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May 16, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-16

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I "N

the Far East, and hence, wish to ask him some
questions here.
In the first part of his "peace program," Mr.
Eby enthusiastically urged the American people to
realize, and be in sympathy with, Japan's economic
necessity for her external expansion. Mr. Eby seems
to have justified Japan's action of aggression b3
telling the audience how small Japan's territory
is, how limited her natural resources, and how fasi
the rate of increase of her population. We wonder
whether Mr. Eby knows the fact that for several
decades Japanese immigrants to Manchuria, with-
out meeting or absolutely ignoring any restrictior
on the part of China, are still now amounting tc
a definitely small percentage in comparison witl
the Chinese migrants whose pressnce in Manchuria
was really brought about by the high-pressure of
e over-population in Inner China.

The -%Theatre


Iuunlshecd every morning except Monday during the
University year an d Summer Sessiom by the Board in
Control of Student ,Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.


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CITY EDITOR....... .............BRACKLEY SHAW
WOMEN'S EDITOR....................CAROL J. HANAN
EIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter. William
G. Ferris, John C, Healey, George Van Vieck, E. Jerome
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car-
stens, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie Western
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie. Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Paul J. Elliott,
Courtney;A. Evans, John J. Flaherty, Thomas A. Groehn,
John Kerr, ;Thomas H. Kleene, Bernard B. LUvick, David
G. MacDonald, Joel P. Newman, John M. O'Connell,
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Dorothy Glee, Jean IVanmer, Florence Harper, Eleanor
Johnson. Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Mor-
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......................,..... CATHARINE MC HENUT
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smith, David Schiffer, William Barndt, Jack Richardson,
Charles Parker, Robert Owen, Ted Wohlgemuth, Jeromet
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Clarke, Scott, Samuel Beckman, Homer Lathrop, Hall,
Ross Levin, Willy Tomlinson, Dean Asselin, LymanI
Bittman, John Park, Don Hutton, Allen Ulpson, Richard
Hardenbrook, Gordon Cohn
Importanee Of Tuesday's
Interfraternity Meeting,..

Again, we wonder whether Mr. Eby knows the
extent of economic exploitation of China's natural
resources which Japan has freely' carried out for
so many years. May Mr. Eby admit as many others
do the fact that the Japanese people, either because
of the severe climatic conditions, or the low stand-
ard of living there, have been very reluctant or in
fact very much disliked to go to Manchuria.
Mr. Eby seemed to insist that Japan's economic
depression is due to her insufficient territory and
limited natural resources. Well then, may we ask
Mr. Eby: do you think that Japan's economic prob-
lem can be solved simply by extension of her terri-
Cory and sphere of interests in China? If this were
true, why is it that the United States, with such
huge territory and rich natural resources, cannot
avoid the present economic depression?'
When questioned by the audience as to why he
was so much more sympathetic with the Japanese
than with the Chinese, Mr. Eby seems to have
frankly admitted that his proposal for the United
States to give up her traditional open-door policy
and to repudiate her various treaty obligations is
simply based on the principle of expediency - that
is, an expediency of maintaining the "brotherly re-
lations" of the two "big nations." We appreciate
Mr. Eby's frankness in throwing away a just cause
and his moral motive for the sake of expediency.
But we cannot understand Mr. Eby's logic or con-
sistency in entitling his speech: "A Program for
Peace in the Far East." For it is true, if the
United States adopts Mr. Eby's proposal it is pos-
sible to maintain peace between the United States
and Japan, provided the United States decides as
he assumed or suggested to give up all her vested
and prospective interests, both economic and polit-
ical, in the Orient and provided further that the
United States will definitely remain passive and
submissive when Japan carries out the second step
of the notorious Tanaka Memorial (to conquer the
world) as a result of the accomplishment of her
first step - the conquest of China and Asia.
But even then, it is clear what is prayed for by
Mr. Eby is the peace between the United States and
her "loving brother," Japan only. Do you, Mr. Eby,
think that letting Japan do what she likes irrespec-
tive of justice and humanity as well as her inter-
national obligations is the proper way to maintain
peace in the Far East? What about the four-
hundred million Chinese? Everyone of them will
answer you "definitely no." We may frankly tell
Mr. Eby that the people of China are growing daily
more and more impatient with the passive policy
pursued by their government and are resenting the
leaders in their believing in and consequently rely-
ing so much upon the existing peace machinery.
They are now determined to fight their own way
and it is only a matter of time. We assure you,
Mr. Eby, the 400 million Chinese will fight to the
last drop of their blood to recover their "life-line"
i.e., the recovery of the four northeastern provinces
and to emancipate their beloved 30 million fellow
citizens now enslaved by the Japanese puppet, so-
called "Manchukuo." Mr. Eby, if you do not suggest
to the Japanese militant government to use her
bombs and bullets as she did not long ago to kill
the entire 400 million people, you cannot expect to
materialize your peace program. The Chinese peo-
ple will continue to fight for justice and are deter-
minde to "disturb" in the Far East the "peace" as
pursued by Japan and desired by Mr. Eby. Whether
your peace program is acceptable or practical to
any sensible American is not a matter of our con-
cern, but it is bound to be fruitless and false in
our opinion.
-Member, Chinese Students' Club.

Yearly the Dramatic Season builds itself into
something of greater dignity. The plays are more
representative, the artists are more distinguished.
And judging from last night's performance of Al-
fred Sangster's "The Brontes" there will be greater
subtlety and finish to the productions themselves.
In approaching any historical play there is the
danger of preconceived opinions influencing any
judgment concerning the play itself. Of this I can
safely claim pretty complete innocence. Stimulated
by "Jane Eyre" and "Wuthering Heights" I mas-
tered at one time some of the facts, concerning
Patrick Bronte and his famous daughters. But of'
the Bronte legends I ai rather ignorant, although
from time to time I have listened with soie ad-
miration and a good deal of incomprehension to
literary gossip of the strange life at the Ilaworth
parsonage. I have felt its drama, however.
With a graveyard ii front, the moors behind and
as pretty a set of neuroses within as one might
find in a day's walk, the situations of any Bronte
play are certain to have an intensity: and any
house hold that contained as passionate and stormy
soul as the author of "Wuthering Heights" I should
expect to intrigue me. Again, although Violet
Kemble-Cooper has been revealed to Ann Arbor
most frequently as a brilliant comedian, I was
nevertheless anticipating her performance as
In all this, it may be said, I was in no way disap-
pointed. Miss Cooper's interpretation of that fierce
and lonely heart was as remarkable as anything
that has been seen in a local -theatre for some
time. Her art is mature, restrained and there is a
terrible sincerity in the reckless hate that so con-
sumed her. It was particularly evident in her rela-
tion to her brother Branwell, especially in the
suggestions of incestuous attraction. Again in her
defiance of Madame Heger there was a sullen,
smouldering quality that made those portions of
the play exciting.
Besides all this, poor Charlotte's unhappy pas-
sion for Monsieur Heger quite paled, especially
since Donald Randolph's interpretation of the lat-
ter part gave little suggestion of any abundance
of personality to warrant a ruined life. In fact,
Elizabeth Risdon's greatest charm in the part of
Charlotte was 'the free revelation of a healthy
sense of humor combined with great sympathy and
understanding of the deeper secrets of a woman's
heart. Her scene with Lewes and Thackeray was
executed with a charm that changed that portion
of the play from literary chit-chat to a fairly ade-
quate second act climax. In addition a great deal
might be said for Frank Compton as the tyranniz-
ing father, idolizing yet hating his degenerate son,
firing his revolver into the empty, wind-swept moor
that seemed to so fascinate them all.
For all of these brilliant individual portraits
there is much to say. But for all of this, I must
admit that "The Brontes" is frequently pretty dull
as a play. Especially after Emily's death at the
beginning of the third act are there seemingly in-
tolerable stretches of repetitiou material. In spite
of Miss Risdon's skillful playing of the courtship
scenes they were regrettably anti-climatic. At times
even in the earlier portions of the play there was
inadequate transition in the parts which alter-
nately presented the moody and tempestuous Emily
and the essentially feminine Charlotte.
Although the Sangster play'has moments of ex.
cellent theatre and due to intelligent and careful
direction makes a very entertaining evening, it
never rises to very thrilling heights. It is a valu-
able production, however, for other reasons, and is
a not unworthy initial venture in the dramatic
season, if only for the excellent performance of
individual parts.




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T HE CHANGES in the constitution
of the Interfraternity Council which
have been recommended by the special committee
empowered to make "radical changes" will, if
enacted, be a step towards bringing the council
out of its lethargy and into its true place of lead-
ership of fraternity activities on campus.
The charges against the Council in the past
have been that the faculty-alumni dominated
Judiciary Committee made all the important de-
cisions and transacted all the' business that really
amounted to anything, leaving the presidents of
the houses to sleep through or miss dreary meet-
ings featured by useless debate.
The criticism that the Council has been too close
to the administration is met by the part of the plan
which calls for an inner committee having a stu-
dent majority to make the decisions now made by
the Judiciary Committee.
instead of the old committee composed of three
factilty men including the dean, three alumni, and
five students, the new committee provides for one
faculty member, two alumni, and five students,
with the dean sitting as a member without vote,
as does the secretary-treasurer under both plans.
Giving the council itself more power will improve
the attendance at meetings, and a further provi-
sion, that'of making a quorum for business as low
as 20 'houses 'instead of the simple majority of
houses will make it almost obligatory for all houses
to be represented.
Further power is given to the presidents by the
provision which enables the Council, by a majority
vote which must include at least 15 houses, to oust
the president and the executive committee. Council
presidents of the future will be more and more the
servants of delegates as this provision is held over
their heads.
The stage is'set for fraternity men to "run their
own show," as they have been urged to do: The
first step will be the passage of the proposed
measures at next Tuesday's meeting.





To the Editor:
The Editor of the Daily refers us to their previous
stories concerning Mr. Cheyfitz to confirm his
stand for an expulsion.
Firstly, I would like the editors to answer these
pertinent questions:
(1.) Why did they refuse to print a protest
telegram from the Yale Chapter of the Na-
tional Student League? (Or isn't that inter-
esting news to Michigan students?)
(2.) When the 42 on the trip drew up a
letter stating their position, why were we
told it would not be printed?
(3.) Why did Dean Bates have to write a
letter to the editor, criticizing the caption on
the Daily's story of an interview with him as
untrue and misleading?
In relation to the same editorial I would like to
call to the attention of the students of the Univer-
sity of Michigan that not only were we shunted
from Grand Circus Park, (the only park where we
could not go, according to The Daily) but actually
evicted from, and threatened at Clark Park. We
have pictures showing the hundreds of policemen,
earning their day's wages, filling the grandstands,
streets, and benches of Clark Park.
As to the, editor's suggestion that a student
should have spoken at the workers' meeting in the
Arena Gardens 8 p.m. May 1, I would only say
that their "stool pigeon" who was in the truck dur-
ing the trip slipped up in getting news. One of the
members of the Young Communist League of Ann
Arbor spoke to the tremendous applause of the
7,000 workers present at that meeting.
For obvious reasons (thus killing the "publicity
seeking" motive) the student speaker's name was
not publicized.
In the light of the above condemning criticism

Collegiate Observer
It is illegal, according to an old ruling, to give
a cigarette to a University of Minnesota student
while on the campus. This law was probably passed
to do away with the well-known "bummer."
"I don't believe the Queen of Sheba ever
went to Solomon," a professor at Columbia
University declared recently. "It's all rotten
nonsense," he added. Probably the Professor
thinks she feared alienation of affection suits
by all of Solomon's wives.
* * * *
According to the Daily Illini there are 140,000
reasonable chances of error for every error made
in a double column of newspaper print, and in a
single sentence, "To be or not to be," it is possible
to make 2,758,000 errors by transposition alone,
Campus Chatter, a column in the Arkansas
State College Herald, proposes to hold a con-
test to decide which student is the worst two-
timer. From what I hear, we could hold a swell
contest of that sort on this campus. Names arc
* * * *I
Things we'd like to see: the night riders at Brown
University who recently locked the campus cop in
his room by the old method of tying the door-
knob of his room to one across the hall.
Here is the lamentation of a junior at the
University of Oklahoma while sitting in a
lecture class:
I like women
In white linen,
They look socrisp,
So cool so neat;
But they bore me,
Sitting before me;
I have no place
To put my feet.


1934 Ensiaii Distribtiti)on b)giues
at the Student Publications Bldg.
All payments must he nmade l-..
fore copies may be received
A few copics are, stil availakp a'

Anne Meredith - Portrait of a Murderer..
Edgar Wallace & R. G. Curtis - The Man Who Changed His Name


VM - - .4
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial -opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
gardedas confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less'
than 500 words if possible. .

Claudia Cranston - The Murder on 5th Avenue ..
S. S. Smith - The Feud Mystery . ... . . .........
Roger Denbie - Death Cruises South ........ .
Emmanuel Bove - The Murder of' Susy Pommier.
"Diplomat" - Slow Death at Geneva.. ......
Lawrence Kirk - Whispering Tongues... .
Carolyn Wells - In the Tiger's Cage .
Eden Phillpotts - Mr. Digweed & Mr. Lamb . . .
David Frome - Mr. Pinkerton Goes to Scotland Yard
Peter Hunt - Murder Among the Nudists. ..
E. Phillips Oppenheim - The Man Without Nerves..



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