Heads Women Voters
Income TaxingC
Plan Breakdown
U. S. Chamber Of Com-
merce Reports Possibility
Of Plan's Failure
Body To Act Today
Clements Library, Known World
Over, Little Visited By Studetits
Steamers Open
Navigation In
Stn it, R? -i
Vote Upon Findings
Special Committees
Annual Meeting
WASHINGTON, April 30. - (AP) -
A warning of a possible "breakdown"
in income tax payments was given
today by the committee on federal
taxation of the Chamber of Com-
merce of the United States.
The report, with the findings of
other special committees - outspo-
ken criticisms of some government
actions - will be acted upon by the
chamber as a whole, which opens its
annual meeting Tuesday.
The business men will be called
upon to vote for an attack on the
securities act, in a report of the com-
mittee on regulation of securities.
'Act Needs Modifying'
"Unless the act is properly modi-
fied," the committee found, "there
is little, if any, prospect of the origi-
nation and sale of new and refunding
corporate issues in needed volume.
"Without the issuance and sale of
such securities recovery will be de-
layed, if not prevented."
The committee on federal taxa-
tion, discussing the new legislation
imposing higher income tax rates,
asserted income tax payers will not
co-operate unless they believe the
tax fair'.
The William L. Clements Library,I
known the wide world over for its
great collection of books on Ameri-
can history, drawing scholars from
nearly every corner of the globe and
pointed out to strangers as one of
Michigan's foremost points of inter-
est, remains unknown and undiscov-
ered to the great majority of students
Behind the library's imposing front
of white granite lies one of the most
complete collections of books relating
to American history in existence. The
building and its contents, the gifts
of Regent William L. Clements of
Bay City, are both monuments to our
Entering the library, one finds him-
self in the main lobby, luxuriously
carpeted, facing the rare room, the
"sanctum sanctorum" of the library,
where the most precious records of
all are kept. Here one finds a copy
of an astronomical guide, which was
used by Columbus in his first voyage
to this part of the world. Nearby
there is a 1500 edition of Waldsee-
muller's "Cosmographae Introductio,"
wherein that well-intentioned, but
misinformed geographer, suggests that
since Amerigo Vespucci had discov-
ered the lands across the sea, they
should be named for him, America.
Because of one short paragraph
printed in a little German town 400
years ago, two mighty continents
were incorrectly named.
-Associated Press Photo
Marguerite M. Wells of Minneapo-
lis was selected as president of the
National League of Women Voters at
the organization's convention at Bos-
Says Economic
PatriotismK ills
Social Advance
Reactionary Nationalism
In Middle-Europe Object
Of Dr. Palyi's Attack
(Continued from Page 1)
lower standard of living for the ma-
jority of the people.
Strangely enough, Dr. Palyi said,
Turkey, Russia, Japan, and China,
once the most backward countries, are
now taking the lead in industrializa-
tion and attempts to raise the stand-
Another feature of the rare book' raLL s"#ll n 1C J
room, in fact one of the most out- ---
standing collections of the Library, isITwO Coal Vessels Force
the political papers of Lord Shel-
burne, great British statesman andl Passage At Mackinac In
negotiator of the treaty of 1783 which Annual Milwaukee Race
ended our revolutionary war with
England. MILWAUKEE, Wis., April 30. -(R)
Wherever one looks, he will see Navigation between Milwaukee and
books of the greatest interest; books ports on Lakes Huron and Erie was'
that have been handed down through officially opened with the arrival of
generations; books that have played two coal freighters, the Conneaut
a great part in the development of and Huron.
this country. Capt. W. H. Yates won the annual
It is an unusual and little known race Sunday to bring the first lake
fact that the Clements Library con- ship through the straits of Mackinac.
centrates its work on the field of He brought the Conneaut into port
American history before the year four hours ahead of its sister ship,
1800. And although there are books both owned by the Wyandotte Trans-
there printed long before that and portation Co., Wyandotte, Mich.
long after, they all deal with that Both steamers had to batter their
early period of our nation. way through the ice in the straits.
The founder, Mr. Clements, who Several of the Conneaut's steel plates
regards book collecting as an art were damaged during the passage.
rather than as a hobby, had a worthy After unloading and making tem-
and far sighted purpose when he gave porary repairs, Capt. Yates will be
his library to the University. He outward bound again tonight for Al-
wants it to serve not merely as a pena, Mich.
library, but as an indestructible rec- The steamers Harmonic and Su-
ord of the American past. perior broke a channel through the
The public cannot use the books in lower St. Mary's river Sunday and
the Clements Library. If it could, stopped at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., be-
the library would not serve its true fore attempting passage into Lake
purpose. It exists not to furnish rec- Superior through the heavy ice of
reation but to aid scholars and to Whitefish bay.
safeguard priceless records. Capt. Henry Erichsen of the De-
The public, however, is welcome to partment of Commerce steamboat in-
inspect the library, open every week- spection service said he anticipates
day afternoon from 2 to 5 p.m., and a 200 per cent increase in the 1934
Sunday afternoons from 3 to 5 p.m. total of inspections at this port.
On Your Guard!
Red Measles Visit
The Campus Again
It has come at last. For weeks each
of the over-worked physicians at the
University Health Service has been
treading along thecorridors with the
aspect of an expectant father.
For months they have been study-
ing with happy wonder the Health
Service reports of a year ago, knock-
ing on wood each time they come up-
on the item entitled "contagious dis-
Every year, according to Dr. War-
ren E. Forsythe, director, the grim
spectre, measles, generally of either
the German or red varieties, comes
stalking through the campus putting
its speckled blight on the fair co-eds
and the stalwart male students.
The unwelcome visitor, although
he came early and viciously last year,
has delayed his call this year, and the
doctors were hoping that he had for-
gotten. But victims have been re-
ported in the past two weeks. The
demon is in again.
Consequently, all students are
warned to watch for the swellings on
the sides of the neck, the speckles
which come later on the chest and
the mottled appearing countenance,
When you are about to retire, doctors
advise, look yourself squarely in the
chest (for speckles) but don't be
fooled by goose pimples.
BERKELEY, Calif., April 30-(P)
Dr. Robert E. Cornish's death defy-
ing dog, now 17 days old in its second
life, has contracted a head cold.
'Stewart Will
Lecture Here
On Wednesday
Scientist Will Illustrate A
Newly Discovered Way
To Extract Bromine
Leroy C. Stewart, of the Dow
Chemical Company Department of
Technical Research, Midland, will
lecture Wednesday at 4:15 p.m., in
the Natural Science Auditorium on
"The Commercial Extraction of Bro-
mine from Sea Water."
Bromine is employed chiefly in the
making of ethyl gas, which is now
used in almost all gasolines. Its pres-
ent source, for the most part, is the
natural brines of the Midland and
Saginaw regions.
The recently discovered method of
producing it from sea water greatly
reduces its cost. It also marks the
first successful attempt to get chem-
icals from sea water and, as Stewart
said before the last meeting of the
American Chemical Society at St.
Petersburg, Fla., "Now that the re-
covery of bromine has been success-
fully executed, it does not seem be-
yond reason to expect the chemist of
the next decade to extract gold from
sea water commercially."
The producing plant is located on
the North Carolina coast at the
mouth of the Cape Fear River. It
was built in seven months and em-
ployed 1,500 men per day. It now ex-
tracts about 15,000 pounds of bro-
mine daily.
Its report said:
"In view of the dependence which
has been placed on it, the breakdown
of the income tax would be disastrous
to the government from the revenue
standpoint. Danger of such a break-
down has already appeared."
Committee Reports
The committee on federal expen-
ditures urged that "emergency con-
ditions should not be made an ex-
cuse for government projects that
encroach upon private enterprise, and
means should be found for liquidating
any encroaching activities that 'have
been undertaken."
Center Leaves
mildest leaves
This committee also added a warn-
"Economic recovery cannot be
brought about and maintained by
government bonuses or loans to in-
dividuals, business or agriculture, but
can only result from the employ-
ment of private resources and en-
Inspection For
R.O.T.C. To Be
A series of ceremonial parades and
reviews, to be climaxed by an in-
spection by a representative of the
United States.Army and a decoration
ceremony, have been planned for
the University R.O.T.C. regiment, ac-
cording to Col. F. C. Rogers.
The first event will be a regimental
parade at 5 p.m., Thursday, May 3, at
Ferry Field and will be followed on
Thursday, May 10, with a regimental
review. These ceremonies are held
to acquaint R.O.T.C. students with
the procedure at such affairs, so that
they may be prepared to carry out
parades if it should become necessary.
Major James A. Stevens, Infantry,
from the University of Illinois, will
conduct the annual inspection of the
University regiment on May 17 and
18. At 5 p.m., May 17, review will be
held for Major Stevens, at which time
he will test the 'year's work of the
University regiment. During his stay
at the University; Major Stevens
will visit all classes in the R.O.T.C.
regiment and review their teaching
of the past year.
Credit for outstanding scholastic
and military work will be given R.O.-
T.C. students. at the regimental re-
view and decoration ceremony to be
held May 24, at Ferry Field, when
awards for the past year will be made.
Arrangements for all events are in
charge of Ctl. Fred S. Kohl, '34E.
Social Workers' Annual
Meeting To Be Held Soon
Announcement of the 61st annual
meeting of the National Conference
of Social Work to be held May 20
to 26 at Kansas City has been re-
ceived by Miss Edith Owen, directort
of the Community Fund, who has been
appointed publicity manager of the
conference for this district.
The general theme of the confer-
ence is to be "Social Work and the
New Deal," and sub-topics to be dis-
cussed include "Emergency Relief,"
"Reconstruction for the Future," "The
ards of its peoples.
There are two ways in which this
"Frozen Economy," of self-sufficiency
may come to an end -either by eco-
nomic breakdown, or war, he said. The
former is more likely, Dr. Palyi be-
lieved, saying that although Europe
bristles with armaments, each coun-
try is belligerent on the inside to stave
off civil war. European countries are
more pacific towards their neighbors
today than they have been in a long
i time, he stated.
Nationalism in its Middle-European
meaning is a new phenomenon,
resulting from the breakdown of the
banking and financial structure of
debtor countries who had borrowed
heavily after the war, he declared.
Germany, Hungary, Austria and other
countries were driven to the wall by
the depression, when they could no
longer pay their creditors, and with
frozen, non-redeemable currencies
and their banks internationally in-
solvent, restrictions had to be placed
on the whole industrial and commer-
cial system, he asserted.
As a result of this policy, Dr. Palyi
declared, it became necessary to pro-
tect the interests of those already in
the saddle, and not permit them to
slip off. Thus the farmer, the banker,
and the industrialist sought and re-
ceived protection from the govern-
ment in the form of subsidies, mora-
toriums, and devices of similar na-
ture. With trade constantly falling off,
and the capital structure freezing
tighter every day, forcing prices lower,
it became necessary to find a class
with no vested interests who would
bear the burden. This class was the
laborer, said the economist.
The condition as it exists today in
Germany, and the other Middle-Euro-
pean countries is very precarious, he
said and it is maintained through ap-
peals to patriotism, and the backing
of powerful reactionary groups, in
whose interest the maintenance of the
status quo is all-important.
GwiazdoWski Will
Take Ohio Position
Prof. A. P. Gwiazdowski of the en-
gineering college has accepted the
appointment of associate profqssor of
machine production and will head the
shop laboratories at the Case School
of Applied Science in Cleveland, it
was announced yesterday.
Professor Gwiazdowski has taught
in the department of engineering
shop here for six years and also pub-
lished "Machine Shop Practice Labo-
ratory Manual" and "Economics of
Tool Engineering," two textbooks
used in many engineering colleges
throughout the country.
"I am proud of one fact," Professor
Gwiazdowski said "that during six
years I made more than 1,000 friends
among engineering students and
found no poor students among them.
A poor student is the result of a poor
method of teaching, a poor instruc-
tor, or both."
Announce Continuation
Luckies are all-ways kind to your throat
W HEREVER the finest tobaccos grow
W V-in our own Southland, in Turkey,
in Greece-all over the world, we gather
the very Cream of the tobacco Crops for
Lucky Strike. And that means only the clean
center leaves. The center leaves are the mild-
est leaves - they taste better and farmers
are paid higher prices for them. These
clean center leaves are the only ones used
in making Luckies. Then "It's toasted"--
for throat protection. And every Lucky is
fully packed with these choice tobaccos-
made round and firm, free from loose
ends-that's why Luckies "keep in con-
dition"- why you'll find that Luckies
do not dry out-an important point to
every smoker. Naturally, Luckies are
always in all-ways kind to your throat.
"It's toasted"
a y. :