The Weather increasing cloudiness and warmer Saturday followed by showers Saturday night. - -.4 A64v Sirt ~~Iad Editorials For Whom The War? ... I s i VOL. XLIV No. 149 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS Division In Education Advocated Hutchins Urges System Of Lower Schools For All, Universities For Few Addresses 5,000 At Honors Ceremony Chicago President States Training Must Continue To At Least Age Of 20 A separation of the schools of the country into a lower division compris- ing local colleges or technical schools to be attended by all, and an upper division called the university was ad- vocated yesterday by Dr. Robert M. Hutchins, president of the University of Chicago, speaker at the eleventh Annual Honors Convocation exer- cises. Dr. Hutchins told the 5,000 students, faculty members, and visitors that this separation would fulfill the dreams which Thomas Jefferson had for the future of American education. Need Lower Schools Because present economic condi- tions make it necessary tokeep stu- dents in school until they are 20 years old, Dr. Hutchins urged the cre- ation of institutions of the lower di- vision, supported by thenational as well as" the local governments, ii, which "the modern counterpart of his group destined to labor" would be taught to be "self-sustaining." At the conclusion of this prelim- inary period, those students who showed scholarly attributes would go to a university, where he might utilize his previous training "in some large intellectual field," studied not by it- self, but "in relation to other major disciplines." "For example,' medicine and the natural sciences at its bases, law and the social sciences on which it rests, and theology are intellectual areas of study having a definite rational content, any one of which might con- stitute the scene of the student's in- tellectual activity," Dr. Hutchins said. Not To Be Vocational Being intellectual rather than voca- tional, such activity "would have nothing to do with training a student to be a teacher, or a doctor, or a lawyer, or a preacher. It would involve the search for truth for its own sake, the practice of the intellectual virtues, that study which is the intellectual love of God." This "intellectual love of God" Dr. Hutchins later declaied to be "indis- pensable to the achievement of the democratic ideal." Far from advocating the use of the lower divisions of the schools as a means of improving society, the speaker said, "The quality of society must inevitably govern the quality of elementary education . . . The so- ciety we get will not depend on the schools we have; the schools we get will depend on the society we have." Four Speakers WillCon ckde Vocation Talks Professions Of Medicine, Dentistry, And Education To Be Discussed Four heads of professional de- partments who will speak during May will conclude the series of vocational talks addressed to students of the literary college, and intended to in- terest them in the work offered in various professional fields. On Tuesday Dean F. G. Novy of the Medical School will speak; Dean M. L. Ward of the School of Dentistry on Tuesday, May 15; Dr. W. W. Bishop, University Librarian, on Thursday, May 17; and Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School of Edu- cation on Tuesday, May 22. With the exception of Dean Ward's, all of the lectures will be given in 1025 Angell Hall. He will speak in the Upper Amphitheatre of the Den- tal Building. All meetings will be held at 4:15 p.m. Deans Henry M. Bates, Samuel T. Dana, and Clare E. Griffin, of the Over 150 Students Elected To Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi Election of 61 students to Phi Beta Kappa, national scholastic honorary society, and 96 to Phi Kappa Phi, honorary society basing its standards on scholarship, service to the Univer- sity, and personality, was announced yesterday as part of the Honors Con- vocation ceremony. Ten juniors newly elected to Phi Beta Kappa in the literary college were Arthur J. Carr, Ralph G. Coul- ter, Anne K. Ehrenfeld, Donald B. Elder, Robert J. Janda, Winifred K. Kammerer, Elizabeth B. Lawry, Mary E. Lunny, Truman C. Smith, and Colin M. Wilsey. Membership was conferred on the following eligible students in the Graduate School: Clarisse Fineman, Erwin R. Gaerttner, Paul C. Kochan, Mary G. Lakoff, Lewis E. Lloyd, Verne B. Schuman, Ching Lai Shen, Rob- ert D. Thompson, Henry Van Engen, Herbert E. Vaughan. Five seniors in the education school, having fulfilled the added re- quirements of having taken a major- ity of their work in the literary col- lege, were chosen. They are Barbara Andrews, Odessa L. Cohen, Lola L. Goodspeed, Elizabeth I. Hawes, Lu- cille R. C. Wood.- Thirty-six seniors in the literary college were elected to membership. They are Donald E. Adams, Frances F. Allen, Margaret Anderson, Ada L. Blackman, Elizabeth S. Browne, El- len J. Cooley, Ralph R. Cooper, Bald- win R. Curtis, Esther I. Frank. Lester M. Harrison, Harriet L. Jen- nings, Frederick L. Johnson, David Kahn, Sarah B. King, Milton C. Kloetzel, William D. Koon, Joseph A. La Cava, Franklin H. LaRowe, Mar- garet J. McCausey, Curtis L. Men- delson, William G. Merhab, Jack A. Mintz, Saul L. Nadler, La Lander S. Norman. Helen M. Podolsky, Jane M. Rob- inson, Alto H. Rowland, Harold R. Schmidt, Barbara E. P. Smith, Thel- ma K. Solosth, Ellis H. Steffen, Lu- cille 0. Wagar, Harry P. Warner, John V. Wehausen, Carlotta R. Weit- brecht, and Genevieve A. William- son. The following were chosen to Phi Kappa Phi: Frances F. Allen, '34, Harold B. Allen, Grad., Clarence G. Anderson, '34, Winifred F. Arthur, '34, Burton P. Baker, '34, Aaron Barkman, '34, Harold Barnes, '34, Esther L. Belcher, Grad., Adelaida M. Bendana, Grad., Joseph A. Bennett, '34, George E. (Continued on Page 2) Elect Ruth Root W.A.A. Head In Women's Vote Billie Griffiths, Charlotte Whitman, Mary Ferris New League Officers Officials of the Women's Athletic Association and vice-presidents and council members of the League were chosen yesterday by University wom- en in a campus poll. Ruth Root, '35, was elected pres- ident of the W.A.A. to succeed Billie Griffiths, '35. Jane Arnold, '36, will be vice-president; Sue Thomas, '36, secretary; and Beatrice DeVine, '35, treasurer. Vice-presidents chosen in League elections are Miss Griffiths, to repre- sent the literary college; Charlotte Whitman, '35, from the School of Music, representing all schools not otherwise named; and Mary Ferris, '35, acting for the School of Educa- tion. Elect Council Members Helen MacDonald, '35, and Eliza- beth Talcott, '35, added to the Ju- diciary Council as senior representa- tives, and Winifred Bell, '36, and Ruth Rich, '36, to act as the new junior members, are the four new women chosen to succeed retiring members. All of the women named have been active in campus activities. Miss Root was president of the swimming club, on the finance committee for the Junior Girls Play, and a member of the mug and moll chorus. Miss Ar- nold, vice-president of Alpha Lamb- da Delta, honorary sorority for fresh- men, was also a member of the deco- ration committee for Sophomore Ca- baret. Sue Thomas, head of the decora- tion committee for Penny Carnival, was a member of the Frosh Frolic and Sophomore Prom committees. The inale lead of the recent Junior Girls Play, Beatrice Devine, is a member of Wyvern, was a junior representa- tive on the League board, and finance chairman for the Penny Carnival. Active In Dramatics The past W.A.A. president, Billie Griffiths, member of Wyvern, junior national honorary society, is also a member of The Daily business staff and Play Production. Charlotte Whitman, female lead of the J.G.P., is manager of the University Wom- en's Glee Club. Mary Ferris, who is active in Play Production, was also a member of the central committee for J.G.P., acting as make-up chair- man. Of the new members of the Judic- iary Council, Betty TaIcott and Helen MacDonald were in the Junior Girls Play, while Winifred Bell, member of the Varsity Debate team, president of Alpha Lambda Delta, and vice- president of the sophomore class and Ruth Rich, social chairman of the Sophomore Cabaret, entertained in the Cabaret. Miss Rich is also ac- tive in the Children's Theatre. The newly elected members of the League and W.A.A. officials will be installed at the banquet to be held at the League Monday night. Smith To Speak At High School Girls Launch Attack On Union Front Door Little girls, big girls, lean girls, fat girls, all unaware of the sacredness of the front portals of the Union, have caused be-mustachioed George John- son, official custodian of the east entrance, considerable anxiety dur- ing the past few days. Thursday evening, after Mr. John- son had gone off duty, many of the future co-eds entered the front door and all day yesterday they were turned back only by his heroic efforts. Late last night Mr. Johnson told The Daily that never before in his 12 years of service had so many members of the fairer sex attempted "to crash the sacred portals." The offenders are attending the current conventions of the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association and various high school speech societies. G.O.P. Agrees With President On Tariff Law Chairman Of Republicans Joins With Roosevelt In Criticism Of Measure WASHINGTON, April 27. - (P) - The Republican Chairman of the Tariff Commission today joined Pres- ident Roosevelt in criticizing existing tariff laws and dealt a severe blow to the G.O.P. leaders in the Senate who were looking to the impending clash on the issue to consolidate their forces for the coming campaign. They expect the proposed new tariff grant of power to the President to give fresh point to their contention that the Roosevelt Administration has de- veloped into a dictatorship contrary to American principles and their op- position to the bill will be vigorous. In the end, however, they concede pri- vately that it will pass. The Commission's chairman, Rob- ert Lincoln O'Brien, told the Finance Committee today that the flexible provisions of the present tariff laws were, as a matter of fact, very flex- ible, and added the statement that the Commission itself had been so timid as to suit its reports to what it thought would be the views of the President in power. "Idon't think the Tariff Commis- sion recommendations are courageous reports," O'Brien said, adding that the commissioners were appointed by the President and that behind their de- cisions lay a lurking feareof losing their jobs, should they present a re- port inimical to Administration pol- icy. He described the power to change rates as "an extreme joke," and re- marked that the duty on wheat had remained constant for 10 years while the price of that commodity had ranged as high as $1.50 and as low as 40 cents. He found fault, too, with the sys- tem of basing commission recommen- dations on production costs. They are very difficult to obtain, he said, and often after they have been de- termined a changing situation makes the information useless. He advocated using the delivered price of foreign ar- rti1iAin Amec, atp t h vrkfipiekof F. G. Averill Is Elected Head Of Educators M i c h i g a n Schoolmasters Name Fordson Principal President For Year Conferences Today Will CloseProgram Henry Declares Financial' Outlook Is Serious, Says Problem Not Yet Solved Forest G. Averill, principal of Ford- son High School, yestedday was elect-c ed president of the Michigan School- masters' Club for the coming year. The club will conclude its annual ses- sion here today with a number of group conferences this morning. 1 Miss Edith L. Hoyle, teacher of social studies in the University High School, was chosen vice-president at yesterday's business meeting. David Van Buskirk, superintendent of schools at Hastings, was named to the executive committee, his term expiring in 1937. A conference for teachers, relating to the special problems and interests of classroom teachers, willfeature the1 club's program this morning. Schorling to Preside Conferences for the morning will be opened at 9 a.m. in the Auditorium; of University High School, with a general meeting presided over by Prof. Raleigh Schorling of the School of Education. Following the general conference; the group will break up into special conferences on various high school subjects and on various phases of ma- jor educational problems. These groups will meet at 10:30 a.m. in the University High School and Elementary School. Two sectional conferences of the Schoolmasters' Club will also hold their meetings this morning. The bus- iness school conferce will meet at 1, a.m. in the Union't discuss a, na- tional code for business schools. Women's Advisers To Meet Informal discussions on the part of deans and advisers of women at 10 a.m. in the League will be followed by a luncheon at 12:30 p.m. in the League, with Miss Edith Hale Swift of Wayne University speaking on "How Our Girls Arrive at Ethical Values" Sounding a glum note, Dr. David D. Henry, assistant superintendent of public instruction, told the adminis- trative teachers' conference at a (Continued on Page 6) Band To Play For Blossom Festival The Varsity Band has been selected as the official band of the 1934 Blos- som Festival May 11-13 at Benton Harbor-St. Joseph, it was announced here yesterday. The Blossom Festival, a huge an- nual event in the two Western Mich- igan cities, includes a mardi-gras, pa- rade between the two cities, and cele- brations centering around the "royal court" of a previously-named blossom queen., The band will leave Ann Arbor Friday noon, May 11, and will return the following Sunday. The next public appearance of the band will be Sunday night, May 6, when, under the guest direction of Leonard Falcone, Michigan State Col- lege bandmaster, it will give a bene- fit performance for the Starr Comn- monwealth at the Naval Armory, Detroit. The annual series of Wednesday night concerts from the bandstand in the center of the Diagonal Walk will begin immediately after the May Fes- tival, it was announced yesterday. Editor Talks To Newsmen On New Deal James Schermerhorn Says Recent Attacks Are Not Surprising Former Publisher Speaks At Banquet 350 Gather In League At Convention Dinner To Hear Detroit Leader Recent attacks on the New Deal such as those voiced by Dr. Wirt, should not surprise us too much, but rather, we should look on them with an air of open-mindedness, James Schermerhorn, former editor and publisher of the Detroit Times, told more than 350 delegates of the Mich- igan Interscholastic Press Association at their annual banquet in the League last night. Prof. John L. Brumm of the jour- nalism department who acted as the toastmaster, introduced the speaker at the dinner which climaxed the tenth annual convention of the high school journalists. "There have been hints of revolu- tion," Mr. Schermerhorn stated, "but we should not be afraid of the reve- lation of the happenings in other countries, and while we may come to something like these various issues, we should look at them with an open mind." Cites William Allen White In discussing the New Deal, Mr. Schermerhorn pointed out that cur- rent criticism does not center around whether or not we are "On Our Way," but rather in which direction we are headed. The speaker ex- pressed the belief that this line of criticism of a policy unopposed to date is perhaps best exemplified by William Allen White as representa- tive of the rural population. Mr. Schermerhorn called the New Deal "thrilling" and said the NRA was set up atoimpress the country. "The campaign to put over the NRA put the blue eagle everywhere, brought out General Johnson as the spotlight of the NRA," he said. The speaker, however, was inclined to believe that the leader of the re- covery forces was too militaristic and placed too much emphasis on force and punishment. NRA Means Of Enforcement "While there was a letdown in the ability to enforce the NRA following the Administration's clash with the auto industry, it has been followed by the setting up of a vast machinery of enforcement," Mr. Schermerhorn stated, "and today the NRA is sim- ply this enforcement means." Yesterday's program opened with a general assembly at the Union presided over by Professor Brumm. At this session, Cyril Arthur Player, foreign editor of the Detroit News, spoke on his personal experiences as a foreign correspondent. He was fol- lowed by E. L. Miller, assistant super- intendent of the Detroit Public Schools, who stressed the impor- tance of the journalistic work done (Continued on Page 6) Etchells Qualifies In Drake Preliminaries Widmer Etchells, Michigan's soph- omore discus thrower, competing in his first Drake Relays at Des Moines yesterday, qualified in the prelimi- naries of the discus throw, with a toss of 134.94 feet. Etchells was the only Wolverine to qualify yesterday, but only one other event in which a Mich- igan representation was entered, the 440 yard relay, was run off. Alix in the two mile, Hunn in the pole vault and the strong Michigan mile relay team, are expected to qual- ify in their event today. ~~Photo by Rentschler-. PROF. ERMINE C. CASE Ferndale Wins State Debating Championship Is Awarded Decision Over Battle Creek In Finals On RadioQuestion University Budget Is Raised Slightly; Hospital Given Cut Gets New Post d 0 $ a a t t v L s t t: s: n a F d t: ri n 7-Million Dollar Measure For Both Units Passed By Board OfRegents Case Will Succeed Hobbs In Geology Before a wildly enthusiastic audi- ence that packed Hill Auditorium,'t Lincoln High School of Ferndale was awarded a two to one decision of the critic judges over Battle Creek Cen- ral High School in the finals of the r annual Michigan State Debating Con- est held last night. Ferndale,debating on the negative side of the question, "Resolved, That All Radio Broadcasting in the United States Should Be Conducted in Sta-r tions Owned and Controlled by the Federal Government," was represent- ed by Robert Ashman, Clare Whiting, 'nd William Burch. The affirmative Battle Creek team was presented by William Centner, Joseph Harmon, and Charles Centner. Dr. Paul Voelker, State superinten- lent of public instruction, acted as chairman of the debate. The critic judges were Prof. H. L. Ewbank of the' University of Wisconsin, and Profes- sors J. M. O'Neill and G. E. Dens- more of the department of speech and general linguistics in the University. Point Out Fallacies The major premise of the winning negative team on the question was that fallacies in the present system of radio broadcasting, which is oper- ated by private concerns under the control of the Federal Radio Com- mission, do not exist, and that those weaknesses that do exist may be effi- ciently remedied by the commission by the extension of powers vested in them by a constitutional clause and upheld by the United States Supreme Court. The affirmative side's principal ar- gument was based on quality recep- tion, which under the present system, they claimed, is lacking. It was their contention that government control was not enough, as evidenced by the excessive number of broadcasting sta- tions which conflicted with each other on the same wave length. They proposed a system whereby the gov- ernment would buy up all of the sta- tions on a priority basis. That is, the stations organized first would be purchased in the order of their in- stigation. Eighty such stations on 80 different wave lengths would be pur- chased and all be established in a centralized area of the United States with increased power so that any of these stations could be heard on any radio. The system would be con- trolled by a Federal organization ap- pointed under the civil service system. Six Are Given Watches The salient point of the rebuttal speeches evolved around the affirma- tive's theory of centralization, which the negative side refuted because, ac- cording to their claim, local interest could not be sustained and thus, ad- vertising, one of the principal pur- poses of radio, would be defeated. Tod Rockwell, interscholastic sports editor of the Detroit Free Press, who presented gold watches to the six finalists, summed up the general spirit of the debate by drawing an analogy between it and the Michigan-Minne-' Dental School Curriculum Is Increased To Agree With Other States The University budget for the aca- demic year 1934-35 was set at $7,- 035,934.76 by the Board of Regents at its April meeting held yesterday afternoon. This is a decrease of $192,079.33 compared to the budget as passed last year for 1933-34. Of this total, $5,124,954.76 is the otal for the University proper, and he remaining $1,910,980.00 for Uni- versity Hospital. The budget for the University proper in 1933-34 was $5,088,831.69, while that for Univer- ity Hospital was $2,139,182.40. Thus he University willreceive a greater budget than the present year, while he allotment for University Hospital hows a decrease. Case Made Geology Head Promotions of present faculty members and appointment of new ones were also made at this meeting. Prof. Ermine C. Case of the geology departmnent was made chairman of he department, succeeding Prof. Wil- iam H. Hobbs, who retires this sum- mer. Prof. George R. LaRue of the zoology department was raised from executive secretary to chairman of he zoology department. Prof. Harlow 0. Whittemore was promoted from assistant to associate professor of landscape design, chair- man of the department, and director of Nichols Arboretum. The Regents voted to increase the curriculum required for graduation from the School of Dentistry to two years in college and four years in the School of Dentistry, to go into effect this fall. It was explained that those wishing to graduate under the old requirement of two years in college and three years in the school may still do so, but in most cases will be unable to practice outside of the State because of increased regulations. Other Requirements Higher At the present time there are 38 dental schools in the country, 21 of them having a one-year college-four year school regulation; 12 with the the two year college - four year school rule; and 5 with the old sys- tem used here. Several gifts were formally ac- cepted by the Regents, including $2,- 000 from Upjohn Co.; three grants from Parke, Davis, and Co., of $1,- 500, $1,200, and $1,000; an anonymous gift of $300 to Dr. Reuben Kahn for research; $888.73 from the J-Hop to the student Goodwill Fund; $140.49 to the emergency loan fund for stu- dents from the sponsors of the All- Nations Review; and several water colors and photographs. Prof. Herbert L. Kenyon of the Spanish department was made man- ager of the Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre. ' i i f 1934 Alumni Reading List To Be Ready Early Next Month Three Resign From Faculty Dr. F. H. Lashmet of the Medical School, Laura Littlefield, of the mu- sic school, and Prof. Alexander P. Gwiazdowski, of the engineering col- lege filed resignations which were ac- cepted by the Board. A University Committee on Annuities was created with the following members; Presi- dent Ruthven, Vice-President Shir- ley W. Smith, Assistant Secretary Herbert G. Watkins, Prof. James W Glover of the mathematics depart- ment, and one other member of that (Continued on Page 6) Nelson, Aide Of Dillinger Slips By 100 Police ST. PAUL, April 27.- (R) --An- other Dillinger gangster, dimunitive, dangerous George (Baby Face) Nelson slipped unnoticed and unhurt past 100 waiting guns today as the forces of law met repeated obstacles in the greatest criminal hunt of the decade. Late today, however, officers were sent to Squirrel Lake, near- Eagle River, Wis., where it was reported LL. J- - - 1-A -I nn. rn.. . a ir' 'c new and revised Alumni Read- ing List containing an added supple- ment for the year 1934 has gone to. press and will be on sale early next month, according to Wilfred B. Shaw,; director of alumni relations. This book list originally intended only as a service to alumni in their pursuit of some given subject is now on sale to the general public as well. Its price, still undetermined, will be about $1.25, it was further said. to 4,000 alumni. The demand for the' book is also shown in the fact that1 the use of the lists at the New York1 Public Library was so great that, they had to be rebound within the, same year of their issuance. "Taken as a whole," Mr. Shaw stated, "any one of these lists may be considered a fairly comprehensive course of reading in the subject under consideration. On the other hand, an individual reader may choose any one book of the list to suit his case."