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May 11, 1934 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-11

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Banquet Saturday


ILeads Ball Tonight journ

tL&IISII Society ~b1-l-cIC ul


Ea-Governor Stnley Chorus Is onored By
ill Speak At Part In May F estival Prograrn
By MARGARET PIIALAN point of view, and ithEy have done
The first appearance of the Stan- ome finit things in that time.
3 (u ley Chorus, a group of women singers It was to express their new goal
c ; acol a it of the campus, on a May Festival that members of the University Glee
DhAw-r And(1Progiii B1 y piogram marks an important mile- Club c aua;ed the name to Stanley
tone in the history of this musical Chorus, ind in that name they honor
-mplis i alS imit. It has been given this honor the memory cf Dr. Albc't A. Stanicy,
The Homecoming banquet to be in recognition of its exceptionally who was music director f the School
held at the Union Saturday, May 12, fine work during the last three years, of Music from 13 to 1921, and
will be a pleasant addition to the an- according to Dr. Charles A. Sink, Ioundcr of the May Festival in 1394,
nual homecoming program. This din- president of the University School o "' f Io honor Dr. Stanley and to do
ner will take the place of the Mother Music, and it will add, he said "an- mvva/ with the 'wenan' and 'glee'
and Daughters entertainment that is other very interesting feature to the Idrs:; in the organization, were the
usually given in the League. Festival pr2}iramhlS." main reasons oir the change." said
Wilber M. Brucker, former governor The Stanley Chorus, formerly M2xini Mayais1rd, '35 who has been
of Michigan, will give the principal known as the University Women' .r;sident of the club diu'ring the past
address. The entertainment during Glee Club draws from the vocal tal- year. "We wan( it to be known as
the banquet will include parts from ent of all women on campus, and it a group of worthwhile singers of mu-
the various programs and functions has had during the some 25 years of Sic of a higher type," he explained.
given on campus throughout the year, existence a varied and colorful life. Thle chorus presented a formal re-
Edward McCormick, '34, general From its ranks have come a teacher cital at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
chairman of the committee an- on the music faculty at the Michigan in tne fall and sang before the Ann
nounced. State Normal College, and a singer Arbor Women's Club in February. In
Bob Steinle and his band will play of note who is at present studying addition to this it is the annual cus-
through dinner and Mike Brennen in Vienna. Other women who start- toni of th organiization to sing in
will act as master of ceremonies. Max- ed their musical careers in the first !:cvcral of the larger Michigan cities.
ine Maynard, '35, Helene Grain, '35, "glee club" went later to all parts I n 1929, under Miss Hunt's direction
and Mary Morrison, '35, trio from the of the United States as music teach- the club was cIhosen to sing over a
Junior Girls Play and Maynard Kine, ers, concert singers and directors. national radio hook-up.
and Henry Austin from "The Gon- Started 25 Years Ago Last year, Mris,3 Hunt resignvd the
doliers," will sing. The Stanley Chorus It was just about 25 years ago when directorship she had held for so long
will give a few numbers concluding Miss Nora Crane Hunt of the School during the years when those ambiti-
the program. of Music faculty took over the direct- I ous women were making campus his-
The banquet will be one of the orship of the Glee Club, two years af- tory. The club's present director is
prominent features of the homecom- ter it was started. It was then, Miss Margaret Martindale, '34SM,.
ing schedule and every one is urged Hunt recalls, "a double quartet." It
to attend. Tickets can be purchased was something of a job getting peopie
at the League, Slaters', Wahr's, and to listen to us in those days," she fI ange In Le ague
from all members of the committee. reminisced, "We were only too glad
Julie Kane, '36, assistant chairman of to sing at Barbour Gymnasium when- Orgaariz(tiot Ha s
the committee announced. It is hoped ever the offices gave one of their
that this week-end will be a success teas . In those days we weren't sing- Increased Activity
and that in future years the program ing Rachmaninoff and Dickinson
can be made as elaborate. either; that takes traininY and a .. 1'1-A


Elects New Heads
aMaxie Murphy, '35, was elected
president of Theta Sigma Phi, na-
ional honorary fraternity for women
=n journalism, at a meeting of the or-
,anization Wednesday night. Others
:c~cted to office were: Carola Gibson,
'35, treasurer, Elizabeth ede
M\cGarr y, 35> vice-pres>ident -secre-
tary, and Katherine Ruker, '35, ar-
The officers will be installed at
be annual Theta Sigma Phi banqu i
May 28. The cup which the fraternity
presents each year to the sophomore
woman who has done outstanding
work on any campus publication will
be awarded at the same time. Fol-
lowing thE banquet, the guests will at-
tend the Dramatic Season production
of "Meet My Sister."
Group seven of the Ladies Aid so-
ciety of the Zion Lutheran church
wil meet at 2:30 p.m. Friday.

To Hold Hike
Y. an Canoe TrI, p Election
Arid (,.aia > N~ce i i To

Local Store Exhibits
Dress By Dorothy ahll
A dress, the design for which
brought Doroth'Hall, '35, one of
the first prizes in a recCnt coast-to-
coast contest spensored by the mak-
ers of Young American Deigners
dresses, will b" 'on ' thtwenty
prize winners to be exhibited by a
local campus store today.
The contest requirements stipla t-


Dnald Lydon. ."4A, general chair-
man, will !-i the twenty-third an-
nual May Paty with Miss Barbara
Sliuker, ';2, Detreit, which will be
hd t rhi, in Granger's ballroom.

Th Michigan Outdoor Club is spon- ed that the designs be for sport,
soring a supper hike Saturday at I street, or spectator styles. But scv-
Mighland Lake. The group attending eral of the outfits have cleverly c--m-
will leave at 2 p.m. from Lane Hall bined all three types into one, by
and will return early in the evening. means of jacket-blouses, trick
Hiking and boating, and if the; scarves, and other dvices calculated
weather permits, swimming will be to transform a pair of tcnnis shorts
arranged for the members. into a smart street costume.
A canoe trip up the Huron is - ---- ---
planned for the following week-end. # A. Biuildi;m To Be
Paddlers will disembark for supper
in the open. The return journey will SccnHe Of Open-flou e
be made at twilight.
Delegates of the Michigan Outdoor W.A.A. is holdin; open-housfe rom
Club will be sent to the State Recrea- 2 to 6 p.m. Saturday in the Woin-
tional Camp Meeting the week-end of en's Athletic Building according to
the eighteenth at Owosso. Tentative Jane Arnold, '36, who is in charge of
representatives are Robert Benz, '36,1 the affair. Invitations have been sent
and William Iliffe, '35. to the sorority, fraternity, and league
The last of the three large meet- houses recuesting that the members
in is of the Outdoors Club will be held bring their mothers and friends as
Oat vday. May 6 at Sylvan Lakes' special guests.
Estates. Officers for next year will Clarabel Neubecker, '36, and Marie
be elected. Members will participate Metzger, '35, will assist Miss Arnold.
in sporting events during the after- The old and new WA.A board will
riocri and will dance after the busi- also be present. Dr. Maragaret Bell,.
ness meeting. Miss Laurie Campbell, Miss Marie
Hartwig, and Miss Mary Stewart will
pour. Spring flowers and yellow tapers
.117"A rfl y r " (will decorate the table.

EgyptMars, -Laid Are All
Seen At Old Architects Balls


ELKINS, W. Va., May 3.-- (A') -
Robbers did their robbing in Louis
Giambone's shoe shop but all West
Virginia, suffered.
They took between three and four
dollars Giambone had collected in
state sales taxes.

Onc-third and One-Fourth
Off Regular Prices
13cinning Friday, May 11
East Side of Campus

gradual development of taste. Now
the women who sing in the chorus
not only are able to sing well, but en-
joy doing the more difficult pieces."
And so that first glee club grew
from a little band of college women.
who were "only too glad" to sing
glees and popular numbers at Bar-
bour Gymnasium teas, to an organi-
zation which was asked to make part
of a program at the annual May
Festival, which is known in musical
centers all over the nation as a valu-
able and significant musical celebra-
The new name of the club, the
Stanley Chorus, typifies this gradual
change in purpose and the greater
work it has tried to do. The days of
college song units have passed, Dr.
Sink said, and "the. girls have felt
that they were not doing the serious
work they wanted to accomplish.
Three years ago they began to im-
prove their program from a studious


5Y ELE"Ai vRv 1LUM i
Twelve new desks in the League,
and 12new committee chairmen in
charge of the desks and the duties
that go with them, marks one indi-
cation that the new League system is
under way.
There have been several external
evidences of thepnew regime. In the
hall, for example, is an information
desk, that is to be occupied by mem-
bers of the reception committee. Of-
fices have been exchanged. Miss Eth-
el McCormick, social director of the
League, occupies the office that was
formerly known as the business of-
fice. Prof. Herbert Kenyon, director
of dramatics, now has an office in the
building, whereas Russell McCracken,
dramatic director, has his desk in the
outer office of the Undergraduate
'Every day the undergraduate of-
fice hums with activity; conferences
are the thing of the day. Maxine
Maynard's desk pad has been marked
for days in advance for consultations
with each one of the committee chair-
men, for the process of defining the
respective duties of many committees
is not easy.
The constitution, of course, has to
be revised, and the women have re-
written many of the old clauses, add-
ing the new features.
With the League Council meeting
twice a week, the work of each woman
is becoming more clearly defined.
Chief of the duties of each of the
chairmen now is the handling of the
petitions which have been received
from women desiring to have some
part in the new system. So many
petitions have been received, Miss
Maynard said, that announcement of
the new committee members will not
be made until next week, giving the
women an opportunity to consider
all applications fairly.

The mysteries of the Sphinx in that
distant country of the Nile diminish-
cd in importance less than a decad:
ago when remarkable archeological
discoveries revealed the treasure
houses of the famous King Tut and
his court. The entire world was so
stirred that not only were new words
added to the cross-word puzzles and
women's styles changed, but even
the architects decided to use Egypt-
ian art for their decorative scheme in
A great gilded boat, such as Cleo-
patra with her 1000 snaves must have
sailed in during the days of the
Caesars, was depicted on one of the
panels forming the large freizef
around the ballroom. A mighty (
Pharoah mounted in his flying char-
iot stormed a fortress in another!
panel.rA touch of humor was lent to
the scene by the maps which are dec-
orated with ancient Egyptians in
modern settings.
In order to lay out the details of
the decorations on a large scale a
steoroptican machine was used to
throw the outline of the different
buildings upon large sheets of paper
tacked to the wall. The students
simply traced these outlines, rapidly
obtaining the exact proportions. The
Daily account of this ball says "that
these decorations could not be dupli-
cated by professional decorators for
less than $5,000. The Egyptian Par-
ty has also been the subject of much
unsolicited publicity in papers of the
state and rchitectural journals."
Elf Party Held
Then in a whimsical moment the
committee decided the next year that
history was all right for the theme
of the previous year, but they say
that "history repeats itself" and ev-
ery May Party must be new and dif-
ferent, so they made preparations
for the "Elves Garden Revel."
One's first reaction after passing
through a knarled old tree trunk,
leaving the materialistic and mer-
cenary world behind, was to feel the
effect of the huge blue sky above the
large low-hanging cobweb. Stretch-
ing oti t on ali sides it gives one a
feeling of isolation.
Around [1 ic walls, in a continuous
d'esign, mnrt)strous bugs and garden
creatures of vivid coloring and imag-

inative design peered at one through
he tall grasses, while more than one
pair partner shrunk back from the
immense soft garden snakes which
served as seats.
Ball On Mars
Another flight of imagination a.
few years ago brought forth the Mar-
tian Ball. Many a co-ed sat in class-
es wearily trying to figure what
would be appropriate for a dance
given on that stellar body.
The costumes that year showed
more originality and more effort in
design than any previously. Heading
the list, of course, were the stately
ing and queen of Mars. The latter
wore a shimmering gown of silver,
with a tall headress and sparkling
gauntlets, while her escort was garb-
ed in a shining suit of mail.
Many came dressed in geometric
designs, in cork-screw-like outfits}
and spherical suits. The prize for I
the best costume went to the couple{
dressed as silver funnels.,
This year there will be fewer cos-
tumes, but the plans for the decora-
tions of the ball are being carried out
on a large scale to provide a real sett-
ing for the famous "Arabian Nights."
Ticets will be available at the box
office at Granger's tonight for out-of-
town guests, Don Lyon, '34A, an-
C hemica Society
Shows New Ice Box
(By Intercollegiate Press)
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., May 10. ---
A magician's ice box with the almost
incredible range of 162 degrees Fah-
renheit is one of the new marvels of
science demonstrated here at the 87th
annual meeting of the American
Chemical Society.
This refrigerator can be kept at the
comparatively mild temperature of
55 degrees above zero, or by a turn of
the dial can be chilled to 107 degrees
below zero.
Described as a conquest of consid-
erable importance in the field of re-
frigeration, the invention for the first
time harnesses the intense cold of
solid carbon dioxide, commonly called
dry'ice, and bends it to man's will.
Unlike ordinary ice, carbon dioxide
does not melt but evaportes, leaving
no moisture whatever in any part of
the refrigerator. A cake of dry ice laid
upon the dining room table will soon
disintegrate without wetting the cloth
or injur7ing it in any way.
NANKING, May 10. - (P) - Gen.
Chiang Kai Shek, war lord of China,
ordered today that all prisoners -
numbering tens of thousands - in
Chinese prisoners be trained as sol-

May Festival: Lucrezia Bori and
Chicago Symphony Orchestra; Hill
Auditorium at 8:15 p.m.
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "The
Poor Rich" with Edna May Oliver, and
All Girl Stage Show; Majestic, "Blood
Money" with George Bancroft; Whit-
ney, "King for a Night" with Chester
Morris, and "Cross Streets" with John
Mack Brown; Wuerth, "Mama Loves
Papa" and "The Bureau of Missing
Dancing: Union, Chubb's, Archi-
tect's Ball at Grangers, Den, Tavern,
Hi-Hat Inn, Preketes.
Xi chapter of Delta Omicron, na-
tional musical sorority, held its an-
nual election of officers at the home
of Mrs. Alma Dixon, Williams St.,
Tuesday, May 8. The following of-
ficers were elected; Regent, Mary
Jane Clark, '35; VivTe-Regent, Alma
Dixon SM, Secretary, Harriet Crew
'35; Treasurer, Lois Zimmerman, '36;
Alumnae Secretary, Elizabeth Walz,
'35SM; Publicity, Mona Hutchings,

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Or at any other time, take a
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showing unusual clothes for
College women.

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