The Weather Possibly local showers and cooler today; tomorrow cloudy and cooler. Y Bit igan jIait r2I Iri rm '' rju ori is Vulcans Disturb The Peace. . Another Kind Of Cramming. . I, VOL. XLIV No. 155 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS Says U. S. Should Be In League Nash, Toledo President, Speaks In Symposium Against Warfare Two Sessions Yet Of Anti-War Group Eby, Cole, Cama, Rohn, Cannon Are Others On Peace Program By JOHN FLAHERTY "The real vay to find peace is by bringing pressure to bear upon Con- gress and forcing it to make the United States a member of the League of Nations and the World Court," Philip Nash, president of University of Toledo, said last night in opening the Anti-War Conference symposi- um in Natural Science Auditorium. Other speakers expressed widely di- verging views on ways to bring peace to the world in the symposium en- titled "Why War?" The various speakers were introduced by Mrs. Alfred Lee Klaer, who was chairman of the meeting. Mr. Nash described two different philosophies, both of which ostensibly have the aim of preventing war. The first is the philosophy of the militar- ist, who wishes to build an army and navy so large that no nation will dare attack the United States and this country will not attack them. The other philosophy, which, according to President Nash is a true one, is that which urges disarmament and find- ing substitutes for war as a means of settling disputes between nations. President Nash said that all stu- dents should sign petitions demand- ing United States' membership in the League. Describes U. S.-Japan Problem The next speaker was Kermit Eby, instructor in the Ann Arbor High School, who spoke on "A Program for Peace in the Far East." Mr. Eby said the most important factor of bringing peace to the Far East was the understanding of the oriental by Americans. He described the conflicting policies of the United States and Japan in the Far East, and said that Japan wishes to consider herself the sole protector of China, while the United States is still pushing its "open-door" policy. Mr. Eby feels that either the United States must recognize the priority of Japan in the East or protect the American position with force. He said that the wiser course would be for this country to recognize the claims of Japan, and reconsider its position, pointing out that the United States had only $250,000,000 invested in the East and this was in the hands of a few. Condemns Sentimental Pacifism Mr. Eby condemned the American attitude of superiority toward the Japanese, and made a plea for repeal of the exclusion act, saying that the Japanese were just as far on the road of civilization as the United States and in many respects were superior. Prof. L. E. Cole of Oberlin College threw a bombshell into the sympo- sium by striking a militant note in his condemnation of the sentimental and futile efforts of most pacifists. He described members of the Daughters of the American Revolution as de- scendants of ancestors who fought oppression, but who have lost most of the qualities of their ancestors except the war-like attitude. Professor Cole said that the League of Nations and the World Court were inadequate as mediums of promoting peace as were most of the pacifistic organizations. He said the true hater of war must choose between either the socialistic pacifism, which has a bad record, or become a communist, which is mili- tant, and renounce his pacifism. Criticizes CCC, R.O.T.C. Carl Cannon. '34, a member of the National Student League, spoke on "Student Action Regarding War." He described the activities of the National Student League against war and was vehement in his condemnation of the CCC camps and the R.O.T.C. He para- phrased the initials CCC to read Can- non-fodder Conveniently Conscripted. The conference will have two ses- sions today, one at 9:30 a.m. and the other at 3 p.m. In the morning session U. S. Chamber Of Commerce Criticizes Details Of New Deal WASHINGTON, May 4. - (A) - Resolutions which criticized details of the Roosevelt program but re- frained from any assault upon it as a whole were adopted today by the Chamber of Commerce of the United States at its final session. The Chamber demanded revision of the Securities Act and tempering of proposed stock market regulation, but "be careful" admonitions summed up its reference to NRA and the Farm Administration. Secretary Henry A. Wallace, one of the final speakers, said that the cot- ton program was an instance of Farm Administration success. He said fur- ther restrictions on agriculture might be necessary but criticized indirectly limitation on industrial output. The Chamber-members had before them the admonition by President Franklin hD.Roosevelt that it was time to "stop crying 'wolf'" and "to co-operate in working for recovery and for the continued elimination of evil conditions of the past." Members said, however, that the Chief Executive's communication had no effect on the resolutions adopted and that a moderate, middle-of-the- road policy had been in the minds of the majority from the first. The request for the modification of the Securities Act was perhaps the most strongly worded but removal of "restrictions" in banking laws waE urged; traditional opposition to Gov- Program For Homecoming Is DraWn Up To u r s, Sports, Banquet Are Offered Visitors On Week-End Classes Are To Be Opened To Public Baseball With Ohio State And Tennis With Oberlin Are On Schedule With Spring Homecoming sched- uled for next week end, May 11, 12, and 13, plans dealing with all phases ._ of the event are being rushed to com- pletion in anticipation of one of the SEC. HENRY A. WALLACE largest crowds of visitors in recent years. ,rnment interference with private Edward W. McCormick, '34, gen- 'usiness reaffirmed; proposed unem- eral chairman of the Homecoming Committee, said yesterday that every ployment insurance legislation was effort is being made to makeethis assailed; Federal emergency expendi- a reception and celebration that will tures questioned; amendments to the not soon be forgotten. To this end pending revenue bill were urged; a the committee is attempting to in- lhange in the wheat processing tax elude in its program enough variety Proposed and continuance of the tem- to provide parents and other visitors dorary plan for insuring bank de- posits recommended. 1 Churches Here Are To Present' LaySpeakers Educators Scheduled To Fill Pulpits Of Five Ann Arbor Churches Sunday Prominent laymen from various parts of the United States will speak tomorrow in five of Ann Arbor's churches on the Laymen's Foreign Mission Field Day. The speakers, all educators of note, are Dr. William E. Hocking of Har- vard University in the First Metho- dist Church; Dr. Charles P. Emerson, dean of the Indianapolis School of Medicine, in the Congregational Church; Dr. Frederic Woodward, vice president of the University of Chicago, in St. Andrew's Episcopal Church; Dr. Orville A. Petty of Yale University in the Church of Christ, Disciples; and Mrs. William H. Hock- ing, a specialist in education, in the Baptist Church. With the exception of the one in the Congregational Church, all these lectures begin at 10:45 a. m. The Congregationalists meet at 11:00 a. m. These lectureres are members of the appraisal commission of the Lay- men's Foreign Missions Inquiry, and have spent some time in the Orient investigating conditions. The Field Day will be concluded with a symposium on the report of the inquiry in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 8 p. m. Dr. Hocking, Henry Martin Loud Foundation Lecturer, will lead a discussion on "Re-Thinking Missions." Regent Junius E. Beal will preside. RHO CHI HOLDS INITIATION Three seniors and one graduate stu- dent of the Pharmacy School were initiated into the Rho Chi, Pharmacy honorary society last night at a ban- quet held at the Union. Rolland Feld- lamp, '34P, George Reith, '34P, Flor- ence Hartsuff, '34P, and John Monroe, Grad., were those initiated. Dr. U. G. Rickert of the Dental School gave the main address. .JohnsonWarns Against Critics Of New Deal Says Proponents Of Old System Try To Divide SupportersOf NRA COLUMBUS, 0., May 4. - (Y') - A declaration that enemies of NRA might succeed in scuttling the whole recovery program if its supporters allowed themselves to split into quar- reling groups, was made here tonight by Gen. Hugh S. Johnson. Speaking before a mass meeting in the Ohio State Stadium, and over a National Broadcasting Co. radio net- work, General Johnson defended the NRA against the whole line of critics, taking up one by one; farmer oppo- sition, charges of "little fellow" op- pression, and monopoly and big busi- ness domination of codes, replying to each with arguments sprinkled with such phrases as "arrant buncombe" and "supreme moonshine." "They are wealthy, powerful, and they do not scatter their shots," said Johnson of the "enemies." "They all want just one thing, and they know exactly what they want- to scuttle the whole recovery pro- gram, make the Blue Eagle walk the plank, hoist the Jolly Roger on the ship of state, and sail back to the good old piracy that brought the crash of 1929 and all that has hap- pened since. "With the numerical odds so hope- lessly against them-with the wreck- age created by their leadership still smoking, there is a temptation to ig- nore them. But there is one way in which they might succeed - the old Napoleonic strategy of 'divide and conquer' - split the friends of re- covery into small quarreling groups and then absorb each one in detail. "They have begun already with the almost ridiculous slogan: 'The whole recovery program is actually retarding recovery; take off the brakes, etc.' Well, what does 'take off the brakes' mean? It means 'back to 1928.' It means 'let us alone.' I with a real idea of the University as it is when normally in session. All week-end visitors will be asked to register at either the League, the Union, or University Museum. Classes will be opened Friday to such Homecoming guests as care to attend, and in addition the round of tours to important campus buildings will begin at that time. There will be special exhibits and. other attractions planned at the Mu- seum, the Architectural Building, Uni- versity High School and Elementary School, Alumni Memorial Hall, the Legal Research Library, the Union, the League,the buildings of the Col- lege of Engineering, Newberry Hall, the General Library, the Intramural Sports Building, and the Student Pub- lications Building. Several sports events are listed for the week-end, including a baseball game with Ohio State University and a tennis match wiTh Oberlin College, both Friday afternoon. Both teams will play the same opponents in sec- ond games Saturday afternoon. Julie Kane, '36, assistant chairman of the committee, said that the Family Banquet planned for Saturday night will be one of the outstanding events of the entire week-end. "Reservations for the banquet are coming in faster than any of us expected," she said, "and it looks now as if it will be one of the most popular individual events planned in honor of the visitors." Tickets are obtainable at Slaters', Wahr's, and the League. Sunday will also be a busy day, with special Mother's Day services planned in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre and all Ann Arbor churches. In addition, it will be the first day of senior activ- ities as far as these have been planned at present. vines Conquers Tilden In Both Tennis Matches By r4ARJORIE WESTERN William Tatem Tilden II, king of the tennis world for years, was de- feated twice last night, in both singles and doubles matches, before a crowd of tennis enthusiasts at the Intra- mural Building. Ellsworth Vines, an- other ex-champion, was on the win- ning side in both matches, pairing with Keith Gledhill, former Inter- collegiate title-holder, to win the doubles victory. The story is told in the figures which read 6-2, 3-6, 6-3, for Vines, in the singles match, and a straight- set victory in the doubles which Vines and Gledhill won, 6-3, 9-7. Tilden played with Alfred Chapin, former national singles champion. "Big Bill" started the evening slow- ly. Without attempting the difficult shots, he dropped the first four games of the singles match to Vines. Serv- ing in the fifth game, he sent two blazing balls to Vines' forehand, which netted him 30 points. The next point went to Vines after a fast cross-court dual, which sent the young Californian running from side: to side of the canvas. The next two Tilden served drew applause from the crowd, as he aced Vines with one of the famous "cannon-ball" shots for the deciding point. The next two games were faster, with a forehand stroking demonstra- tion in which Tilden's inevitably House Votes U. S. Control Of Exchanges Passes Securities Bill By 280 To 84 Ballot After Four-Day Discussion Balloting Is Not Along Party Lines Stock Regulation Measure Will Be Sent To Senate For Consideration WASHINGTON, May 4.--(W) - Government regulation of the Na- tion's stock exchanges was voted by a dominant non-partisan majority today in the House. The ballot brought 280 votes for the measure and 84sagainst. So great was the support attracted by the legislation that all efforts to attach weakening amendments were defeated and the only changes made in the committee draft were those which the committee itself found acceptable. Goes To Senate It now goes to the Senate, where a measure similar in most details, but nevertheless containing several im- portant differences, is awaiting con- sideration. It has been approved by committee and debate probably will start next week. Four days of House discussion brought repeated references to "the men surrounding the President," Re- publican attacks on the "brain trust" and repeated Republican assertions that the measure was intended to put the government in control not only of the stock exchange, but of all business. Rep. Sam Rayburn, (Dem., Texas) chairman of the commerce commit- tee, backed by several of his Repub- lican committeecolleagues, denied such charges in toto, averred that the bill was not written by "brain trusters," and declared itin its final draft was their own handiwork. Fundamental Provisions Listed The fundamental provisions of the" measure would: Require the registration of all Stock; Exchanges with the Federal Trade; Commission. Empower the Federal Reserve Board to fix minimum requirements for brokerage accounts and loans on securities by Reserve member banks.- Declare it the opinion of Congress that the margin minimum normally should be 45 per cent. Prohibit "manipulative devices,"1 including pools and other practices intended to create artificial securities; prices. House Amendment Ready Rep. Alfred L. Bulwinkle, (Dem., N.C.) was ready with an amendment1 to install the latter, but Chairman Rayburn, of the commerce commit-; tee, in charge of the bill, was confi- dent of defeating it. Today's debate brought out an as- sertion by the minority leader, Ber- trand H. Snell, New York, that the bill would place individual small busi- nesses under the domination of Fed- eral regulation, a statement vigor- ously. challenged by Rayburn. "The crux of the question," Snell said, "isn't whether we are in favor of building up a Federal bureaucratic control over business. I am opposed to regulating every activity of every small business man in the Country. 'Peko' Bursley Returns After Forced Vacation Gilbert E. ("Peko") Bursley, '34, president of the Undergraduate Coun- cil, will return to the University this noon after a three-weeks illness in Florida. Japan Refuses To Di.s.,uss, Eastern r_,.,. 0 TWT"U ter., 41 uri1s1i w iV LI W ea- ,r'A ") Roosevelt Eulogizes Bryan At Dedication WASHINGTON, May 4.--(VP) - President Franklin D. Roosevelt praised William Jennings Bryan as a man of sincerity in dedicating today a monument to the Demo- cratic leader on the banks of the Potomac. "He chose his path not to win acclaim but rather because that path appeared clear to him from his inmost belief," said the Presi- dent. "He did not have to dare to do what to him seemed right; he could not do otherwise." The dedication exercises were presided over by Josephus Daniels, former secretary of the navy and now ambassador to Mexico. Illini Here For Baseball, Golf, Track Events Biggest Athletic Day Of Year Includes Football, Tennis Matches Three Illinois athletic teams in- vade Ann Arbor today to meet Michi- gan in track, baseball, and golf. These events, along with the annmal spring football game between two Michigan teams and a tennis match at Northwestern, make it the biggest day of the year for Wolverine ath- letes. Competition will begin with the in- dividual matches of the Illinois- Michigan golf meet at 9:30 a. m. over the University course. The match will continue all day with the four- somes in the afternoon. At 10 a. m. more than 100 high school football coaches will assemble at Ferry Field to watch Coach Kipke and a squad of football veterans demonstrate grid tactics which make for national championships. In their first outdoor dual meet of the year Michigan's track team meets Illinois at 1:30 p. m. on Ferry Field. With several Michigan stars on the injured list Illinois is expected to have the edge. The meet will be run off as quickly as possible in order to allow the Il- linois-Michigan baseball game to start promptly at 2:30 p. m. The Wolverines, with two games won and two lost, will be seeking to raise their percentage above the 500 mark with a win today. Baseball fans will be encouraged to go directly from Ferry Field to the Stadium for the regulation game be- tween picked teams of candidates for next fall's varsity at 4 p. m. Kipke is coaching the veteran Blue team which is expected to win easily from Coach Franklin Cappons less ex- perienced Yellow outfit. Most of the players will be freshmen competing for the Chicago Alumni Trophy awarded annually to the player show- ing the most improvement in spring practice. ONE HENRY TO ANOTHER EMPORIA, Kan., May 3. - (A) - History repeated itself when work- men began repairing an old residence here. On the back of the first board torn from the house April 17, 1934, was written, "April 17, 1883. Windy as the devil. Henry. April 17 this year was windy and the carpenter who tore off the board was named Henry. N e w 'Asia - For - Asiatics' Policy Is Announced By Foreign Minister Irota Cites Result Of Geneva Meeting Says Japan Can't Remain Silent When Third Party Threatens Disturbance TOKIO, May 4.-(P) -A new and stronger statement of Japan's "Asia- for-Asiatics" policy came today from Foreign Minister Koki Hirota, who in- timated emphatically that never again would his nation discuss Far-Eastern problems with Western Powers. "We shall not repeat what hap- pened at Geneva," Hirota declared in an address to prefectural governors, referring to the break with the League of Nations over Japanese activities in Manchuria. "We have no objection whatever to exchanging views, if necessary, with each individual Power regarding treaty rights and interests," he ex- plained, "but, in view of the fact that on questions of East Asia our views were rejected by the Powers at the Geneva meeting of the League of Nations which forced our decision to withdraw from the League, it would surely be unwise to reproduce ra situa- tion such as we encountered at Gen- eva." Sees Japan a "Protector" While only the Geneva incident was mentioned, observers considered that the Minister was implying that Japan never again would debate Oriental questions on equal terms with Western Nations, as she did in 1922 when the Nine-Power Treaty was framed. "Japan is the principal protector of the stability and the peace of East- ern Asia," Hirota insisted. "It is Japan's mission to maintain peace and order in Eastern Asia in co-operation with other countries -of the Far East. "Japan sincerely desires the uni- fication, integrity, and prosperity of China, which can be attained only through China's own self-awakening efforts." Follows General Policy The speech followed the general lines of statements of China policy which started April 17 with a For- eign Office spokesman's declaration that Japan hold to a "Hands-Off- China" policy toward the Occident. As in his official reply to the British, and American Ambassadors who asked an explanation of the spokes- man's statement, Hirota reiterated that Japan respected existing treaties and the rights of other Powers in China. These treaties include the Nine-Power Pact with its assurances of equal opportunity and the Open Door. "So-called assistance given to China by outside parties with selfish mo- tives," Hirota declared, however, hampers China's progress toward uni- fication and prosperity. "Cannot Remain Silent" "Japan," he declared, "cannot re- main silent when a third party dis- turbs relations between Japan and China or takes action disturbing the peace of East Asia. "Anti - Japanese movements in China must be stopped. Recently the Chinese have shown an inclina- tion to understand Japan's true mo- tives, paving the way to a genuine understanding between the two coun- tries." The speech was limited to general statements of principles, no specific instance of allegedly improper aid to China being cited. "In view of the radical changes the world is undergoing," Hirota said, "I believe we shall encounter not a few difficulties in the future, although our path at present is rather uneventful." Two Derby Stables Burn; Horses Safe LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 4. -(A) - Two stables were destroyed tonight by fire at Churchill Downs where ap- Russell McCracken Appointed Director Of League Dramatics Official announcement was made recently of the appointment of Rus- sell McCracken as director of League dramatics. The title was given Mr. McCracken as a result of the work which he has done at the League during the past year. Direction of the Junior Girls Play, "Gang's All There," work on the Sophomore Cabaret, and direction of the Children's Plays which were start- ed this year, constitutes the substance of the work which he did. He also worked with Play Production, direct- ing "Once In a Lifetime" for them. Mr. McCracken graduated from the University in 1932 with a long rec- ord in campus dramatics. He was a member of Comedy Club and Play will continue his work in this field next year, having already formed a student committee, headed by Sue Calcutt,"x35, to assist him. The plans so far are to produce three children's plays from a possible five that are being considered. "Peter. Pan" will surely be produced, McCracken said. The plays will all be subject to a vote of the school children. Other plays being considered are "The Emperor's New Clothes," "Rumpelstileskin" and "Wassilisa and the Baba Yaga" writ- ten by Ruth Cox, a senior in play- writing here. McCracken himself has written a modern Cinderella play which may be produced. Next year a regular dramatic office will have its place in the League. Great Floods Will Cover Earth In 1936, Predicts Mathematician, SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., May 4- (M)-Great floods throughout 'the world in 1935 to 1938 were predicted today by Capt. Thomas J. J. See, veteran professor of mathematics in the United States Navy. He based his forecast on the effect of huge sun spots. Rainfall will increase for the next two years, after which the floods will occur, said Captain See, adding that the sun spots cause the weather "Since the decrease of sun spots began in 1928," Captain See declared, "very great drought has been observ- ed in nearly all the countries of the globe, notably the drought of 1930, in the Mississippi Valley, which ac- centuated the evils of the depression, and that of 1933 which delayed agri- cultural recovery. "But now large sun spots have re- appeared, and will increase for the next two years, yielding vast floods in 1936-38, and an increasing rain- A