THE MICHIGAN DAILY -ortarboard Names 1 10; League Announces Con mitee Chairman Seven Hundred Women Attend Huge Banquet Dean Lloyd, Dr. Bell Talk At Installation Ceremon- ies; Officers Also Speak (Continued from Page 1) give way to co-operation. An intelli- gent attitude toward extra-curricular activities was also one of the aims that she stressed. Dr. Margaret Bell, as head of the physical education department, ex- pressed great faith in the new plan, and inĀ° the possibilities shown in. the new athletic committee for further co-operation'between the League and the Women's Athletic Association. Bil- lie Griffiths, retiring president of the W.A.A., also spoke of this in turning her office'over to Miss Root,.newly- elected president. -Marian Giddings, '34, -president:of Mortarboard, gave. a short. talk ex-. plaining the ideals of the,, society be- fore the members went through the traditional tapping services.- Ada Blackman, '35, secretary of the League for the past year, gave the financial report of the League, and expressed the belief that the amount earned this year had a good chance of.equalling that of last. Total re- ceitps for the period from June, 1933, to April-34, 1934, were $2,312.26, ac- cording to Miss Blackman's report, and expenditures totaled $1,704.53 for the same period. This latter figure includes $900 turned over., to the Undergraduate -Campaign Fund, -the secretary indicated, and the resulting balance is $697.73. - - Several musical numbers enter- tained the diners between courses. Three acts from the recent Junior Girls Play, "Gang's All There," were presented, including the Scrubwom- en's Chorus, with Mary Morrison, '35SM, Helen Strand, '35, and Miss Maynard. Jane Cissel,- '34Ed., and Miss Morrison sang another number which was featured in the play, and Charlotte Whitman, '35SM, feminine lead, also sang. The program con- cluded with several numbers by the Freshman Women's Glee Club. Miss Aigler was in charge of the banquet. The new Mortarboard initiates will wear the traditional mortarboard caps on campus today to mark their achievement. Prosperity Queen Interpretation To Be Stressed Above Theme In Dance Recital White Accessories Add Spring Toutc To Aew Costumes Here it is at last, that long awaited and much hoped for warm weather. At last we can wear in comfort which heretofore we have only exhibited to the admiring public at the cost of severe colds in the head and a vague feeling of . inappropriateness. And finally, may we announce to a col- legiate public which does not seem to need the announcement, that le- gitimate season for white shoes has arrived. Following closely upon the advent of white shoes we have white acces- sories of all kinds suddenly making their appearance. Gloves have not only gone all white but they are mak- ing their appearance in the most summery of summer fabrics. Organ- dy is featured in all sorts of gloves. Among the varieties we have the all organdie glove with a frill-like cuff of the same material trimmed with eyelit embroidery. Organdy is combined with almost any other material "what is," for in addition to these styles we have gloves of pique, mesh, and of a lastex material . all fca1u0ing .an organdy cuff. Fabric -gloves appear in other ma- terials too, to combine with all your summer frocks. There is a crepon glove which looks like seersucker as well as silk pique which is cool and a bit more substantial looking than the fluttery fabrics. Of course, if you want something still more substan- tial ther&is-always white -leather--. ette: J.G.P. MHEETING CALLER -- - All womtn planniing. to ,Write .a script for next year's Junior Girls' Play should attend a meeting at 4 p.m. today in the League,. ac cording to JulieKane, Junior Girls Play chairman. Russell Mcrack-' en will speak. -Associated Press Photo' Gleta Del Glass, Coral Gables, Fla., is wearing a bathing suit made of "currency" fora state-wid~e celera- (ion in Florida May 5 to signalize the return of prosperity. CHAPTER HOUSE ACTIVITY NOTES Alpha Delta Pi The alumnae of Alpha Delta Pi sorority are holding a meeting at 8 p.m. today at the home of Mrs. Dor- othy Farnsworth, Dixboro. Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Omicron Pi entertained 30 couples at a dinner party Saturday night. Mary Alice Baxter, '36, was in charge of the affair and planned jonquils and ivory candles as table decorations. After the dinner sev- eral of the members and their guests attended the last performance of the Union Opera. Eleanor Welsh, Port Huron, and Mary M.-Stone and Muriel Rumsey, both of Romeo, were guests of the house for the week-end. Chi Omega A faculty reception was held Sun- day afternoon by Chi Omega sorority. Several Ann Arbor alumnae and pa- tronesses also attended. The decora- tions consisted of purple iris and talismans. Among those present were Mrs. C. L. Washburn, Mrs. Paul Lee- dy, and Mrs. A. H. Stackard Wilma Lester, '36, poured Delta Delta Delta The following officers of Iota chap- ter of Delta Delta Delta were among those installed at a meeting yester- day: president, Harriet Spiess, '35; vice-president, Eleanor Young, '36; house treasurer, Winifred Trebilcock, '36; fraternity treasurer, Louise Stone, '36; and rushing chairmen, Catherine Shannon, '35, and Char- lotte Whitman, '35. Miss Winifred B. Chase, dean of women of Wayne University, and a charter member of Iota chapter, was a guest of the house during the Schoolmasters' Club meetings last week-ieAd. Delta Zeta .Delta Zeta announces the pledging of Jean Greicus, '35, Ingallston; and Jeanette Will, '36, Iron Mountain. Theta Chi Theta. Chi fraternity entertained Friday night, with the house trans- formed for the evening into a bowery dance hall. Mr. and Mrs. Len Wil- son and_Doctor Brace were thp chap- crons for the evening. The guests included: Marjorie Tur- ner, '37, Helen.. Mary Nyland, '37; Janet Kappler, '36; Gladys Draves, By JOSEPHINE McLEAN The bystanders rise swaying and swinging their arms with ever increas- ing speed and at last they make a' moad dash forward to greet the parade. "The Parade," interpreted by men and women from Play Production, is one of the most effective composi- tions of the Dance Recital to be given Tuesday, May 8, in Lydia Men- ' delssohn Theatre. It is a dramatic stylization com- posed by Doris Humphreys, promi- nent modern dancer who is presenting a program in the Dramatic Season. Miss Emily White, director of the re- hearsals for the recital studied under Miss Humphreys before she came+ here. Miss White in her capacity of instructor of physical education+ rhythms classes, Play Production rhythms classes, and Dance Club, se- lected the most talented students from these three groups for the re- cital. . Working on Modern Dance These students are working with the modern dance which in its best and broadest sense signifies contem- porary trends in non-social dancing. It is distinct from formal folk danc- ing in that it plays with the forms and possibilities of dance for its own sake. Just as in the other modern arts emphasis is placed on interpretation and design rather than literary and sentimental ideas. The modern dance necessitates a fuhdanrental feeling for rhythm and total body .movement, and is there- fore more intricate than the tap .or tango in which steps are the prin- ciple consideration. The modern dance is a creation. Music must be chosen, the dance modelled to it and then practiced. It takes years of study to acquire a high degree of, technical proficiency. Because of the complexity of the modern dance a recital requires a tremendous amount of work. Miss White has held rehearsals every after- noon and evening since the beginning of the new semester. Two Compositions Included Collin Wilsey has developed two compositions of unusual interest, the Bach' choral and the fire dance of De Falla. The former will center on Musical Sorority Conducts Initiation Xi chapter of Delta Omicron, na- tional musical sorority, held a for- mal initiation Sunday morning in the Alumnae Room of the Michigan League. The initiates were Miss Harriet Crow, Alpena, and Mrs. C. Merle Dixon, Ann Arbor. The initiation was conducted by Miss Sarah Lacey, president of the sorority, and the music was in charge of Mrs. Carl Smith, pianist, and Miss Genevieve Sproat, violinist. After the ceremony, a dinner was given in the Russian Tea Room in honor of Miss Georgia.Lightfoot, new province president from Beta chapter, Detroit. '36, Jean McLean, '37, Mary Alice Krieger, '37, Betty Goutremont, '37, Winifred Arnold, '37, Elizabeth Pas- co, '34, Esther Greenwood, '36, Betty Sweeney, '37, Mary Louise Schwerdt, '36, Margaret Parmeter, '37, Virginia Callor, '37, Alma Wadsworth, '35, Maurine Burnside, '36, Cynthia Stark, '36, Cecilia Richardson, '36, and Har- riet Fowler '37. Attending from out of town were the Misses Marjorie Messmore, Pa- tricia Sheehan, Marion Look, Jane La Chapelle, and Betty Fundis, all of Detroit; Marion Brink and Marion Wynne, Kalamazoo; and Arlene Alt- richter, Traverse City. design and movement rather than re- ligion, although a chorus will sing, "Now Let Every Tongue Adore Thee." The latter is an invocation to fire, primitive in spirit. Three groups dance against a'rhythmic background. Five men, Oren Parker, art direc- tor for Play Production, Lester Grif- fith, Frank Funk, Carl Ellsworth, and Truman Smith collaborated in the formation of a dance. The movements show the struggle between good and evil, wherein evil triumphs. Charles Harrell has designed a number satirizing war, in which the characters are capitalists, clergymen, and common people. It will be done on three different levels. A composition done to the music of Satie, modern French composer, has been worked out by Julia Wilson in the archaic Greek manner. Em- phasis is on balance and the whole gives the impression of figures on a vase. Because of enthusiastic receptions the recital will also include two repe- titions. The Political Meeting will again be put on by Play Production. It is a dramatic stylization executed in - three different rhythms. Instead of piano accompaniment, a wooden .block will be used to set the rhythm. Each beat signifies a reaction to a speech, and the orator reflects the accents of all three groups. "Cac- chuca," a gay dance from the Gon- doliers, will also be repeated. The following persons . are now working on solos: Harry Pick, Mary Pray, Collin Wilsey, Althea Lisle, and Francis Manchester. New Officers Are Installed At Stalker Hall Cabinet DiscussesPla ns For New Year As Part Of Retreat Ceremony At the annual spring retreat held at Stalker Hall last week-end, the old and new members of the cabinet of that organization met to talk over plans for the new year as well as ac- complishments of the past. The new- ly-elected officers and council mem- bers were acquainted with the differ- ent departments and the responsibil- ities connected with each. H. Roy Mooi, "'6M, was chosen president; Mary Lunny, '35, vice-pres- ident; George Crossley, '35E, secre- tary; and Arthur Mansure, '36, will be treasurer of the hall. The recently-elected council con- sists of the following chairmen: Ray Carroll, '37, and Rachel Lease, '37SM, devotions; Harriett Breay, '37, music; Mary Lunny, '35, deputations; June Currie, '35, fellowship; Dorothy Arm- strong, '36, Sunday seminar; Phyllis Huston, '37, Dorothy Earls, '35, and Betty Howard, '36Ed. Sunday night suppers; Francis Bennett, '34A, social affairs; Betty Gibbon, Grad., recrea- tion; Chuck Stocking, '36A, advertis- ing; Roselynn Chapels, '35, world af- fairs; and Florence Hartsuff, '35P, Kappa Phi. Four other chairmen of Weseyan, Wesley Players, social service, and journalism, will be appointed by the president in the near future. FUR COATS made up, re- paired, cleaned, stored, or remodelled into Jacquettes, Capes, etc. E. L GREENBAUM j MJ Spring, SPoe 962 Artist's Studio Is Settin i For 'A Little Love' First Hopwood Winner Is To Be Produced Here; Was On Week's Tour A typical artist's apartment located in Greenwich Village forms the basis for the set of "A Little Love," a draw- ing-room comedy by Vincent Wall, Grad., which is to be given May 3, 4, and 5 by Comedy Club. The set represents the efforts of the artist himself, and indicates that a dabbler in aft may come near the point of artistry, although just miss- ing it. In this case the set, in reality designed by Howard Fettes, '34, has modernistic walls of yellow with brown horizontal lines superimposed and woodwork of a contrasting blue. The whole effect is one of near- artistry which nevertheless lacks a certain element of synchronization. The costumes, planned by Ann Verner, '35L, and Ferol Brinkman, who is directing the play, are to be modern clothes harmonizing with the colors of the set. The costumes used in the Ann Arbor production will be completely different from those used when Comedy Club toured several. Michigan cities during Spring Vaca-I tion with the same show. " The leads in the play, which is a Hopwood prize winner of last spring, will be taken by Ruth Hussey, Grad., and David Zimmerman, '35, with the supporting leads taken by Ann Ver- ner, '35L, and Jay Pozz, '34. "A Little Love." which is a full three-act play, is the first winner of a Hopwood prize to be actually stage. presented on the The week-end was a gay one, withA the Military Ball, traditionally col- orful, and its attendant dinners and parties. There is something about' a display of uniforms, sabres and boots, and gorgeous gowns that ap- peals to the romantic in all of us and the yearly military parade brings with it an atmosphere of joyousness that pervades the whole town. In addition to this'notable event there was a Bowery Ball at Theta Chi fraternity Friday night with folks driving up in buggies, the house made over to look like a scene from the his- toric Bowery, and everyone in typi- cal costumes. Annual "Village" Party The Alpha Rho Chi -fraternity en- tertained a great number of guests at their annual Greenwich Village dances Friday and Saturday nights. Everyone attended in smocks and be- tiets, and the rooms were very clev- erly decorated in murals and paint- ings to resemble several different types of stock settings. The murals were a joy to see, one room represent- ing a night club, with a chorus of Harlem gals dancing gayly on the walls. Another room was called Chi- natown, with dragons in all colors and sizes on the walls and ceiling. A Turkish harem room was done in typical Arabian Nights style with Beginning Tuesday Clearance of all early- iSeason Suits, Dresses, Sweaters, Skirts, Hosiery Here is a rare opporunity .. 1 to effect welcome savings on your Spring wardrobe. -;: The ELIZABETH DILLON GOWN SHOP 605 East William Just a Block from State Street Live Regular Rubber Heels TUES. ONLY Where To Go Mction Pictures: Michigan, "This' Man Is Mine" with Irene Dunn and Gene Raymond; Majestic, "Sons of the Desert" with Laurel and Hardy and "Keep 'Em Rolling"; Whitney, "The Crosby Family"; Wuerth, "Car- olina" with Janet Gaynor. Dancing: League Grill Room, Den, Tavern, Hi-Hat Inn, Preketes. ELECT TAU DELTA PHI OFFICERSj In the election of officers of the! Tau Delta Phi fraternity held yes- terday the following were elected: Carl E. Gold, consul; Benjamin Mey- erow, custos; George D. Halprin, scribe; Milton A. Mintz, historian; Edward L. Cushman, quaestor. 18c FREE' Call For & Delivery Service Put On While You Wait or Shop 0 " Shoes cleaned and tinted Shoes lengthened and Widened to fi't Suede shoes refinished to look like kid. BASEMENT the pictured ladies in long diaphan- ous gowns and painted sultans in baggy jeweled trousers; and one of the prize touches was a -painted aqua- rium with lovely colored fishes of all hues swimming merrily around in a painted pool. Among the feminine guests at the party were Martha Bow- en, Carol Hanan, Jane Reed, and Margaret Culver. Organdies, Chiffons Organdies, chiffons, and laces were popular among feminine party-go- 'ers at the Theta Phi Alpha sorority informal dance Saturday night. 'Hel- -en Foley chose red organdie, while brunette Francesca Schrauder was -charming in a pale lemon-tinted gown. Marie Heid, dance chairman of the 1934 J.G.P., chose a red crepe dress with a cleverly cut back dec- ollete and long fitted sleeves. Mar- garet Robb was dressed in brown organdie, smartly fitted. Dorothy Reeves^ chose black lace, Mrs. Roy Batie, Detroit, was lovely in a black and white printed chiffon with a high neckline. Miss Eleanor Batie, Detroit, chose blue and white plaid organdie. HEELS M en's - Women's - Children'sI Ilk OVER THE WEEK-END / 1,, = -- ,, : } .: ' . - , C% '' . ,1 r r'E , - , ,,, >>--, " Jt , _- , : ' -, , , / ' k f i 1 ll llhe Latest In SSilk rnt Slyle Information Courtesy of The Collins Shoppe "Theb ncw smart Lentlheric silks are de- signed to harmonize with your favorite flower and the odor of your perfume." "This striking idea in fabric design was created to interpret the odors of the most popular Lentlieric perfumes . . . "Miracle," Forest 'ierge," etc." "Chic cape effects with pleatings or scal- lops add to the' charming detail and smart appearance. %'I Se Our Window-- 302 South State St. I P. i MoinbhEnd - Minery Cearance 95c, 10A.M. '3 P.M. An unusual collection of Hats ii a