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May 10, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-10

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The Weather
Local showers or thunder-
storms; cooler in southwest
portion today. Tomorrow fair.



:4Iai i

A New Interfraternity
Council .



Student Aid
Is Asked For
Mutual Interest Between
Parent And University
Stressed By Ruthven
Plan Varied Events
For Spring Event
Tickets For The Family
Banquet Are On Sale At
Union And League
A final drive for the co-operation
of all students in making the Fourth
Annual Spring Homecoming the most
successful ever given will be conducted
today by the committee in charge. The
program will begin Friday and end
Julie Kane, '36, assistant chairman
of the committee, said yesterday, that
in view of the special attempt to make
this Homecoming as much an event
for students as for their parents and
friends, all should take advantage of
the opportunity being offered them.
Furthering this opinion, Miss Ethel
McCormick, social director of the
League, said that "it is to be hoped
every student will help promote the
success of Spring Homecoming. The
committee has communicated with
both fraternities and sororities and
both have unanimously signified their
intention of striving toward making
this an outstanding culmination of
spring University events."
Begins Tomorrow
The first event on the three-day
program will be held Friday morn-
ing, when tours, displays, and special
open houses in various units of the
University begin.
In addition, visitors are invited to
attend any classes they may wish to
listen to on Friday morning and after-
noon and Saturday morning. Friday
afternoon the first two of four sports
events to be played by University
teams will be held, with the baseball
team meeting Ohio State University
and the tennis team meeting Oberlin
' In his Homecoming message to vis-
itors and parents, President Alexander
G. Ruthven stressed the mutual in-
terest which parents and the Uni-
versity have, namely, the welfare of
the sons and daughters who are en-
rolled here at present. "We are eager
that you should see in full operation
the University which supplants the
education you and others have begun,"
he said, "in order that contacts may
be established which will lead to the
fullest co-operation, based on mutual
Engineer Included
One of the most inclusive programs
is scheduled in the College of Engi-
neering, where numerois displays
have been arranged and a "Dad's Day"
planned. The latter will include class
attendance by fathers with their sons
on Friday morning and afternoons
and is being enthusiastically accepted
by students in the college.
Tickets for the Family Banquet will
be on sale continuously at four points:
the League, the Union, Slater's, and
Wahr's. A broad program of enter-
tainment as been promised for this
event and specific parts of it will be
announced tomorrow.
Prof. Hobbs Is
Given Banquet
By Geologists

E. L. Beutner Speaks For
Actives, Initiates' Speech
Given By Max Demorest
Prof. William H. Hobbs, chairman
of the geology department, was hon-
ored for his years of service in the
geological field at the annual initia-
tion banquet of Sigma Gamma Epsi-
lon, national geology fraternity, held
at the Union last night. The entire
staffs of the geology and minerology
departments were in attendance.
John G. Woodruff, who acted in the
capacity of toastmaster, 'introduced
the various speakers.
Edward L. Beutner, president of
Sigma Gamma Epsilon, spoke for the
active members and the response by
the initiates was presented by Max
Demorest. Remarks were made by
Dean Edward H. Kraus of the literary
college, Prof. E. C. Case, chairman-
elect of the geology department, and
Frank Leveritt.
Tnitiates were Walter V C o.Grad..

Dr. Hocking Predicts Formation
Of 'Perfect Universal Religion'

The combination of the best fea-
tures of all religions in the formation
of a perfect universal religion was
forecast yesterday by Dr. William Er-
nest 'Hocking, of Harvard University,
the Henry Martin Loud lecturer for
1934. The subject of his talk was
"Christianity and Non-Christian Re-
"Mutual translations of all religions
to eliminate what are now mostly
verbal differences between them" was
termed by Dr. Hocking the important
step for the development of this new
Concerning himself chiefly with the
religions of the Orient, he pointed
out how Buddhism, Hinduism, Confu-
cianism, and Taoism have lately
showed a definite trend toward be-
liefs acceptable to people of the West.
Modern consciousness was given the
credit for this transition from ancient
prejudices by Dr. Hocking.
Recognize Other Faiths
He also declared that Christianity,
although it should form the backbone
of the new religion, must make con-
cessions to, and appreciate the value
of, the tenets of other faiths. "If
Christianity denies the religions of the
Oriental peoples, it hasn't a leg to

stand on, and might just as well go
to the scrap heap with the rest of
them," he said.
"Christianity no longer has any
quarrel with science, and it has settled
its account with humanism." But,
Dr. Hocking continued, the necessity
is apparent for the development of a
religion that is "capable of univer-
Shifting Ideals
In describing the "converging to a
common point" by the various reli-
gions, he pointed outthe shifting of
Islamic ideals from belligerence to
peace, and also cited Buddhism's com-
paratively recent incorporation of the
Christian conceptions of God and so-
cial services.
As an example of something we
might adapt from the Orient, he men-
tioned the feeling of the direct pres-
ence of God that permeates the masses
in Indiaaand China. An American
representative of this feeling is "Billy"
Sunday, he said.
Professor D. H. Parker, chairman
of the department of philosophy, in-
troduced Dr. Hocking.
The concluding lecture of the series
will be delivered at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow
in the League ballroom. Dr. Hocking's
subject will then be "What Future
Has the Church and Its Missions?"



Word Coiners Are
Busy Again Using
NIRA As A Suffix
Several daughters of th well-
known democratic pet, NIRA, have
been adopted by the United States
Forest Service.
Work being done in the federal
forest reserves with $40,000,000 of
National Recovery Act money has
been divided into several funds, pop-
ularly known in the service as Imp-
nira, Devnira, Resnira, and Hynira.
The names are coined by adding the
prefix of the type of work being done
by the various relief funds to the
original NIRA. Thus, we get Imp-
nira from Improvement relief work,
Devnira from development relief
work, Resnira from research work,
and Hynira from highway improve-
ments. As other funds are created,
more words will be coined to desig-
nate the various kinds of work.
One would imagine that the United
States foresters would be going
around muttering "Damnira."
Vulcans Honor
10 Initiates At
Annual Dinner
Senior Honorary Society
Names Gale Sterling To
Act As Next President
Vulcans, senior honorary engineer-
ing society, held their annual ban-
quet for 10 initiates last night at the
Union following their initiation cere-
mony yesterday afternoon.
Those taken into the organization
were: John Donaldson, Edward Jaros,
Allen Knuusi, Alvin Mortensn, Al-
fred Otis, Philip Singleton, Robert
Sloane, Gale Sterling, and Joseph
Wagner, all of the class of '35E.
At a meeting held in conjunction
with the ceremony the following offi-
cers were elected for next year: Ster-
ling, president; Donaldson, vice-pres-
ident; Sloane, secretary; Knuusi
treasurer; and Alvin Mortenson rep-
resentative to the EngineeringCoun-
The retiring officers of the society
are Charles Burgess, '34E, president;
Harry Tillotson, '34E, vice-president;
Hugh Grove, '34E, secretary; and
Gilbert Dobson, '34E, treasurer.
Announce Recipient
Of AlphaNu Award
Charles Rogers, '34, was named as
recipient of the annual Alpha Nu
Honor Award for the member who has
given the best service by that or-
ganization yesterday.
Rogers has been senior critic of
Alpha Nu for the past year, and has
served as president and oratorical
delegate. He has been a member of
both freshmen and varsity debating
teams, and is president of the Ora-
torical Society. He is a member of the
Quadrangle Club, Phi Eta Sigma, and
Phi Kappa Phi.
The meeting was the last regular
session of the year. An initiation and
banquet were announced for next
Tuesdav at which time the nioedn nof

5 Students Are
Initiated Into
Sigma Delta Chi
Alumni Members Speak
At Initiation Banquet Of
Four literary college juniors and
a former student were initiated yes-
terday into Sign: "elta Chi, na-
tional professional journaiiotic frater-
nity. The initiates were Arthur Car-
stens, '35, Ralph G. Coulter, '35, Guy
M. Whipple, Jr., '35, W. Stoddard
White, '35; Norman F. Kraft. Kraft,
who resigned in March from the Class
of 1934, was initiated in absentia.
Speakers at a banquet following the
annual initiation were Lee A White,
of the Detroit News; George Taub-
enek, editor of the Electric Refrigera-
tion News; Franklin M. Reck, asso-
ciate editor of the American Boy mag-
azine; and Volney Fowler, public re-
lations counsel for the General Motors
Corp. All are members of the frater-
Karl Seiffert, '33, city editor of The
Daily last year and now of the Detroit
News, was present in the capacity of
past president of the chapter.
Another initiation will be held next
month at which new pledges from
the Daily staff and journalism school
will be honored, according to C. Hart
Schaaf, '34, president.
Sugar Control
Becomes Law;
ariff Slashed
Study Of Silver Plan And
War Debt Provide Busy
Day At White House
Work on silver and war debt plans
combined with the enactment of a
sugar control plan today to make the
White House day a busy one.
President Roosevelt signed into
law the sugar control bill and at the
same time announced a cut of a half
cent a pound in the sugar tariff. A
processing tax of not more than that
amount will be collected on the man-
ufacture of the sweet, this fund to
be paid back to the growers of cane
and beets for trimming their acre-
age to put the production within the
limitations laid down by the Depart-
ment of Agriculture.
The silver plan, being studied at
the White House and drafted at the
treasury, contemplates governmental
ownership of all monetary silver with
the idea in mind of increasing the
amount of silver money. Eventually
the percentage of silver money will be
increased under the plan until it
amounts to a quarter of that out-
standing. A conference at the capi-
tal failed to produce an agreement
upon the form of legislation.
Other developments:
President Roosevelt said he wanted
oil production control legislation en-
acted at the present session of Con-
The navy rceived a, mpssaa cL

Insull Likely
To Be Freed
On LowBondi
Circuit Court Judge Will
Investigate Possibility Of
Injustice_ _
Friends Can Put Up
$100,000 For Insull
Attorney Pleads That Jail
Hospital Is Endangering
Life Of Chicagoan
CHICAGO, May 9. - (,- amuel
Insull's attorney shoved hard on the
jail door today and won the deposed
utilities king a new chance for free-
While Insul rested on his county
jail hospital cot, or rolled around in
a wheel chair, a judge of a higher
court agreed to 14ok into the matter
of his imprisonment tomorrow and
see if an injustice had been done by
setting Insull's bond at $200,000.
Judge Will M. Sparks, of the United
States Circuit Court of Appeals,
granted a writ of habeas corpus re-
quiring the government to produce
its famous prisonier tomorrow. The
judge acted after Attorney Floyd E.
Thompson had argued that $200,000
was an unreasonable amount and that
to stay in jail, even in the jail hos-
pital, would endanger Insull's life.
Insull or his friends could put up
$100,000, Attorney Thompson said,
but although his friends were Chi-
cago's wealthiest men and women,
they felt that $200,000 was too much.
They would furnish another $50,000
said Thompson, to guarantee that In-
sull would be on hand for trial on
state charges of erybezzlement.
If Judge Sparksi can be convinced
that the bond which now holds Insull
in jail is too much, he will order it
reduced. If that is done, Attorney
Thompson said, Insull will be bailed
out sometime tomorrow, and after
attending to the state bond - which
will require going through court again
- he will be free.
Adelphi House
Elects Howard
To Speakership
Robert Howard, '34, was elected1
speaker of Adelphi House of Repre-
sentatives, campus forensic society, at
the regular meeting held last night
in the Adelphi Room in Angell Hall.
Other officers elected were Stewart1
Cram, '34, clerk, Victor Weipert, '35,
treasurer, and Israel H. Finkelstein,
'37, segeant-at-arms.
In addition Howard was announced
as the recipient of the honor award,
given annually to the senior or grad-t
uate who had best served the organi-
zation during his membership.
The 76th annual banquet of Adelphi
will be held at 7:00, Tuesday, May 15,
in the League, according to Samuel7
L. Travis, '34, retiring speaker. Prin-
cipal speakers will be Judge Ira W.
Jayne, '05, Detroit, and Verne C. Am-
Berson, '07L, assistant prosecutor of
Wayne County, both alumni of theor-i
Gavels will be presented to Travis
and Melvin Levy, '34, speaker during
the first semester.

Plan Would Insist
Representatives Be
idents Of Houses

Predicts New
Assembly Of
House Heads
Lee Shaw Sees Abolition
Of Judiciary Committee
As Certainty
Deliberate Change
At Meeting Today

Soloist Tonight


The abolition of the judiciary com-
mittee and an Interfraternity Coun-
cil composed of presidents of the in-
dividual fraternities was predicted as
"absolutely certain" last night by Lee
C. Shaw, '35, leader of the "radical"
members of a council committee ap-
pointed to revamp the council's con-
Shaw said he felt there could be no
doubt about the certainty of the
change being approved by the com-
mittee, which will begin its delibera-
tions in a closed meeting at 3 p.m. to-
day in the Union.
Would Restore Power
The abolition of the judiciary com-
mittee, Shaw said, would restore pow-
er to the council itself and improve
the present situation in which the
council, according to Shaw, is gen-
erally viewed as a negative body
which takes its orders from the com-
"At present," he said, "the council
is held in disrespect by the indi-
vidual fraternities which compose it.
The houses send some sophomore
or junior to' the meetings just as a
matter of course, and this represen-
tative frequently doesn't even report
the council's activities back to his
house. Often, we have difficulty in
getting a quorum."
As a means of improving attend-
ance, Shaw said his plan would insist
that the fraternity representative be
the president of his house. Added to
the influence of additional power
which he said the council would have
with the judiciary committee abol-
ished, Shaw contended that this hav-
ing the house presidents as repre-
sentatives would give the council a
dignity and influence which it does
not at present have.
End University Action
"It is a matter of common sense,"
he said, "that with the unity of a
respected body, composed of the va-
rious house presidents, the council
will be in a better position to solve
difficulties within the individual
houses, rather than having to depend
upon the University administration
for such action."
During the day Shaw conferred
with President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven and Dean Joseph A. Bursley on
the question, but none of the conferees
would make a statement as to what
was said or decided at these meetings.
Bethel B. Kelly, '34, president of the
council, also conferred with President
BERLIN, May 9. - (/P) - Sweden,
it was indicated Tuesday, has joined
Great Britain and France in a firm
stand against any German plan to
postpone payments on the Dawe-s and
Young loans.

Symhony And
Ponselle Open
A Large And Enthusiastic
Audience Hears First Of
Six Concerts
Rosa; Ponselle, soprano, and the
Chicago Symphony Orchestra, under
the direction of Dr. Frederick Stock,
exhibited their musical genius before
a large audience in the opening con-
cert of the 41st annual May Festival
last night in Hill Auditorium. A great
round of applause followed every
number, while Miss Ponselle was
called back for three encores.
The Festival will continue through
Saturday with daily evening concerts
and afternoon programs on Friday
and Saturday.
Orchestra Opens Concert
The Festival was fittingly ushered
in by the Orchestra with Bach's great
"St. Anne's Prelude and Fugue," spe-
cially arranged by Dr. Stock. Miss
Ponselle then was first heard in the
Rossini Aria, "Bel Raggio Lusinghier,"
from "Semiramide."
The highly interpretative "La Mer"
of Debussy, played by the Orchestra,
was enthusiastically received by the
audience, which seemed greatly ap-
preciative of Dr. Stock's and the or-
ganization's 30 years service as fea-
tured Festival performers. Miss Pon-
selle closed the first half of the pro-
gram with two arias, "Addio del Pas-
sato," from Verdi's "La Traviata," and
the "Chanson Boheme," of Bizet from
Ravel's "Rapsodie"
Following the intermission, the Or-
chestra presented the "Rapsodie Es-
pagnole," by the popular contempo-
rary composer, Maurice Ravel. Miss
Ponsellf concluded with five songs
with piano; Stefano Donaudy's "Fres-
chi Luoghi Prati Aulenti," "Die Tote
Stadt," by Erich Korngold, E. Wolf-
Ferrari's "Rispetto," "Si Tu Le Vou-
lais," by F. Paolo Tosti, and "My
Lover He Comes on a Ski," of Clough-
Tonight's concert will be featured
by the presentation of Haydn's famed
oratorio "The Seasons," and by the
appearance of Mischa Levitski, dis-
tinguished young piano virtuoso. Fea-
tured soloists in the oratorio include
Jeanette Vreeland, sopr no, Paul Alt-
house, tenor, and Chase Baromeo,
bass. They will be assisted by The
Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the
University Choral Union, and Palmer
Christian, organist. Mr. Levitski will
be heard in the Saint-Saens "Concerto
in G minor for Piano and Orchestra."
Liquor Stores May Ban
Minor College Students

3 Alumni
Giefel, Sabin, And Rieth
Are Named Permanent
Alumni Secretaries
Men Prominent In
Campus Activities
Alumni News, Activities,
And Reunions To Be In
Charge Of Secretaries
William P. Giefel, '34, was appoint-
ed yesterday to the position of per-
manent alumni secretary of the 1934
graduating class of the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts by
John B. Deo, senior president. The
woman appointee to the same posi-
tion will be announced in the near
Giefel, a resident of Ann Arbor, is
a member of Phi Kappa Psi frater-
nity and Druids. He is chairman of
the Board in Control of the Student'
Christian Association, a former mem-
ber of the Executive Council of the
Union, and was awarded an Earhart
Scholarship this year. He was sales
manager of last year's 'Ensian, cheer-
leader for two years, and a member
of the Soph Prom committee.
Law And Pharmacy Secretaries
Brainard S. Sabin, '34L, and George
F. Rieth, '34P, have been appointed
as permanent alumni secretaries of
the graduating law and pharmacy
classes, it was announced yesterday
by Frederick S. Randall, assistant to
the General Secretary of the Alumni
Sabin, Battle Creek, received his
Bachelor's degree from Williams Col-
lege. He is treasurer of the Lawyers'
Club and secretary of his class. In
his freshman year he was a member
of the Case Club.
Rieth, a resident of Flat Rock, is a
member of Delta Alpha Epsilon fra-
ternity, a member of Rho Chi, honor-
ary fraternity, and the Prescott Club.
He was president of his junior class.
In accordance with the usual cus-
tom, the graduating class will return
to Ann Arbor for its reunion in 1939.
The secretaries will prepare form let-
ters annually relating to alumni ac-
tivities and mail them to members
of their classes.
Alumni News Filed
Information regarding 1934 grad-
uates will be sent to the permanent
secretaries who will, besides keeping
it on file, submit it to the Michigan
Alumnus for publication. Besides the
first reunion, the permanent secre-
taries will be responsible for reunions
held every fifth year after 1939. Any
class activity program which may be
undertaken by the alumni will be put
into the hands of the permanent sec-
retaries. Changes of address and class
records will also be in their keeping.
Permanent alumni secretaries of
the graduating classes of the remain-
ing schools and colleges will be an-
nounced soon, according to Mr. Ran-
New Ruling Is
Made To Allow
Extra Courses

Star Prefers College Audiences;
Ambition Is To Sing In 'Carmen'

Rosa Ponselle, a queen of the oper-
atic world, held court behind thej
scenes last night at Hill Auditorium {
for her hundreds of admirers who
waited after the concert to congratu-
late her on a splendid performance.
Between autographs, hand-shaking,
and thanks, she spoke of her en-
thusiasm for the May Festival.
"What can I say of this festival?
It is so thrilling, so magnificent, it is
breath-taking," she said. "I love Ann
Arbor, I love a concert audience, and'
above all a college audience."
Likes Concert Audience
She explained her fondness for a
concert audience over the opera-goers
by saying that the applause and ap-
preciation were so spontaneous, and
added that the discrimination of her
Ann Arbor listeners made their ap-
plause the most valued she could get.
Speaking more personally of her life
and career, Miss Ponselle confessed
that her ambition is to sing in "Car-
man " f nc hP imnncih1unmi

star since her debut in 1918 with Ca-
ruso, is the title role in Bellini's "Nor-
ma." Although her greatest fame has
come to her as an opera star, she
prefers concert work, as it gives her
a chance to be herself on the stage,
and reduces the strain her action and
diction in an operatic performance
Attends the "Met" Often
The great prima donna, whose first
performances netted her but $12 a
week and who now gets several hun-
dred for a single appearance, attends
Metropolitan productions about twice
a week "to keep up with her educa-
tion." Other artists sing some of her
roles and she feels it necessary to
watch their additions to her own in-'
terpretation. She never gets tired of
repeating her roles - "there is al-
ways something new at each presen-
Miss Ponselle's career knows little
respite. She works on rehearsing and
drilling intensively during each Met-
ropolitan season, and then for the rest
of the nears he is nnt or and Livina

LANSING, May 9.-UP)-The state
liquor control commission today was
confronted with the problem of what
to do about minor college students
who patronize state liquor stores.
A communication from Alma Col-
lege asks what protection the com-
mission is prepared to offer. It sug-
gested authorities be given access to
the liquor store files to determine
whether purchase slips were signed by
minors. Frank A. Picard, chairman
of the commission, opposed throwing
open the files, but proposed the col-
lege might submit a list of its minor
students so store employes could
check them.
Issute Indictments
In BankCollapses
CLEVELAND, May 9.-- (A) - Jos-
eph R. Nutt, former treasurer of the
Republican National Committee, four
other bankers and a former county
official were named by a Federal

Only the approval of departmental
and degree program advisers will be
necessary for Literary College upper-
classmen to take courses taught out-
side the college, it was indicated yes-
terday when the faculty of the col-
lege voted to accept a committee re-
port on "Courses in Other Schools
and Colleges."
Approximately 60 courses in other
schools will be eliminated from the
Literary College catalogue to prevent
an indiscriminate selection of courses,
the report states. But, with 'approval
of the adviser, these or any other
courses may be taken if they fall
within the range of the student's
Other action taken at the faculty
meeting was the approval of the re-
organization of the Administrative
Board. It will consist of 11 mem-
bers, with the dean, assistant dean,
the two assistants to the dean, and
the Counselor to New Students as ex-
officio members.
Six members will be elected from
the faculty for one-, two-, and three-
year terms, with only those elected to
one-year terms eligible for re-elec-

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