THE M1HIG-AN- DALY arts Silver Advocates Confer With President Britain Denies Michigan Leading Eastern Oil e On r ; Rift With Paris ProducingState,_Says Eardley tI ("- ArmQ Qa n- 'P1. £ A. .11~7 J4AJ~..E Say Thai There Was No French Protest On Issue Of German Shipments LONDON, May 11-(A) - High ! British government officials have de- nied as "ridiculous" reports of a Fran- co-B r i t i s h controversy regarding{ shipments of British airplane engines to Germany. It was stated at the foreign office that the French ambassador made a verbal inquiry last week concerning the sale of such engines in recent months. Britain informed the ambassador she had investigated the shipments thoroughly on her own account and had determined that the engines were, designed solely for civil aviation. These authorities said that friendly inquiries were made as France's right and that Britain gave a full explana- tion pointing out that the sales cer- tainly did not infringe upon an agree- ment of 1926 whereby the two na- tions pledged themselves not to sup- ply materials forbidden in peace treaties. It was emphasized that there were no protests of any kind from France. It was pointed out that export li- censes must be obtained in England for shipments abroad of materials destined for armament purposes and officials said that any such materials leaving England are subject to a full. inquiry before licenses are granted or, rejected. i A I . Development of Michigan's oil re- sourecs has now reached the point, where the State is the leading pro-C ducer east of the Mississippi river, Armand J. Eardley of the geology de- partment stated yesterday. Michi- gan's production passed that of Penn- sylvania for the first time in 1933. "Thirty million barrels were pro- duced last year," Mr. Eardley said, "and without drilling any more wells, 40 million more barrels could be pro- duced." The University is being assisted by the Michigan State Department of Conservation in compiling a card in- dex for every well that has been drilled. From this a large scale-map of the lower peninsula is being made which will show the geological struc- tures basic to oil accumulation. Map Is Important Mr. Eardley said that this map, which will be 10 by 12 feet, when completed, will be of decided econom- ic importance in helping to predict the accurrence of new oil fields and the development of old ones. Faculty men of the geology depart- ment, assisted by graduate students, now have the work of preparation well under way. Mr. Eardley said that the map will be completed by next Christmas. "Michigan is unique among oil pro- ducing states," Mr. Eardley stated, "because glacial drift forms a ve- neer over the bedrock and thus ob-; scures oil structures as generally ex- posed in the surface topography. This fact has retarded the development of Michigan's oil resources, and will probably delay rapid prospecting and prolong the period of oil production in the State." Companies Active Mr. Eardley said that the company most active in development of the State's oil resources is the Pure Oil Co., which began development at Mt. Pleasant four years ago when the Muskegon and Saginaw fields had al- most been forgotten. White Star, Philips Petroleum, Standard of Indi- ana, and Shell now have geologists in the State, and some are drilling wells. Many independent companies ire active, both in prospecting and drilling. Episcopal Choir To Give Last Program The last of a series of special mu- sical programs arranged for the year will be presented at the morning serv- ice Sunday by the men's and boys' choir at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church The choir, under the direction of Nowell S. Ferris, organist and choir- master, will sing two new anthems, "How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place," by Brahms, and "0 Lord, Increase My Faith," by Gibbon. Parker's arrange- ment of the psalm, "The Earth is the Lord's," will also be sung. George Hildinger will sing the solo part in the Te Deum. Mr. Ferris' or- gan prelude will begin at 10:45 a.m., with the service at 11 a.m. Make Changes In Rules For Pulitzer Prizes NEW YORK, May 11. -()-Three changes in the regulations governing the annual Pulitzer prize awards in letters and journalism have been made by the advisory board of the Columbia university school of Jour- nalism, which this year over-ruled several -of the juries' selections. The amended regulations will be in effect next year when the winners are chosen. Two of the changes, interpreted today as a move back to the spirit of the original will of the late Joseph H. Pulitzer, consist of the addition, in brackets, of the phrase, "preferably dealing with American life," in the novel and drama award clauses. The third is an amendment in pro- cedure, described today by Dr. Nich- olas Murray Butler, president of Co- lumbia university, as follows: Henceforth, the juries in each prize field will not be expected to make recommendations for the award of any prize. Instead, they will present an eligible list of candidates, with a statement of the reasons why the particular candidate is thought wor- thy of serious consideration. These eligible lists will then guide the advisory board-the body charged by the Pulitzer will with the respon- sibility of recommending the names for awards - in making its definite recommendations to the trustees of Columbia university. .the cigarette thats MILDER ..the cigarette that TASTES BETTER 1 I I I _0 0 " - - - - - - 1, 1 01" -L