THE MICHIGAN DAILY ogle Homes 'o Be Popular, Bennett States Officers Disarmed By Dillinger Gunmen ,' linimizes Present Trend To Apartment Building; Describes Future House A great impetus in single house' building within the next few years is predicted by Professor Wells Ben- nett, associate professor of architec- ture in the architectural college. "Although there is a tendency to- wards the favoring of apartments at the present time, nevertheless a ma- jority of the nation's total popula- tion lives in single houses," Profes- sor Bennett said. "The single house amounts almost to a tradition in America - much more so than on, the continent. In Europe the favored plan is to rent or lease. In the United States the goal of the people is to own their own home, "Along with the increased activity in home-building in the near fu- ture, I expect to see developed and perfected a practical factory-manu- factured house, a house which may be assembled on the spot in one day. Houses will then be put out on the same basis as are automobiles at the present time. The day will come when a man may rent a piece of property, erect his house for a length of time, and then take his house with him when he decides to move. "Of course there will have to come about many new methods of construc- tion. With the invention of new me- chanical devices such as the electric refrigerator, the oil-burning furnace, air-cooling units and others, people have been anxious to install these im- provements, but have neglected to modify the house accordingly. Men still build colonial houses and then try to modernize them by adding these scientific labor-savers." The new factory-built house will have to switch from this system, ac- cording to Professor Bennett.hThe plumbing, heating, cooling, lighting, refrigeration, will have to be incor- porated as a part of the house itself. They will have to be so designed and fitted to the general plan of the house as not to interfere with easy transporting of the dissembled home or rapid piece-by-piece assemblage, hie said. "Up to the present, all work on fac- tory-built homes has proceeded on too narrow a basis. Experiments have been too much influenced by other inter- ests, whether they be wood, steel, brick or fabrication, to be very successful. Several companies are now, however, working on schemes of a flexible structure which would not only-give variety to the patterns, but would per- mit the adoption of the structure to the local conditions. "Such homes would, of course, ap- peal only to the man of small in- come, to whom they would be a great blessing. However, with subsequent improvement and refinement, the factory-built house may eventually be made to appeal even to the wealthier families." -Associated Press Photo These policemen of Bellwood, Ill., Chicago suburb, were disarmed after a running gun battle with four men believed to have been members of the elusive Dillinger band of desperadoes. Left to right: Lieut. Joseph llagemeister, Patrolman Gus Nance and Harry Wayland, whose head is bandaged where he was clipped by a machine gun wielded by a man believed to have been Homer Van Meter, associate of John Dil- linger. The policemen pursued the gang car, caught up with it at a filling station, only to run into a battery of machine guns. Survey Shows Activities Man Succeeds Oftener Than Scholar e gian Ruler Was Murdered, Briton Charges Colonel Hutchison Claims Tap On Head Was Caise Of KingAlbert's Death NOTTINGHAM, England, May 5.- (/P) -King Albert of Belgium did not was killed by being "tapped on the meet death in an accidental fall, but back of the head," Col. Graham Seton Hutchison told the Nottingham Writ- ers' club Friday night, according to the Nottingham Journal. Col. Hutchison, author and pub- licist, has written a number of books and plays under the name of Graham Seton. Describing the story of King Al- bert's death, Feb. 17, as the "biggest piece of spoof put over on the world in the last six months," Iutchison is reported to have said:f "He did not die as a result of an Alpine accident, believe me. "I know the facts: "This spoof was put over by plan- ning perjury in such a way that it is simply baffling to intelligent peo- ple." "The story of Albert's death was issued in Belgium before he was dead. A man with a rope around his waist does not go climbing by himself." Laymen Arie To Take Over Five Pulpits Today (Continued From Page 1) the Commissioners in the Orient for a personal study of the mission fields. Dr. Charles P. Emerson of Indian- apolis will speak at the 10:45 service of the Congregational church where he will be introduced by the Rev. Al- lison Ray Heaps. A graduate of Am- herst and Johns Hopkins Colleges and of the Universities of-Strassburg, Basel, and Paris, Dr. Emerson has had a distinguished career in the medical profession and has been Dean of the Indiana University School of Medi- cine since 1911. The guest speaker at St. Andrew's Episcopal church will be Dr. Frederic C. Woodward, Vice-President and Dean of the Faculties at the Univer- sity of Chicago. Dr. Woodward will speak at the 11 a.m. service. Edu- cated in law at Cornell University, Dr. Woodward served as Dean of Law at Leland Stanford UniveIsity for eight years prior to joining the faculty of the University of Chicago in 1916. His administrative capacity led to his appointment to the Vice- Presidency of this institution in 1926.1 A great union service in which many of the Ann Arbor churches are co-operating has been arranged for 8 'p.m. today at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. At this time the four com- missioners will be heard in a sym- posium of "Re-Thinking Missions," the Laymen's Report. *Ministers and lay missionary leaders in the city are anticipating this opportunity to hear a first hand description of the foreign missions program. I Commission I - Oxford Pledge Militarism In Education "I will1not support my country in any war it may conduct." (Passed) (a ) This group is opposed to mil- itarism in education in any form whatever, voluntary or compulsory, and accordingly pledges itself to work for the abolition of all military units nOw existing in Michigan high schools and colleges. (Passed) (b) We support all means of anti- war education and the true causes of war in schools and colleges. (Passed) (c) We object to official sanction of military organizations in schools and colleges as unrelated to the purposes of education. (Passed) (d) We are opposed to retrench- ment in education and therefore ad- vocate that all funds for military edu- cation be used for non-military edu- cation and needy students. (Passed) (e) We condemn the expulsion and other discriminatory action of Uni- versity officials in expelling students from their opposition to military training and urge the re-instatement of the students expelled. (Massed) (f) We urge immediate discontinu- ance of the practice of sending out ramphlets urging incoming freshmen to join the R.O.T.C. (Passed) (g) We urge the appointment of an editing committee which will draft a summarizing statement presenting the 15 arguments against militarism in education, which will be sent to in- coming freshmen. (Passed) (h) We condemn the official ad- ministrative action in forcing students to sign so-called "yellow dog" con- tracts stating that no cause need be shown by the administration for dis- ciplinary action. (Passed) Commission II--Imperialism and War: (a) We oppose the interference of American imperialists in the Far East, in Latin America, and espe- cially we call for the revocation of the Platt Amendment in the case of Cuba, and we oppose the armed sup- pression and exploitation of Colonial peoples*verywhere. (Passed) R (b) We favor unconditional accept- ance without armed intervention or retaliation of laws which other na- tions may make regarding American investments in their respective coun- tries. (Passed unanimously) Commission III - Fascism And War: (a) To oppose all development leading to Fiscism in this country and abroad, and especially in Ger- many; to oppose the increasingly widespread use of the armed forces against the workers, farmers and the special terrorizing and suppression of Negroes in their attempts to maintain a decent standard of living; to oppose the growing encroachments upon the civil liberties of these groups as a growing fascination of our so-called "democratic" government (Passed) (b) To form committees of action against war and fascism in every im- portant center and industry, particu- larly in the basic war industries: to secure the support- for this program of all organizations seeking to prevent war, paying special attention to labor, veterans, unemployment and farmer organizations. (Passed) (c) It is hereby resolved that this convention go on record as objecting to the recent refusal of Detroit police to permit the 38 U. of M. students to ride about Detroit on May 1, 1934 and as objecting to the brutal treatment, accorded the students by the Detroit police, and that a letter of censure in the name of this convention be dis-' re Anti-War Resolutions ]'I patched to the mayor of Detroit, and a similar letter be dispatched to the Commissioner of Police of the City of Detroit. Commission IV - Mounting Arna- ments and War Prevention: (a) To oppose and expose every- where the extensive preparations for war being carried on under the guise Sof aiding National Recovery. (a) To support the stopping of the manufacture of and transport of those things which contribute to the de- struction of human life, through mass demonstration, picketing and strikes. (c) To initiate and support con- gressional and other investigations, control and licensing of armament makers. (d) To support the proposal of total universal disarmament recently ad- vanced by the Soviet Union, because it is a direct attack upon mounting armaments And the machinery of war. General Resofutions: (a) To affiliate with the American League Against War and Fascism. (b) To set up a permanent con- Unittee from the Michigan League Against War at Ann Arbor and a gen- eral committee to include one repre- sentative from each high school and college. (c) We go on record as opposing the discrimination against the student from Michigan State College for be- ing refused admittance because of his conscientious objection to War and Militarism. flv LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THE ATRE 1934 Dramatic Season. s WEEKS - MAY 14 through JUNE 16 - 6 PLAYS GALA OPENING 'THE BHONiTFES MONDAY, MAY 14 with VIOLET KEMBLE-COOPER and ELIZABETH RISDON Season Tickets: $3, $4, $6, Alumnae Council Office, League Bldg. Box Office Open, Wednesday, May 9, 10 A.M. "The performance of "Charlotte, Emily and Anne" is worthy of the interest that Milwaukee is manifesting for its Dramatic Festival, and is evidence that the Festival is under able direction." --CHARLES COLLINS, Chicago Tribune (Contiuied From Page 1) most exactly one-half, are educators. That is, they are either college pro- fessors, deans, or other administra- tive officers of American universities from coast to coast. Michigamna for Business On the other hand, business is the particular forte of the Michigamua graduates, for 73 of their 188 success- ful graduates tabulated are company executives, managers, superinten- dents, or hold other high positions in commerce and industry. The next largest group is made up of attorneys, there being 25 of them among the former campus activity men. The list also includes 15 bankers, 11 public officials, 8 writers, 7 educators, 7 physicians, 5 engineers, and 2 scien- tists. The second largest group other than educators in the Phi Beta Kappa list is made up of attorneys, as isthe case with the activity graduates. There are 14 bar members among the scho- lastic honor men, 12 more in general business occupations, 10 writers and publishers, 3 physicians, 3 scientists, 3 public officials, 1 banker, and 1 member of the clergy. Two Are Farmers On each list there is one graduate whose present occupation is farming. Alumni of both groups who are on campus at present insisted when the survey was first planned that, re- gardless of the result of the percent- age tabulation, they have the most fa- mous individual members in their or- ganizations. No means of measuring this were discovered, however, so it had to remain a point for each side. Incidental to checking the names, it was found that Frank G. Murphy, '12, governor-general of the Philippine Islands, a' member of Michigamua, has combined the advantages of both groups by taking one member of each along in his "official family." Ed- ward G. Kemp, '12, legal adviser to Governor General Murphy, is an alumnus of both Phi Beta Kappa and Michigamua, and Normal H. Hill, '10, also a Michigamua alumnus, is an- other official in the government. As conclusions, the following might be assumed from the evidence gath- ered: Michigamua Has Adds If you are a follower of extra-cur- ricular activities and reach Michi- gamua the chances are that you will achieve distinction in your field with- in 20 years after you graduate - at least 85 out of every 100 of you will. On the other hand if you're enough of a student to become a member of Phi Beta Kappa your chance is 80 out of 100. Also, if you're in the former group the chances are that you'll become either a business man or an attorney, while if you follow the latter prece- dent you're almost predestined to be- come either an educator or, again, an attorney. So, take your choice. Be only a student, but a good one, here and either an educator or a lawyer later- be in activities here and business or the legal profession later. I1 i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 4 FIRST NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Established 1863 (Continued from Page 2) the Faculty Women's Club final meet- ing of the year, Monday, May 7, at the home of Mrs. R. W. Hammett, 1425 Pontiac Road. A supper will be served at 6:30 p.m. followed by a business meeting and program. Graduate Students of Political Sci- ence: Professor Calderwood has kind- ly agreed to meet with the graduate students of political science for an informal discussion at 7:30 p.m., Monday, May 7, Room 222, in the Union. Oldest National Bank In Michigan Every Banking Service Available Domestic - - - Foreign Under U. S. government Supervision Member Federal Reserve System I. '- - - - PRINTING PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE YOU! THE ATHENS PRESS Downtown -206 North Main St. Dial 2-1013 Next to Downtown Postolifce Typewriting Paper at Reduced Prices w' ___ _.. .' - ___ ------'--'---' . - ____,. I -t '- ___ .. rrr r r r WA NatureFilBok (PUTNAM'S) A series of non-technical books designed for the nature lover, and made in a form suitable for field work. Each work is lavishly illustrated with colored plates and drawings in black and white. -a A CHOCOLATES 60U on 040" A delightfully designed package for Mother's very own, containing full assortment of Moth- er's favorite pieces. We guarantee the supreme quality of these marvelous chocolates which we offer at fifty cents a pound. 9797 UJorth University at Thayer SPORT SHOES Beebe & Tee-van - Field Book of Shore Fishes of Berm uda 3.50 assortment we have ever buy see our new styles. I Alexander - Birds of the Ocean Anthony - North American Mammals. Armstrong - Western Wild Flowers. Breder - Marine Fishes of the Atlantic Coast. Durand -Wild Flowers in their own and our gardens. Eliot - Birds of the Pacific Coast ..... . . . Longyear - Trees & Shrubs of the Rocky Mountains. Loomis - Common Rocks & Minerals. Lutz -Field Book of Insects.. Mathews - American Trees and Shrubs, American Wild Flowers . . .. . . . Mathews -Wild Birds & their Music Morgan - Field Book of Ponds & Streams. Olcott & Putnam - Field Book of the Skies. Sturgis - Birds of Panama Canal Zone ... . Thomas - Common Gilled Mushrooms Mathews - Book of Wild Flowers for Young People. Mathews -Book of Birds for Young People... Olcott - Field Book of Stars for Young People. SPECIAL PRICE TO LIBRARIES, AT $3.50 5.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 The finest and largest shown. Before youI $3.95 $4.95 $5.95 11 4/71 _.__.._.._..__.__._.. ....__.u._._.._......__ ®..._____._........_ ....__ ._ r Campus Bootery 304 South State WAHR'S BOOKSTORES STATE STREET MAIN STREET I m ON in i a o or I --w ! rid ' a Alex Says- -c. ..(I II W Ar - - - m I - 000984%, pbmh,.q.qt% A "*1 Alex will be seem' you at the A f..C that the- 11 aYirV_ 1 1- W . I