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May 01, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-01

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The Weather
Light showers today and to-
morrow; somewhat cooler.


Sir igau

VOL. XLIV No. 151


One Killed In
French Riots;
Fear Trouble
M a n y Officers, Civilians
Wounded In Fighting On
Eve Of 'Red May Day,
40,000 Troops And
Police Guard Paris
Government Prepares To
Meet Communist Strike
With Stern Measures
PARIS, April 30. - )- A police-
man was killed and many officers and
civilians were wounded tonight in po-
litical rioting in France on the eve
of "Red May day."
Grave fears were held of possible
outbreaks in Paris where 10,000 troops
and 30,000 police guarded the capital
as the government prepared to deal
sternly with a communist general
strike tomorrow.
Fierce fighting broke out at An-
gers when a Leftist mob gathered out-
side a hall to protest a meeting of a
Republican group sympathetic to the
Doumergue government.
Numbers were injured in hand-to-
hand fighting and a policeman died
of his injuries soon afterwards in a
A report thata revolutionary plot
aimed at six European capitals was
uncovered in raids Sunday in Brus-
sels and Malines put police here on
the alert.
Leftists numbering 400, incensed
tonight at Mantes, not far from Paris,
over a close election Sunday, rioted
and wounded a priest before being.
dispersed by gendarmes. Similar dis-
orders occurred there last night be-
cause of the defeat of the "anti-
Fascist" candidate in a bye-election.
Three youths who said they were
venting their hate for "the middle
class" by stoning automobiles were
arrested in Compiegne.
This capital, not yet recovered
from the sanguinary February street
riots and seething with political dis-
content, resembled a war camp ready
to make good Premier Doumergue's
determination to "crush any revolu-
tionary movement at the outset"
which might, he said, "lead to armed
Heavy detachments of soldiers con-
trolled their "red wing" of factory
suburbs, notorious hotbeds of con-
spiracy; bristling stacks of bayoneted
rifles filled the broad Champs de
Farm Hand Is
Victim Of Fatal
Knifing Sunday
Workman, 43, Is Stabbed
ByAssociate, 65, After
Drinking Party
"He milk my cow, he boss me, he
bother me, and I kill him" was the
simple explanation given to police
yesterday by Bill Jasinska, 65-year-
old Lithuanian farm hand, for his
fatal stabbing of another workman
after a drinking party Sunday night
at a dairy farm just outside of Man-

Jasinska, held in the county jail
on a first degree murder charge,
probably will be arraigned in justice
and circuit courts today.
He had nursed a grudge against his
victim, Vincent Demeskes, 43 years
old, ever since Demeskes had been
made his "straw boss" by Vincent
Lepshitz, owner of the farm. Jasinska
had been working at the farm three
years before Demeskes came.
Shortly after 6 p.m. Sunday, Ja-
sinska, who had been drinking,
walked out of the house and, before
several friends and visitors, walked
up to Demeskes and stabbed him
through the heart with a pocket-
knife. Death came about six min-
utes later.
After the stabbing Peter J. Schavo,
a visitor from Detroit, knocked the
killer down and took his knife away.
Jasinska then got up and attempted
to flee, but was quickly brought back
by others, who told him Demeskes
wasn't badly hurt.
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Pollock Believes Hitler To Have
Support Of All German Nation

"It is difficult for anyone to claim
that Hitler does not have the over-
whelming support of the German
people," Prof. James K. Pollock of the
political science department says in
his new pamphlet, German Election
Administration, just published by'
the Columbia University Press.
Professor Pollock bases his state-
ment on the result of the election of
Nov. 12, 1933, when the people voted
on a new Reichstag and on a refer-
endumconcerningthepolicy of the
Hitler government. In the voting
39,655,212 people out of 43,053,212
voting supported the National So-
cialists, while on the referendum 40,-
632,628 supported the government
and 2,101,191 opposed.
Commenting on the election, Pro-
fessor Pollock states, "Even though
there was no doubt concerning the
outcome of the election, the small
percentage of abstentation and dis-
sent were a great tribute to the
idealology and political strategy of
the National Socialist government.
Such success has never met the ef-
forts of any other government in
"The voters, of course, were not

able to pass on the qualifications of
each candidate for Parliament, but
they were not able to do this even
before the Hitler revolution. In this
election, however, their rights of pro-
portionality were sacrificed to the
unification and regeneration of the'
Reich. The voting process itself wass
'rigged' to the extent that the voters
could say only 'yes' or 'no,' but the
casting and counting of the votes
took place quite as usualrwithout vio-
lence or fraud. The great pressure
which was put upon the voters to go
to the polls did not extend to the
voting process itself.
"Even a dictator has felt the need
of popular favor. As Hitler said be-
fore his accession to power: 'I can
govern without the support of the
Reichstag but not without the sup-
port of the people.'
"Now that the democratic govern-
ment has disappeared in Germany,
elections are not so important. But
it is interesting to find that they have
been utilized by a dictatorship and
that their administration has at least
continued to be smooth, economical,
and efficient. Good election admin-
istration has served both a demo-
cratic and an autocratic master."

Plan To Give
1 'Hero's Life'
HereMay 12
Chicago Symphony Will'
Include Composition By
Strauss In Program
Ann Arbor concert-goers will have
the opportunity to hear for the first
time at the May Festival "Ein Hel-
denlebeh" (Hero's Life) by Strauss
when it is presented by the Chicago
Symphony Orchestra, under the di-
rection of Dr. Frederick Stock, at
the Saturday afternoon concert, May
This work has attracted great at-
tention wherever it has been played
and its inclusion in this season's Fes-
tival program will give the patrons an
interesting and unique opportunity of
hearing a much talked about compo-
Romain Rolland, the great French
literary figure, writing from Paris
in 1908 said of "Ein Heldenleben":
"At its performance in Germany,
I saw people tremble as they listened
to it, and some rose up suddenly and
made violent gestures quite uncon-
sciously. I myself had a strange
feeling of giddiness, as if an ocean
had been upheaved, and I thought
that for the first time in 30 years,
Germany had found a sort of vic-
The work is characterized, by its
power of securing a wealth of im-
pression by the amazing and revolu-
tionary yet graphic means of expres-
sion employed bythe composer. Like
all the works of art which have pro-
ceeded beyond the limitations which
their period imposed upon them, "Ein
Heldenleben" shocked the ears of the
public that heard it in its first pre-
sentation. Strauss, like Wagner and
Oscar Wilde, became the "Enfant
Terrible" of his age by virtue of this
Critics today maintain, in agree-
ment with Rolland, that "Ein Held-
enleben" with its musical picture of
heroic nature, the bickering of its
enemies, the battle with life, and the
triumph of the hero, ranks as the
greatest of modern symphonic tone
One critic has said that "Its ex-
citing episodes, the richness of its
instrumentation, its high peaks of
emotional intensity, and its infinite
contrasts satisfy completely the mod-
ern demands for color, movement,
and vitality in music."
Also to be heard in the Saturday
afternoon concert are the Beethoven
Overture to "Coriolanus," played by
the orchestra; and the famous Bee-
thoven "Ninth Symphony," with
Jeanette Vreeland, Coe Glade, Arthur
Hacket, and Theodore Webb as solo-
Final Campus Sale
Of 'Ensian Today
The last campus sale of the 1934
Michiganensian will be held today
and Wednesday at important points
on the campus. The price of the 'En-
sian at this sale will be $5.
The 'Ensian will be ready for dis-
tribution next week, according to an
announcement made yesterday and
all students who have not yet made

Says Economic
Patriotism Kills
Social Advance,
Reactionary Nationalism
In Middle-Europe Object
Of Dr. Palyi's Attack
Declaring that the inevitable re-
sults of economic nationalism of the
type now extant in middle-Europe is
the strangulation of social progress,
Dr. Melchior Palyi, formerly high in
official and academic circles in Ger-
many, and now visiting professor of
economics at the University of Chi-
cago, presented a critique of European
nationalism in a University lecture
yesterday afternoon, claiming that the
protection of vested interests favored
by a systeme of nationalism shifts
the economic burdens on the should-
ers of the laborer and taxpayer.
The economist made a sharp dis-
tinction between the nationalism of
England and the United States, which
he termed "mercantilism," and the
nationalism of the countries in mid-
dle-Europe - Poland, Germany, Aus-
tria, Italy,, and Hungary -- where, he
declared the most "mortal" type of
non-parliamentary policy exists.
A dramatic change in the history
of the world is resulting from the
reactionary nationalism of Middle-
European countries, Dr. Palyi assert-
ed. The most civilized nations, which
have formerly been regarded as the
advance outposts of civilization are
now giving up the ideals of social
progress, to embrace a policy of con-
scious inhibition of industry and a
(Continued on Page 6)
Groesbeck Is Undecided
'On Gubernatorial Race
DETROIT, April 30.-- VP)- Alex
J. Groesbeck announced today he is
"considering running for governor."
He will make an announcement either
entering the race or definitely stating
he will not be a candidate within a
short time.
"The whole question is whether I can
help solve the problems confronting
the state, and, of course, whether
I wish to or can afford to re-enter
policy," Groesbeck said.

ToAct Today
For Swingout
March Ending At Library
Is Proposed To Senate
Committed By Council
No Date Suggested
For New Function
Singing, Talks On Part Of
Senior Class Members
May Feature Event
A march in caps and gowns, end-
ing before the Main Library, will
be proposed as a substitute for Swing-
out to the Senate Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs when it meets today. This
action was decided yesterday at a
meeting of the Undergraduate Coun-
cil, which had been given until today
by the Senate Committee to submit a
substitute plan.
No date has beeh set for the func-
tion as yet, as the Council decided to
wait and see whether its plan received
the approval of te Senate body be-
fore working outthe details. If the
march is held, however, it will be in
the afternoon.
Band May Aid
After assembling before the library,
there will1be a session devoted to sing-
ing, at which it is proposed to ask for
the services of the Varsity Band. At
the present time it is thought pos-
sible that some members of the sen-
ior class will be called upon for
speeches. It is also possible that the
awarding of "M" blankets will occur
at this time. These awards now take
place at Lantern Night.
The action of the Council was in
direct opposition to the recommenda-
tion of the committee which the
Council had appointed to study the
problem. The committee reported that
the entire affair be discontinued, for
this year at least.
Members of the committee, in mak-
ing their report to the Council, said
they felt there was little point in
marching without doing anything. No
man on-the- acultr the- committee
felt, would be likely to give an ad-
dress, and without this the march,
according to committee members, was
rather futile.
'Desire To Continue'
Council members, however, claimed
that there was a genuine desire upon
the part of the graduating class to
continue the function, whether it was
called Swingout or not, and regard-
less of whether or not anyone spoke.
These members stated that the pur-
pose of the affair was to allow the
seniors to parade together in their
caps and gowns, and they believed
that this part of the function should
Swingout was abolished April 3 by
the Senate Committee, which claimed
that the affair had lost its traditional
significapcc and there was therefore
no reasoh for holding it. The commit-
tee gave the Council until today to
propose an alternate function, reserv-
ing the right to approve or disapprove
the proposal.
Checks for the April payroll will
be delivered at the Storehouse
Building Friday and Saturday, May
4 and 5. The office will be open
from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. It is impor-
tant that individuals call for checks
and sign payrolls on the above

Ten Chosen
To Honorary
Senior Group
Ten Women Are Selected
To Mortarboard; League
Committee Heads Picked
Dean Lloyd Speaks
At LeagueBanquet
700 Women In Attendance
At Dinner, Announcing
Ten junior women were chosen last
night for membership in Mortarboard,
senior women's honorary society, and
members of the League Council were
named at the huge annual Installa-
tion Banquet which taxed facilities
of the League ballroom and the Grand
Rapids Room.
The 10 women named to Mortar-
board were; Betty Aigler, '35, Elea-
nor Blum, '35, Kathleen Carpenter,
'35, Beatrice DeVine, '35, Nan Diebel,
'35, Maxine Maynard, '35SM, Marie
Murphy, '35, Mary O'Brien, '35, Mary
Sabin, '35, and Barbara Sutherland,
Committee chairmanships were an-
nounced as follows: Marie Metzger,
'35, reception; Sue Calcutt, '35, art;
Sue Mahler, '35, house; Harriet Spiess,r
'35, point system; Margaret Phalan,
'35, publicity; Mary Sabin, '35, Under-
graduate Campaign Fund; ilda Kir-v
by, '35,freshman project; Ann Os-
borne, 35, social; Ruth Root, '35Ed.,
athletics; Kathleen Carpenter, '35,
chairman of the Judiciary Council.
The president of Panhellenic Associa-
tion, Betty Aigler, '35, and the chair-
man of the Board of Representatives,
to be chosen when all the house pres-
idents have been announced, will also
act on the council.
Dean Lloyd Speaks
Dean Alice Lloyd, giving the prin-
cipal talk of the evening, congratu-
lated the women on their new League
merit system and wished them suc-
cess in their project.
"From time to time it is well to
change any system of government,"
she said, "and the new system is de-
signed to interest all."
Miss Lloyd referred to the crowd of
almost 700 women when she said, "the
interest shown here tonight is evi-
dence of the stimulus of change." She
congratulated the leaders under the
old system and commended their
foresight in planning this new gov-
"One of our hopes is that the in-
terest shown tonight will be continued
with everyone having an active part
to play," she said.
Delta Gamma sorority represented
by the president, Alice Morgan, '35,
was awarded the cup for receiving
the highest number of activity points
for the year. The winning score was
177; Pi Beta Phi and Gamma Phi
Beta were runners-up with scores of
150 and 100, respectively.
Hopes For Interest
Grace Mayer, '34Ed., in turning over
her office of president to Miss May-
nard, the new president, expressed
the wish for a continued interest in
student government with the aim of
developing "cultured women who
would think and act for themselves."
Miss Maynard introduced the new
appointive officers and the three new
vice-presidents, Charlotte Whitman,
'35SM, Mary Ferris, '35Ed., and Billie
Griffiths, '35, and the recording sec-
retary, Barbara Sutherland, '35.
Miss Maynard began her accept-
ance speech with the words, "Where

there's a way, there's a will," re-
ferring to the new League system. In
developing her theme, she emphasized
the fact that individualization must
(Continued on Page 5)
Di linger Allies
Beat Off Police
In Gun- Battle
CHICAGO, April 3.-AP) - Dil-
linger desperadoes evaded capture t-
day in a running battle, but Federal
agents said that one source of ma- j
chine-gun supply had been closed to
the gangsters with the arrest of a
Texas gun shop operator, who con-
fessed to dealings with Dillinger
The encounter occurred on the
western outskirts of Chicago and
ended with three policemen being sent
running up a highway in suburban
Rollwnnd .after nne had hen g lneged

Society Leaders To Assist In
Varsity Band's Benefit Concert

A long list of Detroit society lead-
ers who will serve as patrons and
patronesses for the Varsity Band's
benefit concert for the Starr Com-
monwealth for Boys Sunday night
at the Naval Armory, Detroit, has
been announced by the committee in
Under the guest direction of Leon-
ard Falcone, bandmaster and instru-
mental music director at Michigan
State College, the band will play a
program of six classics and semi-
classics - the same program played
April 2 in Hill Auditorium - with the
addition of three Michigan marches.
Securing sufficient funds to hireI
labor for construction of an impor-!
tant building on the Starr Common-
wealth property near Albion is the
aim of this concert, which has at-
tracted widespread interest in the

garian Fantasy" for piano and mili-
tary band, which found such favor
when it was performed here for the
first time April 2.
The soloist on the program, play-
ing the "Fantasy," will be Prof. Jo-
seph Brinkman, of the University
School of Music faculty, who has ap-
peared this year in Ann Arbor and
.Flint with the band.
This will be thethird in a series
of concerts commemorating the 75th
anniversary of the founding of the
Varsity Band. The organization was
founded in 1859 as a small orchestra
under the name of "Les Sans-Souci,
University Band" and is this year cel-
ebrating its diamond jubilee.
The complete program chosen by
Professor Falcone for the concert
follows: Berlioz: Overture, "The Ro-
man Carnival"; Holst: chaconne
frnm the Tirst Suite in E flat for

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