T THE MICTITGAN DAILY ic Sigma Rho Tau Michigan Alumnus {To Speak At M.I. T. Story Contest Is T ~CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 10.- (') Police Plead For Return Of City's Lost Fountain If some thirsty Tarzan will please return the drinking fountain that he borrowed from the corner of South University and East University Ave- nues, the city will start the water bubbling. Not that the city authorities be- lieve that any student possessed him- -Asocieaot lre ". IiPoto This was the scene at Chicago's airport as Jack Knigh_(14 l'(", vet- eran airmail pilot, prepared to fly the first load of airmail gr titiled Air Lines as commercial companies resumed the job which the army took over several weeks ago. Wishing him good luck is Licat. Col. horace Hickam, who has been chief of army airmail operathns in the midwest. Physiology Of Blood Exhibit To Be Shown At New Chicago Fair Robert L. Taylor, '36E, won the Sigma Rho Tau Story Telling con- test held recently at the Union. Taylor talked about what a speaker, governor and politician really would like to tell their audiences rather than what they really do tell them. Robert T. Cousins, '37E took second place in the contest with a story about a French duel. Mr. Cousins, the "second" at the duel, found it was safer to stand in front of the duelist than behind him. "The Mask of the Red Death" by Poe was the story told by George F. Wahl, '36E, to win the third place in the contest. Harold A. Davis, '36E, won first place in the "project" contest. He pointed out that President Roosevelt. was not an anateur, but many sur- ounding him were because the elec- tive system of the United States makes it. possible for many amateurs to get into politics. Saul M. Ferman, '34E, won second place by advocating a united air force for the United States. le would crete a War Department made up of three units, the air force, the army, and the navy. Each would be separate yet under one main depart- ment. The third place was awarded to George W. Malone, '37E, who spoke on the future of aircraft in the strato- sphere. Preceding the contests a business meeting was held at which Robert E. Woodham, '34E, announced that Sigma Rho Tau has become a mem- ber of the Engineering Council of the University of Michigan. Robert Lowe, '36E was elected to represent the so- ciety on that council. An invitation was also extended to all members to attend the Engineer's Smoker at which Mr. W. B. Stout, of the Ford Motor Company, will be the speaker. The last regular meeting of Sigma RIho Tau will be held next Wednesday at 7:45 p.m. in the Union. At tha time election of officers will take place, the "Hall of Fame" contest will be held and final arrangements for the Tung Oil Banquet, which is to be held on May 24, will be discussed. Anti-War Group N ames Halstead First President Gordon B. Halstead, counsellor to students at Stalker Hall, was elected president of the Ann Arbor Secre- tariat of the Michigan League against War by members of the group at the League yesterday. The Michigan League Against War, which members say was organized as a result of the recent anti-war con ference here, named John Edmonds, treasurer, and Manuel Levin, '36, sec- retary. Nancy Sheppard, '35, was elected corresponding secretary for colleges and Francis Orr for high schools. The College Anti-War Poster Con- test ended in a tie between Earl P. Babcock, '35, and Emil Weddige of the Michigan State Normal college. The titles of their posters were "130,- 000 Died in Vain," and "The Bulture. The high school division of the poster contest was won by Lucille Rider of Ann Arbor High School. As s ic il editor of th As:., iated that a search of the local Press Blakeslee has interpreted daily houses would reveal the fountain giv- for millions of newspaper editors the ing some artistic student's room a bit achievements of science anct engineer- Io l color.' ing. He has visited the leading labora- ; I lo ihsr tories of the nation and has reported It looks as if the campus area is the meetings of leading authorities in going dry literally and completely, the scientific field. for unless this prankster returns the ob~ject that seems to have attracted Before his appointment as science him so, the city may not be able to editor of the Associated Piress, Brlakes- r oehrte$5ta e eo -scrape together the $3a that a new". lee had more than 20 years exei- one will cost, and no water will flow.I ence in newspaper and p~ress associa-I And this is not the first time, either, tion work. He was a correspondent for that the city has had to replace the Detroit palers during his undergrad- fountain at that corner. It has become uat, (lays at the University of Mich- an annual source of surprise to Fred igan, aftter which he Joine~d the Staff C. Perry, City Clerk, in cha rge of of the Associated Press in New York. such matters, to order ihe water He served as bureau chief in Atlant J turned on, just to find that the white and New Orleans and news editor of porcelain stand has disappeared, and the southwestern division, is probably now serving some citien as a bird-bath. r w - Haroid w. Blakeslee, science editorj of the Associated Press, will be the commencement speaker at the sixty- seventh graduation exercises at the Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy, June 5. 4a W ar I aS1 ,Sares Are Refuted By E-menly i tTalk 13v ip t "lcoilegiate lrf-,:;) NEW YORI, May 10. -- "The next war will wipe out millions when en- emies spread poison -as in our cities." This alarming cry of numerous writers on the future wars, was re- futed by Prof. Brooks Emeny, student on international affairs, in an ad- dress and lecture last week. "In the event of a gas raid," lie s:Iid, *'jlr4t .IUIYIp int'o youI. bath ttiL aridzt 3t(':t11 lip th(: I'ocilk lt yolu I SPRING SALADS ICED DRINKS SUND)AES SANDWICHES STEAKS AND CHOPS A SPECIALTY at CHUBB' S Ann Arbor's Largest and Cule:t.Re;:auralt, REGULAR LUNCHEONS .... 25c and up REGULAR DINNERS . . .. .. 30c and up Costs Less on a Ticket DANCING FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY Friday 6:00 -7:30; 9:30 - 1:30 Saturday 6:00 - 7:30; 9:30 -12:30 Sunday 6:00 - 11:00 Pay Raise Sought For City Workers Mayor Robert A. Campbell asked the budget committee of the city council to consider a five per cent increase in wages for city employees at a committee meeting held recent- ly. He based his request onrising liv- 1u co:ts and heavier dUties that the employees are facing. It is considered likely that the con- Smittee will take some action on the matter before submitting the budget at the next meeting of the city coun- cil. However the difficulty being en- countered in straightening out the city's financial troubles render the wat e increase improbable. Approximately $41,000 was tenta- lively cut from the various depart.- mnental budgets at. the meeting, the ;ieat-est.slash being one of $6,000 in the poor depamirnent budget. This de- partment's estimated budget had al- ieady been $4,000 lower than last years. Eneny, who is colla.boratg with , Frank II. Shmnmorids on a book on world affairs, showed charts detail ing the resources of leading nations and the percentage of their self-suf- ficiency in case of war. "There is no war the United States can't control within the range of our naval influence, which extends down both sides of North and South Amer- ica," he said. "If the English speak- ing powers could see their way clear to join hands they would control 78 pei cent of raw materials and would be able to veto ii <),y war. I mean th1ie United tates ad Great Britain aii(i uther states in the British Empire." So long as civilized people wish to live in the present world where "civilization doesn't count," Emeny saidl he advocated that the United States begin to stock up supplies of those things she might need in the event of war, adding that this coun- iry already had on hand a three-year upiliy of recoverable rubber. "If we had these stock piles we' could do away with a navy two-thirds the size of the one we now have and we can do all the necessary stock pil- ing at about the cost of one new bat- tleship," he said. See Our Window- PEN HOSPITAL 302 South State St BEI= R 12E Tivoli, Schmidt's, Stroh's, Old Brew, Mundus, Gobels, Frankenmuth, Zyndas, Marx's, Cream Top, Cadillac and Gold Bond at $1.89 per case or 3 bottles for 25 cents. We also carry Kingsbury, Berghoff, Budweiser, and Blue Ribbon Beer. Drewerys and Amsterdam iHalf and Half Ale. We have a full line of Pretzels, Potato Chips, Salted Nuts, Cold Meats and Cheese. Phone us your orders, we deliver until 1 a.m. Fraternity orders a specialty CAPItl1-L MARKET Open every night until 1 a.m. - and all day Sunday. Phone 2-3133 . ____.v. _._. _____ _._... _..____.. ._... . __ _r__ v..._____.___ .._ .. :.....w .._. ..___.. __. __._,.m_ v --- . _.____..m ___ .._._.._.___..__._ _._._...._ m___...._. ......_, ... .d.__._._. _ ..... ___, _ HC1f INan MAY FESTIVAL WEEK at WAH' S BOOKSTORES We extend a cordial invitation to Homecoming and Festival Guests and sincerely hope that on your tour of the campus and the city, that you will visit MICHIGAN'S BEST BOOKSTORE Our stores abound in books which cannot fail to be of interest especially at this time, and include MUSICAL LITERATURE, MUSICAL IN- TERPRETATION, ANALYSIS, BIOGRAPHY, HISTORY, CRITICISM, ETC., ETC. DICTIONARIES, A Complete Line of Michigan Souvenirs: MICHIGAN VIEWS, CAL- ENDARS, PLACQUES, BOOK-ENDS, JEWELRY, BANNERS, PENNANTS, ETC., ETC. 111 -.Ommum -. i .00-0-