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May 04, 1934 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-04

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The Weather
Cloudy and warmer in ex-
treme northeast portion today;
tomorrow local showers.

LI r



Or Education? ...

VOL. XLIV No. 154



t , ._...

Order Grand
Jury Trial Of
Detroit Banks
Attorney General Orders
Inquiry After Re-check
Of Winter Hearing
Guardian Group To
Charges Linked With Two
Recently Closed Banks
In Cleveland
Federal grand jury inquiry into the
Detroit banking situation was or-
dered by Attorney General Cummings
today almost at the same time a
Senate committee received a report on
"mismanagement" of two closed
Cleveland banks.
Cummings told reporters the af-
fairs of a "very large" number of men
connected with the Guardian De-
troit Union Group, Inc., and the De-
troit Bankers Co. would be submitted
to the grand jury.
The Senate banking committee was
informed "unsound practices and
management" over a period of years
was to blame for the closings of the
Union and Guardian trust companies
of Cleveland.
The Guardian was accused of "cov-
ering up" activities outside the bank-
ing field through a maze of 25 subsi-
diaries, which "milked" the bank, of
"window dressing" its statements, of
making unsound loans and of "vi-
cious" advertising of its strength at a
time when it was in a "precarious"
Ordering- of the Detroit investiga-
tion followed a recheck by Depart-
ment of Justice agents of an inquiry
made during the winter by John S.
Pratt, assistant attorney general.
Guy K. Bard, another special as-
sistarit attorney-general, described as
familiar with banking methods and
trials, has been designated by the
Attorney-General to conduct the De-
troit action.,
Allegations of "window dressing,"
requests to bank examiners to "exer-
cise leniency" and seeking of uncol-
lateralized loans from Chicago and
New Yark banks were among some
of the matters heard during the Sen-
ate committee hearings on the Detroit
Walter H. Seymour, senior exam-
iner for the committee, included in
his report on the Guardian the as-
sertion that its failure was not due to
the Michigan nor national banking
holidays-and charged it was "hope-
lessly insolvent" a year before that
Abbott Speaks
For Phi Beta
Kappa Chapter
Harvard Professor States
University Training Is
For 'Feeble Many'
"Admitting the incompatibility of
education and scholarship, we are
forced nevertheless to recognize that
both, being indispensible to knowl-
edge, must remain the field of the
university," Prof. Wilbur Cortez Ab-
bott of Harvard University declared
last night before the annual initia-
tion banquet of the local chapter of

Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary
scholastic society.
To expect a single individual or even
a single institution to deal with both
scholarship, the search for truth, and
education, and its transmission, is to
expect a great deal, but human nature
is a mass of such incompatibilities,
he said.
Gives University's Function
Since both are enlisted in the same
great enterprise and bear the same
relation to the masses of people, they
must inevitably remain the function
of the university, Professor Abbott
Speaking ironically of the over-
emphasis of administration and
undergraduate activities in the pres-
ent-day educational set-up, he de-
clared that universities were founded
for the training of the mind and that*
a few still carry on that purpose, but
the majority can no longer be crit-
icized on that score. "It will not be
the fault of the universities if the
American people have not learned to
play," he said.
Attacks Training For "Feeble"

Professor Mueschke Nam'ed As
Recipient Of '34 Russel Award

Prof. Paul D. Mueschke of the Eng-;
lish department was announced as the1
recipient of the Henry Russel Award
for 1934 yesterday afternoon in Na-
tural Science Auditorium just before
Prof. Ermine C. Case, chairman-elect
of the geology department, delivered
the ninth annual Henry Russel Lec-
ture on "Paleontology and Paleobio-
In recommending Professor Mu-
eschke for the award to the commit-
tee, Prof. o. J. Campbell of the Eng-
lish department said, "I sometimes
believe he is the wisest, keenest, apd
kindest man that I know. All of our
advanced graduate students seek his
advice -not only in matters of schol-
arship but also in their more personal
affairs." H]
Here since 1922
The committee on the Henry Rus-
sel Award made the following state-
ment in naming Professor Mueschke
as the recipient of the award: "Dr.
Paul Mueschke has been connected
with the University of Michigan, first
as student and then as teacher, since
1922. In this period he has taught
Oard Takes
No Action On
Paraders Yet
Rumors Of Expulsion For -
May Day Participants Is
Called 'Misleading'
Reports\ in a Detroit newspaperI
that the University Disciplinary Com-I
mittee was considering action againstE
participants in the May Day parade
in Detroit were characterized as mis-
leading by Prof. E. Blythe Stason ofI
the Law School, chairman of the
committee which met yesterday to in-
quire into the affair.
"All we have done this far," Profes-
sor Stason said, "is to question eight
students who were on the trip, in an
endeavor to find out the true facts of
the case. No mention has been made
of'any penalties during our one ses-
The committee will meet again
Saturday morning to interrogate the
other students who are reported to
have been members of the party. If
any punitive action is to be taken, it
will not be done before all possible
sources of information have been ex-
hausted, it was indicated.
A pamphlet was distributed on
campus yesterday which purported to
give "the true side of what actually
took place in Detroit." It said, in
part: "The trip . .. calls for a pro-
cedure based on student experience,
was merely one of a series of such
conducted tours.
It wasunanimously resolved by the
Vanguard Club, meeting last night in
the Union, that "the Club support all
of the persons who went to Detroit
on the May Day trip. The organiza-
tion believes that the situation was
handled unfairly by the press."
Inland Review To
Appear This Month
At a meeting of the staff of the In-
land Review held last night in the
Student Publications Building, plans
were made for the next issue of the
magazine and staff appointments
were announced by Arthur M. Coon,
Grad., editor.
The magazine will appear about
May 15, and, because a large num-
ber of contributions have been re-
ceived, promises to be an interesting
issue, according to staff members.
The issue will contain several short
stories and poems and several criti-
cal articles, including contributions

by Hopwood Contest competitors and
prize winners.
If the forthcoming issue is success-
ful, publication will be continued in
the fall, according to Coon.
Staff appointments are as follows:
managing editor, Otto Bird, '35; ad-
vertising manager, William Knight,
'36; circulation manager, : Robert
Warshow, '37; sales, Myron Gerson,
'34; secretary, Marian Wiggan, '36;
editorial board, Judd Polk, '35L; Ar-
thur Carr, '35, Marian Wiggin, T. C.
Wilson, Grad., Otto Bird, and Arthur
M. Coon.

with distinguished success courses of
all grades from elementary English
to graduate seminars. He has for sev-
eral years been in charge of the soph-
omore courses in English.
"He has at the same time been
sought after for advice by candidates
for the doctoral degree, who have
found his advice and criticism espe-
cially helpful in the analysis and so-
lution of their individual problems.
Four doctor's theses have been writ-
ten under his direction in his own par-
ticular field, seventeenth century
Research In Drama
"Dr. Mueschke's own research hs
been in two fields, the drama of the
seventeenth century and the Roman-
tic period in the nineteenth century.
His publications are distinguished by
scrupulous accuracy, acute percep-
tions of both scholarly and literary
values, philosophical insight, and bril-
liant and persuasive statement of his
Dr. Case's address was "an at-
tempt to show that the science which
deals with the dead past is a live is-
sue," as he described it in his in-
troduction. The current practice of
visioning dinosaurs as soon as the
word "paleontology" is mentioned was
what Dr. Case aimed at correcting.
From this he spent the majority of
the lecture on the place which the
paleontologist has in providing testi-.
mony for the evolutionary scheme.
"No reasonable mind can doubt the
actuality of continuous change
through time in the face of such evi-'
dence," Dr. Case said in citing the
numerous contributions of his science
towards proof of evolution. In general'
he discussed the evolution of the'
horse from the first ancestor, through
present forms, as an example of the
evolutionary sequence.
Arm Forces In
War On Crime
Cummings Asks For More
Men, Better Weapons To
Fight Gangsters
WASHINGTON, May 3. - ( P) --
High-powered armored automobiles,
equipped with two-way radios and
machine guns, are a part of the equip-
ment with which the Justice Depart-
ment hopes to supply its men for their
war with dangerous criminals.
The plans were disclosed today by
Attorney General Cummings at the
same time that Secretary Morgenthau
was saying that the Treasury was
ready to take over the job of putting
down bootlegging.
More men will be employed by
both departments in their separate
offenses against the two criminal ele-
Cummings said conversations were
under way with Lewis Douglas, direc-
tor of the budget looking for an in-
crease in appropriations better to
equip the Department of Justice for
fighting crime. He said he wished to
add approximately 270 men to the di-
vision of investigation- 200 agents
and 70 accountants.
The Attorney General would not
estimate how much this would cost
but departmental officers placed the
figure at around $2,000,000.
Joseph H. Choate, Jr., Federal al-
cohol control administrator, has said
that approximately half of the liquor
consumed at present is manufactured
Secretary Morgenthau said a cam-
paign against the bootleggers already
had been started. On May 10, the
Treasury takes over functions former-
ly carried out by the alcohol beverage
unit of the Department of Justice.

To Business
Po'stIn Unonl
Acting Manager Promoted
To Regular Position By
Finance Committee
Opera Continuation
Is UrgedBy Mimes
No Action Will Be Taken
Until Question Of Dates
Is Settled
Stanley G. Waltz, acting manager
of the Union, was appointed to the
post of manager at a meeting of the
Finance Committee of the Union last
night. His promotion is effective at
At the same time, first steps to-
ward the possible production of the
26th annual Union Opera were taken
by the Board of Directors, as they
approved in principle a recommenda-
tion of the Mimes Society to this ef-
Mimes Urges Renewal
Mimes, honorary club of the Union
which has as its members students
prominently connected with the casts
of production staffs of past shows,
presented a proposal that the show be
continued again next year. Accord-
ingly, Robert A. Saltzstein, '34, and
Edward McCormick, '34, president
and secretary of the Union, were em-
powered to ask the Committee on
Theatre Policy and Practice for pos-
sible dates for the next production.
Prof. Howard M. Jones of the English
department heads th committee.
Until these details have been set-
tled, no further plans concerning the
show will be made.
Was Acting Manager
In naming Mr. Waltz to the posi-
tion of manager, the Board of Direc-
tors followed their action of last No-
vember, when they-named him acting
manager to succeed Paul J. Buckley,
who died last summer. During the
interval between *r. Buckley's death
and the present time Mr. Waltz has
carried on all the duties of manager
of the institution.
Mr. Waltz first joined the staff here
in 1927, as purchasing agent, and
later was made assistant manager
and purchasing agent. Previous to
this he had nine years experience in1
hotel and resort management in
Charlevoix and Pinehurst, N. C.
At the time of Mr. Waltz's appoint-
ment as acting manager, Prof. Henry
C. Anderson, director of student and
alumni relations, said, "It is a very
happy choice. Mr. Waltz has ob-
tained very fine results here. He was
trained under Paul Buckley and has
successfully carried on the activities
of the Union where Mr. Buckley left
them." This statement was reaf-
firmed last night when the new ap-
pointment was announced.
Vulcan Initiation Raid
Ends In Police Station
Following a flood of complaints that
they were making too much noise,
which poured into police headquar-
ters soon after midnight last night, a
group of a dozen red-robed students
who were out on the annual Vulcan's
initiation raid was herded into the
police station and definitely warned.
They were released soon afterwards.
Vulcans is an honorary engineering
While police officials said that the

organization planned to continue the
activities during the night, the stu-
dents were warned that if they did
not proceed in "an orderly manner"
they would be arrested.

Ex-Secretary Of Treasury Dies In New York

Fight With
Death Lost
By Woodin
Secretary Of Treasury Had
Worked For Roosevelt
Despite ill Health
Dies From Effects
Of Throat Infection
Friendship For President
Caused Industrialist To
Be In Cabinet
NEW YORK, May 3. -(VP) -Wil-
liam H. Woodin, whose warm friend-
ship for Franklin D. Roosevelt led him
to take the helm of the treasury in
one of the nation's greatest crises,
died tonight.
The industrialist and composer,
whose health had been frail in recent
years, died in a hospital of the ravages
of a throat infection. He would have
been 66 years old late this month.
For seven months, through the
strain of the national bank holiday
and the unprecedented monetary ex-
periments of the "New Deal" Mr.
Woodin held to his post until last
November when he first obtained a
leave of absence and finally on Jan.
1, resigned as secretary of the treas-

-Associated Press Photo

No Pennies Thrown
As Glee Club Opens



Study hours or no study hours. You
can't stop spring from coming to Ann
Hardly two weeks ago there were
snow flurries. And now, during the
past few nights, it is estimated that
more than 100 couples are doing their
home work and laboratory field work
in Ann Arbor's tradition-famed Ar-
The Varsity Glee Club's field trip
season opened last night when 35 of
the boys broke in on the peaceful quiet
of Helen Newberry and Betsy Barbour
dormitories with the first open-air
concert of the season. The club sang
a number of songs identified with
Michigan undergraduate life. With
the exception of a rendition of "The
Ypsi Girls," the tenants of the dormi-
tories were so pleased with the musical
interlude which furnished an ade-
quate excuse for leaving their studies
for a while that the members of the
glee club were invited to take refresh-
ments "on the house." Other points
of the campus were also invaded
throughout the evening.
No pennies were thrown.
England Seeks
Restriction On
Japan Textiles
Board Of Trade Leader
Warns Jap Envoy That
Trade War May Result
LONDON, May 3. -P) -- With
threats of widespread retaliation and
a possible open, trade war, Great
Britain today demanded a restriction
in Japan's rapidly growing textile
Walter Runciman, president of the
Board of Trade, placed before Jap-
anese Ambassador Tsuneo Matsudaira
a summary of the Japanese position
and a list of projected curtailments of
Japan's exports to crown colonies and
the British Isles.
Politely but firmly, Runciman
warned Tokio's envoy that the British
government is taking general steps to
halt Japanese competition - which
is said virtually to be strangling the
British textile industry -unless Jap-
an agrees to modify her program,
methods, and tactics.
Mr. Matsudaira informed Mr. Run-
ciman that he could not reply imme-
diately, but had to consult his gov-
ernment first.
At. a conference especially called
by him, the Board of Trade executive
explained to the Nipponese diplomat
the situation in British colonies and
the homeland where lower-priced
Japanese goods are sweeping the mar-
ket. Mr. Runciman endeavored to
show the seriousness of the problem
and said he hoped Japan would agree
to negotiate quickly for a direct set-
It was reported that Britain is will-
ing to compromise if Japan's reply in

Many Expected
At Symposium,
Opposing War
Discussion On 'Why War'
Will. Take Place Today
At First Session


A large State and out-State dele-
gation will attend the Michigan An--f
ti-War Conference which will open
at 7:30 p.m. today in Natural Science
Auditorium, according to the ar-S
rangements committee. With nearlyk
100 requests in for housing facilitiesI
the committee announced last night
that an office will be open at Lane
Hall all day today for the registration
of out-of-town delegates.
At the first session tonight, a sym-t
posium titled "Why War?" will be
held. Philip Nash, president of To-
ledo University, Kermit Eby, instruc-
tor at the Ann Arbor High School,
and Prof. L, E. Cole of Oberlin Col-
lege will make the principal address-
es. Dr. Nash will speak on "Three
Steps to Prevent War." Kermit Eby
will speak on "A Program for Peace
in the Far East." Professor Cole's
address is titled, "Pacifist Devices."
After these addresses there will be
several speeches delivered by stu-
dents. The student speakers are Wil-
liam Rohn of Ann Arbor High School,
who will speak on "The High School
Student and War"; Miss Katayun H.
Cama, Grad., who will speak on "In-
dia Offers an Alternative to War,"
and David R. Hobbs, '35L, who will
speak on "Students Against War."
The chairman of this session will be
Mrs. Alfred Lee Klaer.
Commissions will meet at 9:30 a.m.
Saturday on the second floor of An-
gell Hall . There will be four com-
missions for high school students and
four for college and University stu-
dents. The commissions will each
take one of the four following sub-
jects to discuss. They are "Militar-
ism in Education," "Imperialism and
War," "Fascism and War," and
vention." The four chairmen of these
"Mounting Armaments and War Pre-
commissions are Edith E. Maples, '35,
Alvin C. Schottenfeld, '37, Hilia D.
Laine, '36, and Ralph Segalman, '37.
Final Session Tomorrow
The final session of the conference
will be a plenary session to be held
at 3 p.m. tomorrow in Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium at which resolutions
will be passed and a permanent or-
ganization elected. Rev. Frederick B.
Fisher, pastor of the First Methodist
church here, Tucker Smith, secretary
of Brookwood Labor College, and Max
Salzman of Detroit will speak.
Preparatory meetings for the con-
ference were held Wednesday evening
at Mosher-Jordan Halls and Tuesday
at Martha Cook. Prof. Preston W.
Slosson of the history department
spoke on the question of war.

The President, whom he called
"Governor" and by whom he was in
turn addressed as "Will," several
times took occasion to acknowledge
the value of the counsel and admin-
istrative ability of Mr. Woodin. Crit-
icism- that Mr. Woodin was out of
sympathy with what was popularly
called "inflationary policies" of the
President and that his name had ap-
peared in the J. P. Morgan inquiry -
eropg.ed out occasionally, but the
friendship of the President and sec-
retary was often publicly reaffirmed.
Not long before the end, one of
Mr. Woodin's physicians related he
had talked affectionately of the Pres-
Was Troubled With Infection
Mr. Woodin's throat infection
troubled him during the summer of
1933. He came to New York and for
a time virtually ran the treasury by
telephone. He finally returned to the
capital, but by fall his condition was
such that his doctor felt a change
of climate was imperative.
On Nov. 16 the President made pub-
lic an exchange of- letters in which
the secretary obtained a leave of ab-
ence and the President assented while
.xpressing the hope Mr. Woodin might
eventually return to office. But Mr.
Woodin never saw Washington again.
He went to Arizona and finally on
Jan. 1 Mr. Roosevelt ,announced his
resignation and the appointment of
Henry Morgenthau, Jr., as his suc-

Tests In Life
Saving To Be
GivenMay 14
The annual course to instruct and
review Red Cross Life Saving Exam-
iners and qualify new ones will be
given from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. May 14,
15, and 16 in the Intramural pool,
by Robert Eaton, according to an an-
nouncement made yesterday by Mrs.
Nellie E. Ball of the Red Cross here.
More than 40 students took the tests
last year in order to become eligible
for positions as counsellors at sum-
mer camps, and it is estimated that
even more will take advangtage of
the opportunity this year, Mrs. Ball
A similar course for women will be
held during the same nights in the
Ypsilanti Normal school pool.
Eaton has had considerable train-
ing in life saving and first aid, since
he has served as instructor at a promi-
nent camp in Minnesota, and also
worked as aquatic director for the
for the Boy Scouts in the Duluth
Area Council. He joined the staff of
the National Red Cross in 1932.
Hutcheon Will Talk
To Church, Group

Stars Of Opera, Concerts Will
Be Heard Here In May Festival

Michigan's forty-first annual May
Festival, May 9, 10, 11, and 12, in Hill
Auditorium, will offer to its audiences
a group of opera and concert stars,
instrumentalists, and ensemble mu-
sical groups which are unsurpassed in
musical fields.
Such artists as Rosa Ponselle, Lu-
crezia Bori, Jeanette Vreeland, Coe
Glade, Arthur Hackett, Paul Alt-
house, Chase Baromeo, Theodore
Webb, Guila Bustabo, Palmer Chris-
tian, and Mischa Levitski will be
heard in the program of six concerts.
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra,

The American premiere perform-,
ance of Robert Heger's "Ein Frieden-,
slied," ("A Song of Peace"), will be,
presented in the final program, Sat-
urday evening. This is a choral work
consisting of five songs in divisions
for soloists and chorus. Soloists will
be Miss Vreeland, soprano; Miss
Glade, contralto; Mr. Althouse, tenor;
Mr. Baromeo, bass; and Prof. Chris-
tian, organist.
Other great choral works which
will be given include Beethoven's cele-
bated "Ninth Symphony," Saturday
afternoon; Haydn's "The Seasons,"
in the Thursday evening program;

Extra Showing Planned
For 'Meet My Sister'
Owing to the large advance ticket
sale for "Meet My Sister," the third
play that will be presented by Rob-

Four Initiated By
Dental Fraternity

Prof. Robert J. Hutcheon of the
University of Chicago will address the
Fellowship of Liberal Religion of the
Unitarian Church on the topic, "The
Will to Believe: Asset or Liability?",
at the Unitarian church at 10:45


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