THE M-ICHIGAN DAILY 11 - 7-1.- - -I - [ICHIGAN DAILY -- ' , ,. y/P '/'") Iunshed every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member-of the Western Conference Editorial Association 0nd the Big Ten News Service. $a0eiaftt d i ipt#t rtays 1AlkMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IThe Associated Press Is enluively entitled to the use tir republication of all news dispathces credited to it or niot otherwise credited 'fn hi~ paper and the local news published herein. All righs of republication of special dipatches are reserved. Entered at the rost Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate .of postage granted by Third Aisistant Postmaster-General. St bscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, p ur. ing regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by " ail,; $4.25., Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214 Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 4C East Thirty-Fourth Street,. New York City; 80 Roylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue Chicago.' EDrITORIAL STFF , , Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ........THOMAS K. CONNELLAN CITY ' LEDITOR.....................B~1AC L 5Y SHAW 3 IAL DIRE FOR .............. 0. HART S BCHAAF SPORTS E TOR.................ALBERT H. NEWMAN WOMEN'S DITOR....................CAROL J. HANAN 1GcHT EDITORS: A.Eiiis Ball, Ralph d. Coulter William . Ferris, John C, Healey, George Van Veck, E. Jerome Pettit. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car- stens, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie Western. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Bek, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D.. Phalan. REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Paul J. Ellott, Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty, Thomas A. Groehn, John Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene,.Bernard B. Levick, David G, MacDonald, Joel P. Newman, John M. O'Connell, Kenneth Parker, Wlliam RJ Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur S. Settle, Jacob C. Seidel, Marshall D. Silverman, Arthur M. Taub. Dorothy Glee, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Mor- rison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider., BUSiNESS STAFF Telephone 2-214, BUSINESS MANAGER.W. GRAFTON SHARP CREDIT MANAGER........BERNARD X. SCHAC, WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ..................... ........................,....., CATHARINE MHENRY DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Noel Tur- ner; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circula- tion and Contracts, Jack Efroymson. ASSISTANTS: Milton ramer, John Ogden, Bernard Ros- enthal, Joe Rothbard, George Atherton.. Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell Mary Buv ey. Peggy Cady, Virginia Cluff. Patricia Daly, Geneveve:Fied, Louise Florez, Doris Gimmy, Betty Greve, Billie Griffiths, Janet Jackson, Louise Krause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret Mustard, Betty Simond., FRESHMAN TRYOUTS: William Jackson, Louis Gold- smith, David Schifer, William Barndt, Jack Richardson, Charles Parker, Roert Owen, Ted Wohgemuth, Jerome Grossman, Avncr. Kronenberger, Jim Horiskey, Tom Clarke, Scott, Samuel Beckman, Homer Lathrop, Hall, Ross Levin, Willy Tomlinson, Dean Asselin, Lyman Bittman, John Park, Don Hutton, Allen Ulpson, Richard - ardenbrook. Gordon Cohn NIGHT EDITOR: RALPH G. COULTER The Union Officers; ongratuLa ions ... W ITH THE APPOINTMENT of new officers of the Union for 1934-35 comes the expiration of the terms of two students who contributed unlimited time and energy to the furtherance -of every activity the organization has undertaken, These retiring officers, Robert Saltz- stein and Edward W. McCormick, are to be con- gratulated on the sincerity with which they have discharged their duties, and their success in making the Union even more of a center for men's activ- ities. At the same time, we wish the incoming officers, Allen McCombs and Douglas Welch, the best of luck in their new positions. They have assumed a real responsibility, but with hard work they will keep the Union on the high plane it has reached this year. Death Of Ex-Governor Sleeper... IN THE DEATH of Albert E. Sleeper, Michigan has lost one of her truly great citizens. Never spectacular, never self-ex- ploiting, honesty, integrity, and courage were his maxims. Always he had great faith in humanity. During all his years as a banker, as a business man and as a public official, he was loved and respected throughout the State. Michigan's wartime governor, Mr. Sleeper's ad- ministration was characterized by the same high ideals which regulated his personal life. The mob- ilization of this state in those tempestous days was among the fastest and the equipment of our troops among the best, of any in the whole United States Army. It was largely Governor Sleeper's intense work and ability that made this possible. ' The last of Michigan's "Elder Governors," 'his passing is deeply mourned not only in his.own thumb district, but In the entire state and nation. Michigan owes a debt of eternal gratitude to Albert Sleeper, and will long honor and respect his mem- ory. The Theatre AT THE LYDIA MENDELSSOHN: "THE BRONTES" - A Review By JOHN W. PRITCHARD it is reminiscent of "The Barrets of Wimpole Street":domineering old Rev. Patrick Bronte (Francis Compton) is in many respects like the ty- rannical Mr. Moulton-Barrett in the other play, and the conflict is between this selfishly possessive father and his daughters who are straining for in- tellectual liberty. Yet "The Brontes" is not by any means a repetition of the Barrett episode; it is looser, more individualistic, for one thing; it has more humorous pathos; it psychologizes the women more thoroughly; it is kinetic, its central characters not being confined to a single spot as was Elizabeth Barrett; it is more varied in theme. Probably in content (certainly in structure) it is not so excel- lent a work of, art -it has not the restrained tenseness, nor the tightly conceived dramatic power of "The Barretts." Yet it is a drama of immense appeal, great emotional strength, and engaging character authenticity. The play opens in the parlor at Haworth Par- sonage, the Bronte home, in 1840, while the girls are dreaming of the possibility of future literary glory. It is evening: prayers are being read by Rev- erend Bronte. In the room are Aunt Brandwell (Jessie Busley) and Tabitha, the family servant (Helena Stungo). There are also the three sisters, in exactly the pose in which we have always pic- tured them - seated around the parlor table, sew- ing while they listen to the scripture lesson. At the left is impetuous Charlotte (Elizabeth Risdon), the Charlotte whom you would expect from a read- ing of "Jane Eyre"; at the right is demure young Anne (Audrey Ridgewell), evidently paying more attention to her dreams than to the Lord's word. At the rear, tempestuous, moody, mystic, aloof, sits Emily (Violet Kemble-Cooper), seemingly mulling over in her mind the storm-tossed subjec- tivism of "Wuthering Heights," and of her smoul- dering lyrics. I have dwelt at length on this open- ing scene, because it is one which lingers in the mind throughout the dramatic 20 years that follow. Mr. Sangster has constructed this play single- mindedly. In many places he is none too sure of his theatrical technique: at least one scene is robbed of expected power by an unfortunate injection and disposal of Reverend Bronte where he i's not need- ed; and weak business and loose ends crop up in (more than one instance. Yet, whatever its struc- tural flaws, "The Brontes" is an enthralling and entertaining story. Although the conflict between father and daughters is often obscured in the sub- sidiary action, nevertheless it is always felt in the background; and the development and unfolding of character indicate great feeling on the part of the author for what he was doing. Above and in- fused in the action is a supernatural element, largely sustained by Emily and her profligate brother Branwell (Robert Henderson), but wholly in place in connection .with the other characters, none of whom has a perfectly balanced mentality. From a production standpoint, the play was al- most airtight. With his customary directoral felic- ity, Mr. Henderson has shown complete grasp of the character subtleties in the play, and of the staging necessary to further (perhaps even more than Mr. Sangster wrote) the central focus of the story. Miss Kemble-Cooper presented an Emily who very unobtrusively penetrates one's mind and then explodes silently but devastatingly. Sombre, aus- tere, permeated with the wild independence of the moor on which she was bred, blessed (or cursed) with divine creative lunacy, Miss Kemble-Cooper's Emily Bronte was a fine piece of dramatic artistry. Not less so, however, was the very different per- sonality built up carefully, thoroughly, and dynam- ically by Miss Risdon as Charlotte. Comparatively insignificant at the outset, and outwardly some- thing of a prude, she became at the close the right-] fully central character, delightfully human, re-: belling powerfully after many years against her father's selfishness. Mr. Henderson must be cited for a very potent piece of erotic acting as Branwell Bronte, the young artist gone haywire on dope and dipsomania. Mr. Compton, as Reverend Bronte, was, I think, handling a role that somewhat transcended his capabilities: he was very good, however, his error being that he was playing unvariedly at the top of his emotional projective powers and letting.the au- dience know it. Miss Stungo nicely accomplished the transition from aged decadence to positive sen- ility as Tabitha. There was only one definitely bad performance: that was turned in by Ludmilla Tor- etzka as Madame Heger. Donald Randolph, as her husband, would have been better had he known how to manipulate a French accent.. Campus Opiionn Letters published in this column should not be con- struied .as expressing, the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded. Tlio namues of communicants will,. however, be re- garded as confidential.upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief,confining themselves to less than 500 words if possible. ANTI-WAR LEAGUE VIEW OF MAY DAY, OTHER THINGS To the Editor: As a result of the Anti-War Conference and things which have appeared in The Michigan Daily I have so many things on my mind that it will be hard to be coherent. I hope you will bear with me in content and over-look the construction.. A letter printed in The Daily, states that two organizations sent the delegates to Detroit on May Day. Another article states that a charge that the delegation was mostly communists was refuted. As a member of the Michigan League Against War and Militarism I wish to point out that the matter was brought before that group by a communist and that I among others, did not support the motion for representation of The Michigan League Against War and Militarism. I was the one who made the charge at the Conference that. the movement (mis-quoted delegation) was largely communistic. I do not mean that of the 38 students; 19 and a fraction were communists. I do mean that com- munists instigated the trip and dragged in inno- Screen Reflections The rating of motion pictures in this column is on the.following basis: A, excellent; B, good; C, fair; D, poor, E, very bad, AT THE MICHIGAN A- "MEN IN WHITE" George ...................Clarke Gable Laura .....................Myrna Loy Barbara ................Elzabeth Allen "Men in White" is an undeniably excellent mov- ing picture, and in comparison to the average movie, it !does not deserve a minus sign following its A rating. But, in viewing it in a super critical manner, it has flaws which are so Hollywodesque and which could have been prevented so easily that they cannot be overlooked. Being concerned with the problems of a brilliant young doctor, the plot has two conflicting influ- ences, the first, his medical career, the second, his love life. As the story begins, George Ferguson is serving his interneship in the hospital of a fa- mous, benevolent surgeon, who sees great potential- ities -in him. Ferguson is engaged to a wealthy, impatient society girl whose demands of him are detrimental to his work. A young, inexperienced nurse enters the picture as George has found that he cannot keep an engagement with his fiancee. Their mutual interests and the tenseness of their situation precipitate an impetuous, momentary love affair which eventually results in a climatically gripping situation in which all three of the main characters are brought together most effectively. Before discussing the liabilities of this work, the assets should be considered, because there is credit due in almost every branch of work that was ap- plied to produce "Men in White." Noteworthy in this aggregation is the performance of Elizabeth Allen. Although her part is comparatively small, she makes it powerful and effective. Jean Hersholt and Myrna Loy also are deserving of a good amount of credit for their sympathetic and intelligent por- trayals. The most excellent element in the whole piece is the medical, scientific, specialized atmos- phere which increases the potency of the theme. The list of liabilities is headed by Clarke Gable's performance and the manner in which his "mat- inee appeal" is exploited. If the producers had either cast someone whose appeal was more ver- satile than Gable's -or had eliminated some of the scenes showing his manly figure and face doing this and that (things that have very little bearing on the purposes of the picture as they should be), the general effect would have been infinitely better. Also, there are some scenes in which the bull ses- sions of the internes are a little overworked and a little unnecessarily detracting from the plot. They furnish good pauses and accents for the at- mosphere of the picture, but their character is of a crudeness that is out of keeping with it. Myrna Loy's final scene is poor, far below the standard she set for herself in the earlier parts of the picture. Otto Kreuger, as the struggling doctor-husband of a dying woman is obviously type-cast, and this would have been excusable if his acting had not been as overdone as it is. His part is too unim- portant to warranst the extreme amount of sym- pathy that he gave it. The settings of "Men in White" are beautiful settings, but their palatiality is a little too illusionary to get by the eye of the critical realist. The above criticism should not be considered as extremely derogatory, because in spite of its shortcomings, "Men in White" is definitely worth an A rating, and some time will pass before we have another moving picture using this type of material that is done as well as this one is. -C.S.B. Collegiate Observer By BUD BERNARD Attired in night shirts, pyjamas, and other bits of unrelated sleeping paraphernalia, more than 800 fraternity men at the University of Minnesota swept down upon sorority row, leaving screeching co-eds, sweating policemen and clanging firemen in their wake. Not in the least abashed, the pyjama clad paraders rushed the Tri-Delt house only to be repulsed. They did however gain admittance to the A.O.Pi house. Forty nurses failed to show up at the hospital the next day. They were downtown shopping for "teddies" to replace those lost, as home-going py- jama-paraders prowled through the nurses' home and stripped rooms of feminine undergarments. The Kappas didn't like the parade. "Not many boys got in," they said. No arrests were made. * * * There is a story making the rounds at the University of North Carolina about a freshman who brushed his teeth with starch the day of an exam in order to keep a stiff upper lip. Because a student appeared at the University of Missouri Scoop Dance dressed as Mahatma Gandhi all future -costume dances will be permanently barred. The Scoop Dance is the annual affair spon- sored by the School of Journalism. * * * * There was an unfounded rumor at the University of Oregon that pictures of a nudist colony would be shown in assembly and the entire student body turned out; however, orchestra seats were filled by the faculty a full half hour before starting time. there was a motion on the floor to have those words stricken out. It is tobe regretted that the group cheered President Tucker Smith, who spoke of The Cross one moment and tried to be "funny" by using obscene language the next. Also, I wonder if Dr. Fisher knows how many of the 18,000 ministers who denounce the capital- TYPEWRI TE R S PR INT ING PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE YOU! THE ATHENS PRESS Downtown - 206 North Main St. Dial 2-1023 Next to Downtown Postoilice Typewriting Paper at Reduced Prices AJl Makes - I rge and Portable Sold Rented. & a'ged Repaired large choice stock.&Eytens. D D. M0RRILL, 4 , State St, Ann Arbor, Classified Ads Get Results T H E AUDIENCE CHEERED! IViolet KEMBLE-COOPER & Elizabeth RISDON Vlhin Alfred Sangster's T li ng L aodon Success A merican Premiere Production SEASON SEATS STILL ON SALE Nights: 75c, $1. anid$1.50; Wednesday, Friday, Saturday Mats. 50c, 75c, $1 Box Office Phone 6300 Lydia MENDELSSOhN Theatre TONIGHIT at 8:15 - MAT. TOMORROW 3:15 TIE AUDIENCE CHEERED!. __________7 Lest El We again beg to reniind you that very soonou will n eed Soule . We ivite yoir inspection of ou'r complete line of SOCIAL STA- TIONERY, WEDDING INVITA- TIONS, WEDDIN(; ANNOUNCE- MENTS. The superor quality and tIe reaSOnalle prices cannot fail 1o please yo- WAH R'S UN IVERSITY BOOKSTORE 316 STATE STREET I -- __ _ ____- i i -AY 16 1934 Ensian Distrihiition begins at tie Student Publcations Bldg. SAll p a y m e n tsu ti tb e m a d e b e - forecopis ma hereceived. A few Copies are. Still, avail.abDle at nnfh I 11