THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1934 Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R.L., Wednes-. VOL. XLIV No. 162 days at 2). Notices This announcement applies only President and Mrs. Ruthven will be to candidates in the following depart- at home to members of the faculties ments: Ancient and Modern Lan- and other residents of Ann Arbor on guages and Literatures, History, Eco- Sunday, May 13, from 4 to 0 o'clock. nomics, Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, Education, Speech. To the Members of the University Couneil: The next meeting of the Lectures University Council will be held on University Lecture: Dr. Hans von Monday, May 14, at 4:15 p.m. in Room Hattinberg, Special Lecturer in Psy- 1009 Angell Hall. chotherapy at the University of Ber- Louis A. Hopkins, Secy. lin, will lecture on the subject "Wom- Special Faculty Meeting, College of an's Dilemma" at 4:15 p.m., Thurs- ,Seie Anthe Arts:The ,day May 17, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially Faculty will meet in Room 1025, An- invited. gell Hall, Tuesday, May 15, at 4:10 ' o'clock, for the consideration of the University Lecture: Professor Ernst Special Order on Entrance Require- Beutler, Curator of Goethe Haus in ments. Because of the importance Frankfurt, Germany, will lecture in of this special order, every member of German on the subject, "Das Werden the Faculty is urged to be present. von Goethes Faustdichtung im Wan- del seiner Weltanschauung," Tuesday, Choral Union Members: Members May 22, 4:15 p.m., Natural Science of the University Choral Union are of te UiverityChoal UionareAuditorium. The public is cordially requested to return their music books invited. to the office of the University School of Music, Maynard Street, between the hours of 10 and 12 and 1 and 4 Exhibition daily, not later than Friday, May 18, The 5th Annual Exhibition of in order to receive back the deposit Sculpture of the Division of Fine of $2.50. After May 18, no refunds Arts on display daily at the Michigan will be made. League until June 20th. Students of the College of Litera- Architectural Building Exhibition: ture, Science, and the Arts: 'A meet- An exhibition of representative stu- ing will be held in the Upper Amphi- dent work in architectural design, theatre of the Dental Building at construction, free-hand drawing, 4:15 on Tuesday, May 15, for students painting, and decorative design, is in the College of Literature, Science, being shown in the corridors and in and the Arts and others interested in the main exhibition room, third floor, future work in Dentistry. The meet- of the Architectural Building. Open ing will be addressed by Dean M. L. daily, 1:00 to 5:00, including Sun- Ward of the School of Dentistry day, May 13. The public is invited. A Red Cross Life Saving Examiners'E Train~ing Course will be conduicted by Events Today Mr. Robert F. Eaton, representative Stalker Hall: 6:00, Program Ap- from National Red Cross headquar- praisal Discussion led by Gordon Hal- ters. Classes for men will le held stead. 2:30 to 5:30 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, 7:00, Supper and Fellowship. and Wednesday in the' Intramural pool. Classes for women will be 7:00 Presbyterian S udent Appoint- to 9:30 p.n. in the swinning pool of ments-: the State Normal College At Ypsilanti. 7:30 Sunday Morning Breakfast, Mr. Eaton will be available for inter- Church House. views Monday morning, May 15, at 10:45 Morning Worship. Theme, 10:30-12:00 at the Michigan Union, "The Family Inheritance." Dr. Fer- room 302. guson. 5:30 Social Hour and Supper. Life Saving Class for Women: 6:30 Student Forum. Leader, Da- Members of the class who wish to go vid French, "Student Religion." to Ypsilanti for the Examiners Tests bn Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes- Harris Hall: At 7:00 the discussion day, are asked to meet at 6:30 at will be led by the Reverend Henry Barbour Gymnasium.Lewis Academic Notices Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: English +.onors Course: Jniors Services of worship today are: 8:00 who wishi to be admitted to English am. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m. 197-198 in 1934-35 should leave their Church School; 11:00 a.m. Kinder- names with Mrs. Tenney in the Eng- garten; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer lisp Office before May 20. and Sermon by the Reverend Henry Lewis. The choir will sing special Economics 52: The examination on music at the 11:00 o'clock service. Monday, May 14, at 2 p.m. will be o give in he fllowng roms:Roger Williams .Guild: 10:30 a.m. given in the following rooms: Worship at the church. M. Sayles Mr. IHorner's and Mr. Palmer's sec- will speak on "Mary, the Mother of tions -N. S.. Aud.1: , Mr. Mott's sections -101 Ec. Jesus" 12:00 M. Student Group for Mr. Orr's sections -31 A. H. discussion, at Guild House. Mr. Chap- r rein - A.H. man will lead. Topic, "The Crisis in To Graduate Students in Educa- Modern Life and Its Challenge." tion: The preliminary examinations Lutheran Student Club: Meet at for the doctor's degree in Education LuherallStdntClp:meetrat will be held on May 24, 25, and 26. td orih lng at 4:00 pm. forape All students planning to take these initting. Transportation will be pro- examinations should notifyver.vided. If the weather is unfavorable, oody's Offce, Roo 4000, Universitythe meeting will take place at the High School. . Parish Hall. Reading Examinations in French: Unitarian Church: LiberalStudents Candidates for the degree of lh.D.O Union, 10:45. Professor Wood of the in the departmentslisted below whoScooyDpitmn pas R- Sociology Department speaks : "Re- wish to satisfy the requirement of a flections on Humanism, Pro and Con." reading knowledge during the current Mrs. Koella will sing Grieg's, "My academic year, 1933-34, are informedD that examinations will be offered 'in Dear Mother." Room 108, Romance Language Build- Young People's Society, Church of ing, from 9 to 12, on the following Christ (Disciples): Miss Jean Cowin Saturday mornings, May 26 and Aug- will present a paper and lead a ds- ust 4. Under exceptional circum- -..,.-. ,cussion on "The Reformation and its stances, individual examinaotins may be given at other times. It will be Bearing on Modern Christianity" at be ive atothr tmes Itwil bethe meeting this evening. Tea at necessary, in each case, to register at, 5:0, meeting at 5:30. the office of the Department of Ro- mance Languages (112 R.L.) at least First Methodist Church: Special one week in advance. Mother's Day service at 10:45 a.m., It is desirable that candidates for Dr. Frederick B. Fisher preaching on the doctorate prepare to satisfy thiss requirement at the earliest possible date. A brief statement of the na- ture of the requirement, which willE be found helpful, may be obtained at the offilce of the Department, and EH" SHOW OF further inquiries may be addressed to ____- GayAiry H ITNEYVAm1azIng! Lght' 4 Daily 1:30 to 11 P.M. 15c to 6 - 25c after 6 NOW FIRST ANN ARBOR S O N SHOWING! JOHN BOLES GLORIA STUART ________________________or~t##' Slosson Claims Far East War Is Irnprobable Says Position Of League Is Dependent On Stains Of Ja A paqAnd I SSMa The chance that Japan and lRus:ia might clash over their conflicting in- terests in'Asia is "about one in four," Prof. Preston W. Slosson,' of the his;- tory department, stated in an inter- view yesterday. Japan, now firmly entrenched in Manchuria, might conceivably push westward into Outer Mongolia, which the Soviets consider a Russian sphere of influence, Professor Slosson said. .Should this occur, arm-ed conflict would not be unflkely, he asserted. Whether or not another Russo-Jap- anese war would lead to world war i is dependent upon the attitude takeIn by other nations, whether one or both of the rival powers belong to the League of Nations at the outbreak of war, and upon incidents similar to the' sinkiing of the Maine in the Spanish American War and the Ger- man march through Belgium in the World War, he said. The position of the League of Na- tions, Professor Slosson explained, is unpredictable. Japan has petitioned to withdraw from the League while Russia is now being considered as a possible future member. The status j of these countries in relatin to the League, Professor Slosson ponited out, will largely determine that body's ac- tion. Should neither Russia nor Japan be a member, the League could step in as intermediary only if other na- tions protested that the Russo-Jap- anese conflict was a distinct menace to world peace. It would then have to decide whether or not to apply pressure, he stated. for next year will be elected. Re- freshments. Alpha Nu initiation will be held in the Alpha Nu room, Angell Hall, Tues- day, May 15, 5:00 p.m. Initiation banquet will be held at the Union at 6:15. Members desiring to make res- ervations may do so by calling Frank Aldrich, 8472,or William Groening, 4145, or Charles Rogers, 4872. Sigma RhoTao: Last regular meet- ing of the year next Wednesday at 7:45 in the Union. Prize contest in Hall of Fame speaking. Elections of officers for next year, announcements of promotion to higher rank, and final announcements for Tung Ol ban- quet. Due to the special importance of this meetir, the presence of eyery member is expcgted. C ! n T A1'h.. ,ill emet1 at 8R rrives Tomorrow CLASSIFIED DIRECT( 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Phone 21214. place advartisements with Classifli ci dtert1ing Department. Theliocias.:fMod ioiuniuns close at five o'clock previous to day of ln.ertlons. Box Numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in Advanee-11c per reading line (on basis of fivu, average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more 14c per reading Dine for three or more insertions. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date ot last insertion. Mininum three lines per insertion. By Contract, per line-2 lines daily, one month...................8c 4 lines E.Q.D., 2 months......3c { 2 lines dailycllege year .....7c I[ 4 lines E. 0. D., colleg~e year ...7c 100 lines used as desired.. 9c 300 lines used as de:;ired ......8c 1.000 lines used as desired .7c 2.000 lines used as desired.....6c The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch of 7x$ point Ionic type, upper h d lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10 per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 4x LOST AND FOUND LOST: Dark blue spring coat withj cape at Sigma Chi party. Owner went home with similar coat. Call 9710. 454 TAXICABS ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com- fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x WANTED WANTEp: Woman wishing to go to Southern California after Univer- sity closes would like to be a pay- ing passenger in automobile. 453 WANTED: A canoe: Old Town or equivalent. Write giving price, equipment, and description of ca- noe. J. B. Spiers. 455 WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200 North Main. 5 NOTICE MONDAY and Wednesday, Marcel or shampoo and finger wave, 50c. Raggedy Ann Shop. Phone 7561. 11x AUTO LOANS AND REFINANCING Bring your title Associated Motor Services, Inc. 311 W. Huron, Ph. 2-20O1 12X Y -Associated Press Photo ROBERT EATON Eaon To Ho Life SaVing Tests herI Tests in life saving and first aid for students who wish to qualify for positions as life saving directors in summer camps will be conducted by Robert Eaton, national field repre- sentative of the Red Cross, who will arrive in Ann Arbor tomorrow morn- ing. Mr. Eaton will hold personal inter- views from 10:30 a.m. to noon tomor- row with all students desiring to take the tests, whereas the examinations will take place from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. tomoirow, Tuesday and Wednesday. Reservations are essential and may be made with Eugene Wilhelm and Melvin Levy before noon Monday, May 14. All former members of the society are cordially invited. Poetry Reading Contest: The pre- liminaries for this contest will be held Monday night, May 14, at 7 o'- clock, Room 205 Mason Hall. All contestants should be present at that time to draw for the order of speak- ing. -J_11'-epu..c.i.:invite -_to 4a4ten. Works Years To Win Medal; U. S. Says No Fate plays very strange tricks, Dr. John J. Abel, professor-emeritus of pharmacology at Johns Hopkins Uni- versity will tell you. Once a student in the literary col- lege here, he was the recipient of the Kober Medal at the meeting of the Association of American Physicians last week. But Dr. Abel never: received the handsome gold medal. Instead, he was presented with a bronze substitute and a check to make up the difference, This was necessary because of the in- tervention of the United States Trews- ury Office, which was unable to au- thorize gold for the decoration. TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger, cars. Only standard rates. lx LUTIERAN STUDENTS MEET There will be an outdoor meeting of the Lutheran students club this afternoon at 4 p.m. Transportation will be provided from the Parish Hall. In case the weather does not permit, the meetingwill be held in the Hall. July 19-26, 1934. Students interested in the Far East are invited to attend. Facul-ty Women's Group: The Bib- liophiles will meet at 2:30 Tuesday i this contest. Varsi-ty Ba hearsal Mond iis Hall. All' Band must be Michigan L Mi'i tarism wi day, in the UJ Election of lo( the year will t are invited. blc is mnvited to attend .d: Concert Band re- ay at 5:00 p.m., in Mor- members of the Concert present. eague Against War and ll meet at 5 p.m.,'Mon- Jpper Room, Lane Hall. Pal officers and plans for be covered. All students . G --- -- - -- .appa au ,lpm iu.a w u Railroad Control," by Professor I. L. p.m., Monday, Room 213 Haven Hall. Sharfman. Current business of the year will be Mr. Namiji Itabashi, who is a stu- "A Study in Multiple Taxation," by transacted at this time and it is im- dent of Meiji University, will speak Dean Henry M. Bates. portant that all members be present. at a meeting Monday at 8 p.m., Room 1035 Angell Hall, on the subject of Botanical Seminar meets Wednes- Adelphi Banquet will be held, Tues- "America-Japan Student Confer- day, May 16, at 4:30, room 1139, N. S. day, May 15, Michigan League, 7:00. ence," which will be held in Tokyo, Bldg. Paper by W. R. Taylor, "Bio- logical Aspects of the Galapagos Is- -- lands" (illustr ted). enoR Special Assembly: There will be a se YT ra special assembly for students in edu- WE bR1 W00OtvRet cation in the University High School Auditorium at 4:10, Tuesday, May 15. Let a Permanent Campus Organization make The program will be presented by stu- your arrangements at no incrCasC over dents in the correlated Course in Edu- cation. regular tariff rates. Mtclian'cal Etngineers: 'here will be a meeting of the A.S.M.E. Monday Airplane, Steamship, Railway and Hotel May 14, at 7:30 p.m. at the Union.n y Prof. H. C. Anderson will speak to Reservations in anyart of the world. the group and a report of the Spring ______ Student Conference will be given by MtIC HEIGA l A ELAL E T RAVELRE W. W. Gilbert. Membership in the Junior Grade of the parent society ALUMNI MEMORIAL HALL will also be discussed. Mechanical Engineers in addition to the Stu- "A /ucric/a Express World-Wi/e(f Scrt'icc' dent members are invited. Officers P INTNG----- - PRICES THIAT WILL PLEASE YOUI THE ATHENS PRESS Downtown -- 206 North Main St Dial 2-1013 Nett to Downtown Postoffice Typewriting Paper at Reduced irices CONTINUOUS SHOW TODAY --- - TODAYSE1c TILL 6 O'CLOCK TODAY SHE HAD THE COURAGE OF MON DAY HER CONVICTIONS! an SS TIVC * TUESDAY two men- this girl actually does- at the same time!' 1,001 SURPRISESFecA Freds rics Das nc1 e Rf It yo rgeous,! 13rV/1111tI Gary COOPER Miriam HOPKINS E dw. Ev. HORT N W h4sica ... h-r &vkLE .. Hm Tn0 n~1 r n*0O& aw Affa .uii afternoon, May 15, at the home of Mrs. David Mattern, Dover Rd. F IRST - ' .j' AND nC nee TilE 19' PU IZL -NOW A GREATER PiCTURE! @ In its eigEh beg month on Broadway, Dt holds packed audiences spellbound. Its drama its romClfnl7fl cOnmCs to ihe screen even more p('w'rfuI and movi nj cla dA 'i' BRIGHT SPOT 802 Packard Street 0-- Luncheon 20c-25c 11:30 to 1:30 Dinner. . 30c - 35c 5:15 to :45 S YOU'LL BE SUAPRISED ;:Q ;:Nvw, m u 0 - 4p - on 0 NATIONAL BANK TRUST COMPANY 12 stablished 1863 )ldest National Bank In Michigan I Banking Service Available ormestic -- Foreign r U. S. Government supervision uber Federal Reserve system R PRIZE PLAY! 1 LE- with Jean Hersholt