THE MICHIGAN DAILY Smith, Barnes Speak To Body Of Registrars New Plan For Reporting Enrollment Referred To Committee, He Says Stating that no action had been taken as yet on the new plan of re- porting enrollment, Ira M. Smith University registrar, opened the round-table discussion of the Michi- gan Association of Collegiate Regis- trars at 10 a.m. yesterday in Room 1009, Angell Hall. Mr. Smith said that the plan as reported by the national committee of the national association had been found impracticable, and that it would be held in abeyance until the report of a sub-committee formed to look into the matter had reported. He stated that the report could not be expected for at least two years. Outlines University Method In answer to questions from the floor, Mr. Smith outlined the present University. method of reporting en- rollment. Opinion was divided on its efficiency. Discussing the problems connected with the preparation of the college catalog, Mr. C.C. Barnes, registrar of Central State Teachers College, said that the task of making a catalogue complete, comprehensive, and under- standable to the student was the greatest. He outlined the plan of make-up as used at Central State, and said that the tendency of faculty members to change the numbers of their courses added a great deal to the task. He concluded by saying that the contin- ual change of numbers and course descriptions made it almost impos- sible to evaluate fairly credits earned at other institutions. Registrars' Problems Similar An open discussion on Mr. Barnes' talk brought out the fact that all registrars face the same problem. Mr. Smith said that the University had eased the situation by making up a master catalogue based on course descriptions. The discussion brought out no solution for solving the prob- lem caused by a change in the num- ber of hours credit given in a course. Miss Cora Hoppough, registrar of Battle Creek College, read the ad- dress of President Emil Leffler of Battle Creek College, who was unable to attend the meeting. The address carried the message that the regis- trar's office should be a clearing house of the information collected on the individual by the various depart- ments. "In this way," Miss Hop- pough read, "guidance of the in- dividual student will be simplified be- cause all of the information concern- ing him will be available for ready reference." Report Concludes Discussion Dr. Daniel L. Rich, recorder of the University, concluded the round table discussion with a report of the Cin- cinnati convention of the National Association of Collegiate Registrars. Mr. 0. R. Stilson, registrar of Adrian College, was elected chairman of the Michigan association for the coming year to replace Mr. J. D. Mc- Kenzie, dean of Port Huron Junior College. The second Saturday in May, 1935, was set as the date of the next meeting of the association, and the invitation of Mr. C. C. Barnes to meet at Central State Teachers College was accepted. Airmail Bids From Commercial Companies Opened --Associated Press Photo This was the scene in Washington as Postmaster-General Farley (center) and other officials of the post- office department opened airmail bids from commer-ial companies to carry the mail on 21 routes which the government plans to place in private hands for at least three months. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) meet promptly at 3 at the Michigan Union, to discuss the coming visit of the Notre Dame soccer team. Hillel Foundation: 11:15 Services at the League Cha- pel. Rabbi Heller will lead the serv- ices. 4:15 Class in "Jewish Ethics" under Mr. Hirsch Hootkins at the Founda- tion. 7:15 Class in "Dramatic Moments in Jewish History," conducted by Rabbi Heller, at the Foundation. 8:15 Open Forum at the Founda- tion. Archery -- Men and Women Stu- dents: There will be archery for men and women students on Palmer Field from 9:30 to 11:00. Men are asked to bring their own equipment. Stalker Hall: 6:00 installation serv- ice for new officers and council. Dr. Frederick Fisher, Director of Wesley Foundation, will speak. 7:00 p.m. Fellowship and Supper. Coming Events Junior Research Club: Dr. Jacob Sacks, "Chemical Changes in Con- tracting Mammalian Muscle." Prof. A. D. Moore, "The Hydrocal-A new Instrument." Election of officers. Meeting Tuesday, May 1, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 2082 Natural Science. Botanical Seminar meets Wednes.. day, May 2, at 4:30, room 1139, N. S. Bldg. Paper by Miriam Groner, "The comparative physiology of green and chlorophyll-deficient types in maize." American Chemical Society: A joint meeting of the Detroit, Toledo, Lansing and University of Michigan' Sections will be held on Saturday, May 5. Room 151 Chemistry Build- ing will be used for registration and central meeting place during the day. Dinner at 6 at the Michigan Union. Lecture at 8 in Room 165 by Pro- fessor H. B. Lewis on the subject of "Vitamins." ABOUT BOOKS SMIRT, by Branch Cabell. New York: Robert M. McBride (1934), $2.50.- A Review. By JOHN W. PRITCHARD His first novel since he closed the Biography of the Life of Manuel with "The Way of Ecben" in 1929, Branch Cabell's "Smirt" is (as might be ex- pected from an author of Mr. Cabell's puckishness) not exactly what is proposed in the introduction. Therein the author points out that no writer since Lewis Carroll has ever written a naturalistic novel concerning a dream; this, says the introduction, is the purpose of "Smirt"- to present the world with such a work, supple- menting "Alice in Wonderland" in the sense that "Smirt" is to concern Guest speaker and business meeting at 8:30. Note change of time and order of program. Final instructions in regard to prize contests, and pre- liminary report on Tung Oil banquet. All members requested to be present. Members of Phi Kappa Phi: The spring initiation, banquet, musical numbers by Misses Sarah Elizabeth Lacey and Winifred Arthur, and ad- dress entitled "Science, Ingenuity, and Economic Control" by Professor Max Handman will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 1, in the ballroom of the Michigan Union. French Play: The 28th annual French Play: "Topaze" by Marcel Pagnol will be presented by mem- bers of the Cercle Francais at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Tues- day, May 1, 8:15. The general public is cordially in- vited; tickets on sale at the Theatre, Monday and Tuesday. University of Michigan Radio Club will hold its next meeting Monday, April 30, in room 302 of the Michigan Union at 7:30. Mr. Philip Ewald will talk on "Cutting and Grinding Piezo Electric Crystals." Anyone may come. Varsity Band:' Concer and re-. hearsal Monday at Morris.Hall from 5:00 to 5:45 p.m. All members of the Concert band must be present. Luncheon for Graduate Studentsf on Wednesday, May 2, in the Rus- sian Tea Room of the Michigan League Building at 12 o'clock. Mr.t John W. Stanton, Instructor in His- tory, will discuss Japan and the" Present Far-Eastern Situation. Athena Literary Society: Meeting Monday, April 30, at 8:15 in the Athena room. Varsity Band: The attention of all bandsmen is called to the following schedule of public appearances of the band during May: May 3, 10, 17, 24 (Thursdays)- Regimental reviews, South Ferry Field, 5 p.m.; May 6 -Concert, Naval Armory, Detroit (leave Ann Arbor about 4:30 p.m.); May 11, 12, and 13- Blossom Festival in Benton Harbor-St. Joseph (leave Ann Arbor Friday noon, May 11, returning Sun-I day); May 30- Regimental parade, Memorial Day. Bandstand concerts will take place Wednesday nights af- ter the May Festival. No date has been announced as yet for the Fresh- man Activity (formerly Lantern Night) but present plans call for participation of the band. the dream of a worldly-wise, essen- tially urbane adult. But it rapidly develops that Mr. Cabell is, in actuality, not interested in developing a dream on the basis of a character, as Carroll did, but rather in caricaturing the intensely personal reactions of an author, us- ing the mechanism of dreamland to increase the convenience of such an exposition. And this sort of work immediately puts "Smirt" into a sort of halfway category -is it a dream or is it a soliloquy? In 1932 Mr. Cabell removed the James from his name, and produced "These Restless Heads," following this with "Special Delivery" in 1933. Both were charming volumes of fa- miliar essays. But they differed from the Biography in this respect: in his. life of Manuel, he was essentially ro- mantic, aspirational, although this aspiration was tempered by a sort! of satiric bitterness. In his present work, which begins only three years later, he doesexactly what he had forecast -having passed the age of 50, he becomes sedentary in his writ- ing, a , "Peripatetic Episcopalian" whose life is mere observation and commentary of those absurdities in the world of men which interest himself chiefly. It seems impossible that he could about-face so - com- pletely in so short a time - and the immediate conclusion is that, in either the early part of his present work, or in the last part of his earlier work, he is insincere. "Smirt" very nearly proves to me that it is "Branch Cabell" whose at- titude is assumed. For in the cur- rent novel there is much to indicate that the author is about through with his armchair observation. I, at least, hope that this is true, for Mr. Ca- bell has about written out his present vein. Taken as a novel, "Smirt" is dis- appointing - but it may be taken as a commentary of intere t on Mr. Ca- bells state of mind. APE CAUSES ARGUMENT TOPEKA, Kan., April 28. - (A") - Amateur scientists were embroiled in an argument today after watching Panchito, a monkey at Gage Park, dunk cookies. If his dunking is a natural characteristic, some argued, then persons who dunk are reverting to type. If it is an acquired charac- teristic, othersssaid, dunking is aes- thetic. I =i --3 3 - - Schoolmasters' Club Finishes 3-DayMeeting (Continued fromPage 1) another group yesterday in Univer- sity High School. loiseuss Si bPhases The informal discussion, dealing with six phases of character educa- tion, organizational, curricular, clin- ical, ecological, research, and teach- er-training, was attended by several school superintendents and a mem- ber of the State department on char- acter education. The work being done by the State department along these lines was de- scribed in a brief talk. In the main, it was said, it is attempting to give the teachers a training course in character study. To do this the State is establishing 15 schools this summer to deal with, and make a study of, the courses discussed. Be- sides this the State has prepared a syllabus as a guide to reading for teachers interested in the subject. Dr. I. N. Allen of Highland Park Junior High School spoke briefly on methods used in that school for the development of character education in their school. He stated that a full year's course dealing with environ- mental adjustment, character edu- cation, vocational information, and preparation for future fields of work were offered, these subjects being revised each year for various needs of the students. "Cases Too Abstract" "The child problem cases which we have dealt with in the past," stated Dr. Allen, "have too much of the abstract element in them to have much effect. Concrete case materials are needed." Suggestions of the teachers of the various high schools as to the man- ner of dealing with the character ed- ucation of children included quota- tion of actual cases to children as examples rather than preachments to them on abstract subjects which they themselves cannot understand, the keeping of accumulative filing systems of information on problem children, noting all factors in their environmental and community in- fluences, having the teachers them- selves contact the parents of all stu- dents, and informing the parents of the problems the teachers must cope with in order to bring about a cer- tain degree of co-operation between the two. Plan June Meeting It was stated that a group of 50 leaders in the subject of character education will meet June 11 at Lan- sing to evolve some plan as to the best methods of child guidance, as well as to set up an educational plan- ning commission to reconstruct the curriculum and training plans of the individual local school. The "code of ethics" for business schools, read and discussed yester- day at a meeting of delegates to the Michigan Business Schools Associa- tion parley in the Union, was lauded as one of the best ever adopted. In explaining its purpose, Dr. Paul P. Voelker, State superintendent of public instruction, stated that the contents of the code "are in harmony with the New Deal whereby each business group sets up its own code of fair practice which in turn should govern the practices of all the mem- bers of the group." All approved busi- SOCIAL DANCING Toe, tap, acrobatics. .aught daily. Terrace ;arden Studio. Wuerth 1 J 3pent Bldig. Ph. 9695 This One Is Taboo 4) t .. x -Associated Press Photo This caricature of Adolf Hiter was removed from an exhibit of unem- ployed artists at the Metropolitan Museum, New York, as a matter of "good taste," museum officials said. The caricature was done by Caspar Emerson, 19, and titled "His Best Foot." C oMetHere Oan Salturday A joint meeting of the Detroit, Toledo, Lansing, and University of Michigan sections of the American Chemical Society will be held Satur- day, May 5, in Ann Arbor, Prof. Wer- ner E. Bachmann of the chemistry department, secretary of the local section, announced recently. During the day, visiting members will make tours through the Chem- istry Building, and will later attend the Michigan-Illinois baseball game. A supper for the entire group will be held at 6 p.m. at the Union, and will be followed by a lecture on "Vi- tamins" by Prof. H. B. Lewis, head of the department of physiological chemistry. The lecture will take place in the Chemistry Amphitheatre. ness schools in Michigan are com- pelled to operate under the code. Previous to the adoption in 1923 of the plan to formulate a minimum standard course of study and a code of professional practice, there was no criterion of study and each course re- flected the ideas of the various school superintendents. Under the present system each school manager is required to sign the code of ethics, with the penalty of losing the approval of the State department of public instruction up- on violation of any standard. The meeting yesterday also took up the consideration of joining the National Accredited Association of Business Schools, but no conclusion was reached on the possibilities of taking such action. P RIN TING P r[ES THAT WILL PLAS YO THE ATHENS PRESS Downtown- 206 North Main St. Dial 2-1013 Next to Downtown Postoflce Typewriting Paper at Reduced Prices Dr. J J, Abel Will Receive Kober Medal 1883 University Graduate Is Now Johns Hopkins Professor Emeritus At a meeting of the Association of American Physicians, which will be held May 1 and 2 in Atlantic City, the Kober medal for outstanding medical research will be presented by Dr. C. W. Edmunds of the Medical School to Dr. John J. Abel, professor emeritus of pharmacology at John Hopkins, and the first man to de- vote his time to study of pharma- cology in this country. Dr. Abel graduated from the liter- ary college here in 1883, and then went to Europe for further study, In 1891, he was made professor of phar- macology within the Medical School. Although the department of material medica had been associated with medicine for many years, this was the first attempt to establish the newer study in the United States. It was the initial Laboratory and De- partment of Pharmacology in Ameri- ca. In 1893, Dr. Abel was called to Johns Hopkins, when the medical school there was first being organ- ized. Dr. Abel, who retired from active professorship at Johns Hopkins two years ago, is also editor of the Jour- nal of Pharmacology and Experi- mental Therapeutics. He has been awarded the Research Corp. prize and the Willard Gibbs Medal as well as other honors. His numerous re- searches on animal tissue and flu- ids, and on the physiological and therapeutical action of various sub- stances won him the Kober Medal. Together with Dr. Edmunds, Dr. L. H. Newburgh of the University Hospital will represent Michigan at this meeting. The Society for Clini- cal Research will also hold a con- vention Monday, April 30, at Atlantic City, which will be attended by sev- eral medical men from the Univer- sity. WHISKEY ONCE WAS CHEAP JACKSON, 0., April 28. - (P) - A century ago, whiskey hereabouts came at 37 cents a quart. An old rec- ord book unearthed during the mov- ing of records revealed the county paid that much for liquor to serve laborers during erection of the County Jail about 100 years ago. A Real I i r- A Here's the SPECILAL at Our Fountains Workers Keep Up Fight For HigherWages Plans for continuing their fight for a higher wage were made by the Washtenaw County Relief Workers Association at an open-air meeting held yesterday afternoon in West Park. Ira Welch, leader of the group spoke of the urgent need for an or- ganization of the workers to force payment of 50 cents an hour for wel- fare work on county roads, instead of the 40 cents scale just adopted. He said that until now weekly wages have been as low as $4.80, and pic- tured the miserable conditions that have resulted. He based his plea for the necessity of an organization on attacks against the "crooked" American Federation of Labor, the disenfranchisement of all but property owners for the State bond election, the unfairness of case workers for the welfare department, and the failure of the movement for unemployment insurance so far. Economics Club: Dr. Melchior Pa- lyi, of the University of Chicago, will speak to the Club on "Current Euro- pean Financial Problems," at 7:45, April 30, in 304 of the Union. Mem- bers of the staffs of Business Admin- istration and Economics, and gradu- ate students in these departments are cordially invited. Electrical and Mechanical Engi- neers: There will be a meeting of the Student Branch of the A.I.E.E. on Monday, April 30, at 7:45 p.m., Room 348 West Eng. Bldg. This meeting will be a Contact Program with Gen- eral Electric. All M.E. and E.E. sen- iors and graduates should plan to at- tend. Mr. A. K. Bushman will speak on the subject: "Application Engi- neering and Technical Selling." Stu- dents interested in interviews should see notice on E.E. Dept. Bulletin Board. Mechanical Engineering Seniors: You are invited to attend a talk by Mr. A. K. Bushman, of the General Electric Company (from Chicago) to be held in room 348 West Engineer- ing building at 7:30 p.m. Monday. Sigma Rho Tau: Regular meeting next Wednesday at 7:30 in the Union. 11 1 1 * " ? g i 1 3 $ .5l% I RYTEX VISITING CARDS aTdN Sationery STUDENTS SUPPLY STORE BANANA SPLITS. .15 c Contents as follows: ONE LARGE BANANA ONE SCOOP STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM ONEESCOOP VANILLA ICE CREAM Topped with Pineapple and Cherry Fruit Syrups, whipped Cream and Nuts. Phone 2-3476 1111 South University Ave. 6 ^ SUDDEN SERVICE " w + ® w MOM w wwqpq%-&Njg r You'll need this Week-end O FTEN wnen you want to take a picture, the sun isn't at its best. No matter. Kodak Verichrome Film gets the picture on dull days as well as bright. It is double-coated, reduces the danger of underexposure and overexposure. Stop in for your week-end supply today. We have all popular sizes, including 616 and 62o-in both rolls and packs..Ptompt photo finishing. FRANCISCO & BOYCE PHOTO COMPANY Calkins-Fletcher Drug 324 S. State 1101 So. U. Company Packard at State 4th & Washington . r 5 ir I I A lex vwu Says- that- 4 K a 0 ' p . 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