The Weather Partly cloudy 'to cloudy. Rain tonight or tomorrow. Some cooler today in south portions. LY A64, VOL. XLIV No. 166 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1934 ( U Alterations In Insull, Ford Meet In Hospital Room Of Former Power Czar i Council Rules Are Ef fected Reorganization Is Made T( Insure Better Contact O Students, Officials Conduct Committee Is Added To Body Committee On Disciplin Given New Duties With Change In Its Name By JOHN HEALEY Administration of all types of stu- dent affairs will be effected in a new manner in the future as the result of the recent reorganization of that part of the University Council pertaining to students. The scheme advanced by the Com- mittee on Student Relations takes cognizance of such matters as student organizations, student conduct, coun- seling, discipline, and relationships in general, and is the result of con- sideration by the body of the entire organizati n and administration of student affairs. In general, the purpose of the change is to clarify the channels of communication from student groups to University administrative units, and to definitely indicate those agen- cies responsible for the administra- tion of student matters. Change Discipline Committee The name of the University Com- mittee on Discipline is changed in the report to the University.Commit- tee on Student Conduct, and a change in duties accompanies the alteration. Under the new plan the committee will be charged with the formulation and interpretation of principles of conduct -the same to be enforced in such a manner by the group as to protect the University fromunwar- ranted criticism and to promote the general interest of the student body. Three members of the University Senate, chosen by the President of the. University for rotating terms of three years; the dean or director of each school or college, or his rep- resentative; the Dean of Students, and the Dean of Women will be members of the committee. The Dean of Students will serve as chair- man. The complete report of the Committee on Student Relations will be found on page two of this issue of The Daily. The committee may set up a sub- committee for the handling of such cases of discipline as fall within its jurisdiction. This sub-committee will choose its own penalties to be given out in any case, and its decisions will be final Disciplinary procedure in the sev- eral schools and colleges will remain as it is at present. Although details of student gov- erning groups have been left to the initiative of those connected with them, it is suggested in the report that committees be organized by stu- dents and function through a men's council (whatever form it may take) in the case of the men, and through the Michigan League Council in tp case of the women. Chart Shows Procedure As indicated in the chart on page two of this issue, there are three courses which may be followed in referring any matter from the men's student committees to University ad- ministrative units. The normal course to be taken in any instance will be along the regular-lines as shown on the chart, while the dotted lines show courses available at all times but pri- marily for use in unusual circum- stances. The dotted lines lead di- rectly into the office of the President. The office of the Dean of Students (Continued on Page 2) Ruthven, Guest Military Heads Review ROTC President Alexander G. Ruthven, Maj. James Stevens, head of the in- fantry at the University of Illinois, and First Lieut. Fred W. Kunesh, head of the signal corps at the University of Chicago, received and reviewed the annual War department R.O.T.C. Re- view held at 5:15 p.m. yesterday at Ferry Field. Major Stevens had complete con- trol of the inspection of the Infantry CHICAGO, May 17. -(A")- What Henry Ford said to Samuel Insul when the pair met in Insull's hospi- tal room was the topic of table talk today. That the multimillionaire automo- bile maker called on the former mul- timillionaire utilities magnate as the last errand of Ford's day at a Century of Progress Exposition Tuesday be- came an open secret today. The Detroit manufacturer motored down to the Rosenwald Industrial Museum in Jackson Park after in- specting his vast exhibition building under construction at the World's Fair. Driving back to his special car with Rufus C. Dawes, exposition president, he mentioned he would like to drop off at St. Luke's Hospital and "say hello to Sam Insull." This on the say-so of a member of the party, who continued: "So Mr. Dawes dropped him off. Mr. Ford and Mr. Insull visited about 15 minutes and engaged in a very general conversation. They talked about the World's Fair and rem- inisced a bit about the old times they both knew. This was about 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. As far as I can recall, neither of them touched on Mr. Insull's current difficulties." Whatever the conversation of these two headliners touched upon in the brief period, they had much in com- mon to retrieve from by-gone years for the chat. Both were close friends of the late Thomas A. Edison (In- sull had come to this country as Edison's private secretary) and the -Associated Press Photo SAMUEL INSULL growth of the Ford and Insull for- tunes had been parallel in the open- ing decades of the century. And there has been talk that their relations with Wall Street had en- hanced the Ford-Insull friendship. Ford engaged in a tilt with New York bankers in the post-war period and emerged determined to do his own financing independent of Wall Street. Insull's final precipitate rush into receiverships followed the re- fusal of New York bankers to extend further credit, and charges have been made here that bankers were influ- ential in picking the receivers. Sigma Delta Chi Elects White As New President Brownson, Carstens, And Coulter Are Chosen For Other Offices In Society W: Stoddard White, '35, was elected president of the local chapter of Sig- ma Delta Chi, national honorary jour- nalistic fraternity, at a luncheon busi- ness meeting yesterday in the Union, White is a former member of the Daily staff. His home is in Birming- ham, Mich., where he has been on sev- eral occasions acting managing editor of the Birmingham Eccentric. He was at one time a correspondent for the Detroit News, the Pontiac (Mich.) Daily Press, and the United Press, and has been campus correspondent for 'several out-of-town newspapers. He is also a member of Alpha Epsilon Mu, national honorary musical fraternity. Other officers chosen yesterday for the coming year are William T. Brownson, Spec., vice-president; Ar- thur W. Carstens, '35, secretary; and Ralph G. Coulter, '35, treasurer. Brownson wrote the dialogue for the 1934 Union Opera, and is a journalism student. Carstens is a sports assistant on the Daily, and Coulter is a night editor on the Daily. The society plans to continue next year largely the same program it con- ducted this year, bringing men promi- nent in the field of journalism to speak at bi-weekly dinners. Men pledged to the society this semester; will be taken in at an initiation to be held early in June.1 TO ELECT OFFICERS Members of Comedy Club, campus dramatic organization, will meet at 4 p.m. today at the League to elect officers for next year, according tot an announcement made last night byj officials of the club. Wherein Tradition .;Returns -..Revival Of The Senior Sing The Senior Sing, which was until 1930 a traditional activity of the graduating class, will be revived this year through the combined efforts of the Varsity Glee Club and the Under- graduate Council. Prior to its disappearance, the tra- dition was one of the most popular senior ceremonies and in 1930 it drew one of the largest crowds ever to as- semble in the middle of the diagonal, records show. This year's sing will be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 22, at the band- stand in the center of the diagonal. It is also planned to have a sing during Commencement week-end for return- ing alumni. Bernard E. Konopka, '35, manager of the Varsity glee club, is in charge of arrangements for both sings. Party Lines Show In. Tariff Debate WASHINGTON, May 17. - (') - Time-worn phrases about freeing the channels of international trade and! holding a tariff wall high enough to protect American industries were set against each other today in the Sen- ate. They marked the beginning of a debate that, while admittedly likely to change few votes, will set up a semblance of the century-old dividing# line of the parties toward which con- tenders for congressional seats will point again and again during the com- ing campaign. The bill at issue was the adminis- tration-supported measure to give President Franklin D. Roosevelt au- thority to change tariffs to conform} to trade agreements that may be nego- tiated with other nations to stimulater foreign trade. Dr. Fischelis Talks Before Pharmacists Believes That Pharmacy Associations Must Have Mutual Confidence Ruthven Welcomes Conference Guests Meeting Is Also Addressed By Professors Pollock, Brown, And Soule "The object of pharmacy associa- tions must be to develop mutual con- fidence between all departments," stated Dr. Robert P. Fischelis, presi- dent of the American Pharmaceutical Association, at the afternoon session of the University Pharmaceutical Conference, held yesterday. Pointing out the three main un- finished tasks of modern pharmacy, Dr. Fischelis toqk into consideration the individual difference of students, the standardization of regulation by the government and a professional solidity to compare with that which has been developed in the medical and dental professions. President Alexander G. Ruthven earlier extended an official greeting to more than 50 pharmacists attend- ing the conference sponsored jointly by the College of Pharmacy, and the Detroit branch of the American Phar- maceutical Association. "Lack of Efficiency" Charging appalling lack of gov- ernmental efficiency, Dr. James K. Pollock, professor of political science, the third speaker on the program, said that basic changes in govern- mental personnel must be-made be- fore any economy can be effected. "The public is indeed fortunate if it can realize 50 dollars worth of efficiency out 100 spent by the gov- ernment," Dr. Pollock stated. Three underyigg reasons for the inefficiency of our present day gov- ernment are, according to Dr. Pol- lock, first, our out-moded form of organization, i.e., the structure of governmental units are too arbitrary, and not in co-operation with regional control; second, that the high degree of maintenance costs for highways, election, health, welfare, and prisons are not only exorbitant, but that they are increasing; and, thirdly, that the' government is still on a partisan ba- sis instead of being organized in such a way as to get the most able men into office. Explains Difficulty "The trouble lies in the fact that we have not demanded a high degree of efficiency from our administrative; officers," Dr. Pollock continued. "There is no democratic or repub- lican way to administer," he said, "there is only a right and wrong way; and ours is the wrong way." Dr. Charles L. Brown, professor of internal medicine, declared that many difficulties from self-medication had arisen in pharmacy, and that the ef- ficiency and reliability of a drug should be thoroughly demonstrated before it is put on the market. He stated that the ideal of pharmacy; should be to sell to the patient the' best medicine which can be provided at the smallest cost, and that the ex- pensive frills of commercial pharmacy should be done away with. Hear Soule Speak After a dinner at 6 p.m. at the Union, the Conference met at room 165, Chemistry building, to hear Dr. Malcolm H. Soule, professor of bac- teriology, in his discussion of "Native Medical and Pharmaceutical Practices. in the Philippines." Illustrating his lecture with gigantic motion pictures and slides of the islands, Dr. Soule spoke on the ad- vances made in recent years on the problem of leprosy cure in Culion Island, the hospital headquarters. Petitions For Council Post Due Monday Letters of application for the posi- tion of president of the Interfraternity Council should be left at the Union desk before noon Monday, Alvin H. Schleifer, '35, secretary-treasurer, de- clared yesterday. The election will M01fir non 0+at+1hfl nnrnil rnoninra Indiana Nine Defends Democracy Wins;Tennis Men Advance Wolverine Baseball Team .v Definitely Ousted From * Big Ten Race Winning Run Made In Ninth By Indiana Three Michigan Tennis Players Reach Quarter- Finals AtChicago BLOOMINGTON, Ind., May 17. - -Associated Press Photo (Special) -The second place Indiana SEN. WILLIAM BORAH nine definitely erased the Wolverines * * as a contender 7or the Big Ten title here today, by pushing across a run in the ninth inning to beat Michi- gan 10 to 9, before 3,500 rabid Hoo- sier fans. Dictatorship In "Whitey" Wilshere, Indiana's bril- liant southpaw, won his and Indi- T ana's fifth Conference game of the year, and struck out 12 Wolverine batters. He was hit hard by Michi- States True Liberty And gan, giving up 11 hits, but he had Free People Exist Only plenty of stuff in the pinches. In the ninth, with the score tied 9 to 9, In Democracy he struck out the side. Although Indiana hit Art Patchin WASHINGTON, May 17. -(AP)- hard to gain a 6 to 0 lead in the Warning against a "dictatorship" early innings, he would have squirmed which he said enslaves the masse through with a victory, but for his under Fascism, Naziism, and Com- teammates' errors. Six Michigan munism, Sen. William Borah (Rep. misplays figured largely in the Hoo- Idaho), assailed t h e administra- siers' scoring. tion's reciprocal tariff 'bill in thE Score Four In Eighth Senate today as an unconstitutional Losing 8 to 5, going into the eighth delegation of the taxing power to th inning, Michigan crossed the plate executive. four times to take a one-run lead. Speaking after Sen. Patrick Har- Successive singles by Patchin, Artz, rison (Dem., Miss.) had upheld it and Oliver, followed by a base clear- constitutionality and Sen. Charles ing home run by Ted Petoskey, ac- McNary (Rep., Oregon) had appeal- counted for Michigan's runs. How- ed for exemption of farm product ever, Patchin couldn't hold the lead, from tariff reductions in the pro- allowing the tying run in the eighth. posed international pacts, the Idah Ed Wilson relieved Patchin in the Republican independent rose to old- ninth after Captain Ken Dugan sin- time oratorical heights as he as- gled. Howorth came through with serted: another hit to send Dugan home with Must Preserve Integrity the winning run. "The integrity of constitutiona The Wolverines left tonight for La- government has never meant sc fayette where they will play Purdue much to the average man or wcoan tomorrow. Harry Tillotson will pitch to those whom Lincoln was wont tc for Michigan, and he will be opposed call the common people, as in thi on the mound by Griffin, one of the very hour. Boilermaker's three first string left "Nowhere on this round globe to- handers. day do the common people enjoy the Michigan ......000 201 240 9 11 6 blessings of liberty except in a con- Indiana.......033 000 211 10 12 1 stitutional democracy. There anc '' ______ there alone are to be found a free CHICAGO, Ill., May 17. - (Spe- press, free speech, personal liberty cial) - Three Michigan netters and all those blessings which dis- reached the quarter-finals of the tinguish the people of a free coun- Conference tennis meet here today, try from the helpless, hapless, per- pleupa tottaof see anne-hafsecuted individuals who constitute points, and as a result stand in sec- the mere cogs of some vast machin ond place, one-half point behind the in an absolute dictatorship. Chicago Maroons, defending co- Are Attacking Democracy champions, with Minnesota. "Fascism, Naziism, Communism, Dan Kean, Joe Appelt, and Sam appealing to the forces of terror and Siegel are the Wolverine trio to re- fanaticism, have buried the individ- main in the singles tournament, each ual beneath the schemes of personal accounting for two points of the advantage and now they are con- Michigan total for today. Howard stantly ridiculing and attacking de- Kahn scored the seventh point before mocracy. Why do they attack de- being eliminated by Lowrey, of Pur- mocracy? They attack democracy due, seeded number five. because it stands for personal liberty Upsets Responsible and free speech." Michigan garnered seven and one- Striding back and forth behind half points, but it took two upsets and three or four desks in his vicinity pretty stubborn tennis on the part of and rising on tiptoe to emphasize his Coach Johnstone's men to get them, points, Borah declared: Joe Appelt and Sam Siegel were re- "I know it has been said that this sponsible for the upsets. Appelt, meet- delegation of power is for a limited ing Black, of Wisconsin, in the third time and is to be given to one in round, defeated the seeded player in whom the people have great confi- a brilliant exhibition of courageous dence, but the precedent established tennis, 4-6, 8-6, 6-4. Siegel scored the by Franklin D. Roosevelt will b only love match for the Wolverines claimed and enlarged upon by all as he downed Becker, of Illinois, who his successors who ever they may be; was also a seeded player, precedents established by capable Dan Kean, being Michigan's num- hands for desirable purposes are still ber one man, was seeded in seventh precedents for incapable hands and (Continued on Page 3) undesirable purposes." Ability, Personality Essentials Of Stage Success, Actress Says By MARGARET D. PHALAN person is possessed of some extraordi- Unless you have a great deal of nary talent, he might do better to ability or an extraordinary person- enter some predictable profession." Miss Cooper was born of stage peo- ality, there is a great deal of heart- ple, being a direct descendant of the break and very possibly not much suc- famous Kemble family in England, ces's in store for you. This was the which includes Sarah Siddons, John forthright advice given to young peo- Phillip Kemble, Charles Kemble, and ple interested in a "stage career" by Fanny Kemble. She, of all people, Violet Kemble-Cooper, who is playing should know how an actress may get the part of Emily in "The Brontes," to the top. the Dramatic Season's opening ve- This English actress, who has come hicle at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. to Ann Arbor a number of times for "To the young woman, or man, Dramatic Season productions, speaks wanting to reach the heights in our in a clipped, direct voice, a charm- profession," said Miss Cooper, "I ing, delightfully-infected voice, which should give this advice: Learn to is full of character and decision. She walk and talk; watch fine acting, is tall, very blonde, and dark-eyed, which is always sincere, earnest, never and gives an impression of energy. German Authority Says Women Live Under Inferiority Complex Decrying the submersion of woman in "a man-made world," Dr. Hans Von Hattinberg of the Berlin Psycho- therapeutic Institute who has been giving special lectures here since Feb.- ruary, spoke on "Woman's Dilemma" yesterday afternoon in the Natural Science Auditorium. Women the world over have an in- feriority complex, he said. "The Amer- ican woman seems to prove that she can stand as well as any man," Dr. Von Hattinberg stated, "but on a closer inspection the expert can see that behind their lipstick and rouge the majority do not feel the confi- dence that their enticing make up would indicate." He criticized the feminist move- ment in that it "would have women imitate all man's activities." Were it not for psychology, the whole move- ment would not be understandable, exaltation of woman as woman," and "feminist," the imitation of man, the eminent psychotherapist declared that he could "go as far as to say if woman devoted herself toward furtherance of feminity, she could prevent the de- cline of the west. "Only this," he stated, "can -form a truly American culture." As it is now, "neither sex takes each other seriously," Dr. Von Hat- tinberg believes. This is so, he said, because "the average man cannot de- velop a psychological understanding for women as the average woman can for men." In his opinion, that whole condition will have to be and will be changed. One of the most prominent hin- drances to femininity, he declared, is the lack of true comradeship between women. "Such a thing is a phenom- enon," he said.