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May 17, 1934 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-17

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Maize And Blue Nine Plays Hoosiers Today At B1

Michigan Must
Win To Stay In
Race For Title
Wilshere, Star Hoo si e r
Left Hander, Will Hurl
Against Wolverines
The hard-hitting Wolverine nine
will play Indiana today at Blooming-
ton in the firs't of a three-game "cru-
cial" series. In the other two games,
Michigan meets Purdue and Illinois,
Friday and Saturday respectively.
Another loss will put the Wolverines
definitely out of the Conference race
unless Illinois loses all of its four re-
maining games. Michigan is now in
third place, one game behind the sec-
ond-place Hoosiers and two games in
back of the league-leading Illini.
Whitey Wilshire, Indiana's brilliant
southpaw, will be on the mound
against the Wolverines. He is one of
the two best pitchers ins the Con-
ference,'the other one being Wistert,
and he will be trying to give his team
a win over Michigan which will enable
the Hoosiers to step into first place
if Illinois is defeated. In a game with
Cincinnati, he fanned 16 batters. Wil-
shire is especially desirous of beating
the Wolverines as they handed him a
6-4 trimming last year.
Patchin To Face Indiana
Trying for his second Big Ten vic-
tory, Art Patchin will face the Hoo-
siers today. Patchin relieved Tillotson
in the sixth inning against Northwest-
ern at Evanston to earn his first
league win, but he was beaten twice
by Ohio State in his last two Con-
ference starts.
Captain Avon Artz, Michigan's
leading hitter, and the only left hand-
ed batter {who will be in the lineup
today, may have trouble in connecting
with the portside slants of Wilshire.
Artz's only apparent vulnerable spot
in hitting is left handers. However,
Oliver, Paulson, Petoskey, and Re-
geczi shouldn't have too much trouble
with their hitting.
Petoskey'and Paulson are as good
hitters as can be found in college
baseball. Oliver has shown great im-
provement in his hitting. Until three
weeks ago, he was only batting .205,
but he has since raised his mark
well over .300, and is a very depend-
able batter in a pinch.
Frosh Beat Reserves, 10-9
The freshman nine nosed out the
Varsity reserves yesterday on Ferry
Field, 10 to 9, in the first of a two-
game series. The second game of the
"big" series will be played today at
3:30 p.m. The reserves were strength-
ened by the addition of two ineligibles,
Teitelbaum, regular Varsity shortstop
last year, and Jablonski, who would
both be playing against Indiana today
if they were eligible. These two men
provided the batting punch for the
reserves, each driving out a home run
and a single.
The reserves will be out to "get"
the frosh today, and the fans can
expect a grudge game.
250 SHEETS - 45c to 55c


Three Baers Prove T his A Well-Built Bike

Swinmgout . .
* *


YESTERDAY was Wednesday. In
fact it was the first Wednesday
following Cane Sunday which is the
day when those seniors who desire to
appear as the last word and the ultra-
ultra, sport canes and parade about
the municipality with something of
an air.
But somehow the atmosphere has
always been different on the Wednes-
day following that Sunday. That,
traditionally, is Swingout and hith-
erto the pure Ann Arbor air has been
slightly tinged with a hint of the al-
Yesterday was different. Last year's
class, following the tradition of many
previous classes, imbibed freely, pa-
raded around the campus in aca-
demic garb and wound up in a grand
blaze of glory within the sacred pre-
cincts of Hill Auditorium, where they
listened at intervals, and with rau-
cous punctuations, to a speech by
President Ruthven.
It was an affront to the President
of the University and to the mem-
bers of the faculty assembled there
to hear his message to the senior
class... a message apprehended only
by those sober enough to understand
the spoken word and able to follow
the verbal trail to the thought con-
veyed thereby.
Consequently Swingout was, justly
enough, abolished. Substitutes were
tardily proposed, but the Higher-Ups
took no action. Swingout, as a class
celebration, was finished for the class
of '34.
BUT THERE WERE certain follow-
ers of Bacchus, sticklers for tra-
dition, who kept the feast. . . not of
the Passover, nor of the Passout,
either, but nevertheless a feast.
Thirteen hardy souls assembled
yesterday afternoon on a certain isle
nestling in the bosom of the mighty
Huron, and Swung Out. In the group'
were campus leaders, chronic imbers,
and bon vivants. There were several'
feeble attempts at a baseball game
at the beginning of the festivities, but'
these gradually died out in favor of
the more serious work in hand, at-
tempts to spanportions of the noble
Huron at one leap or on the install-
ment plan, and various plots to shove
various members of the expedition
into the abode of old King Neptune.j
It was a gala afternoon. The sun
beat down on the wooded glades,
which formed the precincts of the
sacred celebration, and the surround-
ing waters murmured as though an-
swering the gay voices of the partici-
pants. High point of the proceedings
was the point where The Daily ganged'
up on the 'Ensian and drenched the
representation with amber fluid.
So Swingout was celebrated . . .
by a chosen few, who betook them-
selves to a isolated spot for the cere-
mony as indeed befitted its solem-
nity. Other classes have brought it
out into the light of day where all
who chose might profane the holy
spectacle with unseemly stares. It
remained for the class of '34 to cele-
brate it as was fitting. Take note,
ye other classes.
For Swingout is officially dead.
Long live the Unofficial Swingout!

-Associated Press Photo
Max Baer, just an old-fashioned boy, accompanies his father and
brother, Buddy, in a pleasant hour of bicycling when able to snatch the
time from the arduous training duties for his forthcoming championship
fight with Primo Carnera.
Track Team To Leave Today
For Defense OfBig Ten Title
By CHARLES A. BAIRD 35 points. As it is their value to the
Coach Charlie Hoyt has selected team is unknown.
24 men to represent the Wolverines Phil Diamond, local German teach-
in their defense of the Big Ten out- er noted for his uncanny ability to
door title at Evanston, Ill., Friday and prognosticate Big Ten track meets
Saturday. The squad will leave Ann in the past, is straddling the fence
Arbor at 5 p.m. today and head west- in predicting the outcome of this
ward in quest of the most coveted meet. On paper he has Indiana fa-
track title in this part of the coun- vored to cop the title from Michigan
try. by a 48 to 45% score, but he never-
Michigan's entry list is headed by theless advises against betting against
seven seniors - Capt. Tom Ellerby, the Maize and Blue.
Ed Lemen, Cass Kemp, Jack Childs, His predictions are based on the
Clark Schell, Rod Howell, and Al results of dual meets so far this sea-
Blumenfeld, who will finish their son, but indications are that Michi-
collegiate careers. gan is improving each Saturday. In-
Sophomore and junior entries who diana's 48 points is close to the maxi-
will be heavily counted on are -- Wil- mum which the Hoosiers can hope
lis Ward, Harvey Smith, Bob Lamb, for, while Michigan's 45% leaves room
Harvey Patton, Tony Serakos, Paul for the well-balanced Wolverines to
Gorman, Jake Kauffman, Ben Starr, come through unexpectedly in one or
Neree Alix, Moreau Hunt, Dave Hunn, more of the 15 events.
Herm Wendland, Dan Schwenger, Gives Hoosiers Eight Wins
Skip Malashevich, Bob Kosichek, and Diamond figures Indiana for pos-
Adam Stone. sibly eight first places, the same as
To Stay In Chicago last year and Michigan for only two,
The tracksters will go directly to as in 1933.
the Windermere Hotel in Chicago His predictions give Ward second
where they will stay Thursday and place in the century, first in the high
Saturday nights. They will move to Jump and high hurdles, and third in
the North Shore Hotel in Evanston the broad jump, which would total
Friday to be nearer the scene of the 17 points.
meet. Ivan Fuqua of Indiana is conceded
Michigan's chances of retaining the first place in the 220- and 440-yard
title, bright a few weeks ago, have dashes, and Charlie Hornbostel first
slumped recently due to an injury in the 880 and mile runs.
plague which has handicapped the
team. Five of the Wolverines' strong-
est threats are in poor condition at
present, and the outcome of the meet
depends entirely on just how much
these injuries handicap them.
Leading this list is Willis Ward,
who appears to be improving, Cap-
tain Ellerby, Cass Kemp, Neree Alix,
and Adam Stone. In good condition
this group could account for close to



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