The Weather
Fair and slightly warmer
today. Tomorrow partly cloudy
and warmer.
II~~Afr gi
The Summer
VOL. XLIV No. 157
_ _
Students To
Have Part In
Will Have Same Chance As
Parents And Guests To
See Campus
Displays, Tours To
Fea tuire Week-End
Ann Arbor Is Again Mecca For
Famed Stars Of Music World
Brucker Will Give Talk
As Leading Feature Of
In order to make Spring Homecom-
ing this year as much a student event
as one for parents and guests, plans
for the three days are largely cen-
tering around the theory that it will
present to those now enrolled in the
University an opportunity to see their
own campus.
This aim is in addition to the prin-
cipal motive of the celebration - that
of welcoming and entertaining the
visitors who will come here over the
week-end. Homecoming begins Fri-
day and will end Sunday.
McCormick Is Chairman
Edward W. McCormick, '34, general
chairman of the Homecoming com-
mittee, said yesterday that members
of the group feel students here often
fail to take full advantage of the
opportunities which the numerous di-
visions of the University offer. "There
are many parts of the University
which students ordinarily may fail to
see under normal conditions," he
said, "and it is for this reason that
we are attempting to make the open
houses, displays, and tours as much
for them as for their guests."
Along the same principle of open-
ing the University over the week-end,
plans call for receptions in nearly 4l1
units of the campus. On Frida
parents and visitors will be admitted
to such classes as they may wish to
Reservations for the Family Ban-
quet are being made rapidly and it
is expected that it will be the largest
individual event of the week-end.
Julie Kane, '36, assistant chairman,
said that sororities and all indepen-
dent women are showing unusual in-
terest in the entire program, and are
particularly enthusiastic about the
Program Is Diversified
Wilbr M. Brucker, frmer governor
of the State, will deliver the principal
Numerous other features will be
included on the program for the ban-
quet and will be announced tomor-
row, Miss Kane said. An effort is be-
ing made to secure a great deal of
diversified talent for the entertain-
ment to be a part of the program.
Sunday will see culmination of
Homecoming, with many special plans
made in honor of mothers. It will also
be the first day of senior activities
and those in charge said that seniors
will carry the canes designating their
class for the first time on this day.
Enoland Opens
Trade War On
Japan Imports
U. S. Tariff Policy Enters
World Trade Debate In
House Of Commons
LONDON, May 7.-W)P)- An open
trade war with Japan was declared
today as the British government an-
nounced an "intensification" of com-
merce within the Empire.
The House of Commons applauded
as Walter Runciman, president of the
Board of Trade, outlined concisely his
government's decision to take what-
ever action "the government believes
necessary" to halt Japanese competi-
tion with British goods, particularly
textiles, within the British empire.
He hinted that the "battle" might
waged in other parts of the world as
In the debate following Mr. Runci-
man's announcement, J. H. Thomas,
secretary for dominions, replied to at-
tacks by Sir Herbert Samuel, liberal
leader, by reiterating the govern-
ment's empire free trade policy and
declaring that every effort will be
made to intensify the exchange of
products among dominions and col-
Mr. Thomas sharply attacked the
American economic defense policy.
Sir Herbert had praised Secretary
Ann Arbor, for the forty-first time,!
has become the mecca for musically-
minded individuals in all parts of the
country, and with the arrival of May
Festival week, hailed by critics
throughout the land as a period of
supreme importance, the world's
greatest stars are again turning to-
ward "the big little town in the mid-
dle west."
Chase Baromeo, who once knew
Ann Arbor as a home, was the first
of the May Festival stars to reach
here. He arrived Sunday afternoon.
Formerly a University student him-
self, it is only fitting that he should
spend a longer time on the campus
than his contemporaries whose visits
will be of a strictly musical nature.
Yesterday, possibly urged by the ar-
rival of Ann Arbor's belated spring,
Jeannette Vreeland, Paul Althouse,
and Coe Glade put in an appearance.
Miss Vreeland, soprano, and Miss
Glade, contralto, will not appear on
the program until Thursday, but,
like Mr. Althouse, tenor, they un-
doubtedly wished to be on hand for
the Festival opening Wednesday
Rosa Ponselle, who will present the
opening program, is expected to ar-
ilve sometime this afternoon from
New York. Eastbound trains will at
the same time bring Frederick Stock
and Eric DeLamarter from Chicago.
Wednesday morning, the Chicago
Symphony Orchestra, with Henry E.
Voegeli in charge, will arrive at Hill
Auditorium, and that afternoon Mis-
cha Levitzki, pianist, Guila Bustabo,
violinist, and Theodore Webb, bari-
tone, will also reach Ann Arbor. Lu-
crezia Bori, renowned soprano, will
arrive Thursday and will appear Fri-
day night.
Distinguished musicians from all
parts of the state, in the meantime,
will be converging at Ann Arbor to
attend the Festival and the forty-
seventh annual meeting of the Mich-
igan Music Teachers Association. Mu-
sic critics from many metropolitan
newspapers and professional music
journals, will arrive early this week
and guests from all parts of the coun-
try will start arriving Wednesday
Comstock SaysI
He Will Stay
In State Race
Denies Rumor That ie
Has Been Approached
For Federal Job
LANSING, May 7. - (P) - Gover-
nor Comstock returned to his desk
today, ruffled at what he termed a
"revolt" in . Democratic ranks but
determined not to withdraw from the
gubernatorial race.
The governor denied he had been
offered a federal appointment as a
bait to have him withdraw from the
governor's battle. He strongly indi-
cated he will be a candidate for re-
nomination and election but added
his fate was in the hands of the forth-
coming pre-primary convention.
'I have not been approaclied as to
a fedetal appointment," the Gover-
nor saift. "The first I heard about it
was in the newspapers. I have no
intention at this time of going after
a federal appointment and withdraw-
ing from the governor's race.
"It is all up to the pre-primary con-
vention as to whether I shall be a
candidate. That is what the pre-
primary is for.,
The pre-primary convention will
be held in Battle Creek June 19-20.
One candidate will be endorsed by the1
Democrats at that time for governor
and lieutenant-governor with a wide-
open field for United States senator.
The pre-primary leaves no legal bar
against other candidacies in the reg-
ular primary.
The Governor also took cognizance,
of reports that.Arthur J. Lacey, De-,
troit attorney, and auditor-general
John K. Stack, Jr., will run for gov-;
ernor. "That is all right," the Gov-
ernor said. "There is no reason whyI
they should not run if they want to."
Astronomers Will
Try To Prove That
Land Is Not Adrift
(By Intercollegiate Press)l
EVANSTON, Ill., May 7.- An at-
tempt is to be made once and for allE
to settle the theory that continents
are adrift.
Northwestern University astron-
omers, in conjunction with the staffs
of four other American and two
Canadian observatories, will make
observations, which are to be checked.
against similar observations to be
made ten years hence, when, if the
drift theory is correct, the continents
should be getting narrower.
Dr. Oliver J. Lee, director of Dear-
born Observatory, said the theory as-I
sumed that the crust of the earth had
broken open and drifted apart to t
form the bed of the oceans in the
early days of its formation. In the 1
test to be made the longitude at eachl
observing station will be determinedi
Co-operating observatories are to bec
those maintained by the government<
at Washington and San Diego, Calif.,
Indiana University and the Lick Ob-
servatory, and two Canadian astro-
nomical stations.
Sunderland Will Attend
Meetings In Washington
Michigan Men Hold1
Fourth Position In
.Mathematics Field
According to a study which ap-
peared in a recent issue of "School
and Society," the University has 33
graduates who have become promi-
nent in the field of mathematics, thus
ranking fourth in the list of American
colleges and universities whose alum-
ni have become prominent in that
field. Membership in the American
Mathematical Society was taken as
the criterion of prominence.
The University of California shares
fourth place in the list with Michi-
gan, while Harvard, with 66 of its
former students belonging to the
Mathematical society, ranks first, the
study shows. The University of In-
diana is next with 37 and the Uni-
versity of Chicago third with 34.
Other high ranking universities are
Cornell with 30, Brown and Yale with
27 each; Columbia, 24; Wisconsin,
23; and Texas, 21.
Trouble With
Local Finances
Seedm By Solomis!
Routine business and admonitions
that presage financial embarrassment
for Ann Arbor on August 1 marked an
unusually prolonged session of the
Common Council last night.
Ordinances relating to milk, slaugh-
ter houses, and liquor sales were
passed on their next readings. An or-
dinance for the enforcement of the
charter provision for the restriction
of the sale of beer each of Division,
Street, except in drug stores, passed
its first reading. It was drawn up at
this time because a chain grocery
company applied for permission to sell
beer in an East-side market; permis-
sion will be withheld.
Because reduced current and delin-
quent tax returns have fallen. con-
siderably short of expectations, a
$100,000 bond issue which will come
due on August 1 will force the city
to juggle a few accounts to retain its
perfect record of meeting its debts.
The water committee, which was
expected to report last night on the.
comparative cost of a softening plant
for the present system of well water
and a system utilizing Huron River
water, requested more time to con-
sider the problem.
Professor's Son Wins
Honor At Battle Creek
Adrian LaRue, a junior at Univer-
sity High School and son of Prof. and
Mrs. Carl LaRue, was recommended
for a full $250 scholarship to the na-
tional high school orchestra camp at
Interlochen, Michigan, after partici-
pating Saturday in the Michigan
State Festival at Battle Creek along
with 1,200 other high school musi-
cians. The award was made in rec-
ognition of his solo work in piano and
FERA Students To Get
Extra Time In June
Contrary to a prevalent rumor,
extra time will be allowed for
FERA workers in June, it was an-
New Courses
In Radio Will
Be Presented
University to Give Credit
For Work Offered By
Speech Department
Morris Hall Studio
Will Be Classroom
Densmore, Abbott, Eich
Will Direct Classes Of
Varied Type
Courses in radio broadcasting, us-
ing the facilities of the University
Broadcasting Station, will be offered
by the speech department in the fu-
ture, it has been announced. The new
courses will start. in the fall.
The series of three-hour courses
has been arranged primarily for stu-
dents interested in radio speaking
and announcing and for teachers who
will receive educational broadcasts
in their classroomis of the future.
The broadcastig studio in Morris
Hall has been ,equipped with an
amplifier, loud speaker, and a micro-
phone, and will be used as a labora-
tory for all the classes. It will pro-
vide students with an opportunity to
become accustomed to the studio
atmosphere and receive instruction
in microphone tehnique.
Eich To Teach Dramatics
In a course to Ie known as Speech
131-132, Prof. .ail Densmore will
teach pronunciati n, enunciation, dic-
tion, and deliver j. This one-semester
course will be a jrerequisite for fur-
ther study in bro dcasting and will be
presented during both semesters aid
in the Summer ession. Prof. Waldo
Abbott will ass student speakers
before the micrphone in the an-
nouncer's booth nd Professor Dens-
more will criticiz the speeches as re-
ceived by classe in the adjoining
Speech 136, Radio Reading and
Dramatics, will be presented the sec-
ond semester by Prof. Lewis Eich and
will include a stud of dramatic radi
programs, the compositdn of radio
plays and dramatizations. This class
will be held in the broadcasting studio
and finished dramatic presentations
may be broadcast over Station WJR.
Professor Abbott will co-operate
with Professor Eich in these classes
and the studio will be available at all
hours for rehearsals, auditions, and
for the development of essential sound
May Hear Own Speeclies
Speech 151 will be taught by Pro-
fessor Abbott and will include con-
tinuity writing, program building,
studio management, analysis of radio
reception, and a study of education
by radio. One section of this course
will observe methods of teaching
music by radio, under the direction of
Dr. Joseph E. Maddy.
Course 152, which will be offered
the second semester, will consist of a
study of program types with particular
attention to educational, dramatic,
news, and advertising programs. En-
rollment in both courses will be lim-
ited and all students will be given
practical experience in announcing
and speaking. Assistant announcers
for the regular programs of the Uni-
versity will be chosen from this class
and students will prepare laboratory
programs which will be broadcast
over Station WJR.
It is anticipated that additional
equipment will permit sound record-
ing which will allow the student to
hear and correct his own speech de-
fects. Professor Abbott attended the
fifth Institute for Education by Radio
held at Ohio State University this
past week and arranged with other
universities to exchange electrical
transcriptions of programs which will
enable students to study methods of
radio education. Foremost among
other universities which now present
courses in radio broadcasting are Ohio
State, Iowa, Kansas, Wisconsin, and
Contests Will Open
In PoetryReading
The preliminaries of the annual
University Poetry Reading Contest
will' be held at 7 p.m., May 14, in
Room 302 Mason Hall. The best
readers will be selected to take part
in the finals, which will be held
May 23.
Students who are going to partici-
pate are Grace Bartling, '36, Louise
Ogens, '36, Constance Myers, '37,
Morton Adinoff, '35, Helen Wright,
'35, Alvin Schleifer, '35, Janet Nea-
Council Will
Select Head,
Judicial Body
Interfraternity Group To
Disclose New Secretary.
ireasurer At Meeting
nushing Fee To Be
Voted On Tonight
Will Reconsider Forming
Of Board For Hearing
RushingRule Violations
Delegates to the Interfraternity
Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. today
in the Union to elect a president and
judiciary committee for the coming
year. The president will be chosen
from two candidates whose names
will be made, public at the meeting.
At that time the ballots for the po-
sition of secretary-treasurer which
were cast by members of the Judici-
ary Committee will be opened and
the name of the new secretary-trea-
surer will be announced.
Other business which will come be-
fore the meeting will deal with the'
rushing season of next fall, including
the consideration of a substitute for
the Indictment Board rule which the
Judiciary Committee has rejected and
proposals to assess a rushing fee and
to improve attendance at council
Balk on Faculty Board
The rule which the Judiciary Com-
mittee has refused to pass called for
a bogd composed of the faculty
members of the Judiciary Committee
to consider evidence of alleged viola-
tions of the rushing rules and will be
returned to the council with the rec-
ommendation that they change the
rule to permit any single member -
faculty or student - to hear com-
plaints and evidence of alleged vio-
lations and report to the Judiciary
Committee, which would then appoint
a special committee to investigate
the case before action was taken.
The name of the complainant will be
kept secret.
Whatever action is taken will have
to meet with ,the approval of both
the Judiciary Committee and the
Senate Committee on Student Af-
The attention of the delegates will
also be called to a proposal to assess
a fee of 50 cents from each freshman
who wishes to be rushed, the money
so obtained to be used to reduce the
dues whicli each house must pay.
Will Catalogue Freshmen
The committee submitting the rec-
ommendation has pointed out that
the assessment, while not large
enough to act as a definite check on
the ability of any freshman to be
rushed, will enable the houses to have
at their disposal early in the rushing
season an accurate catalogue of the
A committee, under the chairman-
ship of Louis W. Westover, '34, is ex-
pected to present a report on a meth-
od of getting better attendance at
council meetings. Estimated attend-
ance for the year has been set at
slightly more than 60 per cent of all
member houses.
Members of the Judiciary Com-
mittee will be chosen in accordance
with groups which were chosen by
Tot several years ago. Since the pres-
ident represents his own group, four
other members will be elected by the
members of each respective group.
At Last Co-Eds Proved
Brighter Than Chorines
BOSTON, Mass., May 7- Are co-
eds brighter than chorus girls?
A positive answer to this question
had to be taken for granted until re-
cently when it was proved at Boston
Six show girls from a vaudeville re-
vue took an intelligence test with five
Boston University co-eds.
It was found that the average in-
telligence quotient of the chorus girls
was 108 and the Boston University
girls averaged 117.
Membership Of
Council WillBe
Decided o o n
Automatic App oin t ments
Remove Positions From
Politics, Says Bursley
Membership in the Undergraduate
Council. foremost student governing
organization, is determined at this
time each year through automatic
appoin'tments, Gilbert E. Bursley,
president of the Council, said yester-
day, in explaining th body's forma-
The leading members of student
activities and honorary societies, both
men and women, become members of
the body without any election occur-
ing, he said.
Presidents Become Members
The presidents of the three senior
honorary societies, Michigamua, Dru-
ids, and Mortarboard, become mem-
bers. Publications are represented
by the managing editor of the Michi-
gan Daily. Other bodies represented
are Vulcans, senior honorary society
in the engineering college; Sphinx,
junior honorary society in the liter-
ary college; Triangles, junior honor-
ary society in the engineering college;
Tau Beta Pi, scholastic honorary so-
ciety in the engineering college; Sen-
ior Society, senior honorary society
for independent women; and Wyvern,
junior women's honorary society.
The president of the Union, the
president of the League, the presi-
dent of Panhellenic Association, the
president of the Engineering Coun-
cil, and the past presidents of Sphinx,
Triangles, and Wyvern are also mem-
Give Body Continuity
The past presidents of Sphinx, Tri-
angles, and Wyvern are kept on the
Council, Bursley said, in order to give
the body a continuity it might other-
wise lack.
The constitution provides further
that at least two members of the
Council must be non-fraternity men.
The present manner of forming the
Council was evolved at this time last
year when elected members of the
Student Council, former student gov-
erning body, resigned, thereby ter-
minating the usefulness of the Coun-
cil. The new body was formed with
the idea of divorcing its membership
from campus politics.
Market Thief Gets
15 Years In Prison
Within 24 hours of being arrested
for breaking an entering the General
Market, 113 East Washington St., and
taking nearly $200, Robert C. Brown.
34 years old, Detroit was sentenced to
15 years imprisonment in Jackson
State Prison by Circuit Judge George
W. Sample.
Met by patrolmen as he emerged
from the market with $199.99 con-
cealed underneath his coat, Brown
confessed readily to the crime.
Jail B(
Former Utilities Magnate
May Be Asked To Post
Court Lodges Two
Formal Warrant
Fugitive's Son Discloses
Friends Are Prepared To
Raise $150,900
CHICAGO, May 7.-()>-High bail
or jail face Samuel Insull on his re-
turn home tomorrow.
Conferring while Insull's guards
brought him from New York today,
the Federal prosecutors announced
through Joseph B. Keenan, special
United States Assistant Attorney Gen-
eral, that they thought bail of $200,-
000 would not be too high.
"Mr. Insull has continuously man-
ifested a desire to avoid facing the bar
of justice," said Mr. Keenan. "He
seems to have been in possession of
ample funds, even-" recalling the
fallen utility king's flight from Greece,
leaving United States officials empty
handed - "to the extent of hiring a
Judge To Name Bail
What bond the utility operator must
put up to guarantee that he will ap-
pear for trial on the four criminal
charges against him will be up to a
"We do not think $200,000 would be
unreasonable," said Mr. Keenan,
speaking for himself and Forrest Har-
ness, assistant attorney general,
"especially since the government has
been put to great expense and effort
in procuring Mr. Insull's return to the
United States."
Bench warrants for Insull's arrest
were issued today by United States
District Judge Philip L. Sullivan. They
summon him to trial on the two
charges which the Federal govern-
ment has lodged against him - that
he was a party to defrauding investors
by mail, in selling paper of Corpora-
tion Securities, Inc., and that he mis-
handled something like $100,000,000
of that company's funds, after it was
hopelessly bankrupt, with the inten-
tion of concealing the company's
ragged financial condition.
CHICAGO, May 7.--(P)-Back home
to Chicago, back to the courtroom de-
nouement of the collapse of his vast
domain of utilities, Samuel Insull rode
The fugitive - cheerful in his cus-
tody, seemingly in good health, chip-
per and spry despite -his 74 years-
landed in the United States early to-
day, after his two years of flight about
Europe, full of fight.
Soon after he was taken aboard
a Government cutter at down from
.he S.S. Exilona, as it lay to the far
Ade of Ambrose Lightship, Insull
showed his aggressive mood in his first
"I am here in America to make the
most important fight of my life -
aot only for freedom, but for complete
Calls Mistakes "Honest"
"I made mistakes, but they were
honest mistakes. They were errors of
judgment, but not dishonest manipu-
Samuel Insull, Jr., permitted by
he government to journey down the
ay from New York on the cutter,
greeted his father, was at his side most
'f the day and aboard the train to-
night discussed the arranging of bail
in Chicago.
Before the Insull party boarded the
rain at Princeton Junction, N.J.,
after a whirlwind automobile trip
across the rolling New Jersey Coastal
Hills from Ft. Hancock, where the
risoner was landed, young Insull dis-
-losed he and family friends were pre-
eared to raise bail up to $150,000.
Dean Of New York
CollegeHangs Self
HOUGHTON, N. Y., May 7.--(JP)
-Dr. Willard Lavay Fancher, 46
years old, Dean of Houghton College,
a co-educational school, hanged him-
self in his home today.
His wife said he had suffered a
Insull To
Face Big
Scramble For Increased Arms
Given Boost By World Policies
GENEVA, May 7.-(P)-A scramble
for increased arms strength has been
given impetus, say observers of the
world armament picture by the Fran-
co-German deadlock and Japan's far
eastern policies.
Reports keep coming into Geneva
from world capitals of added activity
to increase military power.
The failure of France and Ger-
many to reach an agreement on
armaments has proved the major
stumbling block to an accord on dis-
armament in Europe, while Japan's
intentions in eastern Asia have
aroused anxiety among leaders in
many lands.
A survey conducted in authorita-
tive quarters has revealed that only
two nations, Switzerland and Great
Britain show a decrease in army
force within the last three years by
65,000, though employing civilians to
do work formerly assigned to soldiers.
Germany-Increased her 1934 army
and navy budget from $268,000,000 tc
about $358,000,000 and her aviation
budget from $28,000,000 to $84,000,-
Russia - Increased her armies from
562,000 to 678,000 since 1932.
Japan - Increased land, naval and
air forces by 100,000 to 456,000 since
U. S. Builds Up Navy
The United States is among the
leaders in the building up of navies.
Great Britain has built or authorized
naval craft up to 94 per cent of treaty
strength; Japan up to 981/ per cent.
Many nations are looking to the air
lanes in building up their defensive