THE MICHIGAN DAILY Bloodshed Brings Climax To Austrian Political Turmoil An Analysis Of Austrian And Nazi Relations Wheeler Gives Historical Approach To Problem Of Two Countries (Continued from Page 1) or with cognate elements outside the former monarchy, into national states. The German element of the population naturally assumed that they too would be allowed to take advantage of that stipulation of President Wilson's fourteen points, which promised self determination to the peoples of the former Austrian monarchy. Thus the first constitu- tional law of the new republic, pro- mulgated in November, 1918, con- tained the statement "German Aus- tria is an integral portion of the Ger- man Republic." Objections were in- terposed, however, by the victorious allies, particularly by France, to the union of Austria with Germany, and articles were inserted into both the treaties, with Germany and with Aus- tria, prohibiting its accomplishment, except by express consent of the League of Nations. Federal Republic The Austrian republic is federal in character. In spite of a prohibition by the federal government three of the provincial governments in 1921 sponsored plebiscites which showed heavy majorities for -annexation to Germany. Allied pressure was brought to bear on the Vienna government by threat of withholding loans and ter- ritory. The government resigned. A new non-partisan government was able to stop the plebiscites. Money and territory were secured. Within the year, however, the non- partisan government was forced to resign, through its failure to espouse the cause of German unity. Prior to 1921 Austria had stoutly maintained her right to the heritage of all that had been German in the old Aus- trian Empire. In response to eco- nomic necessity, however, her govern- ment sacrificed all claim to the Ger- man populations of Czechoslovakia, in exchange for an exceedingly fa- vorable commercial treaty. The moral sacrifice cost the government the support of the Pan-Germans (a con- servative party, emphasizing German national unity), and was forced to resign. Conservative Coalition Follows Division Airmail Chief -Associated Press Photo An uprising of Socialists in Austria was followed by battles with police in which many were slain. The bloodshed brought a climax to the political battles wage dby Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss (right) against Marxism and Naziism. Prince Ernst von Starhemberg (center), leader of the Austrian "heimwehr," Fascist element backing Dollfuss, recently took the situation in his own hands and displaced the civil government there with Heimwehr rule. Dollfuss has bitterly opposed the spread of Nazi policies of Chancellor Adolf Hitler (left) of Germany, and political observers believe any significant rise to power of Austrian Nazis would bring the possibility of "anschluss," a political joining of Germany and Austria. Says the Legislature as an age where persons are no longer "cor- ruptible" by beer. 2. "It will establish saloons near the University and near the East Side Churches." This is impossible because the State Liquor Control Bill forbids the saloon. Further, the word "saloon" is indissolubly linked with hard liquor, which is not to be sold in the city except by the state liquor store and the sale of which we are not urging, 3. "Students will "get drunk' in East Side cafes - maybe (By Intercollegiate Press) PRINCETON, N. J., Feb. 17-Na- ture and the universe are not un- fathomable. It is the human mind that so far is unable to discover the key to "ultimate reality." This was the belief of Prof. Albert Einstein, famous German physicist and now head of the School of Math- ematics of the Institute for Advanced Study, expressed by him in an iter- view published in the Daily Prince- tonian, Princeton student newspaper. "Men of science," he said, "at the end of the last century thought that material investigation had practically led them to the ultimate reality of matter, that this reality assumed the form of little 'bricks' at the founda- tion of the universe. "Physicists of our day have found that the problem is not so simple as that . Discovering*indications of the transformation of matter into energy and vice versa, they found that the key to the mystery of this ultimate reality became more elusive as their investigations proceeded. No, in place of those 'bricks' we have merely a mathematical symbol that tells us something about matter and enery, but not what they are." -Associated Press Photo Lieut.-Col. H. M. Hickman will have charge of the central division of the country when the army takes over the airmail service. cacy of Austro-German union in of- ficial government circles of both countries. Popularly it is still an is- sue, and achieved its classical ex- pression during the great convention of all German singing societies in Vienna, in 1928. Whereas in Austria, however, reunion with Germany has seemed to many to be necessary to existence itself, in Germany, it has been chiefly a sentimental issue. Rise of Naziism The triumph in Germany of the National Socialist Germany Workers' Party (commonly appreviated Nazi, pronounced "notsy"), early in 1933, was followed by a corresponding rise of the Austrian branch of that party into political prominence. The phil- osophy of this party, which regards the state as the embodiment of Ger- man national and racial unity revived the Anschluss question as a political issue in both Germany and Austria. The German government exercised restraint in advancing the issue, but the Nazi party, or at least certain elements in Austria, formerly merely apathetic have become pronounced opponents of union with Germany. This is notably true of the strongly Catholic elements. The chancellor of Austria, Dollfuss, in July, 1933, nego- tiated a new loan and renewed the guarantees that Austrian indepen- dence would be maintained. This subjected him to attack by "the strongly nationalistic elements He sought to strengthen his position by courting the support of foreign pow- ers and allying himself with the Heimwehr (home guard). This polit- ico-military body shares with, the Nazis opposition to parliamentary government, but not the German na- tional philosophy of the state. It is recruited largely, though not exclu- sively, from strongly Catholic ele- ments and strongly Catholic sections of the country. It is anti-Socialist. Austrian Socialists were also op- posed to union with the German Nazi state for obvious reasons, but the pre- mier was forced to choose between their support and that of the home guard. Although he was first known as a conciliatory member of the lib- eral wing of the Christian Social party, his government has been like that of Hitler, by decree, by police authority, and without parliament Where the victory lies is not yet cer- tain. Neither is it known what move, if any, the German government will make. The most recent news seems to indicate, however, that the foreign powers are no more inclined to permit Austro-German reunion than they have been in the past. interfrateriiity Co-Op Buyers To Incorporate Seek Permission To Form Corporation From State Officials An application for articles of incor- poration for the Fraternity Buyers Co-operative was sent yesterday to Lansing by officials of the Interfra- ternity Council, which is sponsoring the organization of the co-operative. The articles will be returned in the near future, it is expected, incorpo- rating the co-operative as a non- profit organization to purpose of which will be to provide su- perior qualities of commodities and services to a number of fraternities through a guarantee of credit and fa- cilities for insuring continued con- sumption. The board of directors of the co- operative are planning to incorporate themselves, permitting the fraterni- ties, sororities, and other organiza- tions which join to participate in the profits and operation of the organiza- tion. The board of directors includes Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley, Prof. Dudley M. Phelps and Prof. Robert G. Dodkey of the business ad- ministration school, and Herbert H. Upton and Paul Icerman, local busi- ness men. The student members' of the board are Bethel B. Kelley, '34, president of the Interfraternity Council, Maxwell T. Gail, '34, its sec- retary-treasurer, Frederick F. Jones, '35, president of the recently formed association of stewards, and Joseph R. Bailey, council tryout. Both fraternities and sororities as well as other similar organizations in- terested in becoming participating members of the co-operative ,have been requested to communicate with Kelley or Gail to arrange details. While 12 of the larger fraternity houses have already signified their intentions of joining, the officials of the new organization have said that they prefer to have more members before inaugurating the service. Factor To Abductors Sped Chicago For Trial lishments will have the responsibility of keeping patrons sober. The pressure of this responsibility will undoubtedly make their establishments far more orderly than the "dives" downtown. he? Is that because he has keener judgment and higher men- tal capacities? The West Side youth of 19, who may have a negative IQ, has beer cafes in abundance at his very elbow. But the college student - he needs to be protected! 5. "Beer on the East Side will pave the way for whiskey." It will not. There is and will be only one liquor selling establishment in Ann Arbor, that on the West Side, at 113 W. Huron St. There will not be any more. The Daily does IH III It' I11 ',