tained visas from the consuls in their
home districts when beginning the
journey," he said. "Since they have
not done that, they must communi-
cate with the consuls at their own ex-
pense, to obtain the required character

State Official To
Educational In
Dr. Paul F. Voelker, State Super-
intendent of Public Instruction, will
be the speaker at the final session of
the Institute of Adult Education to-
day. Dr. Voelker will discuss the
"New Deal in Education" at the 10:30
a.m. meeting.
In addition to Dr. Voelker's talk,
Prof. Bruce M. Donaldson, chairman
of the fine arts department, will dis-
cuss "American And European Paint-
ing" in the other morning lecture,
while during the afternoon session,
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, head of the po-
litical science department, will pre-
sent a discussion of "President Roose-
velt's South American Policy and the
Monroe Doctrine," and Prof. Ken-
neth T. Rowe of the English depart-
ment will tall on "The Trend of
Modern Fiction." At the conclusion
of these two lectures, Mrs. Emma A.
Fox will conduct her last class of the
institute in the procedure of par-
liamentary law.

Instructed By Sea Lords
To Reject Any Proposal
Aside FromEquality
YOKOHAMA, Japan, May 17. -
WP) - Prince Fumimaro Konoye sailed
for the United States today, ready to
inform American officials that Japan
at the 1935 naval conference will de-
mand "equal rights in national de-
fense" and abandonment of the pres-
ent ratio method of naval limitation.
The prince was given last minute
instructions, a high authority re-
vealed, at a breakfast with Japan's
naval war lords in Tokyo shortly be-
forehis departure by train for Yoko-
The youthful political leader, only
recently installed as president of the
House of Peers, sailed on the liner
Asama Maru bound for San Fran-
cisco. United States Ambassador Jo,.
seph C. Grew saw him off in Tokyo.
Whether "equal rights" means ac-
tual tonnage parity or whether Japan
will be satisfied with a general Anglo-
American admission her equal rank-
ing as a naval power remains to be
decided in a series of high state coun-
cils in coming months.
The naval leaders told Prince Kon-
oye that Japan is unwilling for the
1935 conference to break down, but
'will reject any agreement which she
believes fails to remove all appre-
hension concerning the empire's se-
Japan has indicated that she will
seek naval parity with Great Britain
and the United States at the confer-
ence and Prince Konoye is expected to
sound out American sentiment on
naval affairs.
Joseph Wins Finals For
Michigan Speech Award
Julius J. Joseph, '36, was selected
as the outstanding extemporaneous
speaker of the Speech 31 classes yes-
terday. He was selected by a ballot
cast by the students of Speech 31
after the annual University Extempo-
raneous Speaking Contest.
Joseph spoke on the topic "The
Ogre of Government Operation in
Radio Broadcasting." Other students
participating in the finals were Ber-
tram H. Lefeis, '36, Frank B. Fehsen-
feld, '36, Edward T. Downs, '35, John
A. Perkins, '36, and Robert J. Saint
Clair, '36.
Charles Rogers, president of the
University of Michigan Oratorical As-
sociation, acted as chairman and pre-
sented the annual University of Mich-
igan aware: for speech excellence to

Slosson Speaks
Addressing the yesterday afternoon
session on "Mussolini: Emissary of
Peace or War?", Prof. Preston W.
Slosson of the history department
traced trends of Fascism and dis-
cussed the difference between the
Italian dictator and Hitler in Ger-
"Mussolini," he said, "has two ad-
vantages: a touch of humor, which is
a priceless asset for any dictator, and
a little more intelligence than Hit-
ler. Hitler, however, is the better
orator - in fact he is said by many
to be the greatest orator of modern
In the opinion of Professor Slos-
son, "If Germany were to attack
France with an army the size of
France's, Germany would win on ac-
count of her superior natural re-
sources. If France were to attack
Italy with an army the size of Italy's,
France would win on account of her
superior natural resources." It is
due to this factor that Professor Slos-
son called Hitler in Germany more
potential than Mussolini in Italy.
"Modern warfare," he said, "is
merely a matter of physics and chem-
istry on a large scale."
Traces Nazi Movement
Tracing other Fascist, or national,
movements such as the Nazi develop-
ment in Germany, Dr. Slosson de-
clared they appealed chiefly to youth,
and that they were essentially a pro-
test of youth.
Following this, Robert Henderson,
director of the Dramatic Season,
spoke on "Henrik Ibsen, the Man and
His Plays." He said he classed Ib-
sen as a great dramatist along witht

Speak Before
istitute Members
Sophocles, Shakespeare, Tchekhoff,
and Shaw. Ibsen's "Wild Ducks,"
Mr. Henderson promised, he would
bring to Ann Arbor for next year's
Dramatic Season.
"Everyone loves the theatre," he
said. "It is a primitive emotion. And
I think that the much maligned men
students here in the University make
marvelous audiences - all Ann Ar-
bor audiences in fact are understand-
ing - so quick to pick up the points."
Touching on Shakespeare, Mr.
Henderson declared, "It is not enough
to produce Shakespeare as it was pro-
duced in the age of Elizabeth." The
scenery, the setting, and the back-
ground must be improved, he said.
European Actors Better
"European actors are better as a
rule than American actors," he stated.
In his opinion, Ibsen and Shaw "are
two persons who know their theatre
most thoroughly." Shaw, in particu-
lar, was praised by the director of the
Dramatic Season.
Mr. Henderson then introduced
Miss Elizabeth Risdon, noted actress,
who is appearing here in "The Bron-
tes." Miss Risdon said that "the one
great change in the theatre is the
change in the attitude of actors with
regard to the public. Formerly we
were supposed to keep away from the
public while off the stage, as if we
might disillusion them," she admit-
ted. "Now we are glad to meet and
know those for whom we perform."
Besides Professor Slosson and Mr.
Henderson, the Thursday meeting
of the Institute also heard a lecture
on "Sculpture" by Prof. Avard Fair-
banks of the fine artsndepartment,
and "What Is the Meaning of the
Revalued Dollar?" by Prof. Leonard
L. Watkins of the economics depart-
Wflson Naimed To
Staff OfM1agazine
T. C. Wilson, Grad., has been ap-
pointed as associate editor of the
Westminster Magazine, a quarterly
review published at Oglethorpe Uni-
versity, according to an announce-
ment by the editors.
Wilson has already contributed po-
etry to the magazine and will follow
with a study of D. H. Lawrence as
poet, the*article to appear in the fall
He is also known as the contribu-
tor of articles and poems to various
other literary magazines, including
the Inland Review, of which he is a
member of the board.

Elect New Officers
In Forestry Club
The Forestry Club held its last
meeting of the present school year
Wednesday evening in the Natural
Science building. Charles Stoddard,
'34F, the retiring president of the or-
ganization, and Blair Hutchison, '34F,
Officers for the coming year were
elected at this meeting. Sherwood C.
Nichols, '35F, was chosen president,
Warren E. Roberts, '35F, vice-presi-
dent, Lawrence Wines, '35F, secretary,
and Earl S. Brown, '35F, treasurer.
Awards for the field day exercises,
held last Saturday at the forestry
farm, in the Saginaw Forest, were
ma e, and plans were discussed for
the annual Foresters' Ball

Saturday and Sunday Nights
NOTE - Due to Mr. Druckenbrod's engagement at the Detroit Yacht
Club on Friday nights, there will1 be no dancing at Chubb's Friday nights.
DANCING SATURDAY 6:00 - 7:30; 9:30 - 12:30
and His Orchestra

__ _.I _ . _ ._ . .

Ready! Our 15th Annual

i,. -- ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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