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February 20, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-02-20

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" I

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
K ssociate ll ess
= 133 NATOI cvei I93~4
The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispathces credited to it or
not otherwise credited in thii paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatch~es are reserved.
Entered at the Ilost Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer' by: ,carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mail, $4.25.
Oices:Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1,14.
Representatives: College Piblration Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, *New, Yorkt City; 80
Boylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, William
0. Ferris, John C. Healey, George Van Vleck, Guy M.
Whipple, Jr.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car-
stens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie
Western. .

tection" of students by prohibiting convenient
beer-halls on State Street and to permit the equal-
ly meritorious youth of the West Side free and
immediate access to beer. Rebuttal: If the young-
er people of the West Side were concentrated in
some small area such as the University com-
prises on the East Side, this would be true. But
they are not. A large proportion of those on the
West Side now have to walk as far for their
beer as the University student does. Why deprive
the latter of the benefits of a five or ten minute
walk in the fresh air before and after his beer?
Finally - though this is merely the selfish
thought of a professor, and as such, should not
count heavily - just consider the awful increase
in class-room cat-napping if our students have
the opportunity to use the eight or ten-minute
period between classes to slip across the street
for a stein-full.
Warren E. Blake
To the Editor:
It is my opinion that The Michigan Daily de-
serves the highest commendation for its stand on
the East of Division street beer question, as stated
so clearly and forcefully in the editorial of Satur-
day's issue. That commendation and the attend-
ant co-operation on the part of the student body
may not be forthcoming, inasmuch as Michigan
students possess an apparent apathy toward things
in particular and everything in general, but The
Daily loses no prestige in trying.
The question of whether or not beer should be
sold east of Division street may seem trivial
enough, but the whole issue doesn't rest there.
It's all right for University faculty men to run the
city council of Ann Arbor, but this odorous pater-
nalism is hard to understand. Sociology depart-
ment studies have shown that University students
spend approximately $4,000,000 every year in the
city for clothes, food,' laundry and incidentals.
When several large Detroit stores make daily de-
liveries to homes in the faculty residence district
of Ann Arbor, it might be interesting to know why
faculty men claim to have so much greater interest
in the city than the students.

to bed. Mrs. Bloom's thoughts for an uhour or so
before she sleeps close the book.
The American edition of "Ulysses" contains 768
rather closely printed pages. There are- eighteen
chapters. The narrative has a beginning, a middle,
and an end. It begins with an invocation to the
gods and ends with the melodious paean of Gea-
Tellus, the alpha and the omega, nature, the
earth - the silent monologue of Mrs. Leopold
Bloom before she sleeps. The first chapter is told
in straight narrative fashion, the friends of
Stephen are in the highest spirits. The sixteenth
chapter is told in a halting and turgid narrative
manner, Stephen and Bloom are weary after the
events of the day. In the third chapter we get our
first thorough insight into the storm-tossed mind
of the questioning Stephen. In the last chapter
we hear the quiet and even flow of Molly Bloom's
thoughts. Other correspondences in pattern are
constantly to be found contributing to the unity
of the book.
Its Homeric basisj

WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Ogden G. Dwight,
VA i J Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, Thomas E. Groehn,
John Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, Richard E. Lorch, David
G. Macdonald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parker, Wil-
liam R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch ,Robert J. St. Clair,
Arthur S. settle, Marshall D. Silvernlan, Arthur M.
Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie
Held, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean,
arjorie Morriso, Sally -Place, Rosalie Resnick, Kathryn
Rietdyk, Jane uneicder
Telephone 9-214
WOMN'SS BUSINESS MANAGER--................
.............................. CATHARINE MC HENRY
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her-
trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert
Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef-
ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Milton Kra-
mer, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard,
JamesScott, .David Winkwort.
Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Burley, Peggy Cady,
Virginia luff, Patricia Daly,Genevieve Field, Louise
Florez, Doris Gimmy, Betty Greve, Bille Griffiths, Janet
Jacison; Louise Krause, Barbara. Morgan, Margaret
Mustard, Betty Simonds
Last Call For'
etition Signatures .e,
T HE drive of the Citizens' Charter
Amendment Repeal Committee for
signatures to the initiative petition which would
introduce an amendment to end the East Side
Oeer ban will be concluded at noon today. The
Daily requests every person who has not yet
signed the petition to do so this morning. As it
is impossible that some signatures may be re-
jected for one reason or another, the committee
wishes to obtain as'"many as it can. Even if you
are not strongly for the proposal, sign it and let
the people decide the issue in April. Remember
that your signature is not a vote for East of
Division beer, but merely your stamp of appro-
val on a method for bringing the issue directly
before the citizens of Ann Arbor.
Don't wait for the committee to come to you.
Go to one of the places listed in the box on the
front page. Again, The Daily wishes to give a
word of warning. Do not sign unless you are a
registered voter of the city.
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disrearded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
areaasked to bebrif, confining themselves to less
than 300 words if possible.,
To the Editor:
The series of rebuttal arguments which ap-
peared recently in favor of beer on State St. reads
so nicely that I should like, relying on the well-
known fairness of The Daily in giving space to
the arguments of the opposition, to present one
or two on the other side. First argument: It is
better to give students easy access to beer so they
will not fill -up on hard liquor. Rebuttal: This
argument conceals two false assumptions; name-
ly, students must drink either beer or hard liquor,
and students who already drink hard liquor will
give it up for beer. The first assumption is of
course silly. The only compulsion to drink for
the non-drinking student is the pressure from
his drinking companions, most of whom them-
'lves began the habit not through any particu-
ar desire for it, but through easy-going, unrea-
soning compliance with what was.thought to be
the proper "man-of-the-world" attitude. Fortu-
nately, a greater independence of thought is now


It's a mystery, too, why students of this Univer-
sity should be treated as children. I defy anyone
to point out a better behaved group in the country.
They are children now but let a war come and
see how quickly a gun is put on their shoulders
and they are marched off to fight. The University
has apparently forgotten, too, that there are sev-
eral hundred students who have long since cut
the apron strihgs and have been earning their
way independent of parental aid. No concessions
have been made that would indicate recognition
of such a situation.
Surely, with that new beer ordinance in force,
the dry members of the council aren't afraid to
permit the sale of beer in the campus section!
That is laughable. There's a question as to wheth-
er or not State Street restaurant men will be
willing to compete with church socials and teas
in order to conform witl the new regulations.
A Student.
About Books
ULYSSES, By James Joyce. New York: Random
house (1934) $3.50 - A eview
JAMES JOYCE, concludes Vale'ry Larbaud, "has
attempted to present man in his integrity." In
spite of the fact that "Ulysses," because of its
achievement, fully deserves, and is constantly re-
ceiving, similar encomia, a judgment of this kind
is more misleading than helpful. An encyclopedia
on the grand scale also 'purports to present man in
his completeness. An encyclopedia, however, is the
most disorderly of books: Mennonite follows
meningitis. The attribute which most becomes
"Ulysses" is design. That James Joyce has created
an epic of man is a judgment based not on bulk
or fullness of information concerning environment
and past history, on the assertion that he copies
nature carefully and completely, alternating the-
ology with scatology. It is irresistibly drawn from
the reader's response to pattern. If one opens
"Ulysses" at random,reads the page carefully or
carelessly, and then comes to the conclusion that
what is set down is largely meaningless, he will be
right. This single page will be as meaningless as
any one moment in any man's life would be
without interpretation. Joyce, the artist, is the
interpreter of his characters' lives, But unlike the
scientist who wrests cause and effect from their
context in nature, Joyce prefers to leave the vari-
ous phenomena of humanity in the contextual
state in which they occur. By arbitrarily setting a
limit, however, to their continuance, he imposes
boundaries between which'form and forms may be
imposed - without destroying the fluidity of these
phenomena, of life.
A Synopsis
The simplest synopsis of "Ulysses" is that, pri-
marily, it describes the actions, speech, and
thoughts of two Dubliners from the hours of eight
o'clock in the morning until two o'clock in the
night, the day being June 16, 1904. One is Stephen
Daedalus, an impoverished, would-be artist. His
mother has recently died; he is alienated from his
father. Stephen is essentially anti-social, being an
apostate from the Roman Catholic Church and
the customary beliefs and aspirations of Irish
politics and art. The other is Leopold Bloom, a
minor advertising agent, not too educated, essen-
tially practical, essentially prone to minor con-
cupiscence. The acts of these two during the
progress of the day are in no way unusual. Stephen
goes through his daily gesture of teaching history,
is paid his weekly wages, takes a stroll along the
beach, delivers a message to a newspaper office
from his employer, has a high-falutin discussion
with other Irish literati in the library. He next
visits a maternity hospital where Mrs. Purefoy, a
friend of the family, is about to be delivered of a
child. Here he meets Bloom. The latter rises in
the morning and gets breakfast for himself and
his wife (who is expecting a visit in the afternoon
from her latest lover: Bloom knows this). He
bathes, goes to a funeral, and to a newspaper office

By and large, however, tne most important of
the devices by which Joyce imposes a unity on the
heterogeneous events of the day is his use of the
plot of the "Odyssey." Bloom is Ulysses, Odysseus.
Stephen is Telemachus. Their peregrinations cor-
respond to the scenes in the Greek epic. Molly
Bloom is Penelope. By utilizing this framework,
Joyce is able not only to give unity, but signifi-
cance to his, at first sight, undistinguished char-
acters. Moreover, it is undeniable that Joyce has
by means of contrast of the Greek figures with
the Dublin figures, of brave Telemachus with
Stephen, of exceedingly wise and cunning Odysseus
with Bloom, of chaste Penelope with Molly, ironi-
cally presented his world of epic.
Each part of the plot of the "Odyssey" is used.
And each part influences the technique of the
chapter in which it is present. The Cyclops episode
for instance, as utilized in the tavern scene, has
each of the portions of its action (chiefly political
argument) succeeded by a gigantic supplementary
action. A reference in rapid discussion to Saint
Patrick calls forth a solemn scene wherein all the
dignitaries of the Church come to bless the saloon.
The racy, slangy style of the main narrative is
thus followed at intervals by the most bombastic
and inflated scenes and language which the mind
of man can conceive. Thus it is in the "Odyssey"
that the reason for the major portion of the vari-
ous styles and methods of narration in "Ulysses"
are to be found.
More than this, the Homeric reference is worked
out as completely as possible. The fiery, Fenian
opponent of Bloom in the above scene, for in-
stance, is the rabid Cyclops himself, metamor-
phosed. In the scene which corresponds with the
storm off Ithaca, in the early portion of the
"Odyssey," the technique is that of the newspaper.
Headlines preface each bit of an action or speech.
But the obvious correspondence between wind and
journalism, wind and language need not be noted
in detail. The newspaper office is surely appro-
priate to denote the noise and chaos of the
elements in tempest. Since this is a newspaper
chapter, every figure of speech possible to the
English language is present. Every reference to
wind or lungs is rich in associations. How story,
technique, and Homeric reference weave together
is suggested by the almost-meeting of Stephen
and Bloom in this office. Odysseus almost reached
the coast of Ithaca.
Thus, it shouldabe clear that each scene is con-
trolled in rigorous fashion. It is unified by many
devices. But "Ulysses" is a narrative of events.
Events move. The major device employed in
"Ulysses" to give the greatest sense of reality is
the silent monologue. Bloom or Stephen see things,
recall events or conversations, think their thoughts,
thoughts which concern themselves with present,
past, and future. Their concepts, their reactions
to their senses are set down. It is as if we were
in their own minds in the flux of living. Their
minds are analyzed ad infinitum, the author
seemingly not caring whether the present thought
is important or significant. What they are think-
ing, presently, as they go about their activities, as
they talk, is set down. This is wha makes
"Ulysses" such difficult reading. It is also thatj
which makes the book so startlingly real. It pre-
serves and emphasizes the singleness of identity.
It gives the flow to the narrative. Identity is not
a matter of now but of what has happened, is
happening, and will happen. Therefore, although
each paragraph of these thoughts is apparently
chaotic, each item in it is complemented at one
time or another. An item of thought in the mind
of Stephen or Bloom is a motif. It is repeated,
inverted, expanded, reversed, it crops up when
least expected. It may even be personified in the
famous Walpurgisnacht episode.
Thus this pattern-weaving enables one to see
Joyce's two major characters completely. More
than this, Joyce gets rid of the shackles of time
and space by making these identities everlasting,
never-dying. Stephen is the spirit of man, obsessed
with the multiform phenomena of existence, pas-
sionately and bitterly desiring to break through
"the. ineluctable modality of the visible," through
appearance to divine essence - to ultimate truth.
He is man seeking to get rid of the bonds of life,
to enter into the life of 'the spirit - to find God.
Instead of God, Stephen finds Bloom -who al-
though he offers consolation, is not even a minor
deity. Bloom himself is the eternal wanderer, not
understanding, questing, finally coming back to
Marion Bloom, the earth, the end of all seeking.
She cares nothing for his quest, for answers, for

spirit, nothing for words. She is the source of
phenomena, of all. Molly Bloom is not vulgar
The earth is not vulgar. Molly is no more and no
less vulgar than existence itself.'
Where is the radiance which Stephen, following
Aquinas, postulated every work of art must have,
besides unity and variety. One cannot open
"Ulysses" without realizing that only Shakespeare
(but no prose writer in English literature) can vie
with Joyce in sheer beauty of language. This
radiance is found on every page. This constant
beauty; Joyce's penetrating sense of life; his jovial
humour; the static quality of a book complete in
itself, a microcism of humanity in the act of
living -all these are radiances, too.
Comes word from what must be the land of
the free - and the home of the brave. Stanford

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