The Weather
Showers and warmer over east
portion today; tomorrow gen-
erally fair and cooler.
~Iait ~
Music And Drama ...
Plan Now For Union Opera.. .
Adult Institule
Is To Convene
Here Monday
Record Enrollment Is Seen
For Five-Day Education
Meeting This Week
Voelker Will Head
Outside Speakers
Many Faculty Authorities
Scheduled To Give Talks
On Various Subjects
The annual five-day Institute of
Adult Education, jointly sponsored by
the Extension Division and the State
Federation of Women's Clubs, will
open at 9 a.m. tomorrow when regis-
trltions begin in the lobby of the
League. Alth.ough there has been no
drive to obtain advance registrations,
a record enrollment is predicted by
Dr. C. A. Fisher of the Extension
The program of the institute which
will meet through Friday includes a
series of lecture, by faculty author-
ities and by a group of outside speak-
ers including Dr. Paul F. Voelker,
State . uperintendent of public in-
struction, Dr. Frederick B. Fisher of
the First Methodist Church, Robert
Henderson, director of the Dramatic
Season, Wynn Wright of radio station
WWJ, and Mrs. Emma A. Fox, na-
tionally known parliamentarian. With
the exception of two lectures on the
fine arts, all meetings will be held
in Room 103 of the Romance Lan-1
guage Building.
Faculty Speak Tomorrow
Following the registration Monday
morning, Prof. Benjamin March, cur-1
ator in the Museum of Anthropology,
will speak on "Chinese Painting and
the Amateur Spirit." The afternoone
session will hear Prof. Dwight L. Du-t
mond of the history department dis-
cuss "The Question of Armaments,"
Prof. Louis L Bredvold of the English
department talking on "What E0nglish
Classics a, Well Informed Person
Should Know." eception nd et
will follow a the President s resi-
The Tuesdy morning session will
include a discussion of "The Philo-s
sophy of the New Deal," by Dr. W. D.
Henderson, director of the Extension
Division, and Professor March speak-
ing on "Great Decorators of Japan."s
Following a luncheon meeting at thes
League in honor of Mrs. Sears R. Mc-
Lean, state president of the Michigans
Federation of Women's Clubs andc
Mrs. Fox, Dr. Fisher will present hiso
address on "The Political and Eco-b
nomic Significance of the RecognitionC
of Russia by the United States." Mr.v
Wright will then discuss "Commu-c
nity Dramatics" after which Mrs. Fox
will conduct a class in parliamentary
Goverintent Rushes To Aid Of
F i'S 'Siken By Drought
"""''"" ""7 y"
Second Game
From Varsity
WASHING TON, May 12. --- /'? -
The government rushed to the rescue
today of drought-stricken farmers
harassed by weather conditions un-
precedented for forty springs past.
The administration prepared to hit
along three lines. The Federal relief
anency su'reyed the situation with
ani eye 'to pur~iing in food atnd 'funds if
The fr.a11w<iistton sin ilta-
neotisy reslapIed its plans toi meet
The third prong in the program was
a reported study by the administra-
tion of a lon'g-time national plan
for), eveniiig rp the supply between
wood and bad years so as to prevent
any poible future food shortage.
President Roosevelt and his cabinet
spent considerable time Friday exam-
ining information on the drought area
gathered by Secretary Wallace. The
P.resident was understood t o have
called for further 'reports.
Farm administration leaders had
their heads together today and
Mother's Day
Is Feature In,
City Churches
planned to continue conferences
through most of the week-end.
Active in the parleys were Dr. A. G.
Black, head of the corn-hog section,
an George E. Farrell, head of the
wheat section, both of whom have :lust
returned from western trips.
The administration Friday made
the first gesture of government aid for
farmers suffering from the cumula-
tive effect of drought, heat and soil-
blowing which covered the entire east_
ern half of the country with a mile-
high cloud of dust.
Farrell announced that the cain-
paign for signers of wheat production
control contracts would be extended
from May 10 until May 16 to give
farmers in the drought area an op-
portunity to sign.
Under such contracts farmers will
receive benefit payments of 28 cents
per bushel on the amount of their
voluntary reduction, which sum may
be increased if processing taxes are
raised at the beginning of the coming
ma rketing year on .Jidly 1.
A Squirrel Finds
The League Is Not
Ohio State Scores
Victory, Getting
Off Art Patchin
7 To 4
13 Ilits
is Resting
Dr. Fisher To Speak On
Motherhood Plus'; Hold
Symposium On Missions
At a special Mother's Day service
at 10:45 a.m. today at the First Meth-
odist Episcopal Church, the Rev.
Frederick B. Fisher will speak on
"Motherhood Plus."
The background of his message will
be a study of the life and work of
Harriet Beecher Stowe, whose duties
as wife and mother of a large family
did not prevent her from making a
contribution to literature that stirred
the public conscience and helped mold
public opinion.
Attendance at Mother's Day serv-
ices of the local churches will be in-
cluded in the programs of many so-
rorities and fraternities, where the
mothers of members are being elr-'
At 9 p.m. there will be a sympo-
sium, "Re-Thinking Missions," which
will consist of the report of the Lay-
men's Foreign Missions Inquiry Coin-
mission by members of the commis-
sion. Regent Junius E. Beal will pre-
Prof. R. J. Hutcheon of Chicago will
speak at 10:45 a.m. at the Unitarian
church on "The Will to Believe; Asset
or Liability." There will be a com-
bined meeting in the parlors of the
Congregational Church at 6 p.m. at
which Professor Hutcheon will speak
on "American Individualism; Its
Sources and Its Future."
The 11 a.m. service at St. Andrews
Episcopal Church will be led by Dr.
Frederick C. Woodard of the Uni-
versity of Chicago. The regular stu-
dent meeting at 7 a.m. will be led by
Rabbi Bernard Heller and the Rev.
Henry Lewis.
'Ensian Distribution
Staris Wednesday
Distribution of the 1934 Michigan-
ensian will begin Wednesday after-
noon at the 'Ensian offices in the
Student Publications Building, it was
announced yesterday.
A few books will still be on sale at
$5 at the time of distribution, it was
said. Persons still having second and
third payments to make were urged
to complete such payments before
High-grade trouble-shooters at the
Michigan League have often solved
strange problems, such as that of the
visiting prima donna who wanted a
seven-passenger limousine to ride
from the League to Hill Auditorium,
or that of the newlyweds who wanted
to make a secret get-away after a
wedding luncheon, but yesterday af-
ternoon they were nonplussed.
It was just at the rush hour, with
the crowds for the May Festival and
Spring Homecoming filling the lob-
bies. Into the League stalked a lady,
holding in her hands a poor little
brown squirrel, which she deposited
gently on the counter. "It's broken a
leg, or something," she pointed out.
"What can you do for it?"
The League was stumped. No doc-
tor, no medical student, not even a
zoologist in sight, and the League's
first aid kit didn't run to squirrel-
splints: Finally after considerable
brain racking it was suggested that
the squirrel be taken to a veterinar-
The lady with the squirrel tried to
get a friend's car to make the trip,
but with no ambulance forthcoming,
she left on foot, with the squirrel
cuddled in her arms. The League's
trouble-shooters sighed with relief,
but they had lost that feeling of in-
Dan's Club To
End Year With
All men who have been members
of Dean Bursley's Freshman Luncheon
Club at any time during the past
three years are being invited to at-
tend the final meeting of this year's
club at 6:15 p.m. Tuesday at the
Karl H. Reichenbach of the history,
department will be the chief speaker.
He is to talk on the assassination of
the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir
to the Hapsburg throne. A quartette
will also be on the program.
Thomas K. Fisher, '37, and Miller
Sherwood, '37, presidents of the two
luncheon groups this year, are in
charge of the meeting. Sophomores
and juniors who intend to be present
are asked to make reservations in ad-
Rivals End Season
With 2 Wins Each
Wolverines Are Virtually
Eliminated From Big 10
Title Race By Defeat
Ohio State's baseball team, held to
one hit by "Whitey" Wistert in Fri-
day's game, descended on Pitcher Art
Patchin for 13 safeties to bat out an
easy 7-to-4 victory over Michigan in
yesterday's battle at Ferry Field.
The series ended the baseball riv-
alry of the two schools for the year,
with each winning two and losing two.
Yesterday's defeat, the third of the
season, virtually eliminated Mich-
igan from the Big Ten title race, al-
though they have a mathematical
chance if the league-leading Illinois
and Indiana teams are upset,
Though Patchin struck out seven
batters, he walked two and hit two
with pitched balls, allowing the Buck-
eyes to get to him for three runs in
both the fifth and seventh innings.
Michigan Leads
Going into the fifth inning Mich-
igan led, 3 to 1. Williams opened the
Ohio half with a walk and went to sec-
ond when Prosenjak was hit by Pat-
chin. Lewis flied out to Wistert, then
Clowson, who ruined Wistert's no-hit,
no-run game on Friday, singled into
center field, scoring Williams. Both
runners advanced on the throw-in.
McAfee singled to right, Prosenjak
and Clowson scoring. Vidis hit into a
double play, Petoskey to Paulson to
Wistert, to end the inning.
Held scoreless in the sixth, the
Buckeyes proceeped to put the game
on ice with threq runs in the sev-
enth, the same --n supplying
i the fireworks
Prosenjak hit a sharp grounder
through the box for a single and
went to second on Lewis' sacrifice
bunt. Clowson hit to Oliver who threw
him out while holdin Prosenjak onI
second. McAfee then singled to left,1
Prosenjak scoring. McAfee took sec-
ond on the throw to the plate and
went to third when Chapman's throw
to second was high.
Vidis Hits Triple
Vidis tripled intoe deep center field1
to score McAfee and came home him-
self on Moser's single over second
base. Moser was thrown out while
trying to steal second.
Michigan got two runs in the sec-
ond inning when Patchin hit the ball
into the right field tennis courts for
three bases with Wistert and Chap-
man aboard. Wistert had singled and,
Chapman had been given a walk.
In the fourth inning Regeczi, con-
siderably aroused over Umpire Slav-
in's decision robbing him of a home
run in the second, parked another
ball between center and left field for
three bases and came home on Rat-
terman's long fly to left
Two Buildings
Demolished In
Downtown Fire
Two stores were ravaged ealy yes-
terday morning byravsensational fire
which threatened the downtown dis-
trict and caused damage estimated at
$50,000 before it was extinguished by
a double shift of firemen.
The Stofflet News Co. store, 208
South Fourth Ave., and the Ernst
Bros. Electric Shop adjoining, were
completely destroyed, and smoke and
water damaged the Montgomery,
Ward and Co., and the Pilbeam and
Marz stores.
The blaze was discovered at 7 a.m.
by Patrolman Caspar Michelson, who
turned in the alarm.
Three children, who had been left
in the apartment above the store
by their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Caleb
Baker, earlier in the morning, were
rescued by firemen. Charles, 7 years
old, the youngest of the three, stead-
fastly refused to be carried out of the
flames until firemen also rescued his
dog, Skippy.
Fire Chief Charles J. Andrews an-
nounced that the cause of the fire was
not known, but that it originated in
Bring Festival
To Conclusion
Four-Day Music Program
Climaxed by Offering Of
Robert Heger Oratorio
'Ninth Symphony' Is
Heard In Afternoon
Vocalists, Choral Union,
Chicago Symphony Star
In Last Performances
Two great choral works served yes-
terday to bring to a triumphal end-
ing the 41st annual May Festival.
Celebrated vocalists, the University
Choral Union, and the Chicago Sym-
phony Orchestra, appearing in both
afternoon and evening programs in
Hill Auditorium, gave vivid interpre-;
tations of Beethoven's monumental
"Ninth Symphony," and Robert He-
ger's "Ein Friedensied," in its pre-
miere American performance, to cli-
max four great days of musical fes-
tivity in Ann Arbor.
Dr. Earl V. Moore directed the He-
geir oratorio in its highly successful
first performance last night. Jean-
nette Vreeland, soprano, Coe Glade,
contralto, Paul Althouse, tenor, and
Chase Baromeo, bass, who performed
as soloists, were enthusiastically re-
ceived by a large audience.
Large Audience Present
The afternoon program consisted
of the "Ninth," with Miss Vreeland,
Miss Glade, Theodore Webb, bass,
and Arthur Hackett, tenor, as solo-1
ists, the Choral Union, and the or-
chestra. Dr. Frederick Stock con-
ducted the entire work as well as di-1
recting the orchestra in the Beetho-
ven overture to "Coriolanus," and thee
extraordinary tone poem of Richard<
Strauss, "Ein Helbenleben." A sur-t
prisingly large and enthusiastic ma-c
tinee ,audience applauded at le'ngth.c
Festival patrons, throughout thet
week, had the opportunity of hearing
six varied and well balanced concerts
by a galaxy of famous concert and
operatic artists and four outstandingc
musical organizations.-
Have Children's Concert 1
The opening program, Wednesday t
night, afforded concert-goers the op-
portunity of hearing Rosa PonselleC
famous dramatic soprano of the Met-
ropolitan Opera, and the Chicagot
Symphony. The following night,
Haydn's famed oratorio, "The Sea-
sons, was presented, as well as
Mischa Levitzki, pianist, whose play-
ing of Saint-Saens "Concerto in GI
minor" with the orchestra, received1
one of the most spontaneous ovations
of the entire Festival.K
Two programs were presented on
Friday. In the afternoon, the tra-
ditional children's concert was given,I
featuring Guila Bustabo, gifted young1
violin virtuoso, the Young People'sj
Festival Chorus, the Stanley Chorus,
and the orchestra. The incompara-
ble Lucrezia Bori, Metropolitan so-
prano, appeared as soloist with the
orchestra in the evening concert. Hert
great voice and supreme artistry1
scored triumphantly.
Fisher Wins As U. S.
Keeps Walker Golf Cup
ST. ANDREWS, Scotland, May 12.1
- (k) - Captained by the veteran
Francis Ouimet, who tallied the decid-
ing victory in the two-day golfing
battle, the American team put thef
British challengers to rout today in
defense of the Walker Cup.
Johnny Fischer, University of
Michigan star scored a 5 and 4 vic-
tory over Fiddian, playing good golf l
all the way.
City Plea Answered
As Rutihven Bushes
Yield Lost Fountain
In the bushes surrounding Presi-
dent Alexander G. Ruthven's home,
was discovered early yesterday the
city's lost drinking fountain that was
reported stolen in Friday's Daily.,
In response to the city's plaintive
appeal that, if the fountain were re-
turned the water could be turned on,
some repentent thief or jokester
draped the drinking stand in white
tissue paper, tied it with a dainty
blue ribbon, and placed it, together
with a note written on the cover of a
blue book, by the front door of Mich-
igan's presidential residence.
The note read:
"urrai for the liquor which took
it away;
To hell with the cops who knew
lhow to obey;
But here's to The Daily, t;hat
chamnpioned its cause,
Till back this here fountain is
brought now to stay."
The note was followed by a cari-
cature of a man quaffing beer, la-
belled "Ruthven," and is signed by a
"J," followed by a stein of beer, pre-
sumably the renowned "J. Beersley"
of Union Opera fame.
Stock (Control
Bill Approved
By Senate Vote
Differences In Congress
Will Be Considered By
Amendment Consul
WASHINGTON, May 12.-( P)-
The Stock Exchange Control Bill,
placing virtually every phase of the
securities business in the grip of
governmental regulation, was ap-
proved 62 to 13 today by the Senate.
Attached were amendments adopt-
ed in response to the contention of
organized business that the Securi-
ties Act of 1933 was strangling re-
covery by preventing a free flow of
capital into the lagging heavy indus-
These proposals, offered with Ad-
ministration approval by Senio
Duncan U. Fletcher, Florida Demo-
crat, chairman of the Senate Bank-
ing Committee, would place extensive
limitations on the liabilities which
the original act provided for the is-
sues and underwriters of faulty se-
The bill now goes to conference
for the settlement of several out-
standing differences between the Sen-
ate and House bills, including the
amendments to the Securities Law,
no reference to which was contained
in the House measure.
Debate on these changes brought
a plea from conservative Republi-
cans, led by Senator Frederic C. Wal-
cott, of Connecticut; Hamilton F.
Kean, of New Jersey, and Daniel O.
Hastings, of Delaware, that while the
proposals were in the right direction
they did not sufficiently liberalize the
present law.
Kean offered the British Compa-
nies Act, intact, as a substitute for
the Fletcher amendments, but his
proposition was rejected without. a
record vote. Walcott proposed to
substitute a long series of amend-
ments written by the'Durable Goods
Industries Committee, and this move
was defeated 46 to 30.
Season tickets for the Dramatic
Season, which opens tomorrow, are
still available at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn box office.
Seats for the entire series of six
plays are priced starting from $3.
InMatinee performances for the open-
ing offering, "The Brontes," will be
presented at 3:15 p.m. on Wednesday,
Friday, and Saturday.
Brucker Advocates More
Specialization As Need
Of Educational System
Ruthven Speaks On
Parent Partnership
Mother's Day Services In
Churches, At League To
Close Week-End Events
More than 500 students, parents,
and guests crowded into the Union
ballroom last night for the Family
Banquet, climax of the Fourth An-
nual Spring Homecoming. President
Alexander G. Ruthven spoke briefly
and introduced Wilber M. Brucker,
former governor of Michigan, who
delivered the principal address of the
A picture of the United States of
the future was drawn by Mr. Brucker,
who stated that the country is so full
of "Dillingers" that they will eventu-
ally gain the complete upper hand
unless they are downed at once.
Education under the present sys-
tem is not all that it might be, ac-
cording to Mr. Brucker, for the ma-
jority of graduates know a little bit
about everything instead of knowing
a great deal about one thing. He ad-
vocated specialization as the present
need to take care of this evil.
The three main points which Mr.
Brucker pointed out as being desired
in young men today are specializa-
tion, vitality, and accuracy.
Urges Partnership
President Ruthven directed his talk
around the subject of a partnership
between parents, educational insti-
tutions, and the students themselves.
He called this the way in which best
results can be obtained with respect
to developing young men and women
for the positions they will eventually
Entertainment following the din-
ner 'consstd of excerpts from three
campus shows of the past season:
"Gang's All There," the Junior 0frl
Play; "With Banners Flying," the
Union Opera; and "The Gondoliers,"
the Gilbert and Sullivan light opera
presented by Play Production and the
School of Music.
The Scrubwomen's Trio, made up
of Maxine Maynard, Helene Gram,
and Mary Morrison, sang several
numbers from the Junior Girls Play
and Frank Brennan sang some of
the numbers from the Opera. Henry
Austin and Maynard Klein were the
vocalists from the cast of "The Gon-
Homecoming Ends Today
Edward McCormick, '34, general
chairman of the committee in charge
of Homecoming, served as toastmas-
ter at the banquet, and Brennan was
master of ceremonies for the enter-
Dean Joseph A. Bursley said, after
the banquet, that this year's Spring
Homecoming is the most successful
that has ever been held.
Homecoming events will close to-
day with special Mother's Day serv-
ices in all local churches and in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Various units
of the campus, as the League and
Union, will continue to hold open
house for visitors.
Name Levitt o
Head All Jewish
Activities Here
Ends As 500
Attend Dinil
T, Honor Ruthvens
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson of the Eng-
lish department will open the Wed-
nesday meeting giving a review of
Sigrid Undset's 'Kristin Lavransdat-
ter." A discussion of "American and
European Painting" by Prof. Bruce
M. Donaldson of the architectural
school will precede the luncheon meet-
ing in honor of President .and Mrs.
Ruthven. The afternoon session will
include Prof. James K. Pollock of the
political science department, discuss-
ing "Hitlerism" and the "New .Deal
and the Labor Problem" by Prof. Max
S. Handman of the economics de-
Thursday's session will include four
lectures by faculty members. Prof.
Avard Fairbanks of the architectural
school will discuss "Sculpture," Prof.
Leonard L. Watkins of the economics
department speaking on "What is the
Meaning of the Revalued Dollar?,"
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his-
tory department talking on "Mus-
solini: Emissary of Peace or War,"
and Mr. Henderson discussing "Hen-
rik Ibsen, the Man and His Plays,"
complete the program.
Final Meeting Friday
The final meeting on Friday will
hear in addition to Dr Voelker dis-
cussing the "New Deal in Education,"
Professor Donaldson lecturing upon
"American and European Painting"
and "President Roosevelt's South
American Policy and the Monroe Doc-
trine" by Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the
political science department. The final
talk of the afternoon will be a dis-
cussion of the "Trend of Modern Fic-
tion" by Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe of
the English department.
The Dramatic Festival will furnish
the evenings' entertainment for the
institute members.
Bori Laoves University Towns,
Finds Ann Arbor 'So Charming'
Growth Of University Council
Traced From Early Beginning
She thinks Ann Arbor is "so charm-
ing," this great operatic star who has
been described as "Lucrezia Bori, the
magnificent." Possessor of a gor-
geous voice, a brilliant personality,
and an essential humanness that dis-
tinguishes her from so many celebri-
ties Madame Bori, who made her
debut 26 years ago, is greater today
than she ever was.
She discussed college towns during
the interview she granted beforet her
May Festival concert Friday, explain-
ing that she "so enjoyed a place where
there were so many young people. I
like to stroll around a university
town and watch everybody and a
place like this has a charm all its
there to fame in "La Scala" and a
part opposite Caruso in 1912 at the
Metropolitan was but a short step.
The star, whose vivid black hair.
and eyes bespeak her nationality,
came to Ann Arbor from St. Louis
where she sang in concerts, and goes
to Detroit, where she will sing the
leading role in the Detroit Civic pro-
duction of "Manon Lescaut," one of
her most famous roles, a role which
she does, so critics say, better than
any other singer.
Madame Bori is, at first sight, a
very beautiful, very colorful, very so-
phisticated, and gracious singer. But
soon one learns that underneath this
calm, beautiful exterior, is a very ca-
pable business woman, a torrent of
The newly-created Faculty Coun-
cil at Harvard has had its counterpart
here at Michigan in the University
Council for three years, it was said
yesterday at the University adminis-
trative offices.
The faculty of the University al-
ways held regular meetings, even
when Michigan was nothing but a
small literary college. As the college
grew, and the faculty was enlarged,
these meetings became more popu-
Eventually there was formed a Uni-
versity Senate, a body composed of
'Council, was formed. This was com-
posed of one or two elected members
from each faculty, elected by the var-
ious faculties, depending upon the
size of the faculties they were rep-
This body met once a month and
became a sort of executive commit-
tee of the Senate, with limited pow-
ers. It did the routine work of the
Senate, such as control over athletics,
arrangements for conferring honor-
ary degrees, control of fraternities,
and similar functions. The body ex-
isted until 1931 when the University
Council was organized.
Irving F. Levitt, '36, was appointed
student manager of Hillel Foundation
and of all Jewish activities by Rabbi
Bernard Heller last night at a par-
ents' banquet sponsored by Kappa
Nu at the League. Rabbi Heller stated
that this position was abolished last
year but the need for its re-estab-
lishment was deemed advisable for
next year.
The student managership, he said,
had complete control of the Hillel
Foundation and all officers of that
organization are directly responsible
to him. He was confident that this
arrangement will be a distinct im-
provement over last year's system,
Levitt was a member of the fresh-
man swimming squad, a freshman
reporter on The Daily, and was on
the Spring Parley Executive Com-
mittee. He is now a Union commit-
tee man, and a member of the execu-
tive committee of the sophomore