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April 27, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-27

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The Weather
Fair ard rat#her cold tod ay;
#tomiorrow fair and warmer.


Sir igan


I Ed



.Imo For Action
On Local Water Supply...




Fress Club
Meeting To
Michigan Interscholastic
Association M e m b e r s
Hear Ruthven, Haines
Young Journalists
Make Tour Of Daily
Business Sessions Hol d
Attention Today; Dance
At LeagueTonight
Having opened their convention
with the regulation addresses of wel-
come at the Union last night, the
Michigan Interscholastic Press As-
sociation will settle down to the busi-
ness end of their tenth annual meet-
ing here today, starting with a gen-
eral assembly at 9 a.m. in the Union
Following registration yesterday
afternoon at the Union, the group met
for the first time at 7:30 p.m. for a
get-acquainted assembly in the Un-
ion Ballroom, at which time they
were addressed by President Alexan-
der G. Ruthven and Prof. John L.
Brumm, head of the journalism de-
partment, who is directing the con-
Haines Presides
After an introduction by Donal
Hamilton Haines of the journalism
department, who presided over the
first- meeting, President Ruthven
made a short address of welcome to
the assembled delegates, urging them
to continue their education after
they finished high school.
His address was followed by one
by Professor Brumm, who spoke of
"Conventions; Their Cause and
Cure." He also urged the audience to
come to college, and cautioned them
to be influenced in their choice of
journalism as a profession only by
their actual pleasure in that activity.
See Publications Building
At 8:45 p.m. a portion of the ball-
room floor was cleared to allow some
informal dancing, and later the party
was led on a tour through the Stu-
dent Publications Building by mem-
bers of the staff of The Daily and
students of the journalism depart-
At the beginning of the Thursday
night session it was estimated that
approximately 325 delegates had
come to the convention, of whom al-
most two-thirds were women. There
are about 50 schools enrolled, al-
though most of the large delegations
are from Detroit.
Today's program, will open with
the general assembly at the Union
presided over by Professor Brumm.
Player Will Speak
The first speaker will be Cyril Ar-I
thur Player, foreign editor and spe-
cial writer for the Detroit News, who
will speak on personal experiences
and interviews made in Europe.
He will be followed by E. L. Miller,
assistant superintendent of Detroit
Public Schools, who will speak on the
work of school newspapers in the
education system there.
This assembly will be followed by
the first two sessions of round table
discussion groups, three meeting from
10 to 11 a.m., and four from 11 a.m.
to noon.
There will be a luncheon at the
Union for the college members of the
meeting, convening as the Michigan
Intercollegiate Press Association, fol-
lowed by a three-hour session of their

own, while the high school members
hold a second general assembly.
tFisher To Address Students
At 1:30 p.m. they will be addressed
by Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, minister
at the First Methodist Episcopal
Church of Ann Arbor. His address
will be followed by the third session
of discussion groups, from 2:30 to
3:30 p.m.
Today's activities will be closed by
a banquet at the Michigan League, at
which Professor Brumm will be toast-
master. James Schermerhorn, for-
mer publisher and editor of the De-
troit News, will be the speaker of the
evening, and his address will be fol-
lowed by musical entertainment of-
fered by the Ypsilanti Normal Con-
servatory of Music.
Immediately after the banquet will
come the chief social event of the
convention, the dance in the ball-
room of the Michigan League, with
music furnished by Murton Peer and
his orchestra.-
Of leading interest in the discus-
sion groups scheduled for today are
"The Writing of News," led by Lee A
*%An i - t.'a ' Tnt mpurr TA

W~illSpeak A t Honos Convoation Today
-Associated Press Photo

Plans Not Yet
Completed For
Senior Activity
May 1 Has Been Set As
Deadline For Swingout
Members of the Undergraduate
Committee who are endeavoring to
find some substitute plan for Swing-
out, which was abolished by the Sen-
ate Committee on Student Affairs,
reported last night that they had no
finished plan as yet although the
general outlines of another function
have been made.
The Undergradute Council, which
will have to vote upon the commit- '
tee .,plan yet, has been given until
May 1 to submit some substitute func-j
tion to the Senate Committee. After
that date, not only Swingout itself
but also all possible substitutes will
be prohibited.
Although the committee wouldr
make no official statement, it was,
learned that one of the plans upper-
most in the minds of the members
at the present time would keep the
Swingout march and would terminate
the affair in Hill Auditorium with
speeches by outstanding members of
the senior class.
This plan has not been definitely
decided upon as yet, however, and it
is possible that another will be con-
ceived instead. When all the details
have been worked out, the commit-
tee will report back to the Under-
graduate Council. The Council will
then submit the plan to the Senate
Committee, which will make the final
New Theory of
Matter Pointed
Out By Barker
The conception of matter has un-
dergone many radical changes in the
last few months, Prof. Ernest Barker
of the Physics department pointed
out in his lecture on "Modern Con-
ceptions of Matter," yesterday, in the
Natural Science Auditorium.
Dr. Barker explained that recent
experiments have shown that there
are four elementary constituents of
matter: electrons, protons, positrons,
and neutrons, whereas it was thought
there were only two: electrons and
protons. There may even be a fifth,
nutrino, which has been named, but
not observed.
Professor Barker added that a great
deal has yet to be discovered on the
new wave theories which are attract-
ing so much attention. He also said
that physicists can now study the an-
nihilation of matter, and that it may
soon be possible for them to observe
the creation of matter.
This was the last of the series of
University lectures.
Agreement Reached
On Railway Wagles
(By Associated Press)
Labor and the boss turned some
corners together in the hunt for in-
dustrial peace yesterday.

Traditional Formal
Night Performance
Of OperaTonight
The largest crowd of the first three
performances attended last night's
showing of "With Banner Flying,"
25th annual Union Opera being
staged all this week at the Whitney
Officials said that there are still a
number of good seats available for
the remaining three performances,
tonight, tomorrow afternoon, and to-
morrow night. They may be obtained
at the Whitney Theatre box office
any time after 11 a.m. The matinee
seats are most abundant.
Tonight's performance will be the
traditional Formal Night, and pa-
trons will attend either in formal
evening dress or in dress uniforms,
the latter being in order to enable
members of the R.O.T.C. attending
the Military Bal also to see the opera.
Special efforts will also be made to
accommodate delegates who are now
in Ann Arbor for the Michigan Inter-
collegiate Press Association conven-
tion, Schoolmasters Club meetings,
and similar meetings.
Soialist Clubs
To Participate
In Celebration
Campus Radicals Planning
To Attend Detroit May
Day Demonstration
Campus radicals, or part of them,
will take part in Detroit's May Day
demonstration Tu sday, the day when
the workers of 1 ,,pworld annually
"arise to throw off their capitalistic
fetters," if present plans go through,
Edward T. Cheyfitz, '34, member of
the National Student League, said
last night.
The Vanguard Club and the local
chapter of the National Student
League, although not officially part
of the movement, will be liberally rep-
resented in the day's events, both
in the marching in Detroit and in a
May Day meeting to be held here at
Arthur L. Wood, '34, who is ii
charge of transportation facilities,
said that a truck had been engaged
to take the prospective marchers to
Detroit, and that if a sufficient de-
mand were indicated a second truck
would be hired. He expressed the
hope that at least 30 would go.
Plans call for marchers to assemble
in Clark Park, Detroit, and to start
the demonstration from there.
The Board in Control of Student
Publications will hold its meeting
for the appointment of the man-
aging editor and business manager
of The Michigan Daily, the Mich-
iganensian, the Gargoyle, and bus-
iness manager of the Summer Di-
rectory, at 2:30 p.m., May 18, 1934.
Each applicant for a position is
requested to file seven copies of his
letter of application with the Audi-
tor of Student Publications not
later than May 12, 1934, for the use
of the members of the Board. Car-
bon copies, if legible, will be satis-
factory. Each letter should state
factss tn onthe nnint pynri-

Give Talk At
Honor Students To Have
Special Seats In Center
Of Hill Auditorium
All Classes Will Be
Dismissed At 10:30
Invitations Are Sent To
Honor Students' Parents
For First Time
The Eleventh Annual Honors Con-
vocation of the University will be held
at 11 a.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Dr. Robert M. Hutchins, president of
the University of Chicago, will de-
liver the convocation address.
Seated in the center section of the
main floor of the auditorium will be
the honor students, who have re-
ceived special invitations to the event.
Other students may find seats in the
side sections of the main floor and
in the balcony.
All classes, with the exception of
clinics, will be excused at 1030 a.m.
to permit students to attend.
The honor students include all sen-
iors who rank in the upper tenth of
their class in scholarship, sophomores
and freshmen who have a rating of
half A and half B, newly elected
members of Phi Beta Kappa, Phi
Kappa Phi, and Tau Beta Pi, scho-
lastic honor societies, and the recip-
ients of scholarships, fellowships,
and special awards based primarily
on scholarship.
Invitations to the exercises have
been extended to the parents of the
honor students, an innovation this
Five hundred thirty-two students
have been included in the honor
groups this year, an increase of near-
ly 50 students over last year.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will preside at the exercises.
League, W.A.A.
Elections Will
Be Held Today
Polls for W.A.A. and League elec-
tions will be open from 10 a.m. to 5
p.m. in University Hall today, accord-
ing to a report by Grace Mayer, '34Ed.,
president of the League. All women
are eligible to vote.
The elections will inaugurate the
new system of the League, when the
three vice-presidents are voted upon.
The three will be chosen from the
literary college, the School of Educa-
tion, and the School of Music, the
latter representing all the other
schools that are not named. No stu-
dent may vote for a vice-president
outside her own school, that is no one
but a literary student may vote for
the literary vice-president and sim-
ilarly for the other schools, Miss
Mayer explained. New senior and jun-
ior members of Judiciary Council will
be voted upon at the same time.
W.A.A. Elections, are open to all
women. President, vice president, sec-
retary and treasurer will be chosen.
All officers elected will be officially
installed at the annual Installation
Banquet to be held in the League
Monday. Both the League president
and secretary, who were chosen on
the new merit system will also be in-
stalled at that time.

Women Make
Rushing Rule
Panhellenic Association
Adopts Practically All
Contacts Through
Summer Prohibited
More Severe Penalties Are
Approved'; Regulations
On DatingChanged
Practically all of the changes in the
sorority rushing rules proposed by
the rushing rules committee under
the chairmanship of Margaret His-
cock, '36, were ratified yesterday by
the Panhellenic Association. The ac-
tion was taken after house presidents
had consulted with the members of
their respective houses.
A new ruling, suggested at the
meeting and passed prohibited danc-
ing on Sundays. Rushing will start
on Saturday, as last year, but the
second Sunday of rushing will be
Summer Rushing Prohibited
Summer rushing and rushing wom-
en who plan to attend the University
in the future during the school year,
was condemned by a large vote. Any
sorority breaking this rule will not
be allowed to rush for the first three
days of formal rushing, in accordance
with this ruling.
"Rushing with men" will be pun-
ished by a penalty of cancellation of
all rushing dates with the rushee for
whom the rule is broken. A new
ruling affecting the time that the
sororities may ask for the next date,
was put through, stating that the
sorority may ask for a third date upon
the completion of the first.
Several more severe penalties have
been approved for violation of the
rules, among these, a penalty of can-
cellation of all rushing dates with
the rushee for having more than four
engagements with any one. The house
violating the time limit for engage-
ments will be forced to cancel one
date with the rushee for whom the
rule isbroken; and the sororities
which allow a rushee to attend more
than one formal at their house will
be forbidden to pledge the women for
whom the rule is broken until two
weeks have elapsed. It was decided
further that any sorority which called
for a rushee on any other than a
formal occasion would have to can-
cel all dates with the rushee.
Penalties Imposed
Other penalties imposed include a
ruling that cancellation of one date
with the rushees for whom the rule
is broken will be the punishment for
giving favors, and that if a sorority
should do any rushing outside the
house the penalty will be removal
of all rushing privileges for the fall
Silent period will extend this year
from the termination of the last for-
mal, that is at 10 p.m. Thursday, un-
til 9 a.m. on the following Monday,
and lists of both the sororities and
the rushees must be in before noon
on Friday of the day after the last
Setting the day of pledging ahead
one day, it was decided that Sunda
will be the day of formal pledging
These rules will gc into immediate ef-
fect, according to Betty Aigler, '35,
president of Panhellenic Associa-

Senior Canes Must
Be Ordered Today
Seniors planning to participate
in Cane Day, Sunday, May 13,
must place their orders for the
canes today in order to insure re-
ceiving them in time. Applications
are being received at Burr, Patter-
son, Auld & Co.
An effort is being made this year
by prominent seniors on the cam-
pus to revive this tradition which
was a regular occasion until a few
years ago when lack of interest
made it necessary to discontinue
the event.
Ceremony Will
Be Keynote Of
Military Ball
March Of Sabres Will Be
Executed For First Time
At Annual Affair Tonight
Greater pomp and ceremony than
has been witnessed at Military Balls
of previous years will appear at the
fourteenth annual dance given by the
R.O.T.C. tonight in the Union ball-
Frederick H. Kohl, '34E, general
chairman, will lead the grand march
with Pauline Scheidt, Ann Arbor.
Don Redman and his band, on tour
from New York, will play for the
A capacity crowd of 270 couples is
indicated by the early sell-out of
Those attending the dance will see
a formal military formation present-
ed on this campus for the first time,
the "March of the Sabres."
At midnight two herald trumpeters
of the band will announce the grand
march, then 16 couples, led by Don-
ald Strouse, drum-major, will march
to the center of the floor. The men,
drawing their sabres, will form an
arch through which the couples will
pass to make a block "M" at the
end of the march.
The national and regimental col-
ors in front of the fireplace will be in
charge of the color guard. Every 40
minutes between dances, the guard
will formally be changed.
Scabbard and Blade is giving a
dinner at the Union directly pre-
ceding the dance for the committee.
Later the regular army officers in
charge of the R.O.T.C. will have
breakfast in the tap room.
Just before the "March of the Sa-
bres" the new initiates of Scabbard
and Blade and Pi Tau Pi Sigma will
be presented to the army officers.
Major and Mrs. Basil D. Edwards
will attend the Ball. Major Edwards
left campus last fall to take the po-
sition of Assistant Secretary of War
in Washington after heading the lo-
cal unit for four years.
Invitations To
Conference Of
Alumni Mailed
B u s i n e s s Administration
School Meeting To Have
Prominent Speakers

Urged To
Keynote Of Conference Is
Sounded By Voelker In
Plea For United Action
Ask 25 Millions For
Schools In 1934-35
New Aims Of Education
Are Told By Hamtramck

The keynote of the 69th meeting of
the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club
was sounded yesterday afternoon
when Dr. Paul F. Voelker, State Su-
perintendent of Public Instruction
spoke on "The Coming Battle." He
was introduced by Dr. A. H. Harrop,
of Albion College, president of the
Schoolmasters' Club.
The Schoolmasters' Club will con-
tinue today and tomorrow with sec-
tional conferences, concluding tomor-
row morning with special conferences
for teachers. The annual business
meeting for members of the club will
be held at 11:30 pm. today in Room
D, Haven Hall.
Stresses Co-Operation
The need for the united co-opera-
tion of all educators was stressed
by Dr. Voelker in his speech. "We
have just been through a battle and
some of us are battle-scarred, but
we are facing another that will make
last summer's battle seem like a mere
incident," he said. "It is going to
letermine the kind of people we are
going to educate, the kind of civili-
ation that is going to be developed
and the kind of world we are going to
[ave to live in."
Certain entrenched interests would
orovide for the magnificent educa-
ion of the few and leave the "can-
nonfodder" with little or no educa-
;ion, Dr. Voelker said. This was the
ase for many years in Germany and
the result was that only one-third of
the German youth grew up to be good
Will Need 25 Mllions
The State will need between 25 and
30 millions of dollars to carry on an
adequate educational program in its
public schools in 1934-35, according
o Dr. Voelker. At the present time
the schools are remaining open only
through faith and hope and expecta-
tion, he said. A slight sign of hope is
the increasing returns from the sales
tax which will reach their high point
this month.
Although the taking of money from
liquor sales taxes may be distasteful
to some of the teachers, money from
anywhere would be welcome in the
present crisis, Dr. Voelker said.
In speaking of vocational education
Dr. Voelker said, "The time must
ome when one-half of our effort
must be turned to teaching boys to
earn a living by teaching them a
trade. I would like to see every boy
who possibly can learn a trade to
learn one in our vocational schools."
Hamtramck Educator Speaks
The second speaker on the program
of the general session was M. R.
Keyworth, superintendent of schools
in Hamtramck. A member of the
Michigan Educational Planning Com-
mission, he spoke on the "Purpose
and General Goals of Public Educa-
tion in Michigan."
Following a statement of Dr. Voel-
ker's that a change in the aims of
education might possibly stimulate
more interest in the problems of edu-
cation among the laymen, Mr. Key-
worth mentioned eight aims of mod-
ndn education which can be summed
up in the statement that modern edu-
cation aims to cultivate a deep re-
gard for democracy and to develop
those qualities of character which are
of special significance in a democracy.
Dr. Voelker also spoke yesterday
noon at a luncheon in the Union
sponsored by the Michigan Associa-
tion of Departments of Education in
Private Colleges on the question,
"What evidence is There That Mich-
igan is Developing a More Effective
Program of Teacher-Training?"
"The evidence you want is right
here in this room," he told the 80 col-
lege professors and school superin-
tendents present. Stressing the fact
that "our social order has undergone
a great change," he said that now,
more than ever before, it is neces-
sary to prepare teachers for that
"We must define the goals of edu-
cation in terms of the new order,"

(Continued on Page 2)

Graduating Teachers Look To
Occupational Bureau For,
By E. JEROME PETTIT data for completeness and
What happens to the hundreds of ness. Then four full sets o
potential school teachers who gradu- tials, including the photogr
ate from the University each year? prepared for each candida
How do they go about obtaining po- to be sent out at a momen
sitions in various sections of the These are frequently usec
country? plicants for fellowships as w
These questions have been an- teaching positions.
swered in a recent report of the Un- Most requests for teac
versity Bureau of Appointments and ceived by the bureau dema
Occupational Information, which to handle more than one su
each year aids in the securing of jobs ten combined with certai
for many graduates who enter the affiliations or other specifi
educational field. The procedure fol- cations. The filing methc
lowed, which is well-known to those bureau at once reveals the
who have gone through the process all registrants qualified wit
themselves, is one of extreme interest to academic training; the
to those who have had no contact then scanned with the addi
with the bureau. quirements in mind, and t
Each year, in November, a meet- or persons who best answe
ing of all prospective candidates is quirements are selected.
held. Explanations are made con- Expressions of opinion
cerning the procedure by the director stantly asked of the facu
of the bureau, Dr. T. Luther Purdom, bers who know the candid

f creden-
aphs, are
,te, ready
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d by ap-
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chers re-
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abject, of-
n church
lc qualifi-
od of the
names of
th respect
group is
itional re-
he person
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are con-
lty mem-
dates best,

Invitations to the Sixth Annualr
Alumni Conference of the School of
Business Administration have been{
sent to all graduates of the School as
well as most of those who were reg-
istered in the school at any time, ac-l
cording to announcement made yes-
terday by members of the committee
in charge of the conference.
Milton J. Drake, '30, of Detroit,
will preside at the general session of
the conference to be held Saturday
morning, May 5 at the Union. The
speakers will be Prof. Laylin K.
James of the Law ' School who will
speak on "Regulation of the Securi-
ties Market." Q. Forrest Walker,
economist for the R. H. Macy and
Co. department store in New York
will speak on "Retailing as Affected'
by the Codes."
Prof. Herbert F. Taggert of the
School of Business Administration
who is on leave to Washington as a
specialist on cost-accounting for the
NRA will return to the campus for
the conference and will address the
general session on "Cost Accounting
Problems Raised by the Codes."
Round-table meetings will be held
on retailing, accounting, securities
market and bank credit from 11 a.m.
to 12:30 p.m. Saturday. Prof. Mer-
win H. Waterman will preside at the
luncheon meeting at which Dean
Clare E. Griffin will speak.
S m t~n 1,. r +k.a o rfther unn i in +he

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