THE MICHIGAN DAILY - )AILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN PUWJ~ntlon In the Bulletin is +constructive notice to all members of the University Copy received at the office oI the Assistant to the President until 3:30: 11:30 a. m. Saturday. i WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1934 VOL. XLIV No. 164 Notices Notice To Seniors and Gradu Students: Only six more days rem after today for the payment of ploma fees and certificate fees. There can be absolutely no ext syo beyond 4 p.m. on Wednesc May 23. The Cashier's Office is closed Saturday afternoon. Shirley W. Smit Student Loans: The Loan Comm tee will meet on Thursday, May at 2 p.m., in Room 2, University H Students who have filed applicati with the Office of the Dean of $ dents should call at that officen an appointment with the Commit J.. A. Bursley, Chairma Faculty, College of Engineeri There will be an important me ing of the Faculty of this College Wednesday, May 16, at 4:15 p.m. Room 348, West Engineering Eu: ing. The special order of this me ing will be the consideration of c bined courses in Forestry and Bt ness Administration; the revision Faculty Rules; and a report from Committee on Nontechnical El tives.. xate gain di- en- Jay, on h nit- 17, [all. ons tu- for tee. ,n ing : eet- on in ild- eet- )m- usi- * of the ec- May 16 and 17, for the purpose of interviewing anyone interested in em- ployment with this company. Horse Show: Men and women stu- dents wishing to take part in the Horse Show on Saturday, May 19, at 2:30 o'clock are asked to get in touch with Jane Brucker (telephone 23203) A 1933-34 medical card is necessary for all entrants. Proposed Amendments to the Con- stitution of the Interfraternity Coun- cil: It being necessary, under the Constitution of the Interfraternity Council, to post a proposed amend- mient to the constitution in the D.O.B. one week before it may be considered in a meeting of the Council, these proposals, drawn up by the commit- tee that was appointed at the last meeting for that purpose, are hereby submitted as per the Constitution. Amend Article 3, section 1, to read: "This council shall consist of the presidents of the several fraternities holding membership in the Interfra- ternity Council," unless executives %re made by the Executive Committee. Strike out Article 3, section 2. In article five, let section 1 stand. Amend section 2 and following to read: Section 2. "The incumbent Execu- tive Committee shall nominate three candidates for the office of president. One of these candidates shall be elect- ed by a majority vote of the Inter- fraternity Council, voting by secret written ballot. In case there is no majority on the first ballot, the can- didate receiving the least number of votes shall be withdrawn and a sec- )nd vote taken on the two remaining candidates." Section 3. "The secretary-treasurer shall be appointed by the outgoing Executive Committee immediately af- Uer the election of president. He shall e chosen from among the junior ,ryouts of the council." Section 4. "All applicants for the ositions of president and secretary- :reasurer must submit letters of ap- )lication to the Executive Commit- Uee." membership in the Council, one to be selected by the Executive Commit- tee of the Alumni Conference from a list submitted by the council at large and the other by the President of the University from a list submit- ted by the council at large." Section 3. "The faculty member shall serve for one year and may be reappointed. The alumni members shall serve for one and two years re- spectively and may be reappointed." Section 4. "The Dean of Students and the Secretary-Treasury of the Council shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee without vot- ing power except that the Dean of Students shall vote in case of a tie." Amnd Article 7 as follows: "In all places where Judiciary Committee is usedsubstitute 'Executive Commit- tee.' Section 1, add (g) "All resolutions of the Executive Committee shall be read at the meetings of the Council at large." (h) "The minutes of the Executive Committee shall be open to any fra- ternity president on demand." (i) "Notice that meetings of the Executive Committee have been held shall be posted in the immediately following issue of the D.O.E. If no objections to any decision of the Com- mittee are voiced within the next 48 hours, all action taken by the Com- mittee shall be accepted as final." (j) "Meetings shall be called by the president at the request of any mem- ber of the Committee." (k) "A quorum of the Executive Committee for conducting business slall consist of five members." Amend Article 8 to read: "A quorum for conducting business shall consist of representatives of 20 fraternities, members of the council." Geology 11 and 31: Make up blue- book Thursday at 4:00 in Room 3056 N. S. University Lecture: Professor Ernst Beutler, Curator of Goethe Haus in Frankfurt, Germany, will lecture in German on the subject, "Das Werden von Goethes Faustdichtung im Wan- del seiner Weltanschauung," Tuesday, May 22, 4:15 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. Engineers: Dr. W. K. Hatt, Head of the School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, will give an illus- trated talk in Room 311 W. Engineer- ing Building at 7:30 p.m. today. He will show some films taken by him- self in China and Manchuria, to- gether with illustrations of concrete and reinforced concrete hydraulic structures at the beginning and at the end of 28 years of service. The talk will be of especial interest to Civil Engineers. Graduate School: All graduate stu- dents who expect to complete theif work for a degree at the close of the present semester should .call at the office of the Graduate School, 1014 Angell Hall, to check their records and to secure the proper blank to be used in paying the diploma fee. The fee must be paid by May 23. G. Carl Tuber, Dean College of Pharmacy: The third Annual Pharmaceutical Conference sponsored by the College of Phar- macy will be held at the Michigan Union at 2:15 p.m. on Thursday, May 17. President Ruthven, Dr. Robert P. Fischelis, President of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Profes- sors J. K. Pollock and Charles L Brown of the University of Michigan will address the Conference. At 7:45 in room 165 Chemistry Building Pro- fessor Malcolm H. Soule will give a lecture illustrated with slides and motion pictures on Native Medical and Pharmaceutical Practices in the Philippines. All interested are in- vited to attend both the afternoon and evening session of the Confer- ence. Students of the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts: A meet- ing will be held at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1035 Angell Hall on Thursday, May 17, for students. in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and others interested in future work in addressed by Librarian W. W. Bishop. Library Science. The meeting will be Head of the Department of Library Science. E Science Building. Interested persons are invited. S9riedad Hispanic final meeting of the year at 7:30 p.m. in the Mich- igan League. A program will be pre- sented by various members of the club, nominations for the election of next year's officers will be held, and refreshments will be served. Everyone is cordially invited to attend this meeting. Deutscher Zirkel: Meeting in the League 8:00 p.m. Professor Wild will give a talk on German poetry, illus- trated by readings. Forc.ry Club: Final meeting of the year this evening. Election of of- ficers for 1934-35. Report on Michi- gan Forester, and final Treasurer's statement. Field Day awards. Engineering Council last meeting of the year at 7:30 p.m. in M.E. Com- puting Room, West Engineering Bldg. Both old and newly elected members are to be present. Sigma Rho Tau: Last regular meet- ing of the year at 7:45 in the Union. Prize contest in Hall of Fame speak- ing. Elections of officers for next year, announcement of promotions to higher rank, and final announce- ments for Tung Oil banquet. Due to the special importance of this meet- ing, the presence of every member is expected. Zeta Phi Eta meets in the League at 7:30 p.m. Pi Tau Pi Sigma: Last regular meeting of the year at 7:30 p.m. Im- portant plans for Memorial Day to be discussed. All members please be present. Freshman Girls' Glee Club meets at 7 o'clock in the League. Impor- tant. Stanley Chorus: Regular weekly rehearsal at the League 7:30 sharp. Election of officers so will everyone please be there on time and bring all music you have taken out. Sphinx: Important meeting this noon at the Union. Quarterdeck Society meets in room 340, West Engineering Building, at 7:30 p.m. Luncheon for Graduate Students in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League Building. Profes- sor Louis C. Karpinski of the Mathe- matics Department, will speak infor- mally on "Schools of Asia Minor." Polonia Literary Circle meets for the last time this year at 7:45 in the League. All.members and friends of the Circle should be on hand to meet the incoming administration elected for the following year. Theosophical Society: Public meet- ing at the League building at 8 p.m., in connection with the Theosophical Society whose international head- quarters are at Point Loma, Calif. All interested are invited to attend. Harris Hall: Open house and tea 4 to 6 p.m. Coming Events Applied Mechanics Colloquium: Prof. L. C. Maugh, "Analysis of Rigid Frame Structures by Successive Ap- proximations." Mr. A. J. Miles, "Re- view of Literature." Meeting in Room 445 West Engineering Bldg., Thurs- day, May 17, at 7:30 p.m. Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 Thursday, May 17, Observa- tory lecture room. Mr. Clarence H. Cleminshaw will review his spectro- graphic study of Gamma Cassiopeiae and Chi Ophiuchi. Tea will be served at 4:00. Chemistry Colloquium: Special meeting at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, May 17; room 303. Professor L. F. Small, University of Virginia, will give a sur- vey of the chemical and pharmacolo- gical work on the Morphine group. Research Clob will meet in room 2528 East Medical Building on Wed- Seeks Federal Job s University Bureau of Appointnents & Occupational Information: The Bureau has' received, notice of the followingU. S. Civil dService Exami- nations: Supervisory of Secondary Educa- tion, Indian Field Service - $4,600. Public Health Nursing Analyst - $3,200. Announcements are on file at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Senior Engineers: The class picture is being made up this week. To be included you must pay your dues this week. Graduating Mechanical Engineers: Mr. Z. B. Freeman of the Scott Paper Company, Chester, Penn., will be in Room 221 West Engineering Build- ing on Wednesday and Thursday, a Section 5. "The student members >f the present Judiciary Committee shall act as the Executive Committee .intil the first Executive Committee s elected. Section 6. "At any meeting of the :ouncil, five members may call for z vote of confidence on the president )ind the student members of the Ex- cutive Committee, which vote must take place immediately by secret writ- ,en ballot." Section 7. "A president and stu- ient members of the Executive Com.- nittee that loses its vote of confi- dence shall automatically be removed froin office." Section 8. "A simple majority of those houses present shall be required to oust the student members of the executive council, provided that such a majority shall consist of at least 15 houses. Section 9. "In the event that the president. is ousted, the secretary- treasurer shall act as temporary pres- ident until a new president is elected." Section 10. "He shall immediately call for the election of a new Execu- tive Committee member from each group. From among these five mem- bers the president shall be chosen by the council at large. Two men shall be selected by pref- erential ballot. The two men chosen by this ballot shall then be voted upon by secret written ballot and one se- lected by a simple majority. He shall be the president of the Interfraternity Council. Amend Article 6, Sections i, 2,3, to read: Section 1. "The Executive Commit- tee shall be chosen annually at the last regular meeting of the Council; this committee to serve during the ensuing collegiate year unless re- moved according to Article 5,esection 6." Section 2. "The Executive Commit- tee shall consist of five student mem- bers including the president of the council, one faculty member who shall be an alumnus of a fraternity holding membership in the Council selected by the President of the University from a list submitted by the Coun- cil at large, and two alumni mem- bers, alumni of fraternities holding CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY I -Associated Press Photo Hlarry P. Hornby (above), pub- lisher in the home town of Vice- President John Garner, Uvalde, Tex., has been endorsed by many Texas publishers for the job of fourth as- sistant postmaster general. Hornby was credited with starting the Gar- ner-for-Preside' movement. Speech Society For Initiates Alpha Nu concluded its activities for the year with an initiation banquet last night at the Union at which the results of the election of officers for next year were announced. Carl Brandt of the Speech department was the speaker of the evening. Karl Nelson, '37, was named pres- ident for next year; Edward Downs, '35, vice president; Frank Aldrich, '37, secretary; James Eyer, '36, treasurer; and Robert Janda, '35, senior critic. These officers were elected at the reg- ular meeting last week but their names were not made public until yes- terday. The new members initiated in the Alpha Nu chapter room before the banquet were Edward Downs, '35, James Eyer, '36, Clifford H. Greve, '36, Charles C. Lemert, Jr., '34, Herbert Nitke, '37, Edward Schmidt, '37, Jo- seph L. Whitmer, '35, Edward N. Yen- shutski, '36, and Warner Neal, '37. Oriental Talk By Karpinski Is In Magfazine "The Mathematics of the Orient," an article appearing in the May is- sue of "School Science and Mathe- matics," was published by Prof. Louis C. Karpinski of the mathematics de- partment from the text of an address given in December, 1933, in Turkey. Professor Karpinski, who has for 30 years lectured on the importance of the mathematics of the Orient be- fore American audiences, addressed a Turkish group on this topic for the first time last year at the University' of Stamboul in Istanbul. "In very truth the calculus made possible the modern world. In the achievement of the modern world, such as it is, thousands of thrnkers. in every part of the world through all the ages known to history, have had their immortal part. When you students are given arithmetic, al- gebra, geometry, trigonometry, and the higher mathematics, you are in- deed made "the heirs of all the ages past," Professor Karpinski writes nesday, May 16, at 8:00 p.m. The following papers will be presented: "The Recapture of Excess Earn- ings: A Discarded Experiment in Railroad Control," by Professor I. L. Sharfman. "A Study in Multiple Taxation," by Dean Henry M. Bates. Exhibition The 5th Annual Exhibition Sculpture of the Division of Fi Arts on display daily at the Michig League until June 20. of ine an an Architectural Building Exhibition: An exhibition of representative stu- dent work in architectural design, construction, free-hand drawing, painting, and decorative design, is being shown in the corridors and in the main exhibition room, third floor, of the Architectural Building. Open daily, 1:00 to 5:00. The public is. invited. Events Today Chemistry Colloquium: Meeting will be held in room 303 at 4:15 p.m. Mr. C. K. Hunt and Mr. J. H. Trues- dale will give talks on: "Quinoidation of Triarylmethyl Halides. The Reaction of Triaryl- methyl Halides with Phenyl Magne- sium Bromide." Botanical Seminar meets at 4:30, room 1139, N.S. Bldg. Paper by W. R. Taylor, "Biological Aspects of the Galapagos Islands." (illustrated). Chemical Engineering Seminar: Mr. D. S. Ullock will be the speaker at the Seminar at 4 o'clock in room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. on the subject, "Heat Contents and Joule-Thomson Coefficients for Dowtherm A." Acolytes (Philosophical Society): Professor Heinz Werner of the De- partment of Psychology will speak on "The Aesthetic Value of Space and Time in Primitive Art," Monday eve- ning at 7:30 in Room 1121 Natural l >. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertions. Box Numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in Advance-le per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. etper reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. Telephone Rate-15c per reading line for one or two insertions, 14c per reading line for three or more Insertions, 10%rdiscount if paid within ten days from the ate of last insertion. Minimum three lines per Insertion. By Contract, per line-2 lines daily, one month .......................Be 4 lines E.Q.D.. 2 months ......3c 2 lines daily, college year ......7e 4 lines E. O. D., college year ....7 100 lines used as desired......9c 300 lines used as desired.........e 1,000 lines used as desired ..7c 2,000 iines used as desired ..6 .'he above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch of 7 point Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add i10 per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. TAXICABS aRCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com- fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x Ey e zItre Reported tO HealthService The usual spring epidemic of measles did not arrive on the campus this tern, but a good substitute 'has been found, according to Health Serv- ice physicians in an epidemic of "pink eye" amounting to approximately 40 cases. The affliction, which comes on quite suddenly, has easily recognizable symptoms consisting of smarting, itching, burning, and watering of the eye or eyes. It is quite infectious and can easily be transferred from one eye to the other. A heavy dis- charge causes the lids of the eye to be stuck together in the morning. The ailment lasts for about five or more days. Students Urffed oHave ecalthl Examinatjons An invitation has been extended by authorities at the University Health Service to all students who are leaving the University either through graduation or withdrawal and to stu- dents who are planning to take trips to foreign countries to apply to the Health Service for anti-toxins and physical examinations. In offering this service the Health Service is following its long-standing custom of providing a thorough over- hauling for all graduating students. Physicians also urge that students who are planning trips to foreign countries where sanitary conditions are relatively poor should have ty- phoid and small-pox anti-toxin in- jections and perhaps save themselves future trouble. NO 'BOWL' HAIRCUTS MADISON, Wis., May 15, - 1) -- "Home haircuts" - the kind given with a sauce bowl and household shears - are being discouraged in Wisconsin. The state code authority amended the state barber's retail code to allow a ten per cent reduction in the mini- mum for cutting hair of children under 12 years. TN T A IN PEN$ Par'ker, Shaeaffer, W(ater'mon, Conklin, etc., $1.60 anidup. A lmtbgean.lcaooice assor t HELP WANTED WANTED: Cook for Northern Mich- igan summer resort. June 23 to' La- bor Day, $25 per week. Give experi- ence. 14500 Abington Rd., Detroit. 457 WANTED WANTED: Canoe: Old town or equiv- alent. Write giving price, equipment, and description of canoe. J. B. Spiers, 9510 Grand River, Detroit. 455 WANTED: Woman wishing to go to Southern California after Univer- sity closes would like to be a paying passenger in automobile. Call Box 48, Mich, Daily. 453 WANTED: MEN'S OL1D AND NEW suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200 North Main.5x LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 4x Tra1ining1 Table May Be Result Of Big 10 Meet (Continued fromx Page 1) igan's case since the teams are tra- ditionally in top form by the time the season opens. Mr. Kipke opposes this contem- plated change on the grounds that the players nowadays do not need the extra five days to get into condition. Most of the boys, Mr. Kipke said, come back in pretty good shape and do not need any long conditioning drills before actual scrimmage can be held. The new rule, he pointed out, would cut almost three weeks off the vacation period allowed students in general Mr. Kipke's support for the train- ing table plan is based on the belief that many players, under the pres- nt system, do not receive enough of proper nourishment. It is obvious that an underfed player is more sus- ceptible to injury than a robust in- dividual nor can he be much help to lis team. Also, he said, football players prob- ably work harder during the season than any other group on campus and consequently need more substantial food than is served in fraternities and restaurants. Both pr'oposals are evidence of the pendulum swing away from "de-em- phasizing" football which has been taking place in the last year. donn to,; huby moron's band 8:30 to 1030 den er l3OLS «C ,y LIPS C. - / - I WI ri., t - Round Trip 3rd Class Tourist ENGLAND...........$144.50 $18$,00 FRANCE............$149.50 $190.00 GERMANY .....161.00 $200.00 ITALY ..............8.0 $240.00 Other classes quoted free. Tours and Cruises advertise $anywhere. 53 days, 6 countries, $528 3rd, $98 tourist. 38 days, 6 countries, $378 3rd, $44? tourist. Passion Flay ineluded.- From New York on steamers where tourist is the first class on ship. D. & C. to Cleveland and riuta lo. Phone your order '1iclet-delivered No extra charges ever KUEBLER TRAVEL BUREAU Bonded for Your Protection Since 1317 Ask Your Local Banker OFFICIAL .o4al A4ency for All Lines, Tours and Cruises 601 E. Huron St.-- Ph. 6412 -1' WHITNEY L AST DAY -- i r A sr i I' it I TWO EXCITING FIRST-RUN FEATURES Jhc high-speed, high pressure romance of a smart detective who couldn't solve the method to- JOHN BOLES -THURSDAY - FRIDAY-- Two Features MARY BRIAN tOneY r Later" i 0 The 1934 Pulitzer Prize Play-Now a Great Picture, Winning the Acclaim of the Campus ~I' MYRNA LWYI ._m ' 314 S. State St., Ann Arbor. NOW! HURRY! Enids Tonight MAJESTIC NOW! MICHIGAN Ends Tonight HURRY! I t Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatre TONiGiHr a! 8:15 - thru Fri. Mat. and Night THE AUDIENCES CHEER -ASK ANYONE! Violei KEMBL&-COOPElI & Elizabeth RISDON in the thrillingAnscricain jrcr iere "Brilliant play. Choice a happy one. Swpt the audience!" -Detroit FREE PRESS "Will enjoy wide popularity in this coun-try. Immense appeal, great emotional strength." -MICHIGAN DAITY DON'T MISS THE DANCERS! 3 Matinees: Mon., Tues. & Thurs., May 21, 22 & 24 with, Jean H-r,-,l Eizabeth Alon, 6tto Kruger ~..j,> ~ k..,. rr