THE M JIHIGAN1 rDAILY so at once. Please telej~hone your acceptance to the Registrar's office, 4111, Extension 383, or leave wordt with Miss Louckes in Room 4, Uni- versity Hall. University Bureau of Appoint- ments & Occupational Information: Mr. J. R. Knisely, of the Firestone. Tire & Rubber Company, will be in. the office on Tuesday and Wednesday to interview men for work with the Compainy. Kiindly make appoint- ments with Miss Webber at; the Bur- eau, 241 Mason tHall. DRance Recital T~iclets,: Box office of the Lydia Menidelssohn Theatre will be open today from 9 a.m. until, curtain time, 8:30, p.m. Phone 630Q. for reservations. College of Engineering - Schedule of Exa ainations, June ? to June 12, :1934: Note -- For courses having both lectures and' quizzes, 'the Time of Exercise is the time of the first lec- ture periodi of the, weep; for courses having quizzes only, the Time of Ex- ercise is the time of the irst quiz period. Drawing and laboratory work may be considered through the examina- I-on period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such work dur- ing one week. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the ,regular schedule. All cases of con- flicts between assigned examination periods should be reported. for ad- justment to Professor J. C. Brier, Room 32,23 East Engineering Build- ing, before May 31. To avoid mis- and.,rstandings and errors, each stu- dent should receive notification from his instructor of the time and place of his appearance in each course dur- ing the period June 2 to June 12. No single course is permitted more than four hours of examination. No date of examination. may be changed without the consent of the Classifi- cation Committee. T1ijie of Exercise 'Men lin White' Adjudged B~est Play Of Year '' SCLASSIFIED, DIRECTOR! I1 Ii k - .-Associated Press Pilot o Caroline lilhrv(left), novelist, and Sidney I~i~pjley (right), play- wnght, are two Pitzer prize wirncrs of 19 ;-*a4. Mrs. Mill~er' woo. they award fior htr_-n cA, "ITaumi inl his JW n," auad fir.ngsl 'y was awarded for his ra, Mnill hide." Wedne day, June F'riday, Monday, Saturday, Monday, Monday, Tuesday, June, Juxlp June June June June 68 4. 2 11. 11 12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 2-6 8=12 8 'Tuesday, June. 12 2-6 9 Friday, June 8 2-6 10 Saturday, June 9 8-12 11 Tuesday, June 5 2-6 1 Saturday, June 2 2-6 2 Wednesday, Junce 6 2-6 3 Thursday, June 7 8-12, 1, 2; C .E. 2 *eTuesday, June 5;, - urv. 1, 2, 4; Spanish *Monday, June 4, 2-6. M.E, 3; German *Saturday, June. 9, 2-6-. E.E. 2a; Shop 2, 3, 4; French *Tusdy June 7, 2-6, Draw. 1, 2, 3; Economics 51, 52, 53, 54 *Tusdy June 7, 8"-12. *Ti may be used as an irregular, period providgcl there is no conflict with the regular printed schedule above. Lectures Dr. William Ernest Hocking, of Rarvard University, Henry, Martin Loud Lecturer at the 'University of Michigan, will speak in the ballroom of the Michigan ]League at 4:15 on "Thxe Post-War World and Foreign Missions~," and at 8 o'clock on "The- ology and the Non-Christian Faithbs." Dean J. ] . Edmonson and Dean E, H. Ezrau, chairmen, rerspectiyely. Events Today Botanic-l'Journal Club mees at, 7:30 p.m. in room 1139 N.S. Papers by Dr. C. D. LaRue, Mrs. Drummond, Mrs. Schopf, Mrs. Smith, and Mr. Hermann.All interested are cor diaj- Physics Colloquium: Mr, J, IH. Man- Icy will speak on "Action Cross Sec- tion in Collisions of the Second Kind" at 4:1& p.m. in Room 1041, East Phys- ics Bldg. All interested are cordially, invited to attend, Junior Mathematical, Society: Reg- ular meeting at 8 p.M., in 3212 A.H. (Please note the change of place of mneeting). Professor N, M. Anning will speak on "AEngles and Sines.." Mathematical Club: Regular meet- ing at 8 p~m., in 3201 A.H. The speak- e;4~ will be : Sister Leontius on "Ad- diti~ns in Arithmetic, 1500-1700, to the Sources of Cajori's "History of LAlST DAY -___ LION-EL ATWIL L ERMINE"1 WEDNESDAY TWO FEATURES Chester Morris V 1kirv rnRA Mathem altital Notation1s" and Tropf- ke's ' sc eic cl er Flementar-! Mathematik," Mvr. B. C. Getchell on "Integration of Interval Functions," and Professor C. C. Craig on "The Frequency Function of xy." Metalurgical Group Meeting at 7:15 in room 4215 E. Eng. Bldg. Mr. Charles Purnall, Field Metallur- gist of the Carnegie Steel Company, will address the group on "Fine Grained Steel, Its Production and Uses." Y'kplia Epsilox 1VMu: Meeting at 8:15 Room 319, Michigan Union. Sigm na, hoT i : Debate with De-' troiG Institute of Technology at 7:30 in the Unioni. The Michigan chapter will uphold the affirmative side of the qiuestioni: "Resolved, that the. U. S. government should own and operate all air mail planes." Regular meeting tomorrow at 7:45 in the Union. Project speaking prize, cotrest and announcements of elec- tions to highecr degrees of member- ship. Wav Beta Pi: Dinner and business meetin)g at the Union, 6:00 p.m. Elec- tioii of officers for next year. Chraaistian l C17ence Organization: Meets at 8 o'clock this evening in the Chapel of the Mlichigan League building. All faculty and students in- terested are invited to attend. Tryouts, hiille~l Players: Everyone interested in further tryouts for 'memnbership ins IHillel Players please prepare a five mninute reading to be given from 3 until 5 at the Founda- tion. National Student League, Meeting will be held at; the Michigan Union at 8:00 p.m. Every student is invited to attend. Michigan Dames: The Homne-mak- ing Group meets at 8 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Kelder, 1317 Forest Court. TWhere will be a special speak- er and a large attendance is urged. Coming Events English Journal Cla will meet Fri- day, May 11, at 4 o'clock in the League. Business meeting. at four, including the election of officrs for E-U--R-0-P-E 'Round Trip 3lrd ('lass Tomrist ENGLAND......$111.50 $188.00 FRANCE........... $119.:x0 $190.00 GE'RNTANY ..........S;61,019 $00.0a ITALY ..........$182.50 $210.00 other classes quoted free. Tlours and Crnises advertised anywhere. 5:3 days,'6 countrie.s, $528 3rd, $51)8 tourist. 38 days,. 6 countries, $378 3rd. $447 touriot. .Passion Play included. From Newi York on steamers where tourist is the first class ol ship. b, & C. to Cleveland and Pu Tao. Phonie your order Tickets delivered No extra rhars ever KUEBLERil TRAVEL BUR EAU Bonded for Your Protection Since 1917 .sk Your Local Banker OFFICIAL Local Aienry for All tines, Tours and Cruisds 601 E. Ifuron St. 11h. 6412 Meia mkr J Be 11(4(1 At League The Traditional Medical Smoker, sponsored by Galens, honorary mned- ical society, will be held in the League Thursday at 7:30 p.m. The "Medics" will meet in the Lydia Mendelssohin Theatre where members of Galens will offer take-offs on va- rious members of the medical fac- ulty. "A feature of the smoker," says Samuel Fiegler, '3, president of Ga-, lens, "is that faculty members never know who is to be portrayed. They' consider it an honor to be chosen." ' Following this, the actual smoker will take place in the League ball- room, where tobacco and refreshments will be served. iegler urged that all medical students "make it a point to attend this traditional affair." next year, and an amendment to the constitution. a A full attendance is desired. Meeting open to the public at 4:200, when Mr. J L. Davis will speak on: The R-interpretation of 17th Century Comedy. Scabbard and Blade: Regular meet- ing Wednesday, May 9; 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Election of officers for the coming year. It is important that all members be present. Uni- form required. Alpha Nu will meet at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, in the Alpha Nu rooms, fourth floor Angell hall, for electionI of officers for net year. Pledges may vote upon payment of one dollar to-k ward their initiation fee. Comedy Club: There will be a meet- ing of the club Wednesday at 4:00 at which every member should be pres- ent. Reports for the year will be given anid full plans for elections the following week will be made. Freshman' Girls' Glee Club; Im- portant meeting Wednesday night at 7:00 sharp in preparation for a for- mal concert. All must be present. Luncheon For Gadute Students on Wednesday, May 9, at 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of the; Michigan League Building. Mr. John L. Brumm, Professor' of. Journaliss and Chairman of the Department of journalism will speak on the sub- ecet "In Pursuit of One's Chapeau." - _____ 4 f--.-- -. - ____ ADVERTISING P'hone2-14 Place advertisements With1 Classified Advertli 'lg Departmernt. The classified coluinus close at, five o'clock previous to day of insertions. Box Numbers mtay be secured at no extra charge. 'Cash in Aldvarice--1ic per reading Ilne (on basis of flee, average words to line) for one or two inscrtions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertios. Minimum three lines pei insertion, Telephone Rate--i5c per reading line for one or two insertions. 1:4 ' per readting ilne for three or more _insertions5. 10% discount if paid wlthin ten days from the date of last' iuserti. Minioin mthree lines per insertion. 13Y Contract, per line---2 lines daily, one 4 lines E.O.D.,2 month.;......3e 2 lines daily, college r.yer ....7 4 linws E. 0. D., college year .7c 100 lines used as desired . 300 lintes used as desired.......8ce 1,000' lines used as desired... 7c :2.000 lines used as desired ..6c 'lie above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading, lines per inzcl of 71,z point Tonic type, uipper and l ower ease. Add Oc per linq to above rates for aill capital letters. Add Gc per line to abodPe for hold face, upper anid 1'Wer case. Add 10 per line to Wbov:e rates for bold, face capital . letters. WANTED WiANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol- lars. Phone Annl Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. temiporary office. 200' North Main. 5x Alta nnni Council Mecetings Will Ie held At Union Two alumni council meetings are scheduled to take. place Friday and Saturday mornings at the Union, ac- cording to Wilfred R. S aaw, director of alumni relations. On IFriday, the alumni ad1visory council, headed by Judge H. S. Hul- bert of Detroit, will meet, to be fol- lowed by a similar meeting of the Alumni Program Council with W. D. McKenzie, as'its chairman. In addition President Alexander G. Ruthven, Dexter M. Ferry, and Mr. Shaw, acting secretary, will be pres- ent. FOR SALE , ,FOR SALE: One good Magganti solo violin. Reasonably priced. Also a ichild's violin for sale, 429 Fech. FOR SALE: Two May Festival tickets. Center, section, aisle seats. Phone 87P9, 447 TAXICABS 4l'ADIR CAIE4DVal 611f. Large cor- fortabl6 cabs. Standard rates. 2x TAXIPhone 9000. Seve-passenger clanr~O ta1ndrd rates. x LAUNDRY PERSONAL laundry service. We take individual interest in the laundry problem' of' our customners. Girls' silks, wools, and fine fabics guar- anteed. Men's shirts our specialty. JCall for and deliver. 2-3478, 594. 611 E.akoover. 9X LAlaND ,V 2-044. SOX. duGnd. Careful work at low price. 4x AUTO LOANS Al' Q RlIN ' ING. Bring your title Associated Motor Servies, Inc. 311 W. Huron Ph. 2.2001 12x FOR, RENT FOR 1 N : Out Packard a 7room mnodern houtse. Large Tot, garage, good& condition. Rasonabe.'Phone 9681. 448 TO SPEAK~ AT B~ATTLE CREEi "Dr. Harold W. Jacox of the ni- versity Hospital staff will1 speak be- fore the Leila Post Montgomeryv Hos- pital staff 'in Battle Creek on 'adia- tion Treatment of Cancer' 'Tuesday evening at 8 p.m."' hike bike boat or ;eo11 inluxury THROUGII E UROP E THIS SUMMER Your trip can be compleely arrangd baefreha ndd t ake advantage of Europe's gredtIl~f reduced Summer trave-coss Illustrated booklets cn ways ard means folditng bobs trips also) for the asking. Attendc the Pssion Play at berammerau; thre German Riailways give 1rdC fare redlucions to Passion Play visitors. Use Regiser Marks, obtainable on this side, and you hdve'anther saving-150 on all costs in Germany wherei living x- penses are low anyway. Visit Bayreuth; heatr Wagnerian opera in the shrine dedicated'to the moaster. IMPROVED CLASSES ON [ GERMAN SHIPS B5REMEN ard EUROPA-f stes to France, England, Germdny- have turned their luixuriou 2ndClass into TOURIST CLASS. Thir'd Class enaged and refurbished on the newly streamlined expresses H1AMBURG, ALBERT BALL IN, Nw YOI'1Q FE'J SCiLAND.: Summhker Voccation Scxiliqs $REM&N . .June I3 and July 1 EUROP .. Jue 19 and July 9 Hamnburg . Jun.21 AlbrBallln.Juno2 Now YorkJuy 4 Deutchland. July 12 He~it. ,.s. June 16 S. Louis .". June 23 Mlwaukee.June90SO Seben - .. July 5 A Special Sailing of the luxurious COLUMBUVS-June 30 To Ireland, rQlnd. rance, Germay Noew literature on new classes o1 accom- modations and new trips in old counties. ' Ask Authorized Local Travel/Agents or HAMBUR -A fERI AN LINIE NORTH GBERMAN LLOYD 'the Poor Rich' llilarioaus roadway Comedy Drama Starts Thurstday MICHIGAN TODAY MAJESTIC - - .. TODAY' They "took" and {'took. . o chance, bgq money, Hally-, wood's ,moguls, o new inter=, s0* +est in life, and finally-.the airl They ocve-a homeless little girl her happiness, a man the love. he needed :mpst I More laughs, tears and songs than the some pro. dinrs'"Sunirny Sid'e U0111 A -14with SPENCER TRACE "PAT"***PATERSON f COH, BOLES III 11