THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY . . V 'yA . Pnublshed everymorning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. ___d Gollciyrte $rsa L933 _NA~NA cOv R cI) 1934 461MBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use frr republication of all news dispathces credited to it or not otherwise credited in thii paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscrijtion durini; summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school ;Jear by carrier, $3.75; by mail, $4.25. Offices: Student Publicatlms Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 4C East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR........THOMAS K. CONNELLAN CITY EDITOR.........................BkACKLSY SHAW EDITORIAL DIRECTOR..........C. HART SCHAAF SPORTS EDITOR...............ALBERT H. NEWMAN WOMEN'S EDITOR.................CAROL J. HANAN NIGHT EDITORS: A. )Ei1s Ball, Ralph G. Coulter. William G.tFerris, John C, Healey, George Van Vleck, E. Jerome Pettit. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car- stens, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie Western, WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan, REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty, Thomus A. Groehn, John Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, Bernard B. Levick, David G. MacDonald, Joel P. Newman, John M. O'Connell, Kenneth Parker, William R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur S. Settle, Jacob C. Seidel, Marshall 13. Silverman, Arthur M. Taub. Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper. Eleanor] Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Mor- rison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider. ] BUSINESS STAFF] "Telephone 2-1214j BUSINESS MANAGER.... ....W. GRAFTON SHARP OREDIT MANAGER ..........BERNARD E. SCHNACKE WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .... ........... ...... CATHARINE MC HENRYj DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Noel Tur-t ner; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circula- tion and Contracts, Jack Efroymson. ASSISTANTS: Milton Kramer, John Ogden, Bernard Ros- enthal, Joe Rothbard, George Atherton. Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady, Virginia Cluff, Patricia Daly, Genevieve Field, Louise Florez, Doris Gimmy, Betty Greve, Billie Griffiths, Janet Jackson, Louise Krause, Barbara Morgan. Margaret Mustard. Betty Simonds:. PRESHMAN TRYOUTS: William Jackson, Louis Gold- smith, David Schiffer, William Barndt, Jack Richardson, Charles Parker, Robert Owen, Ted Wohlgemuth, Jerome Grosismagn, Avncr, Kronenberger, Jim Horiskey, Tom Clarke, Scott, Samuel Beckman, Homer Lathrop, Hall, Ross Levin, Willy Tomlinson, Dean Asselin, Lymant Bittman, John Park, Don Hutton, Allen Ulpson, Richard Hardenbrook, Gordon Cohn NIGHT EDITOR: GEORGE VAN VLECK F Football Training Table Should Be Restored..., Dunn does the pursuing in the role of Detective Sullivan, and Claire Trevor, as a snappy-catch-if- you-catch-can newspaper reporter is the pursued. The picture moves rapidly, taking the audience all over New York City and environs in search of criminals, loose women, and almost anybody who could either be put into jail or in the news. Some situations that are almost hilarious result from some of these escapades, and the conglomera- tion of these incidents has been whipped into a deliciously entertaining picture, which would be a gr'eat deal more delectable if it were not for the manner in which the scenario writers always manage to make up some silly phrase for James Dunn to say every two minutes or so. This time it is "I'll give it my poisonal attention." Claire Tre- vor gives a good performance, but it is doubtful as to whether she could ever be cast successfully in a role other than one requiring only the ability to ex- ecute wise cracks, comebacks, and pay offs. "Hold That Girl" will hold your attention well enough to entertain you quite satisfactorily, but will cause you to wish that there had been just a little more care, ingenuity, and finesse spent on its cre- ation. "Cross Country Cruise" is all pursue and be pur- sued, having its setting in a transcontinental bus, and enjoying more sex than is necessary, a murder, and a fiendish villain. If the picture did not have Lew Ayres in it, it would be both better and worse off than it is, and the judge of this situation is whether you do or do not like this young man. The plot would be good if "Grand Hotel" and "Dinner at Eight" had not preceded it, because it is defi- nitely an offshoot of these more illustrious produc- tions. Picture Alice White, Eugene Pallette, Mar- jorie White, Alan Dinehart, and Lew Ayres all in the same bus together for several days doing their respective works as vamp, comedian, heroine, vil- lain, and hero in a melodramatic concoction with a "bang ip" ending and you have a fair idea of what to expect in "Cross Country Cruise." Don't expect much, however. -C.B.C. The Dance A CLEARED PATH FOR WEIDMAN AND HUMPHREYS ROBERT HENDERSON'S soon-to-be presenta- tion of Charles Weidman and Doris Humph- reys in three separate and distinct dance recitals comes at an opportune moment. Last year it is conceivable that the reception given these two excellent dancers might have been tepid - not because of penury and bad judgment of values, but because the fact that there is such an art as the dance had been almost forgotten. There had been no build-up for a dance program, save in publicity incidentals to the Dramatic Season. Angna Enters' reception was the result of her own widespread fame; her name was a by-word. But Weidman and Humphreys are not so well known in these parts, outside of professional circles, although their repu- tation among the elite is an exceedingly high one. It is easily predictable, however, that attendance at the three matinee recitals of Weidman and Humphreys this season - May 21-23 - will draw crowds closely approximating the size of the houses at the plays. The parties immediately responsible for the eagerness with which these dancers are awaited are the members and directors of Play Production and Dance Club. Under the imme- diate incentive of Valentine B. Windt, these two groups combined to present two dance recitals during the past year - recitals successful in the achievement of their aim, popular, beautiful, and roundly applauded. Ann Arbor, in brief, is dance conscious; and this is mutually a good thing for Ann Arbor and the forthcoming dance team. For Weidman and Humphreys will dance to packed houses, and Ann Arbor's dance consciousness will lure Ann Arbor to watch fine dancing. It is to be stressed that none of the three per- formances will be a repetition of its predecessors. Each has been independently planned, so that it will be possible to see all three recitals without a suspicion of boredom. Mr. Henderson's practice of presenting dancers as a departure from the regular program of plays is a good one, and may indicate, among other things, that he is not blind to the principle that Mr. Windt and his associates have emphasized -the close relation between dancing and acting. Anne Meredith - Portrait of a Murderer... . . . .... $2.00 Edgar Wallace & R. G. Curtis - The Man Who Changed His Name 2.00 Claudia Cranston - The Murder on 5th Avenue 2.00 S. S. Smith - The Feud Mystery ... 2.00 Roger Dernbie - Death Cruises South 2.00 Emnmanu l Bove - The Murder of Susy Pomier.2.00 "Diplomat" - Slow Death at Geneva . .. 2.0 Lawrence Kirk - Whispering Tongues. 2.00 Carolyn Wells - In the Tiger's Cage . . 2.00 Eden Phillpotts - Mr. Digweed & Mr. Lamb .. 2.00 David Frome -,Mr. Pinkerton Goes to Scotland Yard . .. 2.00 Peter Hunt - Murder Among the Nudists ........2.00 E. Phillips Oppenheim - The Man Without Nerves 2.00 COKS --Ms STRICTLY UP-TO-IDATE NEW BOOKS ARRIVING DAILY ATf WARSBOSTOE MAIN STREET STATE STREET I,. Musical Events T A HOUSE with S.R.O., Lucrezia Bori, sup- ported ably by Mario Chamlee, Desire Fred- eric, and the chorus of the Detroit Civic Opera Company, gave a charming performance of "Ma- non" Tuesday night. Having seen her so cosmopol- itan here in the Festival, it was somewhat startling to find her in a wig and a striped frock as the young Manon in the first act. When she appears later in satin, powdered wig, and feathers, she fits' into the worldly picture one has of her. She sang the "Voyons, Manon," the "Adieu, Little Table," and the Gavotte interlude in the fourth act, with great piquancy and youthfulness. The opera stopped for the time being in this act for her to repeat the quaint air. At the curtain, the cast, the stars, the conductor, the producer, and all, took their bows under the generous supervision of Bori. Richard Bonelli, Mario Chamlee, Pasquale Am- ato, and Maria Borova are appearing in the second production of the Detroit Civic Opera Company of "Rigoletto," Friday night. With the enthusiastic re- ception given "Manon," the interest in "Rigoletto" will be given a decided impetus. The performances take place at the Masonic Temple, beginning at 8:15. -S.P. Mga ne Rview '_ _ _ _ _ H EAD FOOTBALL COACH Harry G. Kipke left yesterday for Chicago where the Big Ten Athletic Board will meet Friday and Saturday to consider, among other things, the restoration of the training-table for a daily meal' for football players. Both this proposal and another important issue which contemplates the lengthening of the pre- liminary practice sessions by five days in the fall are concrete evidences of the recent trend away from "de-emphasis" or toward "over-emphasis" - depending on how you look at it. Four years ago, after the Carnegie report on over-emphasis in col- lege football had achieved national prominence, no group of schools would have dared pass such proposals. From every side would have come rabid shouts of "Professionalizing college athletes!" or "Commercialism!" At that time training tables, if any still existed, disappeared completely, seasons were shortened and "the game given back to the boys," with a vengeance. Now the pendulum swings back -not, we believe, to over-emphasis, but to a sane attitude toward the game of football and toward the men who play it. The boys are not going to get any hundred- dollar-a-month cinch jobs because they are back- field stars --nor are they going to be looked 4f askance and branded as professionals if they belong to a good fraternity and wear good clothes. Anyone who brands the training table which serves athletes a single meal a day as "Commer-j cialization" has not yet lost the over-emphasis complex. No all-state prep stars are going to come to Michigan or any other Conference school justI because they get a free meal each day for three months in the fall, especially when they have to; earn that meal with three hours of hard practice. With Harry Kipke we favor the present proposed plan to restore the training table to the Big Ten. The pendulum is swinging back - and we are glad to see it. With Coach Kipke we hope that the new sentiment will be crystallized this week-end into a rule. Screen Reflections The rating of motion pictures in this column is on the following basis: A, excellent; B, good; C, fair; D, poor, E, very bad, THE INLANDER A Review of the Current Issue By ERICH A. WALTER uTHE INLAND REVIEW," Vol. 1, No. 2 goes on sale today. It is distinctly a better number than the first in its balance of departments and in its quality of content. The poetry of this second issues comes from the study rather than from the heart. None of it sings, unless one excepts Leo Kirshbaum's couplet, What scenes await our golden, gleaming bard? What animals will roam in Buelah Land? Walter Crow's "tableau" is an exercise in similes; Otto Bird's "Tree" is "touched by Spring" but one feels that the touch lacks fire. "Death in the Snow" is convincing with its description of the " awfulness of terrible cold; not with its description of the beauty of snow. C. E. W. L. Dahlstrom contributes a neat satire. Robert Ripton's "Collogue Sinister" has, I believe, a humorous intent. Literary criticism is represented by two strong contributions, Mr. Coon's re-evaluation of Ludwig Lewisohn's "Expression in America," and Mr. Roel- linger's review of "The Hound and Horn" Henry James number. Both of these judgments are ex- actly the kind one has a right to expect in a college literary journal. Mr. Roellinger's essay is particularly well written. In addition to these outstanding pieces there are Mr. Webster's ade- quate review of "Story Magazine" and Mr. Polk's intorduction to a comparative study of the literary mind and the legal mind. The three narrative pieces are all of fairly high quality. One is surprised, however, that with the number of manuscripts submitted for this issue the narrative material should all reflect preciosity. This quality is particularly marked in the sketches "Meeting" and "August Afternoon." Messrs. Elder and Ratliff have written narratives of a much less precious nature. (This is not a condemnation of the stories; it is a criticism of the editor's choice). Mr. Ratliff's "You Know Without Saying" shows a remarkable control of narrative technic. Mrs. Hinshaw's familiar essay portrays charm- ingly a fairly universal experience of all would- be writers, but the essay does not prove her ability to write with the directness revealed in her 1933 Hopwood prize story. The editor is quite right when he comments, "The responsibility must rest upon individuals whose interest in good writing and good think- ing on this campus amounts to more than mere Yrnn .lirlv n 1 4" -s iM- nmi7 a+ m + - ^ "Liwti n Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be con- strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 500 words if possible. MAY DAY, CONTINUED To the Editor of the Daily: It is curious to observe that some of the partici- pants in the May Day trip have loudly declaimed that the. metropolitan papers and The Daily have not told the "truth" about the incident. After read- in the accounts in the News, Free Press, and the Daily, the pamphlet "Much Ado About Nothing," and the various letters to the Daily by Messrs. Cannon, Wood, and others, I should like to ask just what important "truths" were omitted by the news- papers. The article in the Detroit News of May 2, I feel, stated the police brutality in stronger and more specific terms than have any of the stu- dent accounts. "Much Ado About Nothing" was only a vague condensation of what had already been printed in the papers. The Free Press dis- played its usual rancorous prejudice, but even it gave the students' reports of the attack, though in an obscure position and without benefit of head- line. In judging the motives of the students who made the trip we should keep in mind that such questions as the political affiliations of the par- ticipants are irrelevant; the essential question is "Can you honestly say that you went for any pur- pose other than the hope of making or meeting trouble?" Did not the students deliberately seek a police clash by consorting at Grand Circus Park, where they certainly knew a meeting had been for- bidden by the city's legally elected authorities? I am quite cognizant of the fact that the point of view of the organizers of the trip was that the Detroit authorities could not validly forbid an assembly at the park because the Constitution guarantees free speech and assembly. Is this con- tention valid? It is surely a strange perversion of the intent of the Constitution's framers to claim that a city is denied ordinary police powers. If a city can forbid assemblage in buildings where the fire risk is too great for safety, can it not for- bid assemblage where it would hamper public con- venience? Streets are meant to serve as channels of traffic and parks as places of rest and recrea- tion. The heart of the business section is no place for meetings. Other more suitable sites for meetings and speech-making were suggested and available, but were stubbornly refused by Detroit May Day organizers. If any students went to the park solely to defend Constitutional rights as they understand them they at least deserve respect; but those who used "Con- stitutional rights" as a mere excuse to cause trouble must be branded as hypocritical; and as for those who were just making a "sociological investiga- tion" -they are either fools or liars. I have not commented on the policemen's bru- tality solely because it has already been so well condemned. No doubt the officers in question will think it best to keep their identity a deep secret. While the Daily news story of May 2 was, I feel, adequate, the paper certainly deserves criticism for the false impression given to Dean Bates' com- ments by the May 6 headline; nor was the edi- torial in regard to Mr. Cheyfitz in good taste. -Lester C. Sherman. "Some think that a revolution has been taking place. I'm not certain but that it started with the ?,nisiana. Pmrhace _when thefoundantionnwasmlidi _. . _. ... _..-.e- _ -_ - _ _ -_-_- -__ - II- -- III contact the Student Body through the Michigan Daily Classified Ads Econonical . .. Efficient .. . CASH RATES .1.1.. Ila Line 420 Maynard Street 4 pp i I iT AND 4 7 2, 1934 Ensian Distribution contn- ues at the Student Publications. Building at 420 Maynard Street. All payments must be made be-w ore copies may be received. A few copies are still available at AT THE MAJESTIC Double Feature, I 11 i