THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETINI L, PIl1catloll it] the lBullrn i~colietrucWIlve notlce to F 1al ettler. G t116 Univrsity. (Copy reccelvad t the offlce ort tbeAssL-:ant to the Pft-t enL 'U~III 3 :3u; 11 ;:O3u n. aturuay. TUESDAY, MAY 15. 1934 VOL. XLIV No. 163t N(oLices Notice to Seniors, Graduate Stu- dents: Diploma fees payable now, Early settlement is necessary for the preparation of diplomas. Il no case will the University confer a degree at Commencement upon any student who fails to pay his fee before 4 o'- clock Wednesday, May 23. In case the Faculty does not recom- mend any payor, the fee will be re- funded on surrender of receipt for1 payment. The above applies also to fees for1 all special certificates. Candidates for degrees or certifi- cates should at once fill out card at office of the Secretary of their own college or school, pay the cashier* of the University, have card receipted, and file indicated section of this re- ceipted card with the Secretary of their own college or school. (Stu- dents enrolled in the Literary Col- lege, College of Architecture, School of Music, School of Education, and School of Forestry and Conservation please note that blank forms should be obtained and receipted cards filed in the Recorder's Office, Roon 4, University Hall.) Please do not delay until the last day, but attend to this matter at once. We must letter, sign, and seal ap- proximately 2,000 diplomas and cer- tificates, and we shall be greatly helped in this work by early payment of the fee and the resulting longer period of preparation. Shirley W. Smith *The Cashier's Office is closed on Saturday afternoons . Procedure in Case of Articles Sto- lert or Missin g: Notice should be giv- en at the Business .Office, Room 3, University Hall, with the utmost promptness whenever any article, whether owned privately or by the aistitution, disappears under circum- stances which idicate theft. A Shirley W. Smith Special Faculty Meeting, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The Faculty will meet in Room 1025, An- gell Hall, Tuesday, May 15, at 4:10 o'clock, for the consideration of the Special Order on Entrance Require- ments. Because of the importance of this special order, every member of the Faculty is urged to be present. Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be an important meet- ing of the Faculty of this College on Wednesday, May 16, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 348, West Engineering Build- ing. The special order of this meet- ing will be the consideration of com- bined courses in Forestry and Busi, ness Administration; the revision of Faculty Rules; and a report from the Committee on Nonteclnical Elec- tives. sort will be held in the auditorium of the University High School on Sat- urday, May 19, at 8 o'clock sharp, (The examination will not be given also i the afternoon as was prev- iously announced). No other qualify- ing examination will he held until Saturday, September 22. Bus. Adm. 122 Tue. a.m. June 5 B;us. Admi. 152 Sat. p.m. June 2 "Pli ote that Bus. Adfi. 122, Tie. a.m., June 5, was incorrectly rminted June 4 in May 5 Daily) . Exa iination hours -a.m. 9 to 12; p.m. 2 to 5: Any class not included in the above schedule may be exam- ined at any time on which the in- structor and the class concerned may agree. Each student taking practical work in music in the School of Music will be civen an individual examination. All such students should report to the office of the Director of Music, and sign up, on blanks now available thfre, for a specified examination period. Regular class work will continue' until Friday night, June 1. 'his notice will appear three times only, May 6, May 18, and June 1. Please preserve, as no fftprints will' Teachrc~'s Cetificate Examinaton: All candidats. for the Teacher's Cer- Wficate (except graduate stuidents who will have received an adV iced degree by June) must pass a Com- prehenve ExarinAtion in BLd uca- tion. The next examination of ts kid will b! held in the auditorium of the University fligh School on Sat- urdlay morning, May 19, at 9 o'cock 'harp. (Students having conffli t will take h( exanin0tion at 2 o'- clock on the same day) The examn- iniatipn will cover the work of Edu - cation Al (or A25), B20, 1, bioo andi special methods. Students en rolled in any of the special curricula in The School of Education will b examined on the Education courses covered in those curricula. Studenth desiring to take the examination ii Wie afternoon must leave their names with the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S . ' { 7 Senior Engineers: The cl' a, picture is being made ;p lthis week, To be included yoi musi, pay your dues his week. Graduating Mecutanicai En'zeers: .ir. Z. 13. Freeann of the Scott Paper Company, Chester, Pern., will. be in !Room 221 V;est Engineerig Build- iu; on Wedesday and ilThliursday, 1fay i6 and 17, for the purpose of dierviewing aiypne interested in em >loymelnt with this company. HWwse Show: Men and women stu- Oents wishing to take part in the florse Show on Saturday, May 39, at i,:30 o'clock are asked 10 get in touch with Jane Brucker : amiination pur- poses. Many courses aJpearing in the announcement of the Graduate Reading Examinations in French: Cand idates for the degree of Ph.D. in the departments listed below who wish to satisfy the requirement of a reading knowledge during the current academic year, 1933-34, are informed that examinations will be offered in Room 108, Romance Language Build- ing, from 9 to 12, on the following Saturday mornings, May 26 and Aug- ust 4. Under exceptional circum- stances, individual examinations may be given at other times. It will be necessary, in each case, to register at the office of the Department of Ro- mance Languages (112 R.L.) at least one week in advance. It is desirable that candidates for te doctorate prepare to satisfy this requirement at the earliest possible date. A brief statement of the na- ture of the requirement, which will be found helpful, may be obtained at the office of the Department, and further inquiries may be addressed to Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R.L., Wednes- days at 2). Master's Degrees in History: Stu- dents who are candidates for the Master's Degree in History may take the language examination Friday, May 25, at 4 p.m., in Room T3, Haven To Graduate Students in Educa- tion: The preliminary examinations for the doctor's degree in Education will be held on May 24, 25, and 26. All students planning to take these examinations should notify Dr. Woody's Office, Room 4000, University High School. ious luncheon clubs are cordially in- vited to be present at this meeting. Senior Ball Coninittee Meeting: at 7:30 p.m., Union. Faculty Women's Group: The Bib- liophiles will meet at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. David Mattern, Dover Road. Michigan Dames meeting at 8:00 p.m., Michigan League. Last geneiral meeting. All members are irged to be present.- Coig n Events Chemistry Colloquium: Meeting will be held in room 303 at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday, May 16. Mr. C. K. Hunt and Mr. J. H. Truesdail will give talks on: "Quinoidation of Triarylmethyl .a ilides. The Reaction of Tiaryl - methyl Halides with Phenyl Magne- sim Broimide." Research Club will meet in room 2528 East Medical Building on Wed- nesday, May 16, at 8:00 p.m. The following papers will be presented: "The Recapture of Excess Earn- ings: A Discarded Experiment in Railroad Control," by Professor I. L. Sharfnian. "A Study in Multiple Taxation," by Dean Henry M. Bates. Sigma Rho Tai: Last regular meet- ing of the year tomorrow at 7:45 in the Union. Prize contest in Hall of Fame speaking. Elections of officers for next year, announcements of promotions to higher rank, and final announcements for Tung Oil ban- quet, Due to the special importance of this meeting, the presence of every member is expected. Student Economics Club: Meet- ing on May 16 at 8 o'clock at the Union to discuss "Recent Banking Legislation." Noti d Chemist To Confer With PharmaeyMe . . Dr. Lyman F. Small, Heat] Of Search For 1orphiiw Sitltitute, Coine Here Dr. Lyman F. Small, one of the, leading American chemists, andi heal of the search for a non-addicting morphine substitute sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation will confer here Thursday with members of the pharmacology department and rep- resentatives of the drug addiction committ e of the National Research Council, on th c experiments con- ducted tihs far in tue dlrug investi gatioll. Four years ago, after experiment- ing for a short time in search of a non-habit forming substitute, the Federal Bureau of Social Hygiene turned the problem over to the Na- tional Research Council. The coun- cil sent to Vienna, where Dr. Small was studying. For the last three years, in his lab- oratories at tile Umversity of Vir- ginia, he has sought to find com- pounds as closely allied with mor- phine, chemically, as possible. He has sent about 225 of them here to the pharmacological laboratories, headed by Dr. C. W. Edmunds and Dr. N. B. Eddy. Certain of the com- pounds, ir. Ednmuds pointed out in an interview yesterday, possess prop- erties which seem to indicate their having the necessary, requirements, but, he added, the addicting qualities "will have to be settled later by clini- cal investigation." Dr. Small will also speak Thursday before a closed meeting of chemistry graduate students on "The Chemis- try of Morphine." C. Of C. Moves To License City Ad So0ijitato'n CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING P'hone 2-1214. Place adverti fem ents with Cias',Iled Advertisins Dtepartment. Tire classfied ColUrrmIS clNse at five o'clock previous to day ofInsertions. Box Numbers may be secured at no etra charige. Cash In Advance-11c per reading line (on ba,:):: of flvty average words to j line) for ogre or two Insertions.I 10c per reading line for three or more Insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. Telephone Rate-15c per reading line for one, or two Insertions. 14c per reading line for three or more insertion . 10% dlsdeount if paid within ten days from the date o last insertion. Minimum three ines per inertion. By Con tract, per line- -2 linies daily, one month .... ................ c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months .....:.C 2 lines daily, college year. 7c 4 lines E. 0. D., college year ... .7e 100 ines used asdesired......9c 1,0 lines ued as desired...... le 2,000 lines used as desired ......6c The above rates 'are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch of 71 point Ionic type, upper and lowert ease. Add tic per line to above rates for all capitaliletters. Add 4coper line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10 per line to above rates for bold fade capital letters. HELP WANTED WANTED: Cook for Northern Mich- igan summer resort. June 23 to La- bor Day, $25 per week. Give experi- ence. 14500 Abington Rd., Detroit. 457 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Saturday afternoon in Hil Auditorium pair of Parisian Opera glasses in suede case. Finder please call 4331. Reward. 459 LOST: Dark blue spring coat with cape at, Sigma Chi party. Owner went home with similar coat. Call 9710. 454 TAXICABS ARCADE CAB. Dial 611"6. Large com- fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x UniersiyRear Are Low For Year; Total Near $86,000 PERSONAL laundry service. We take individual interest in the laundry problem of our customers. Girls' silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar- anteed. Men's shirts our specialty. Call for and deliver. 2-3478, 5594. 611 E. Hoover. 9x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darred. Careful work at low price, 4 WANTED WANTED: Adjustable sketching easel that will hold large canvases. See Tracy - "Millers," 533 S. Main. 45f; WANTED: Portable typewriter. Give price and make. Box 49, Michigan Daily. 458 WANTED: Canoe: Old town or equiv- alent. Write giving price, equipment, and description of canoe. J. B. Spiers, 9510 Grand River, Detroit. 455 WANTED: Woman wishing to go to Southern California after 'Univer- sity closes would like to be a paying passenger in automobile. Call Box 48, Mich. D.:aily. 453 WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol- lars. Phone Arn Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200 North Main. 5x LAUNDRY Forestry Club: Final meeting of the year Wednesday evening. Election of officers for 1934-35. Report on Mich- igan Forester, and final Treasurer's 5Itateinel)t. Field Day awards. Sociedad Hispanica final meeting of the year Wednesday evening at 7:30 in the Michigan League. A program will be presented by various members of the club, nominations for next year's officers will be held, and re- ireshments will be served. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Polonia Literary Circle meets for the' last time this year at 7:45 in the League on Wednesday, May 16. All members and friends of the Circlef should be on hand to meet the incom- ing adrninistration elected for the fol- lowing year. ,;. University Bureau of Appointments & Occupational Information: The Bureau has received notice of the following U. S. Civil Service Exami- nations: Supervisory of Secondary Educa- tion, Indian Field Service-$4,600. Public Health Nursing Analyst - $3,200.. Announcements are on file at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Choial Union Members: Members of the University Choral Union are requested to return their music books to the office of the University School of Music, Maynard Street, between the hours of 10 and 12 and 1 and 4 daily, not later than Friday, May 18, in order to receive back the deposit of $2.50. After May 18, no refunds will be made. Graduate School: All graduate stu- dents who expect to complete their work for a degree at the close of the present semester should call at the office of the Graduate School, 1014 Angell Hall, to check their records and to secure the proper blank to be used in paying the diploma fee. The fee be paid by May 23. G. Carl Huber, Dean Students of the Cllege of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts: A meet- ing will be held in the Upper Amphi- theatre of the Dental Building at 4:15 on Tuesday, May 15, for students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and others interested in future work in Dentistry. The meet- ing will be addressed by Dean M. L. Ward of the School of Dentistry. Students of ,i College or tijera- ture, Science, and te Arts: A meet- ing will be held in Room 1035 Angell Hall at 4:1' on ''Vursday, May 17, for students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and others in- terested in future work in Library Sci- ence. The meeting will be addressed by Librarian W. W. Bishop, head of the Departmnen t of L 1ibrary Science. Directed Teaching - Qualifying Examination: No student will be ad- riitteL to work i Directed Teaching (Educatsion DlOy n or Dim) until he hasl passised a Qu-alifying Examination School carry Group A B C D E F G H J K L M N R P Q these group letters also. Date of Examination Wed. a.m. June 6 Fri. a.m. June 8 Mon. a.m. June 4 Sat. a.m. June 2 Mon. am. June J11 Mon. p.m. June 11 Tue. a.i, June 12 true. p.m. June 12 Fri. p.m. June 8 Sat. am. June 9 Tue. p.m. June 5 Sat. p.m. June 2 Wed. p.m. June 6 Thu. a.m. June 7 Thu. p.m. June 7 Tue. a.m. June 5 Mon. p.m. June 4 Sat. p.n. June 9 Each course in Group Events Today Physics Colloquium: Professor Ray- mond T. Birige, of the University of California, will speak on "The Present Status of the Values of e, h, and e-m" at 2:15 p.m. in Room 1041, East Physics Bldg. All interested are cor- dially invited to attend. Spteial Assenbly: There will be a special assembly for students in edu- cation in the University High School Auditorium at 4:10. The program will be presented by students in the correlated Course in Education. Professors Bromage and Dorr have kindly agreed to meet with the gradu- ate students in political science for the purpose of informal discussion at 7:30 p.m., room 319 in the Union. Druids: There will be a meeting at 8 p.m. today in the Union. Alpha No initiation will be held in the Alpha Nu room, Angell Hall, 5:00 p.m. Initiation banquet will be held at the Union at 6:15. Members de- siring to make reservations may do so by calling Frank Aldrich, 8472, or William Groening, 4145, or Charles Rogers, 4872. Varsity Glee Club: Special rehear- kal at the Union at 7:30 p.m. Cer ele Francais: Important meet- ing at 7:45 p.m. at the League. The annual election of officer:; will be fol- lowed by a card party. All members are urged to be present. Christian Science Organization: Meeta at 8 o'clock this evening in the Chapel of the Michigan League hi ilding. All faculty and students imOt reste'd are invited to attend. Millet Players meeting at 7 p.m. to elect officers for next year. It is ab- soluitely necessary i hat everyone at- tend. Black Quill: Important Wednesday, 8:3'0 p.m. All are requiredi to attend. U. of M. Outdoor Club: The clubc is sponsoring a party Saturday at the Sylvan Estates Country Club. The main group will leave about 2 p.m.3 and spend the afternoon at golf, hik- ing, baseball, and swimming as de- sired. After dinner at the clubhouse; there will be games and dancing the remainder of the evening. Those wishing to be present for dimner must make reservations at Lane Hall and leave a deposit of 25 cents in order, to be assured a place. Approximate total cost 65 cents. Stalker hall: Wednesday, 4:30, Devotions De- par tmnent. All students urged to at- tend. 5:30, Hike and outdoor supper, weather permittinlg. Meet at hall. All invited. Cost 15 cinits. Band Concert: The Varsity Band, under the direction of four student :onductors, will present the first of the series of spring concerts at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday on the bandstand in the center of the Diagonal. Con- certgcers are respectfully urged to take copies of this program to the soncert, as there will be no printed programs. The co-operation of skat- 2rs in remaining away from the vicin- ty of the bandstand durming the con-I cart will be appreciated. The pro-! ;ram follows: Keler-Bela: L:iustsliel overture; Bi- .et: Carmen 1 selections);. Reissiger: The Mill on the Cliff, overture; King: overture, Princess of India; Safranek: overture, Atlantis-- The Lost Conti- nent. These numbers will be inter- ;ipersed with military marches. meeting members A move by Ann Arbor retail mer- chants to restrict undesirable ad- vertising and solicitation was an-1 nounced yesterday by the Retail Mer- chants division of tihe Chamber~ of Commerce. The agreement follows: "We, the .undersigned, agree that on and after this date, May 1, 1934,; we will discontinue the purchase of advertising space in programs, church publications, group sign boards, fash- ion sh.ows, etc., or the donation of cash, ierchandize, or prizes to all entertainments such as bazaars, pic- nics, athletic meets, etc., unless passed; upon and approved by a special com- mittee of the Chamber of Commerce which will issue a card to the solicitor if the cause is considered profitable advertising or of sufficient impor- tance to justify solicitation of dona- tions." The action, taken as a result of an increase in demands for donations and advertising, will shift the trou- blesome task of, investigating such i'equests to a special committee, the personnel of which will not be re- vealed. Professr* hobbs Is 'To Atttic RQ,rf, Wieering- P of., William 7I. Thob' of the ePe- ology department will attelid the Regional R.O.T.C. Confere de to be held at Purdue Ulniversity on May 18 and 19. Professor hobbs, who is chairman of the University Military Affairs Committee, is going in place of Lt. Col. Frederiik C. Rogers, com- mandant of the local R.O.T.C. unit, who is unable to attend. WEgBSTER ARTiCLE APPEARS Harvey C. Webster of the English department is the author of an ar- ticle, entitled "Facing Futility," which appeared in the April number of the Sewanee Review, literary and critical periodical. "Facing Futility" is a discussion of the philosophy of Aldous Huxley, pop- filar English author. Mr. Webster con- cerns himself with each of the au- thor's novels and the references made to problems of human existence. Repairs and maintenance of the University's buildings and grounds cost $86,740 last year, according to figures issued yesterday by E. C. Par- don, superintendent of the buildings and grounds department. . . This figure, Mr. Pardon said, is but one-thud ,of the maximum two per cent replacement value that the State allows the University each year for its repairs per building.. A survey conducted by the department as to the type of building which necessi- tates the least number of repairs shows that fireproof buildings are cheapest in their repair costs which amount to only .58 per cent, while semi-fireproof buildings ai'e shown to be the most expensive in their up- keep. Other statistics show that a total of $98,620 was the cost of janitor serv- ice, and $15,110 was spent for care of the campus grotinds and hospi- tal. Dr. McKenizie to Teach At Staiford in Sinim er Dr. Roderick D. McKenzie, head of the sociology department, and for- merly of the University of Washing- ton, willmreturn to the coast this sum- mer to teach courses in Human Ecol- ogy and in Population and Race Prob- lein at. Stanford University. Russian Star Says Theatre Has ImprToved (Continued from Page 1) Mendls~sohn Theatre. When asked what she thought of this play, she exclaimed : "Oh! it is a classic! Fifty years from now it will rank with Moliere. It is marvelously constructed and hangs together so beautifully; it is not so much the play, the action, that make it great; there is really ve y little action, but the air, the atmo- sphere, and, above all, the language, make it very worth while., The play has.been kept so beautifully in the period of which Samuel Pepys wrote in his diary, The man who wrote it is a great scholar." This gorgeously alive actress was famous in Russia in the Imperial Theatre at Moscow and St. Peters- burgh. She was first trained in the Royal Dramatic Academy in Mos- cow and was later decorated for- her artistry by the Czar. After the revo- lution, her brother and first husband killed by the Bolsheviki, she fled to Paris and later came to the United States. She first won the praise that is hers in "Grand Hotel." Garbo, said the critics, gave a pale imitation of Leontovich in her ren- dering of Grushinskaya, the dancer. Last season she was starred in Ben Hecbt's "'twentieth Century," Mine. Leontovich has never played before a predominantly college audi- ence. She is looking forward, she says, to the experience. "You know," she went on, "we can play before any, crowd. If the people cannot understand us now, in three or .four yegrs they will grow in dis- crimination until they can appreciate good theatre. You see, so many of them have existed for years on the 'leg-shows' of the movies. Now they must become accustomed toj worth- while drama and already they are intensively interested." I X may be examined at any time mutually agreed upon by class and instructor. courses not carrying the let- Other ters will be Classes Mon. Mon. Mlon. Mon. Mon. Mon. Mon. Tue.. 'i'ue. Tue. 'Tue. Tue. Tue. Tue. Fur at at at at at at at at at at at at at at 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 8 9 10 1~1 1 2_ 3 examined as follows: Date of Examiintion Wed. a.m. June 6 Fri. a.m. June 8 Mon. a.m. June 4 Sat. a.m. June 2 Mon. a.m. June 11 Mon. p.m. June 11 Tue. a.m. June 12 Tue. p.m. June 12 Fri. p.m. June 8 8at. a.m. June 9 'Tue. p.m. June 5 Sat. p.m. June 2 Wed. p.m. June G Thu. a.m. June '7 While Dr. McKenzie was at the University of Washington, he made a survey of race relations on the Pa- cic coast, his observation of racial problems being based on a back- ground of world travel. The study of these race problems was made while he was in the Orient. Dr. McKenzie will leave the middle of June and will teach until the end of August. If you grits, iwe bae it.# Core rspondn e Stationery, FnttA Pexs, Ink, etc. S ters all kes. t reeti* r r e boar,, 0 . D. M RU 0 21 si i p pp4; 1( ' " 1' G c 4;y~~ 314 " . to 19 St., An Arbr. _ __, Freshmen Luncheon Cl b: The final banquet Union at 6:15. will be held at the All members of prev- ii. rther, the courses listed below __. _ __ . A _. '8 ai MY is + u l a . -.- -.__ % i 115 di - will be examined as follows: Education Al Tue. a.m. June Education B20 Thu. a.m. June' Education Cl Mon. p.m. June Bus. Adn. 102 Mon. p.m. June :t -4--- : -- W 12 7 4 4 Th1ESIS PA R Ro d 'eii 3rd Clss Tourist I NCAi'.D..........14.50 $188.00 '-.............$17.0) $190.00 tusarANY r......... r161.e $200.00 ITALY.......$P2.50 $210.00 C ,.Ear classe., uoted frec.. '.ours and C vuisc4; a Ivertised anywbere. ITNEY Daily 1:30 to 11 P.M. 15c to 6 - 25c after 6 NOW FIRST ANN ARBOR SHOWING! JOHN BOLES GLORIA STUART ,, , 44 ENDS TON IGHT MAJESTIC ENDS TONIGHT MICHI GAN The 1934 Pulitzer Prize RIay - Now a Great Picture, Winning the Acclaim of the Campus MYRNALO P%~~A~~ ~yi~fOQ.: Of UA$"1jt' rnnVo -t~ n f -!C ..............~E 1A I~ 17 11 IN wit icn Hr OMt I :..'